Join our ViiVa TEST CASE: Accelerate your Weight Loss & Turbo Charge your Metabolism

Are you interested in Turbo-Charging & Boosting your Metabolism? Losing Weight? Becoming the healthiest version of yourself that you can? Losing Weight in an Accelerated way?

If you answered YES to any of these questions then JOIN US in the first ever ViiVa Accelerated Weight Loss Test Case!!!!

You’ll have the opportunity to use all of ViiVa’s products, a variety to support your health, energy and weight loss….and get this, it’s offered at a huge discount! Save 55% off retail and 32% off wholesale prices. All of this for only $99. WOW!

For only $99.00 you get 2 meals per day plus 2 ViiVa Kiiks (called Add-Ons).

Below you’ll see a visual of what you will get. This is an optimum way to buy/try all the ViiVa products while supporting your health and energy and BODY….and saving money too.


This 14-day program includes:

Chocolate Shake

Vanilla Shake

Trim Max


Super Greens

Amazon Superfruits

You’ll have enough products for 14-days. In additional you’ll be part of TEST CASE – be invited to join a Facebook Group called ViiVa Accelerated Weight Loss, and get free SUPPORT and Accountability…

Limited availability, please reserve your space by emailing us at or calling 802-846-7530.

Dave and Joy/Global Leaders, Vice President



What IS the ACTIVE Ingredient?

Great message today in DEEP BREATH OF LIFE book. The LESSON on the Day is called : THE ACTIVE INGREDIENT.
“Have you ever read the list of ingredients on a tube of toothpaste or patent medicine? There is usually a long roll of chemicals, colorings, and additives, followed by bold letters “Active Ingredient”- the one that really gets the job done and makes the item worth buying. Everything else is a filler or enhancer. Without the active ingredient, the stuff would be useless.
Love is the active ingredient of life, the chemical that makes everything else worthwhile. You can have all the other amenities, but if love is absent you are lost. You can feel victimized or abandoned, but if you add love, suddenly life has meaning again.
I met a woman who owned a booming ski resort. “I have done very well financially for many years,” she told me. “But lately I have felt bored and irritable; my life and job seem to have no meaning. I meditated on my situation, and the answer that came was “more caring,’. I realized that my work had become distasteful because I have gotten caught up in the mechanics rather than the essence, which is taking care of people. So I rededicated myself to making my clients happy, regardless of the financial outcome. I even found ways I could reduce rates. Now my work is a delight, and I am even more successful.”
Have you retained the active ingredient, or has it slipped away? If so, ask yourself how your work, relationships, or spiritual path could be enhanced by bringing more heart to them. Rearrange your priorities to give care first, and all else will follow.
No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.
I have noticed this with our ViiVa business. When I am deeply passionate about what I am sharing or offering – I exude passion and LOVE. Fall in love what you have and do, and then share the love, simple as that.
Dave and I LOVE what we are offering and doing with ViiVa. There is the nutritional component, then there is the “solution” we offer for people…. and the charitable portion of what you can offer with ViiVa and the fun part with TRAVEL. Be an early adapter and join us.
ViiVa is a Social Marketing Company that is light years above the competition in this industry.
Are YOU wanting to make a difference in your life and in your community or the greater world? Perhaps what we have may interest you. Reach out at 802-846-7530 or
Dave and Joy/ ViiVa Global Vice President