Boosting your revenues with effective after sales follow-up can be easy and fun, especially once you know the reasons behind it and the benefits. Also once you have an effective system in place you’ll see simple it can be.
If you aren’t doing some of the things listed below, chances are you are missing a lot of sales and repeat business.
Perhaps you have heard the KISS in network marketing? Keep it Simple Stupid.
(KISS is an acronym for `Keep it simple, stupid‘ as a design principle noted by the U.S. Navy in 1960. The KISS principle states that most systems work best if they are kept simple rather than made complicated; therefore simplicity should be a key goal in design and unnecessary complexity should be avoided.)
Finding new customers is crucial to the growth and success of your business. But we shouldn’t forget there is huge potential for revenue in our list of existing customers.
Also in our industry, satisfied customers do two things on a regular basis IF they are treated with respect and appreciation. They JOIN your team and you become business associates together with a common goal OR they refer you other customers. (We often use the term “upgrade” to individuals who literally upgrade to a different status other than a customer.
Below I may use the words Customer and Client interchangeably. In our industry of network marketing we generally call people who purchase product or services customers and if they engage in the business to earn income, are called distributors, members or in our case, Brand Partners.

Did you know that selling to a new client cost five to 25 times more than to an existing client, according to the Harvard Business Review?
A sound sales follow-up strategy is a great way to boost your revenues by selling more to existing customers and by getting referrals to new customers.
The period immediately following a sale is what is often called “the honeymoon phase,” when there’s a certain level of excitement on both sides. The client has just fulfilled a need or solved a problem; and product is on the way. Excitement is high.
But this is also a vulnerable time. Did you know that your attitude in this phase can make or break the future relationship with the customer?
Here are five simple steps to effectively follow-up after a sale.
1. Send a note to say thank you (Yes, a hand written note is still used in 2019!)
We suggest a handwritten note however some individuals prefer to send emails or ‘messages’ via social media, like Facebook. Whatever your method, it’s important to say thanks after making a sale as part of making it a good experience for your customer.
You can include messages such as “We are here for you” in your thank you note. Also make sure the note contains your contact details and the name of a person who can be reached in case the customer has an issue or question. (Generally called Customer Support)
2. Check in
It’s a good strategy to call customers a week or two after the sale and find out how everything is going. Are they happy with their purchase? How are they enjoying the product they received? Do they have any questions? But don’t overdo it. The customer’s time is precious. Especially, avoid trying to make a sale at this stage. Instead, listen to your customer’s needs and opinions, and try to resolve any issue they might have.
3. Keep the lines of communication open
Ask your customer for permission to communicate with them. Then send helpful information and advice based on their needs and interests. Focus on high-value content, such as ways to use the product or service, how to get the best results, articles or written testimonials OR before and after pictures, if it applies to the product they purchased. This is the phase of consolidating the trust between you and your client.
4. Think second sale
Talking to existing customers who already bought might seem like a waste of time, but it is actually the key to future sales. Regular contact will help you understand their needs, give you ideas about product improvements and improving their results as well as setting the stage to offer a complementary product that is available through your company.
(With ViiVa for example, suggesting different ADD-ONS or “Customized Boosts” to their breakfast shake that they are unfamiliar with could be a way to introduce new products. Or ask them if they have any plans to travel or go on vacation in the next 3-6 months, in which case you can introduce ViiVa Travel to them.)
By creating a relationship, you are going beyond a simple transaction and giving yourself an opportunity to offer more products or services to the client. (If you are with ViiVa, imagine how useful this will be when we have the Travel Division or the Market Place?)
5. Ask for referrals
Happy customers will refer you other customers.
When a recommendation comes from someone who has actually used your products or services, it has an extra layer of credibility and trust.
Delighted customers make the best advocates because third-party claims of excellence carry more weight than self-promotion. For the most part, customers are willing to refer because they know how important referrals are and people like to help.
With ViiVa, our customers who LOVE the products and go on a monthly subscription order will be called VIPS.
VIPS will also be able to refer new customers and earn ‘points’ that can go towards the purchase of future products.
Here’s how the follow-up will help you.
Boost your sales—Happy customers are more likely to come back and buy more.
Increase customer retention—Satisfied customers are more loyal.
Generate customer testimonials and referrals—Future customers will be more willing to trust you if you show them case studies that include quotes and names.
Improve your performance—Customer feedback will help you improve your products or fix service problems.
Innovate—By listening to customers’ needs and problems, you are gathering invaluable information to share with the corporate executive team to create new products or services.
Differentiate—By following up, you’re doing something most businesses don’t bother with and that sets you apart from the herd.
Our team strives to educate and train in areas to help our brand partners grow their businesses. If you are looking to join a company and would like to explore ViiVa, please give us a call. 802-846-7530 or email us at
Dave and Joy/Global Leaders and Trainers