What does ZipSlim Weight Loss Drink Taste Like?

The best way for me to describe the taste of the ZipSlim is to say it tastes like a combo of blackberry drink and lemonade, thus “Blackberry Lemonade.”

I’m so confident on the flavor description that I use the website, https://blackberrylemonade.com/

To Learn more about the Weight Loss Beverage, click on the link! Both the ‘charged’ and ‘decaffeinated’ ZipSlims taste the same. I’ve choked down some pretty nasty ‘nutritionals’ over the years and have to say it is so much easier wanting to be compliant and use ‘as directed’ when it tastes great. Simply drink this delicious drink 2 x a day, before your largest 2 meals.

Not sure if you will like the flavor or will get the results that you want? No worries, Beyond Slim offers a generous 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee. Try it- use it- and if for any reason it is ‘not to your satisfaction’ – simply request and your money back…. but I bet you won’t want to.

For more information feel free to reach out to me at joyedgerton@gmail.com, or 802-999-1815. I had been looking for an effective weight loss product to replace a product that is no longer available and BAM, my friends shared this with me.

It truly IS Beyond Slim as the benefits also include:

  • Supports Healthy Weight Loss+
  • Improves Energy Levels+
  • Controls Stress-Induced Cravings+
  • Better Sleep
  • Reduced Stress
  • Inch/FAT loss
  • Ad!dresses Metabolic Overload….and more

Joy Edgerton/Coach/802-999-1815 joyedgerton@gmail.com


Why ZipSlim is Better than Trim?

This is MY opinion only. A new product called ZipSlim- is proving to have HUGE benefits as a quick and easy way to drop those unwanted pounds. But not only pounds, but inches and with a host of OTHER benefits, which is why the company is called BEYOND SLIM. How about improving your sleep, your mood, your muscle mass, stamina and so much more?

Based on science, this ‘Blackberry Lemonade’ flavored drink shows that when using as directed, people are losing 3x more weight than with diet alone. It’s simple and easy, you drink 2 ZipSlim drinks (choice of “charged” with natural caffeine, or caffeine free.)

I used to sell the Tavala Trim original product that many of our customers loved and got great results with until the formula was changed- but my body couldn’t tolerate it. It would make me feel sick to my stomach and very jittery….but I CAN take the ZipSlim and love the way it makes me feel. I use the ‘charged’ formula in the morning and the caffeine free in the late afternoon.

When you read the details about the ZipSlim you’ll learn about METABOLIC OVERLOAD and how that keeps many of us over weight and struggling with a slow metabolism. Read about that here: https://zipslim.info/joy/Will you like the ZipSlim as much as I do? Only you can answer that. What I also LOVE about the ZipSlim is they offer a full 90-Day Money Back Guarantee…..so there really is no risk- what do you have to lose but fat weight, inches and a sluggish metabolism!

Do your research and if you are looking for a simple yet effective way to lose weight and prefer not to swallow a handful of pills or ‘diet’ then ZipSlim may be the product for you. As you can see with the ingredients, they are all-natural, healthy and do not contain any adverse ingredients that could be either harmful OR have to be changed due to the FDA regulations. That is what happened with the original Tavala Trim and I’ve been looking for a product for customers ever since the change. Thankfully, I’ve found it with ZipSlim.

If you purchase the ZipSlim I’ll be your coach for free.

Soon I’ll be posting many Before and After photos of customers/friends/clients. Stay tuned.

Have questions? Let’s chat. 802-999-1815 or email me at joyedgerton@gmail.com

Joy Edgerton/BeyondSlim Coach


Do you know where you are going? Do you like what….

Diana Ross sings about it, but do you really know where you are and where you are going in life? In her lyrics, she also asks if you like the things that life is showing you.

Do you? Sometimes we have to truly visualize what it is we want in life and we must open our eyes to the possibilities that life is offering us.

Many of us are often too caught up in the madness and rush of our daily routines that we stop thinking about where we really want to be in life and we miss important signals and opportunities because of the same reasoning.

Do you listen to your intuition? It’s your soul speaking to you. Follow it’s guidance.

Each day take a few moments to imagine your dreams and goals being fulfilled.

The more often you do this, the more you begin to realize the life path that you must take to achieve these dreams and aspirations.

Ask yourself: Do I like the things that life is showing me? If not, then what can you do to create the things and events that you would like to have happen in your life?

This is one of the first steps to rediscovering the passion and journey to a joy-filled and purpose-filled life.

If things come easy to you in a peaceful way, follow the path.

If life or a direction you are headed in is difficult and a struggle, change direction.

The beautiful thing is we are here as creative beings and can literally create what it is that we want, desire and deserve in our lives. It begins by being quiet, and clear on what you truly desire…..and then holding that vision daily…live it. Live it like it’s already here.

I always ask the Universe to make it CEO, Clear, Easy and Obvious, so I can’t possibly miss the ‘signs and signals’ that are shown to be daily…. (perhaps it could be through intuition or that quiet whisper or nudge?)

So ask yourself, Do you know where you are going, do you get what you are hoping for? Listen to the song below and let it sink in. I think you’ll find it inspiring. I did.

Many people began understanding the power of intention and manifestation after the movie, THE SECRET became popular….but it’s always been available and is today, to all of us.

Sweet blessings on your journey. One of the saddest thoughts for ME in this life is to take my last breath and not realized why I was here and didn’t become the person I was destined to be.

I’d love to hear your comments. Was this useful? Did it make you think? Just writing it made me think about what it is that I want and had me asking myself am I getting what I want?

