How would you like having OPTIMUM GUT HEALTH? It is possible and Viiva has made it both easy & affordable.
Your body is home to trillions of microscopic organisms that together are known as the human microbiome. This is not to get ‘scientific’ on you but it IS an important conversation as many people’s illness or dis-ease begins in the gut & you can prevent many health issues by addressing this one thing.
Everyone’s gut microbiome is unique and your gut flora, your diet, and the strength of your intestinal lining determine the health of your gut.
One of the easiest things to do (and WE have something that can help you) is to clean up your diet! It is the most powerful way to starve the bad bacteria and feed the good guys!!!!
It’s not uncommon to hear about GUT Imbalance these days. If you’re feeling or noticing any of the following symptoms, you may have a gut imbalance:
- Food sensitivities or allergies
- Sugar cravings
- Constipation
- Digestive problems like gas and bloating
- Weight gain
- Skin issues like acne, eczema, and rosacea
- Fatigue
- Mood swings
- Autoimmune disorders
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Difficulty concentrating
- Joint pain
Keeping your gut in balance is a delicate dance, and there’s a lot that can tilt it in the wrong direction. As an adult, the health of your gut microbiome shifts when you: - – Eat processed foods
- – Get sick
- – Drink alcohol or take drugs
- – Experience stress
- – Lose or gain weight
- – Get older
- – Travel overseas or to other new environments
Here is our Healthy Suggestion that may change everything and Viiva makes it easy and manageable!
It’s as easy as 1-2-3.
- Replace what you are currently eating for breakfast with a Viiva Plant Based Protein Shake.
- Add a ‘kiik’ or two to the shake. (We’d recommend the Green Power and the Amazon Superfruit) The shakes and kiiks have pre-biotics IN the shake and probiotics like p3 need pre-biotics to flourish.
- Take p3 after the shake, which is a probiotic that will balance the gut flora…! Bonus: it tastes like peaches and even children LOVE it. Simply open the pack, pop in your mouth. Enjoy. Click here to get additional info on p3. p3product information sheet

Check out some of these recent testimonies.
“Since replacing my breakfast with a Viiva shake, kiiks and adding p3 my husband dropped 5 lbs. in one week.”
“I no longer have gas or bloating and my digestion and elimination is better than it has been in decades.”
“My daughter no longer has constipation.”
“My SUGAR cravings are GONE. The only thing I have done is add the p3 to my daily regime.”
“Since adding the Viiva Shakes/Kiiks and p3 that you suggested I have dropped 12 lbs. in the past month and my waist is 3″ smaller! Thank you so much!”
If you want optimal health it means taking care of your GUT! The GUT is often referred to as the second brain. Even if you aren’t experiencing any imbalances, taking p3 will ensure a healthy balance.
To order any of the products now go to By using this link you will automatically receive a 10% discount. Or if you’d like to become a Brand Partner and help us spread the word about Viiva join our team. Simply go to confirming the promo code is DaveandJoy and click on Brand Partner.
Dave and Joy/Global Trainers and Leaders 802-846-7530
The timing is NOW to join Viiva. To learn more and have a confidential conversation please reach out to us today!
Mention this BLOG and get a free sample of p3 while supplies last. (New customers only)