Since adding this one thing with Zipslim I’ve lost more FAT….

We all want to capitalize on any new fitness program we participate in, so it’s no different to want to capitalize on any new FOOD that we eat as we add it to our daily ‘diet’. We want to get the BEST RESULTS! Due to the state of the entire world with ‘lockdowns’ and restrictions, more people than ever are looking to boost or strengthen their health and immunity and lose weight (pandemic pounds for some.) I was one of those people.

As a result of much research, in December 2020 I decided to add Zipslim, a new product, to MY DAILY NUTRITION, especially after watching several girlfriends literally shrink in 90-days by drinking Zipslim. I had put on a couple of pounds since the ‘pandemic’ fear, but mainly a couple of pounds each year since menopause. It doesn’t sound like a lot of weight except add 2 lbs. per year of fat x 10 years and you have 20 unwanted pounds…and it wasn’t muscle. It was mainly accumulated around my belly, aka, my men-o-pot’!

Zipslim, a blackberry lemonade flavored drink that ‘flips the switch’ so your metabolism is ON, really did me wonders with reducing belly fat and helping me lose weight. I successfully released weight I couldn’t since menopause.

So what did I ADD to my Zipslim to give me even more of a weight loss and health boost? It was one single, simple addition. A MEAL REPLACEMENT SHAKE. But not just any shake, this particular one that supports weight loss and works in synergy with Zipslim.


Recently I added this shake as my morning meal and as a result of this one addition, it has helped me lose more inches (especially around the belly), while eliminating the concern of getting enough nutrition in my first meal of the day.

It also offers so many benefits to support ongoing weight and fat loss. Just check out the ingredients! I love both flavors, Vanilla and Dutch Chocolate, but the Dutch Chocolate is my favorite. For more details on the Dutch Chocolate Shake, click here.

To learn more about the Vanilla Shake click here:

To purchase your EXTREME SHAKE, click here.

This is a great meal replacement even if you aren’t looking to lose weight or add it to your Zipslim. Not all shakes are created equal so choose wisely. Prior to this I decided to use up my current supply of shakes as I didn’t want to throw them away, only to #1, not enjoy them, #2, not get additional benefit like additional weight/fat loss. The Extreme Shake truly is a step above any other shakes I have used. (For those looking for a lower carb shake, this is also Keto-friendly too)

If you have any questions please reach out. All Shakes and other products from CTFO come with a full 60-day money back guarantee. Not satisfied? Simply send the empty bags or remaining products back to the company, and you’ll get not only your 60-day money back but also shipping and handling too.

I look forward to helping YOU become healthier, more fit and happier. I have the tools and am happy to share. As a former personal trainer and transformational life coach, I also have other skills and ideas to help people who are committed to becoming the best they can.

Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach with Beyond Slim

I love helping customers get the best possible results with any products or services I recommend, which means you can buy with confidence.


Zipslim: Purchase here:

Extreme Shakes: Purchase here:


My Favorite Meal Replacement Shakes…

Introducing my favorite Meal Replacement Shakes: Healthy and Affordable and they come in both Dutch Chocolate and Vanilla and taste great with water or your favorite “milk” product.

True, my favorite shakes are CTFO’s EXTREME SHAKE w/Sensoril® Ashwagandha, PROTEIN & MULTI-COLLAGEN PEPTIDES. I’ve been enjoying the Vanilla Shake for several years and now that they have introduced the Dutch Chocolate, it is my favorite of the two….and get this, I’m not even a ‘chocolate’ kind of gal.

The information below is extremely educational and useful but make sure you also watch the 2 minute video as well, which reviews the Vanilla Shake, in particular.

CTFO formulated their EXTREME SHAKE PROTEIN & MULTI-COLLAGEN fortified with Sensoril® Ashwagandha and a gut-enhancing Prebiotic & Probiotic blend for people who want a true meal replacement shake with the age-defying properties of the popular ‘youth protein” collagen.

KEY: Collagen is not a complete protein by itself. Combining whey with hydrolyzed multi-collagen (grass-fed beef, chicken, and fish) delivers the essential amino acid tryptophan, which our body cannot produce on its own, to make collagen into a complete protein. The collagen peptides in this formula are hydrolyzed making it easier to digest and absorb.

Why Collagen Peptides?

Collagen makes up to 70% of your skin, therefore a collagen deficiency pushes the skin to weaken and sag, eventually causing fine lines and wrinkles. Collagen is also the glue, so to speak, that helps strengthen our cartilage and connective tissue along with tendons and ligaments to withstand impact.

Studies recommend taking 2.5–15 grams of hydrolyzed collagen peptides daily to be effective. Taking 2.5 grams or more may support skin hydration to reduce the appearance of dryness, wrinkles, and fine lines along with supporting joint health.