We can share our life and our journey…but ultimately our journey is soul driven and our own. It is my ‘fate’ to figure it out and create what I want. I can attract, through vibration and human frequency people, situations and events in my life but in the long run, it is my journey.

Joy Edgerton/Transformational Life Coach….. turned Network Marketing Pro.



The “Joy” of the Body Image Movement: from Loathing to Loving your Body!

I recently stumbled upon the Body Image Movement on Facebook, founded by Taryn Brumfitt, and I am now reading her compelling and humor-filled book, “EMBRACE”. Taryn also wrote her opinion on Weight Watchers now targeting their advertising to include their moms and daughters.

I’ll share how the word ‘diet’ has shaped my life. In high school my mother and I went to – you guessed it “Weight Watchers” together. She was not really over weight but may have wanted to lose 10-15 lbs. As for me, it taught me healthy eating and I did drop some weight….but did I really need to? I thought so, now I am not so sure.

Being on Weight Watches then was a secret….I was embarrassed to tell anyone (except my best friend) as none of us ever discussed dieting back then. (Thank God)

Weight Watchers became an obsession, especially in my teen years. (Thinking about meals, preparing, then measuring and weighing everything I ate) – and I guess the question is, is that normal and OK? or was it setting a girl up for future dieting???? and the feeling of not being enough?

I embraced the Weight Watchers lifestyle and lost 16 lbs. in 6 weeks, not deviating one crumb from the rigid program that it was back in the 1970s…. I went from a healthy teen with a little extra body fat to a very lean young woman. (But could it be maintained? Certainly not when I went off to college!)

Was it positive? Yes, in some ways….but damaging in others… as it set me up to feel like I was never quite the size or shape I wanted to be. Looking back I rarely have felt I am OKAY as I am…. esp. back then when the media starting idealizing Twiggy and stick shape models and talking more about celebrity bodies.

I did get into body building in my late 20s…. which had its pros and cons…..Pros in that I was building muscle in a healthy way and embracing my athletic God gifted body, but negative in other ways. Example, much like Taryn in the book Embrace describes, after a body building competition there is only way to go….and that is ‘down’ from your goal. Yes even though I got down to 8.5% body fat, sculpted my body the way I wanted and WON my division… How did I feel???? As I look back I still didn’t feel the success or HAPPY, I thought I would or think my body was ‘perfect enough’.

OMG, that is so sad…. maybe why this ‘movement called Body Image Movement hits so close to home today.

For those who do fitness or body building competitions (or other athletic endeavors) perhaps you can relate. Even though you know intellectually it is not possible or even healthy to stay in that physically lean condition….it truly became hard for me returning to what was a ‘normal’ body and honestly it devastated me.

How did I handle it? I remained fit and worked out religiously in my 40s and 50s- warding off any middle age bulge that I was told would surely and eventually find me… and then in my mid-50’s I went through menopause. Fortunately I didn’t experience drastic mood swings, but I did have the ‘hot flash’ symptoms and put on belly fat…which I called my “men-o-pot”. For the first time in my life, I truly hated my body. I didn’t think it was fair that God would create this ‘widening’ of the body at the time when we women stopped being able to create babies.

Today, at 61 years old- it’s about time to embrace how I am and how I look. I finally get it and want to help others with The Body Image Movement. I think part of my motivation is I have a daughter, 2 step- daughters and daughter- in- law, who thank GOD all appear to have healthy body images….and I also have 4 granddaughters (add 2 more from my step-daughter)…that is 6 young females in our family tree. There is no way I want them to obsess with their body image….I want them to believe they are beautiful and talented HOW THEY ARE…and that they are capable of doing and becoming anything they want in life.







Heck, wouldn’t you agree that there are far more important things in the world to worry about than what number is on the scale or the size of your belly, butt or thighs? LOVING YOUR BODY FROM THE INSIDE OUT IS TARYN’S MISSION! (I bought her book, Embrace, off Amazon and am finding it hard to put down!)

Who else can relate? I’d love to know.

This is just the beginning for me….and it’s interesting as the company I work with has an entire division dedicated to weight loss.

For me, MY focus is the health benefits of being at a healthy weight, versus sliding into ‘skinny jeans’ or wearing a bikini. But along with this I also love it when people are empowered and have confidence as when they do, they become unstoppable…. It may not happen overnight- but beginning to love our body from the inside out is a movement that is happening around the world.

I believe the key is to love your body no matter what size you are and to strive to embrace health as a habit, not an event.

Let’s just say, people who are confident in their own ‘skin’ also have a different “PEP IN THEIR STEP” which in turn attracts a higher vibration to them. Ultimately isn’t that what we want? To live, create more in our lives of things we want and deserve.

Comments are welcome.

Joy Edgerton




Below you can learn about the Body Image Movement from Taryn herself.





The Answer is YOU…

More times than not, we look outside of ourselves when in fact, the answer is inside. Let this be a reminder.

The Answer is YOU

I have good news and I have bad news: The bad news is that we have lost the key to the door behind which the secret of life is hidden. The good news is that it was never locked! Swami Beyondananda

When human beings appeared on the planet, a group of gods got together and decided to play a game. “Let’s hide the secret of life!” one suggested.
“Great idea!” another agreed. Where shall we hide it?”
“Let’s plant it at the top of the highest mountain,” one proposed of life!” one suggested.
“No”, responded another, “people will even climb to Mount Everest.”
“How about the at the bottom of the ocean?” asked another.
“No, they will invent submarines.”

