How do YOU begin YOUR day?
You’re a busy lady and on the go. Perhaps a career woman, or a mom with young children or a mom balancing both. Or no, maybe you are a woman 50+ experiencing ’empty nest’ for the first time AND enjoying a busy career?
Or a woman like myself, 60+ enjoying a creative career, balancing the roles of parenting (both children and parents if your parents are aging like ours and requiring more help) or also enjoying the role of being a grandparent. We as women wear many hats and have SO MANY ROLES….. including preparing meals.
With all these age possibilities mentioned above this pretty much covers the majority of women today that want to start their days right- without fuss and without taking too much time.
Introducing the ONE MINUTE MIRACLE.
Starting your day right means having the right kind of breakfast. Do you know most busy adults skip breakfast all together and grab something ‘on the go’? ‘Breaking the Fast’ (aka breakfast) and having your first meal of the day DO count. Starting your day RIGHT is actually a way to make deposits into your health bank and help with future cravings later in the day. No matter what time you choose to eat your first meal of the day, do NOT short change your health.
We women have far better and more important things to do in our busy lives, especially first thing in the morning, then ‘shop and chop’ or cook a hot meal or pour a sugar laden cereal and then feel empty and guilty as it is far from nutritious. This is why a new trend is happening across the country with a company that calls themselves “The Breakfast Company”.
What is interesting is many of us who have decided to eliminate sugar and processed foods have found that this breakfast combo is exactly what we need to nourish ourselves, raise our energy and focus, boost our metabolism- and get this…..boost our serotonin and dopamine levels. Seriously, yup! Doing all of these things helps ensure that we don’t get derailed from our goal of eating nutritious foods.
Did you know when you stop eating SUGAR (hidden sugars or otherwise, and that includes drinking alcohol) you’ll notice your ‘happy hormones’ of serotonin and dopamine are reduced? That often makes it more difficult to keep your promise to lay low – or keep your promise to yourself.
This IDEAL “One Minute Miracle Breakfast allows you to customize your breakfast each day and you can choose from a chocolate or vanilla plant based protein that is organic, GMO free, vegan and delicious.
Dozens of people whom I have introduced this breakfast regime to in the past 4 months have found that they have far more energy to do the things required in their busy day. Also, due to one of the Kiiks (Trim Max) their metabolism has kicked into gear, they are losing weight without dieting and they don’t have sugar or carb cravings.
There are many options available, the above is just the one that offers the largest variety and choices. I am very familiar with each product and can help you or anyone you know decide what is best for you, based on your goals and lifestyle.
Click here: to order. This link offers you a 10% built in discount. Click on shop and see the choices. This is called the START PACK as it offers the best way to START YOUR DAY…. however, read below, we’ve put together an end of AUGUST pack that is 30% below wholesale. THIS ENDS at mid-night August 31st, 2019!
Not sure what to order but know you need something to begin your day, boost your metabolism and help with cravings? Contact me direct at 802-846-7530.
Our special end of Summer combo pack of all products for only $124 plus SH. We put this together in May when these products were introduced and will offer you the SAME if you order by or before midnight, eastern time, August 31, 2019!
MENTION this BLOG and I’ll add an extra day that will give you 21-days vs. 20 days.
Although I had access to these packs since May when they were launched it wasn’t until July 17th when I clicked on a 21-Day Reset that I began using these products religiously. I honestly attribute my ease with this reset to this nutrition. (As well as desire to drop weight and reduce my belly dramatically!)
Benefits? Ease, Nutritious, Delicious, Healthy-even for the whole family, Helps with Cravings (esp. sugar and carbs.) Boosts energy & focus and your metabolism. You may lose weight simply by reducing or eliminating sugar but this will help! It is not unusual for many women to drop 10-15 lbs. in 21-days using this pack. (obviously, results vary)
If you are interested I’d love to hear from you.
The End of Summer 21-Day packs available until August 31, 2019 (sooner if supply runs out.) Only available by calling 802-846-7530 or emailing us at
Order here: and receive your 10% discount. My background is health, fitness and coaching and I’m happy to coach you for free.

Dave and Joy/Global leaders and Trainers: Viiva