The Problem – as you age, your supply of collagen production dwindles. The more collagen you lose, the older you look and feel!

Hyaluronic Acid

This exclusive formula includes Hyaluronic acid (HA). HA is actually “stored” within collagen. Often referred to as “Nature’s Moisturizer,” HA is a crucial lubricant for improving healthy skin, joints, and bone health. HA works synergistically with Collagen to help keep your skin looking youthfully smooth and plump.

Healthy Weight Management
Have you tried shakes that starved you, tasted terrible, or just left you in a state of hangry (hungry and angry) only to put the weight back on again? If you are a first-timer who just wants to shed 5-30 pounds or more, or you lead a fast-paced lifestyle and just want to have a quick nutritious meal, you’ll love EXTREME SHAKE PROTEIN & MULTI-COLLAGEN with Sensoril® Ashwagandha.

Listen closely. You can store fat or burn fat. To burn fat, you can cut carbs and go into ketosis. If you don’t want the body shock treatment of a strict diet, you want Keto-Friendly.

EXTREME SHAKE PROTEIN & MULTI-COLLAGEN with Sensoril® Ashwagandha is the perfect Keto-friendly shake that supports your body’s ability to burn fat and produce energy, which can result in lean muscle while leaving you feeling energized, and your mood elevated.

EXTREME SHAKE’s Powerful New Formula Helps You:

  • Enjoy Healthy Weight Levels
  • Enjoy Vibrant, Younger Looking Skin
  • Enjoy Bone & Joint Strength
  • Enjoy Lean Muscle Definition

Why Are We Different?

CTFO Presents ExtremeShake from CTFO Communications on Vimeo.

EXTREME SHAKE is an advanced, keto-friendly, PROTEIN & MULTI-COLLAGEN Prebiotic/Probiotic Shake with the added benefit of patented SENSORIL® Ashwagandha.

Sensoril® is Tested in Human Clinical Trials – Modern science has tested that the key to Sensoril® extract’s adaptogen, stress-reducing properties, is its ability to reduce levels of cortisol. Cortisol, the “stress hormone”, is responsible for producing many of the negative effects of stress in the body which can lead to overeating carbohydrates.

Generally, weight gain related to high cortisol levels tends to collect around the stomach. Fat cells in the stomach are especially sensitive to cortisol.

Have Belly Fat? … It’s not your fault!

Just as important, Sensoril® Ashwagandha is up to eight times the strength of standard ashwagandha and you receive a THERAPEUTIC serving in every shake. Get ready for feelings of reduced stress and more restful sleep along with energy and mental acuity.

VANILLA: 1.18 lbs. 15 servings, ExtremeShake with Sensoril® Ashwaganda
Keto-Friendly formula

Sensoril® Ashwagandha supports reduced belly fat
MCTs for energy and fat burn
Advanced probiotics and prebiotics for metabolism support
Reduces sugar cravings supporting healthy weight loss
Enhances metabolism of stored carbs and fat
Only 3 grams net carbs per serving
Gluten-Free, Soy-Free and GMO-Free Click on Weight Loss and see the supporting products including Shakes.

You’ve never allowed yourself to look & feel this good…ever!

It’s delicious AND comes with a generous 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee. Use the shakes for 60-days and if you are not 100% satisfied, simply send the empty bags back, or what is left, and get your money (including shipping) back.

Joy Edgerton/, 802-999-1815

Mangosteen: New Delivery for Super fruit & health benefits

A recent discovery has medical professionals and consumers excited about the health benefits of a new product called XanthoMyst. The health benefits of Mangosteen have been known and enjoyed since the beginning of time, but typically many of the benefits are lost when it is consumed in a juice or whole fruit, due to digestion.

Meet a new delivery system introduced by a company called CTFO.

For the first time ever Mangosteen has been put into a new delivery system where bioavailablity is far superior to simply ingesting through a juice or the actual fruit. For many years people have enjoyed the many benefits of Mangosteen, in fact, a company called Xango, became a phenomenon in the network marketing arena, when they introduced Xango, an exotic fruit juice derived from a plant native to Southeast Asia.

In a summary through “Healthline” here are some highlights on benefits of Mangosteen. The full article is also below.

  • Mangosteen provides a variety of essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber while being low in calories. These nutrients are important for maintaining many functions in your body.
  • Mangosteen contains vitamins with antioxidant capacity, as well as a unique class of antioxidant compounds known as Xanthones.
  • Plant compounds and fiber in Mangosteen may have anti-inflammatory effects according to animal research. More studies are needed to understand how this fruit may reduce inflammation in humans.
  • Test-tube and animal research indicates that Xanthones in Mangosteen may protect against cancer. However, high-quality human research on this topic is lacking.
  • Some animal and human research suggests that Mangosteen may play a role in weight loss and obesity prevention. Still, more studies are needed.
  • Plant compounds and fiber in Mangosteen may contribute to reduced blood sugar. Still, current research is insufficient.
  • Research suggests that Mangosteen may increase your number of immune cells and reduce inflammation — potentially boosting immune health.
  • Research suggests that antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds in Mangosteen may protect skin cells from damage associated with sun exposure and aging.
  • Research suggests that nutrients and other plant compounds in Mangosteen may support optimal digestive, heart, and brain function.