On and on the gods pondered trying to find a suitable hiding place. Finally, one god had a bright idea: “I know!” he exclaimed. “Let’s hide the secret of life inside each person- they’ll never think to look there!”

We remain in darkness when we seek external solutions for internal needs. We believe our problems exist because of causes outside ourselves, and then seek to rearrange the outer world. Even when we succeed, we feel empty because the external situation was not the cause of our pain. To truly be healed we must deal with our experience at its source-our own beliefs, attitudes, and actions.

In their important book, Conscious Loving, Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks put forth the core principle that each partner must take 100 % responsibility for everything that happens in their relationship and in their world. Empower yourself by identifying yourself not as a victim of circumstance, but as the source of your experience. The whole game changes when you realize the answer is within you.

Prayer: “Give me the strength to release anyone else as the source of my experience and to own my responsibility for creating the life I choose.”

I am the answer.

Dave and Joy




I give credit for this ‘article’ that was written by Alan Cohen, in his book “A Deep Breath of Life”


Joy’s 30 Day Bikram Yoga Journey- Day 1 vs. Day 30 honest assessment!

How I found Bikram, or how Bikram found me!



OMG, that pose ‘standing bow’ is my least favorite of all 26 poses!



So let the fun begin. In case you have not heard my “Bikram Story” of why I began (or how I found Bikram) ….let me be brief and share.

At age 60 I was feeling tired- I was feeling discouraged due to having “tennis elbow” and having my activities restricted…. I was beginning to ‘feel OLD’ and concerned with my ‘functional fitness’ of being strong, flexible and agile…. and I was tired of looking down at my belly and seeing a ‘men-o-pot’. (aka, foreign flab around the belly !)

I asked my spirit what I should do and what would serve my soul best and I heard BIKRAM YOGA!

When I heard that loud whisper” or nudge from my inner-being, I wanted to ignore it or more accurately, I wanted to scream “NO WAY” and RUN! But you know the saying, “Wherever you go -there you are”!?? Indeed, why RUN from something that could potentially be the best thing that my body-mind-spirit-soul needs?

OK…. so first of all- I had no idea that the attire for women at Bikram could range from bathing suit bottoms, bootie shorts, shorts, capri leggings to long yoga pants. Close to 50% of the women wear the Bikram ‘bathing suit bottoms’ or bootie shorts….. and all but a couple wear a skimpy yoga bra top! Imagine me with a full lyra top with built in bra (much like a ‘spank’) and long bell bottom yoga pants. YIKES= the equivalent to a snow suit in 105 degree weather and 40% humidity! silly me!

During my 30-Day Challenge I bought 3 bootie shorts with built in ‘lycra-shorts’ under them, 3 capri pants and 1 pair of long yoga pants. Although the bootie shorts are the ‘coolest’ I rarely wore them – partly because I felt uncomfortable and revealing, but mainly because my body sweat so profusely that my legs were so sweaty I couldn’t hold some of the necessary grips or poses….

When I purchased the 30-Day Introductory package : 30 classes in 30 days for $30 I had NO INTENTION of doing Bikram for 30-Days straight….

but the ‘vibe’ of the ‘tribe’ in Bikram can be very encouraging and very persuasive and all of a sudden I realized I had made a decision to do 30-Days straight- if possible.

Day 1: Let’s just say, I survived! I had no idea how difficult or hot it would be. I felt ill-prepared for the stretching that was involved and having ‘tennis elbow’ pain made it even more difficult. I had done Bikram a couple of times in my 40’s but at age 60, with 20 additional pounds of weight, especially around the belly, I found it much more difficult to get in and hold a pose.

Day 2: I remember being much less anxious, because I knew what to expect, but I also recall feeling so unbelievably incompetent!!!! I’m a natural athlete and sports come to me with relative ease, but Bikram as I learned is another kind of beast. Surprise to me, I enjoyed the challenge and I loved the detox effect from all the sweating. It was exhausting but also cleansing.

Honest to God, around Day 6 or so, I began calling on my angel guides and ‘helpers’…. just as we were beginning the first breathing ‘posture’. Clearly some of them have to be able to help me with balance and yoga poses…. and I believe it helped.

Helpful HINT: TIDBIT to know! One thing I learned early on, it is important to SEE yourself in the mirror during Bikram. I tried many different spots throughout the studio and ended up in the back row, by choice, over half the time. As long as you can see your eyes, you can be anywhere.

On a couple of occasions someone put their yoga mat smack in front of mine and I couldn’t see myself in the mirror, which was more difficult with balancing poses. Also one day I got in the crack/line of the mirror and it was very disorienting. So, hint…. look at yourself in the mirror- as much as possible, even if you don’t like what you see!

Also doing Bikram is like in school where you don’t look at someone else’s paper during a test- well, during Bikram look at YOURSELF and no one else. If you look at someone else you’ll lose concentration- especially in a balance pose. What I learned is yoga is all about you and your practice…it is not a comparison ‘sport’.

I’m not going to share day by day (you can go to www.WorkWithDaveandJoy.com to read my many blogs) but I do want to share a summary of Day 1 vs. Day 30 with the Bikram Poses!

Pose 1. Pranayama (aka standing deep breathing) Day 1 the majority of my breaths were in through the mouth rather than the nose. My arms were tired by the first set and I had to shake them out periodically. I didn’t know HOW to do the OUTER BREATH or HA sound, which sounds silly, but it was so new to me. After the first pose I was already tired and my right arm (aka tennis elbow arm) was screaming. Help, I had 85 minutes to go and 25 more poses. Day 30 I was 90% better than Day 1. My breath has improved and my flexibility in my elbows and neck have improved!

