The Answer is YOU…

More times than not, we look outside of ourselves when in fact, the answer is inside. Let this be a reminder.

The Answer is YOU

I have good news and I have bad news: The bad news is that we have lost the key to the door behind which the secret of life is hidden. The good news is that it was never locked! Swami Beyondananda

When human beings appeared on the planet, a group of gods got together and decided to play a game. “Let’s hide the secret of life!” one suggested.
“Great idea!” another agreed. Where shall we hide it?”
“Let’s plant it at the top of the highest mountain,” one proposed of life!” one suggested.
“No”, responded another, “people will even climb to Mount Everest.”
“How about the at the bottom of the ocean?” asked another.
“No, they will invent submarines.”

On and on the gods pondered trying to find a suitable hiding place. Finally, one god had a bright idea: “I know!” he exclaimed. “Let’s hide the secret of life inside each person- they’ll never think to look there!”

We remain in darkness when we seek external solutions for internal needs. We believe our problems exist because of causes outside ourselves, and then seek to rearrange the outer world. Even when we succeed, we feel empty because the external situation was not the cause of our pain. To truly be healed we must deal with our experience at its source-our own beliefs, attitudes, and actions.

In their important book, Conscious Loving, Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks put forth the core principle that each partner must take 100 % responsibility for everything that happens in their relationship and in their world. Empower yourself by identifying yourself not as a victim of circumstance, but as the source of your experience. The whole game changes when you realize the answer is within you.

Prayer: “Give me the strength to release anyone else as the source of my experience and to own my responsibility for creating the life I choose.”

I am the answer.

Dave and Joy



I give credit for this ‘article’ that was written by Alan Cohen, in his book “A Deep Breath of Life”


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