Read the full article here:

If you are looking to optimize your health and want the best delivery system available, check out

It’s not what you eat or drink, but what you absorb. Get the highest benefits possible through XanthoMyst. It also comes with a generous 60-Day money back guarantee.

Click here for a FULL REPORT! xanthoreport

Reach out for more information at, or 802-999-1815.

Order your XantoMyst here:

Looking for an Opportunity? We believe this new development and delivery of XanthoMyst is a game changer in the industry. Stay tuned for more products being introduced with this new delivery system.






Could this little Green Happy Pill help YOU lose weight, give you energy and cut cravings?

Could this little Green Happy Pill help YOU lose weight, give you energy and cut cravings?

Good question….

I was speaking with a couple of friends at the beginning of this year and we were sharing our past successes with both business and weight loss in 2022. One thing that we decided, across the board, is not every product works for every person. See, we are all in different companies representing health and weight loss products. We all have customers who get great results and others who simply walk away defeated believing there is nothing ‘out there’ to help them lose weight… even saying the products we know work for some, didn’t work for them.

One friend has an entire program that includes Shakes, Appetite Suppressers, Vitamin Support (and more) as well as an Educational program. Another friend has a Detox program followed by certain shakes and gut support and her personal coaching. I have a healthy “full circle health” drink that is delicious and resets the metabolism, has a supportive educational program with accountability, etc. In fact this product is far more than just weight loss, it goes “beyond slim” in its approach. It’s how I lost MY weight.

All three of us have GREAT success with the majority of our customers who follow the plan and commit to the necessary lifestyle changes. However, on occasion, there are people who simply do not get the results they desire. This is where having an open mind to trying other things comes into play. This is where I ALSO, on occasion, recommended my customers try other products and programs – even referring them to people I know and trust who sell products that I am not affiliated with.

I often recommend a healthy shake to my customers to support their first meal of the day of the day, after 10-12 hours of intermittent fasting. For many it gives them better results than their normal first meal that “breaks their fast”. We all know “Breaking your fast” with the most nutritional support available, sets the stage for good energy and less cravings throughout the day. Since the company I am working with does not have a shake, I have outsourced (and actually personally been using) a shake from a company that I am a wholesale buyer from for almost 3 years. If there is a healthier shake out there, I don’t know of it. Check out my favorite shake that comes in both vanilla and chocolate. The link below is for the meal replacement shakes that I personally use and recommend. Buy one or buy two, your choice. Buy single packs for $49.97 wholesale and 2-pack for $89.97.

Shakes aside, as there are many of them in the market place other than my personal choice….so what about this little GREEN PILL called Shape-N-Burn, also coined “happy pill”? What about that for weight loss and for energy -while helping with craving and as an appetite suppressant?

I kept hearing this question so I decided to do research and my own personal due-diligence. I found this 3-minute video on You-Tube that pretty much sums up the product and benefits. So rather than me writing about what it does, simply Click below to learn more.

What I continue to learn after decades in the health, nutrition and fitness industries, is that there is no one product that is a perfect fit for every person. Since I like to offer solutions to people who are indeed looking and ready for change, even if it doesn’t always personally benefit me, I continue to share. SHARING is in a woman’s DNA, and if you truly care about someone, you share freely.

Perhaps this information that is both above and below may offer YOU an option for something you are looking for. A New Year’s Resolution Solution, perhaps. The link below is for the Shape-N-Burn (aka “Little Green Happy Pill”)


Wholesale Price: $59.97

  • Retail Price: $99.97


I’ll continue to share products and services with you that will support your health and weight loss journey. Often they are not part of a company I am working with, but I know many friends who can help you find the perfect solution for your personal journey. If I can assist you in any way, please reach out. Email: 802-999-1815, USA, eastern time zone.

The link below is for the Shape-N-Burn Green Happy Pill product, highlighted in the above video. Simply click here:

The Zipslim product ( that I use and love -that has helped me lose weight, comes with a 90-Day money-back guarantee (1 full month refund within a 90-day period) and the ‘Extreme Shake’ and ‘Shape-N-Burn’ come with a 60-Day money-back guarantee (2 full months including SH)

Either way you have NOTHING to lose….but stubborn fat and poor lifestyle habits.

How can I help you become the healthiest version of you this year?