Pose 2. Ardha-Chandrasana (aka half moon pose and hand to feet) Day 1 I could barely bend to the sides with straight arms…and forget about bending back. The first time I put my head back I got so dizzy I thought I may pass out and fall to the floor! bending down and putting my hands under my heels- yeah right? was not possible and there is no way I looked like a Japanese Ham Sandwich with my head on my knees. Day 30 my flexibility, especially to the sides has improved and I no longer get dizzy looking back. I believe these side-way bends has helped chisel some fat off my waist. Can I do the “head to the leg” or Japanese Ham Sandwich ‘pose’….heck no, but I improved so it looks like a HOAGIE sandwich….

Pose 3. Utkatasana (aka awkward pose, no kidding!) Day 1 I found it difficult sitting in ‘the chair’…it was more like sitting on a stool. Going on my tip toes HURT so much and my balance was poor. Putting my knees together and going down- ha-ha, not possible. Day 30 I could do all 3 of the poses in this one pose. Not perfect, but with balance.

Pose 4. Garurasana (aka eagle pose) Day 1 There was no way my arms wanted to ‘twist’ into that crazy pose and it hurt!!!! but what was harder than that was the BALANCING on one foot. OMG! I am VERY right side dominant so the left foot stability was a joke. Still, I tried and may have been able to balance for a couple of seconds, max, on the left side. Day 30 Certainly not perfect but I could hold both stances the entire time, I could do the arm ‘twist pose’ without too much pain and although I could not, yet, wrap my toes around my calf, it was to the side and stable. whew!

Pose 5. Dandayamana-Janushirasana (aka standing head to knee) Day 1– really? The best I could do was hold onto my foot and stand on one straight leg. Right side, not so bad, left side I hopped around like a pogo stick on that damn left foot most of the pose. It really took concentration! Day 30 my stability has dramatically improved so much so that I no longer want to bolt when this pose comes! Still I am not able to kick out-hold the leg for the duration, or put my head to my foot…but the progress was significant.

Pose 6. Dandayamana-Dhanurasana (aka standing bow pulling pose). Day 1 – you can’t be serious! I had no idea how to even hold my heel from the outside, let alone balance on one leg and kick back. No way. From Day 1-30 this was my least favorite pose and when it was over I was always relieved. The only time I took a pee break during my entire 30 days missing one pose was with this pose. on purpose! Hard to believe I never sat out any poses that entire 30 days! Day 30 – I can’t say I even came close to mastering this pose 50%…. BUT I was able to get the grip better on Day 30 and at least stand still, even if I didn’t do the kicking back. The few times I did get the pose in alignment, I could only last there for 2-4 seconds. (I actually had night mares of this pose many times!!!)

Pose 7. Tuladandasana (aka balancing stick pose) Day 1- I have never had a perfect pose with Bikram but this one, for whatever reason, has come easier than most. My balance was a little shaky -especially on my left side, but I grew to like this pose. Day 30- I continued to enjoy this pose….my favorite!!!! Perhaps it also was the encouragement from several instructors who told me I GOT THE POSE! Confidence certainly helps- esp. when you feel so inept!

Pose 8. Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Paschimotthanasana (aka standing separate leg stretching pose) Day 1 who the heck makes up these names anyway? I’ll have to admit, this pose is where I relaxed a little and didn’t push or pull too much. I could reach the outside of my heels, but not UNDER my heels. I hung comfortably! Day 30- I began truly pulling on my heels and I almost can reach my head to the floor. Strength and flexibility have improved… and belly is smaller.

Pose 9. Trikanasana (aka triangle pose) Day 1- to my surprise I could ‘sort of’ do this pose however by the time this pose came along, my arms were exhausted and felt like they each weighed 50 lbs. Also my feet….sore! Day 30– I will never say this is a favorite pose as it is challenging but I think my “Triangle pose” looks ‘sort of’ like what it is supposed to. Able to go deeper and reach with straighter arms. Still a tiring pose!

Pose 10. Dandayamana-ibhaktapada-Janushirasana Day 1- I really have to bend my knee to even begin to get my head on my knee…and yikes, with a men-o-pot around the belly, bending over is not easy! Day 30- one of the poses that has improved due to flexibility and having a smaller belly makes the curling down and over, much easier.

Pose 11. Tadasana (aka tree pose) Day 1- One of the few poses that I knew and knew how to do, or thought I did. Why then was it almost impossible to pull up my right foot, rest it on my thigh and balance? Once again, that left side really needs help with balancing and stability!!! easier on the right side for sure, position and standing with stability. 30- Improvement for sure but why the left side is still difficult is hard to imagine.

Pose 12. Padangustasana (aka toe stand pose) Day 1- are you kidding me? I am so sweaty that it is hard to grip anything and everything slides. Asked if I could use a towel and was told not to. Day 30- sorry to admit, I didn’t even attempt it. I was still trying to perfect the TREE pose with grace and ease.

HALLELUJIA! on the floor. Balancing poses are done. Yeah!!!!

Pose 13. ahhhh, Dead Body Pose. 2 minutes of rest. Day 1- it felt awkward to just lay there without wiping sweat etc. Day 30- not only do I LOVE this pose, I enjoy it for the therapeutic benefits. I also practice my breathe in this pose. Good stuff.

