Round 1 of Viiva’s Official Breakfast Body Challenge winners are three strong individuals with inspiring stories. From battling mental health to handling the aftermath of a stroke, the winners embody what it means to WAKE UP and LIVE! Read their stories below.

Stephanie Ortiz
STEPHANIE’S STORY- 1st place winner, $10,000 and 7-night Mediterranean Cruise for 2, May, 2020
“I have always struggled with depression and anxiety. I always just tried to deal with it because my family had the idea that psychiatrists were for crazy people and that we just had to get over it. I tried for a long time to deal with my depression and anxiety but over time it got worse. I got to the point where I had lost my thirst for life. I cried every day and wondered why I was being tested and feeling like my life had no purpose.
This Challenge gave me the opportunity to look at life from a different perspective. I learned so much about myself and what I am capable of, and I have been able to step out of my comfort zone and start living life where, before, I was just existing. I have been given the chance to get my mind, body, and spirit in order so that I can live a life of abundance and joy. My journey is so much more than just weight loss. I am committed to changing my life.”

Terri Brown
TERRI’S STORY- 2nd place winner $2500
“Back in May 2018, I was in a massive car accident where I was hit by two cars driving 65 miles an hour…The car accident caused me to have severe back pain to the point where the simplest things like bending over would cause me agony. I was also suffering from PTSD and depression caused by the car accident. I would stay in bed for days at a time unable to function with no desire to even watch TV. My weight started spiraling out of control! When the competition was announced…I decided I had absolutely nothing to lose.
In the first month, I lost ten pounds. For the first time since the car accident, I felt [like] I had control over my life. [Then] in August, I moved with my kids into a tent in Springville so they could go to school while we were working on selling our house. I was afraid that I would not be able to lose weight while living in a tent, searching for a house, and selling my house.
…I was in my tent waking up when I had an “AHA!” moment and realized that I was able to stand up without any assistance. It happened so gradually over [a] month and a half that I almost forgot that I had been injured. This competition has not only healed my body, but it has also healed my mind. I look forward to each and every day and can’t wait to see what I can accomplish in the next 90 days!”
Paul Carson–
PAUL’s STORY- 3rd Place Winner- $1,000
“Thirteen years ago, I had a stroke, so my wife has chronicled this story for me. I was left with total paralysis on my right side and with severe speech and cognitive dysfunction. However, that wasn’t the end of my life!
Despite my regular exercise, I have continued to gain weight over the past decade or so. However, all that changed 90 days ago when I decided to join the rest of my family on the Breakfast Body Challenge. As a stroke survivor, I keep a very consistent routine, which was part of the reason for my initial resistance to joining the Challenge and making dietary changes. But that routine also made it easy for me to identify the VIIVA products as…the credible reason for the difference in my weight and health.
I am down 15 pounds and went from wearing a size 40 waist to a 36. It has been since before my stroke happened that I wore a 36″ waist! I am headed into the next 90-day VIIVA Challenge because I love waking up in the morning EXCITED to get on the scale and then share the good news with my wife.”
Make sure to join us for the Second Round of the Breakfast Body Challenge! Sign up here.

It’s not too late to join ROUND 2. (Oct. 1-Dec. 31) and in 2020 join the 3rd round. Jan. 1-March 31. Click this link:
Dave and Joy/Global Leaders and Trainers