ViiVa Global Announced on Saturday, March 16th that they will be offering a NEW product. The product – called EXTRA SMILE, is a Teeth Whitening Toothpaste. Not only will we be able to enjoy this new product that is healthy for our teeth- but 100% of the net profits go directly to ViiVa’s charity of choice, the World Children’s Fund. (available in both peppermint and spearmint) 

We all know there are many commercial teeth whitening toothpaste on the market that you can purchase from drug stores, grocery stores etc….. and most do not measure up to their claims. In addition, many commercial toothpastes are also damaging to the teeth, as well as the one WHITENING TOOTHPASTE that ViiVa’s is being compared to.
One question that immediately came up was how does the EXTRA SMILE compare to to a toothpaste called AP 24 from a company called NuSkin. (Teeth Whitening with flouride)
Here is what we know….. (details to come in the near future) but as Vice Presidents in the field we like to be a reliable resource and enjoy sharing what we learn…when we learn it.
So what ARE the some of the differences between AP24 and EXTRA SMILE and how will you use the EXTRA SMILE?
Directions will be on the tube- normal use 3x a day just as any other toothpaste.
There are a number of differences between AP24 and Extra Smile. Nuskin uses the following in their formula which can be dangerous and have potential risks- Aluminum Hydroxide, PEG-12, Dimethicone, Poloxamer 338, Poloxamer 407, Sodium Monofluorophosphate, Titanium Dioxide, etc. (Go ahead and google the risks.)
Extra Smile is very clean (safe enough to swallow, but not recommended). One of the key ingredients it includes is Nano Hydroxyapatite, which is an excellent mineral source for remineralization and reduction of tooth sensitivity.
Studies show it is more effective than fluoride for positive dental outcomes. Most experts believe this will be the new fluoride in the coming years and we are years ahead making it mainstream now.
Also, EXTRA SMILE includes Xylitol which has numerous dental benefits and recommended by dentists and hygienists. In addition ViiVa Global has added a Trace mineral Solution which is an excellent source of trace-minerals the body needs for strong bones/teeth.
We expect the EXTRA SMILE toothpaste to be available by May 1st, 2019….. but keep in touch with us at if you have questions.
What excites us other than having a great product that every household can benefit from, is that 100% of ViiVa’s NET Profit goes to the charity, Children’s World Fund.
Contact us for the pricing and details on the Extra Smile. Make sure whenever you purchase product through Dave and I make sure you use the PROMO CODE: DaveandJoy 🙂
This is a brief overview and we will update new information as we learn the details, including ingredients.
Thanks for viewing!!!

Dave and Joy/Vice President ViiVa Global