Pose 14. Pavanamuktasana (aka wind removing pose) Day 1- I love this pose. Easy on both right and left side and even in the middle, though with a smaller belly I could get further compressed. Day 30- I still like this pose, and with a smaller belly, can do it better than on Day 1. Some times I can even grab my elbows, not just my wrists. Yeah!!!!

Pose 15. Sit-Up Day 1- hey this I can do. 🙂 Day 30- easy to do a sit up with good form and keeping the arms close to the head.

Pose 16. Bhujangasana– (aka cobra pose) Day 1- ouch, this hurts my neck and my arms! Could not come up more than a couple of inches off the floor. Day 30- not perfect but I can come up with ease to my belly button. Spine and back are getting stronger!

Pose 17. Salabhasana (aka lotus pose) Day 1- this kills my arms, esp. right arm due to ‘tennis elbow pain’. I could barely get my right leg up or my left leg up, and the cobra tail, really? Day 30- improvement for sure but took it easy with my arm/elbow pain and never put them under my body completely. range of motion improved though I doubt anyone would even know the 3rd part with my legs ‘as one’ was a cobra tail. 🙂

Pose 18. Poorna-Salabhasana (aka full lotus pose or “airplane”) Day 1- embarrassing how little I could actually lift off the floor. Arms were totally spent by the time we got to this pose. Day 30- I never really did like this pose but I have to say I was able to get UP more and more each and every day.

Post 19. Dhanurasana (aka bow pose) Day 1– not sure why this is so hard, and can’t figure out how to kick and keep my legs together. oh well… Day 30- I still don’t know how to roll UP on this and kick legs way up… and keep my wrists straight. Something to work on. Also VERY difficult on my trap area, which I can’t understand.

Pose 20. Supta-Vajrasana (aka fixed firm pose) Day 1- I could stand on my knees and look up- that was IT! When I attempted to look back I thought I’d pass out. No need to pass out on the first day….so I stayed there in kneeling position. Day 30- I can actually do the pose now… on the second round of this pose I can not only go to the floor, but put my head on the floor and hand up over my head. WAY more flexible.

Pose 21. Ardha-Kurmasana (aka half tortoise pose) Day 1- stretch felt good and because we can bend our knee as much as needed, I could ‘sort of’ do the pose. Still this belly has to go. Day 30- Smaller belly now and easier to bend OVER the belly and get my forehead on the knee. Can’t straighten the knee but getting closer.

Pose 22. Ustrasana (aka camel pose) Day 1- hands on my hips, that is all I could do. leaning back and even looking up made me dizzy. Day 30- wow, I can do it. full back bend, strength and agility.

Pose 23. Sasangasana (aka rabbit pose) Day 1- silly pose. I sort of rested in this one and didn’t have the strength to pull. Day 30- smaller belly, able to roll over and compress and actually pull up. I still tend to use this as a ‘resting pose’.

Pose 24. Janushirasana avec Paschimotthanasana (head to knee pose with stretching pose) Day 1- since we can bend the knee as much as possible to still get the therapeutic benefits, this was an OK pose on Day 1…though I definitely need help with stretching. Day 30- much better on Day 30 and although I can’t get my head on my knees in the leg ‘out’ position, I am getting closer.

Pose 25. Ardja-Matsyendrasana (spine twisting pose) Day 1- felt like a good stretch. Day 30- LOVE this stretch and partly because I know it is the END! I can certainly twist more today than when I started. My spine seems so much stronger and supple.

Pose 26. Kapalbhati Vajrasana (aka blowing in firm pose) Day 1- strange breathing…. but knowing it is helping remove toxins, I did the breath as best as I could do. Day 30- ahhh, I love ending the practice with this breath. From here it is back to DEAD BODY POSE and 2 minutes of pure bliss.

Days 1-5 I didn’t drink electrolytes and was having a difficult time recovering. I was tired for hours each day and my ‘work life’ took second place. I just didn’t have the strength to do it all, and my priority was my BODY and ultimately my own ‘self-care’.

To counter act my fatigue I also began drinking a supplement called Tavala TRIM, which gives you energy and focus, boosts the metabolism and is a bronchial dilator- which really helps with breathing. (also used by many for appetite suppressant/cravings and for ‘fat-weight loss)

Also, I placed a Quantum Relief Strip above and below my elbow for my “tennis elbow” and they helped bring energy to that part of the body, making it easier to do the full 90-min. practice. You can learn about these products by going to www.TryOurSamples.com.

I love hearing others stories about their Bikram Yoga Experience, whether it is a 30 or 60 Day Challenge or what it has done for you. I will continue my ‘practice’ and my goal is to find a good balance with yoga and weight training at the gym. I believe my flexibility and strength will enhance daily activities as well as sports.

In closing, here is a couple of words of wisdom! LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. DO ask what it needs and how you can serve it. Follow your heart, your inner guidance and intuition! Fuel it properly- after all, it is the only body we have!

Joy Edgerton




Joy’s Journey- Day 24 Bikram Yoga- Going for the 30-Day Challenge!

Today is the first day I had to look at the calendar and count which day I was on with Bikram Yoga. Was it 23 or 24? and to my delight, today was 24!

Day 1 I had NO IDEA what I was doing or if I could survive 90 minutes of 105 temperature with 40% humidity, but obviously by taking one day at a time I am not only surviving but my Bikram Yoga ‘practice’ is improving little by little.

If nothing else it is showing me that I am dedicated and am willing to concentrate and work through everything that is unfamiliar…oh SO unfamiliar!

