Are you involved in Network Marketing and want to Accelerate your Success and grow your team quicker?
This 21-Day was birthed due to a need in the industry.
This challenge has never been shared before in a public setting but because the majority of our business associates are in some MLM business or direct sales company we began to listen to what they say is missing. In January numerous 21-Day Challenges launched? Some were fitness related, some personal development and some for weight loss. But never a 21-Day MLM Challenge.
Over the years many business associates made the suggestion that this information ought to be shared and available- in a generic way that would apply to all MLM companies… as a result THIS challenge IS applicable to any and all network marketing companies, direct sales companies or affiliate programs!
Many people over the years have said “Dave, you have to make this available for others.…” while others have said “Since we are no longer working with the same company we sure MISS your trainings. Can you share something ‘generic’ and available that I can share with my team“? This is how The 21-Day MLM Challenge was birthed.
Why Should You Take the 21-Day MLM Challenge?
- If you are NEW to network marketing or at a place in your business where you want it to grow your team much quicker than it is currently growing.
- If your MLM business is stagnant and in need of fresh new energy- new ways of prospecting- new ideas sharing. New ways to follow up and attract new people to your team.
- If you’d like to double your MLM monthly income in the upcoming months.
- If you have a team and want them to learn how to BUILD quicker and a with more solid foundation.
- If you want to learn the MIND SET of leaders in the network marketing industry as well as the solid ‘How To’s.
- If you love the industry but have never earned a 6-figure annual income…and say “This is MY YEAR to earn the bigger checks”.
If you have answered YES to any of the above questions, check out this new 21-Day MLM Challenge. This is a program that is highly recommended by seasoned professionals in the industry. It is a great challenge for anyone new to network marketing OR for the seasoned professional that wants to take their business to a new level.
Click here to learn more.

Dave DeBerardinis/Global Trainer
Our Goal is to share the knowledge of what we know works in this industry. We anticipate having over a dozen or more companies represented but rest assured, there will be no mention of any companies and no ‘pitching’ allowed.