Thank you, Val Campbell, for the expertise you recently shared on our Tavala Team Training page. (soon to be ViiVa Team). You understand the advantage we all have perhaps more than most and we love how you are wording this unique timing and opportunity we are in with Tavala, in a pre-pre-launch status with ViiVa.
Prior to this partnership, I’ve never known another company in such a unique situation where we have the opportunity to capitalize on unique timing of a pre-launch, while continuing to build an existing team before the official ViiVa launch on January 9, 2019….and then marrying the two….. from Unilevel to Binary Hybrid. Imagine the benefits of getting in early on?
Val shares:
“Are you telling your friends about the positions that are now open on the Binary Super Highway? Right now, people are locking down a great location on what promises to be one of the biggest highways of our time, the Viiva Binary Super Highway!!
When you look at a binary compensation plan, that spot called YOU is a location,
like a valuable piece of property on a busy highway. By itself it is only land with potential as the traffic passes by, but if you develop that spot you can take advantage of all of that traffic to earn money!
A position in a binary is an asset position, on a stream of cash flow. By itself, it is only potential, but YOU can get help from this great team in developing that into an income stream by using proven methods to divert some of that cash into YOUR E-wallet. All you have to do is to buy a few products, share the story, and spend the money. It is that simple.
By sharing the story you allow other people to come into this group and take advantage of this opportunity just like you are, truly a win-win situation.
Every week the cash flows upward when the computer calculates all of the purchase activity that happens below you. The way you contribute to the growth of that cash flow determines how much you get to keep!!! Everybody has equal access to develop their spot.
Can you imagine anything in the world of business more exciting? Please do yourself and your friends a favor, tell them about what is happening and let them decide for themselves if they also want to get a spot on the Viiva Binary Super Highway!! Prime positions are going fast!!!”

Well said Val. I know you have been waiting for this global opportunity and timing for years. I truly agree with you that for those of us who take advantage of this timing….our futures will be so bright.
If you are looking for the right company, right timing and right opportunity, do NOT wait. Waiting even a day could mean there are people joining today who will be above you in the binary tree.
Join today to ‘time stamp’ your position on our team and we’ll fill in all the details. If you’ve ever wished you had said YES when a company was in pre-launch that reached the multi-million or billion dollar status, then you know what we mean. Don’t kick yourself again by missing out on the “early on” timing.
Have questions and would like to have a confidential conversation? Call us at 802-846-7530 or email info@DaveandJoy.com. Ready to join NOW? Simply click here: www.DaveandJoy.com.
Dave and Joy/Global Leaders and Trainers
FREE to join through 2018!