Like with most goals, simply showing UP and doing the best you can is the goal with Bikram Yoga. Do what you can- the right way- and you’ll receive 100% of the therapeutic benefit. So for that, I am grateful.

I’m not going to lie….it has not been easy. Yesterday both my arms felt heavy and stiff and actually ached, that even typing on the computer keys seemed difficult. Today I took it down a notch and was more gentle on myself and as a result feel more energized than tired. How cool to listen to your own body’s wisdom and when you do, you feel better! Imagine that for a concept?

Perhaps why I feel elated today is also because it is sunny and almost 80 degrees weather here on September 13th in Vermont. Hard to believe but so welcomed. It was only a week ago that we thought fall was here and that winter was just around the corner.

It is often said that it takes 21 days in a row with any habit, whether eating, working out, doing YOGA etc. and I have to agree this is true.

For me, my goal is 30-Days straight…and then this little voice in my head says but “Bikram” himself says give him 30-days and and you’ll change your body and give him 60-days and it will change your life!”

So who I am going to listen to? Myself or Bikram himself?

60-Days could be cool, after all I did recently turn 60 years old. Typically on my Birthday I’ll do that many pushups (and not the girl ones on your knees) for every year. I think I began doing that at age 55. 60 was a stretch, but I did it, but I believe I did rest this year for 10 seconds after 30 and continued on. So you see, setting goals is something I am quite familiar with.

So as I get closer to the 30-Day mark I decided to research what I can expect by going the full 30 days.

Can you change your life in 30 days? The benefits of a Bikram Yoga 30-Day Challenge

As mentioned above, Bikram Choudhury tells his students: “Give me 30 days, I’ll change your body. Give me 60 days, I’ll change your life.” While it seems impossible given the number of unsuccessful weight loss plans and other advertised fad exercise regimens out there, Bikram Yoga studios all around the world have been fortunate enough to see several students experience the truth of this statement first-hand.

30-Day Challenges are designed to help students delve deeper into their practice, refine their postures, and gain a better understanding of their body and capabilities.

What is a 30-Day Challenge?

The goal of a 30-Day Challenge is to take a class every day for 30 days and over time see the positive physical and mental changes realized by a consistent practice.

Are 30 days of yoga in a row too much?

Not at all. (Or so they say!) Bikram Yoga is different from most other forms of exercise. Because yoga does not tear the muscles, your body does not require time to repair itself between classes. Furthermore, Bikram Yoga restores health and brings your body and mind back to balance. It is safe to take class every day, even twice a day!

What are some of the benefits of a daily practice?

Most of the people who completed their Challenge have mentioned that they sleep better, gain flexibility and muscle tone, lose weight, handle stress better, smile more often, feel more confident in their appearance, see major improvements in their yoga postures, and find other forms of exercise and daily activities easier.

During a 30-Day Challenge you also have a chance to pay better attention to your body and to the physical and mental changes happening during those 30 days.

To the right you’ll see before and after pictures. I wish I had taken pictures of ME when I started for a comparison. One thing I have noticed is that I am kinder on myself, my body, my body image, my body weight and how I look in skimpy yoga clothes. For that, in itself, I am grateful.

I’ll end here with a picture of my favorite pose. Favorite, not because I love the ‘pose’ but because it is the last of 26 poses in the series and the ONLY pose you do one time….. and from Day 1, it is one of the few poses I could do!

I am currently taking Bikram Yoga at a wonderful studio in South Burlington, Vermont called Queen City Bikram Yoga. http://www.queencitybikramyoga.com/

It is an fairly new facility so it is up to date, clean, fresh, it has wonderful instructors and everyone is friendly and makes you feel welcome. They are currently running a 30-Day challenge for the month of September, so if I do “theirs” as well as the 11-days I had ‘under my belt before September 1st’ it means I’d do 41 days in a row. I’m not quite sure about that ‘yet’. One thing I will do is ONE DAY AT A TIME!

Joy Edgerton




Joy’s Journey, day 9 Bikram and other ‘Insights’ for the Day!

Today I enjoyed a little more time than usual before getting out of bed. My body needed the additional rest and we had decided to do our Bikram Yoga class at noon, rather than 9 am. Luckily I looked at my cell phone around 8 am and saw a message from the owner of the yoga studio. “There are only noon classes on MWF.”

“Oh, Okay”. We quickly adjusted our mindset and our plans and decided to go to the 9 am class. Isn’t it nice to be flexible in your thinking and in your schedule?

Isn’t it terrific to be your own boss and have flex time to go and workout and do things when you want without asking for time off? or living someone else’s schedule?

I can’t even imagine having a boss other than myself. Time flexibility is important in my life and has been for decades.

So, one of the ways we enjoy our early morning time is by visualizing, meditating, journal writing and setting the stage for a powerful day. When we take the time to do those things it ALWAYS helps bring out the best that any day can offer. We always begin our days with Gratitude as well. Gratitude IS the best Attitude!

One thing we watched this morning before Bikram was Oprah Winfrey’s inspiring words. It is worth watching, I guarantee!


Day 9 for me (Day 2 for Dave)- doing Bikram yoga… so proud I haven’t missed a day since joining. I’m proud of myself because it takes time and lots of energy to do a 90-min. yoga workout in 105 degree heat…. and have the energy and stamina to go on and also have an impactful day helping others on our team.

Each day, like anything else, seems to get a little easier. Still hard, because doing it the RIGHT WAY is the challenge. No short cuts with Bikram and doing it correctly yields the best therapeutic benefits.

Body image….hmmmm, I have to work on this one. When I had a tight, lean body with 12-17% body fat I was proud to show my mid-section but since menopause I have been embarrassed as I literally grew a ‘men-o-pot’. I know I need to get over it and will. I have promised myself…. especially after today, as the cotton tank top that I was wearing was drenched to the core and just weighed me down.

I read in the Bikram book to stay off the scale and I think it is a good idea. But, you think I listened? I rarely weigh myself but thought with all the sweating I’d certainly drop at least a pound or two a day. Not necessarily! Day 2 I was down 2 lbs. and then today up 3. So no scale for me. I did however try on my one and only pair of jeans that I call my “tester jeans” and noticed that not only can I zip them up, they are ‘wearable’. Good sign.

My reasons to begin BIKRAM YOGA: #1 reason is Therapeutic exercise for flexibility and longevity in life. (avoid injuries and stiffness as I age)

My #2 reason is to get in ‘shape’…. both mentally and physically. Yes, this means improved focus and drive in life but I really would like to get back to my pre-menopausal size.

Yes, dropping 15 lbs. and leaning out around the belly is HIGH on my list, I won’t lie! Weight lifting, walking and tennis were not working and I have been nursing a tennis elbow, so I am hoping that Bikram will help heal that injury and prevent others.

Once again, armed with the right tools for getting the best results. Electrolytes in my cold water to sip on throughout the session, a full Quantum Relief Strip below the belly button. Those QRS are amazing as they truly do help bring energy to the places needed most in the body. Don’t know where “those places are”- no worries, the body is intelligent and will attract energy to the parts of the body needed most. Similar to Reiki energy.




Are you practicing Bikram or are you involved in a form of exercised that is feeding your body and your soul? If so, I’d love to hear about it. When we take care of our physical body we also fill up our ’emotional and spiritual’ body which I call the ultimate Self-Care!!!!

Sweat is FAT CRYING. I feel like I am cleaning out the old and breathing in the new. Thank God I listened to my body 10 days ago when I heard the ‘whisper’ to do Bikram Yoga.

Interested in learning about the TAVALA TRIM or Quantum Relief Strips? Go to www.TryOurSamples.com


Joy Edgerton




Listening to Inner Guidance Led Joy to Bikram Yoga…Check out her First 3 Days

Have you ever spoken to your BODY, your SPIRIT/SOUL, without your MIND getting in the way and dictating what you should or shouldn’t do? Ever ignore the answer that you hear back? If not, give it a try sometime.

It’s often said that if PRAYER is you talking to GOD (and God is within all of us) and that your intuition or ‘quiet voice back to you’ is God talking to you.

I have two incidences I recall vividly where I asked and received my inner guidance.

#1 In December Dave and I were stuck with our careers within the network marketing companies we were affiliated with. We prayed…got clear on what we wanted, right down to the soul of the matter…..and asked for guidance. We promised to be open and walk through any open doors that felt ‘right’…. and soon an email came to us, that led to a phone conversation and we said YES and our lives have been positively changed since then.

Yes, we resigned from the company we had been with for over 10 years – leaving income $ on the table- as well as a company we had dabbled with for approximately 6 months- also leaving $-(Sometimes I wonder how many things we miss out in the past by not paying attention enough to ‘hear’ that inner voice & wisdom!)

#2 Very recently- within the past week- I was asking my body what it needed from me as I was experiencing aches and pains that I normally do not experience and had lost some ‘zest’ for fully living life. My enthusiasm for fitness was not at its peak and it seemed like I was requiring more sleep.

One day I asked my body quietly what I needed to do and what I immediately heard back was “BIKRAM YOGA”. You mean that HOT YOGA done in 105 degrees of heat and 40% humidity? No way, was my first reaction …. but….then I thought how silly it is to ASK and then NOT LISTEN!

Truly, I wanted to ignore the message but how could I when it was so clearly shown to me? I was to begin Bikram Yoga. Yes, I initially fought the thought in my mind as I know what a discipline any yoga practice is, and I don’t ‘like’ yoga…. but in honor of my body and spirits wisdom, I agreed.

I pulled out my old Bikram’s Beginning Yoga Class book and read it. I was nervous- or more like PETRIFIED as I hadn’t done Bikram for almost 15 years and back then my body was younger, much more flexible and I was 20 pounds lighter.

I checked out a couple of studios, found one I really liked near our house and decided to start an intro pack of 30 classes in 30 days. Yes, I was serious and to entice us ‘newbies’ it was all for only $30. Wow! Talk about commitment!

I emailed the owner of the studio who is also an instructor so she knew she would have a new student the following day, who incidentally was petrified to the core!

Somehow I knew that this is going to lead to a turn around in many areas of my life. I then went to T.J. Max, bought 3 pair of ‘bootie’ shorts with built in shorts under them so that I would have the right attire. I NEVER wear shorts, let alone bootie shorts but knew my yoga pants or yoga capri pants would be far too hot!

Sunday night, August 20th, I could hardly sleep. I was nervous and kept thinking of the class the next morning. It felt silly to be so nervous but I was.

I also came to the realization that at age 60 I don’t care about the good opinion of other people- or at least not to the degree I have my in my younger years. So I agreed to have MYSELF be my own judge.

I decided I would be open and vulnerable and be OK with my ‘yoga’ abilities. For someone who is very athletic and plays tennis, lifts weights, plays sports with ease- this feeling was foreign. I have come to realize, in just 3 days practicing Bikram Yoga, that no matter what stage you are in with your yoga, it is YOUR OWN PRACTICE… It is not a competition and that gave me relief!

Day 1: I got to the studio early. Queen City Bikram Yoga. I introduced myself to Marla, the lady who owns the studio and that I had sent my email to the day before. She welcomed me and I followed others into the studio who clearly knew where they were going and what to do. I was still nervous!

LUCKILY I love the heat. Three weeks prior to this class I had done my first sweat lodge and it confirmed how much I love to sweat and how cleansing and therapeutic it feels.

Even though I had done Bikram Yoga a handful of times in Florida, today felt very different. I was here on my own for me, and my own reasons.

I promised my body and soul to give it my best…because that is all we can do. I had read in the Bikram book to do everything you CAN do, to perfection….meaning do it ‘the right way’…. so this is what I did. If I could only do the pose 10% (and many times that is about how far I could ‘bend’ or hold) but I did it exactly the way to get the maximum benefits. I promised myself I would give it my all, to get the full benefits- or why come at all?

The instructor in Florida was very ‘militant’ and barked instructions at people. I recall being yelled at when I used my towel to wipe the sweat from my eyes, during a time when apparently it was not allowed.

Thankfully, not the case here at Queen City Bikram Yoga. First of all, Marla is a great teacher and offered great instruction. She didn’t care if I had to wipe my body or face the entire 90 minutes due to the waterfalls of sweat dripping off my body. She also offered ‘helpful’ and ‘useful’ advice that would help each and every student get the most from the poses.

Long story short, I survived Day 1 of Bikram and felt like my own hero! I was BEAT RED and drenched when I left the class but I felt on top of the world. I did it….and I decided, or course, I’d return the following day.

By the way, my body was exhausted from a different kind of fatigue. One of stretching my muscles, organs, tendons and the blood flowing rapidly through my body. I hydrated my body throughout the day, feasted on veggies and fresh fruit and went to bed around 8 pm. 🙂

Day 2: I felt slightly more confident going to class on day 2 and was excited to see a woman who I had met weeks before at the sweat lodge I mentioned before. It was nice to see a familiar face and also to learn that Cara also teaches there on Tuesdays at 6:30 am. (Doubt I’ll experience an early AM class but who knows?)

One of my main reasons for agreeing to doing this introduction of 30-days of Bikram is I truly believe it will help me in the aging process.

I want to be full of vitality and healthy for my next 20, 30 or even 40 years.

It was my body that knew what I needed- more flexibility, more functional abilities, deeper lung capacity … and I listened. Perhaps reluctantly, but I also moved into action as I promised myself I would.

On day 2 I was equally as sweaty and red-faced as Day 1. My body was exhausted on one hand, but rejuvenated on the other hand. Last night I slept sounder than I had in a long time and I expected it would be the same this night.

I consciously ate healthy foods, and kept hydrated. I was beginning to feel like perhaps this ‘yoga thing’ could be good for me. I also knew with Bikram Yoga that my body would continuously rid toxins due to sweating. Hydration was a key. Reducing alcohol and increasing water, was my new medicine.

Day 3: Today. I had more pep in my step. I am by no means cocky. My poses do NOT look anything like they are supposed to but my body is becoming more flexible in just 3 days. Today I could actually do several poses that I could not do before. My tennis elbow pain had slightly more pain today but that was because I forgot to wear my Quantum Relief Strip….. (These strips help with areas of discomfort as well as energy & balance …but are also great to place in areas on the body that need energy.)

Interestingly enough, the one pose I knew I could do with relative ease – the TREE POSE- is one I have not been able to do on my left side. What the heck is that all about?

I am so right side dominant and so sweaty that my foot slides and I find myself literally hopping around on one foot just trying to get and stay in balance. Crazy but true. I think I need to find that spot ahead of me to concentrate on so I can keep my focus…even if it only means standing on one foot and doing nothing else.

I imagine I’ll line up each day, every day, along the back wall in the back of the class so I can learn from others who have done Bikram yoga for months or years or longer. It is good to have someone to watch so you can learn the poses correctly. If not, no worries, the instructor is there to help you.

Interestingly enough, there are both men and women in the class- clearly FAR MORE WOMEN, and they are women of all ages and body shapes. I have noticed that most of the people are comfortable in their bodies no matter their size or physical conditioning. Many women bare their ‘less tan or toned’ bellies, and don’t seem conscious that their bellies were whiter and softer than the rest of their body. This to me is refreshing- especially coming from the ‘gym scene’ and Jane Fonda days where there is a look and competition on how ‘tight and toned’ the body is and what fashion one is wearing.

Maybe I’ll bare my belly in my jog bra ‘some day’, but I doubt it. At least no time soon. My ultimate goal is to become more flexible in 30 days, increase my stamina, my focus, to drop some ‘bloat weight’ and reduce alcohol consumption.

Clearly going to Bikram yoga the next day has curbed any discussion or craving for cocktails at night. There is no way one could tolerate Bikram being tired or hung over!

If you are humored by my story….keep reading my blogs over the next several weeks. No doubt there are some funny stories to share ahead!

If this inspires YOU to talk quietly to YOUR body & soul and listen to what it tells you it needs, fantastic. I would be delighted to have that positive influence.

Our business seems to be booming even more now that my focus remains intuitive in nature. When I tune into others needs or who can use a call for product or business support- it is always the right action.

Good luck on YOUR journey in life. Be true to yourself. Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.

I’d love to hear your stories of how you made a change when you listened to YOUR inner wisdom. 802-846-7530, email me at joyedgerton@gmail.com or www.DaveandJoy.com

Joy Edgerton