Most Recent Reboot66 Winners with Beyond Slim (Zipslim)

Congratulations to the four $1000 winners of the most recent Reboot66 Challenge. Announcements were made in December 2022, just in time for the winners to enjoy their $1000 CASH bonus. Beyond Slim holds a “Challenge” that excites and engages their Zipslim customers and coaches. Winners were Shelbi Kautzsch, Candace Trass Crute, Jen Keller and Catina Hinton-Finch. Congratulations to 4 very deserving winners.

It’s called The Reboot66 Challenge and is held 4x per year, each quarter. The NEW Reboot66 challenge started January 3, 2023 and you can join at any time by submitting your “BEFORE” photo with your contact information. After 66-90 days you submit your “story” and BEYOND photo and are qualified to WIN. I love that they choose on many factors other than just weight loss. There are two distinct categories, one being UNDER 10 pound weight loss, and OVER 10 pound weight loss. The other categories are decided by popular vote and in the categories of fitter, healthier and happier.

In addition to winners of the Challenge, the COACH with the most customers/coaches submitting stories also won $1000. I’m grateful that I was the winner this past December. I attribute it to attracting motivated people who are committed to making the necessary lifestyle changes for success. Their health and body’s easily reflect their commitment. It was nothing I did, except to be there for accountability and support, for those who wanted it…and of course, encourage them to submit their story. Those people who do participate in the Reboot66 Challenge almost always get better results than non-participants. Accountability, fun, friendship, cheering one another on and the desire for change are many reasons to participate….and it’s FREE. Also, everyone who submits their story wins a free T-shirt.

To sign up for the Reboot66 click on

The more compelling your story and photo selections, the better your chance of winning.

You can submit your story as many times as you like, as long as you update the information and photos. This is why they say “Before” to “Beyond Photos”. For example, I submitted my story three times. The third time my friend, Sarah, helped with the wording and photo selection. In the fall of 2022 I was one of the winners of $1000 and forever grateful.

Here is MY winning story.


Shelbi lost 21 lbs. in 8 weeks- keeps up with five kids better.




Candace went from a size 20 to a size 8 at the age of 60



Jen is a breast cancer survivor who lost 9 lbs. and 10 inches



Catina is down 21 lbs. with more energy and better state of mind.



If you are ready to transform your body and improve your health, give Zipslim and the Reboot66 a 90 day commitment. You’ll be so glad you did. You can get additional information and place our order at

If you have questions please call me at 802-999-1815 or email

To place your order click here: I’ll support you each step of your journey.

Look What’s New with Katie Hale….

It’s an honor to share Katie Hale’s journey to optimal health and well-being. One thing I love about Katie’s journey is she can authentically share her story AND her solutions that she discovered in her own personal quest. As someone who has been ‘self-taught’ by study and personal experience called “life”, her journey is likely to offer hope to anyone who is or has been overweight.

Katie reminds me of several of the best personal trainers and health coaches who also overcame obstacles in their own life and led them to help others. Because of their personal experience and journey they are effective in what they do and can relate to help others. This is one reason why Katie is such an effective ‘coach’.

In 2010 Katie was at her heaviest weight of 265. When asked when her weight began to become a personal issue for her she mentioned that she gained only a little when she had her children, but really put the weight on between the age of 29 and 32. Lifestyle, stress, “life” out of control in many areas, was the main cause of her weight gain. But she didn’t sit back and do nothing, she found a solution and began changing her lifestyle and nutrition and over time lost lots of weight and regained her health and spunky outlook on life.

Being proactive, Katie did several things to eventually drop over 100 pounds, but like many people, some of the weight returned over time. I’m sure she is happy to share her story with anyone who asks. (Email

One of the things that helped make a huge difference was finding a company that has been around for a long time. Many people may have heard about nutritional MLM companies that have shakes and supplemental pills, and for many years this helped in her weight loss and healthy lifestyle journey. Eventually, unfortunately, due to some health challenges, she discovered that there were ingredients in some of the products that her doctor told her to avoid.

Her decision was to be 100% transparent and authentic, so she stepped away from sharing those products but continued to (and still does) support and inspire people to ‘keep on keeping on’ with their health and weight loss journey. Actually, many of her former customers and health coaches are now using and recommending Katie’s latest innovative discovery – ZipSlim, to their daily regime and getting amazing results. It can be added to any nutritional or dietary program and simply be a BONUS, so if you eat Keto, Paleo, are using other ‘programs’ and products, simply adding the ZipSlim can help you lose additional inches much quicker. Watch this 1 minute video to learn how to lose 3x more weight:

ZipSlim is backed by science, formulated by Dr. Mark Drucker, and was brought to market January, 2021. The company is so confident in the product and results that they offer a full 90-Day Money Back Guarantee. They have two formulas, ‘charged’ and ‘decaf’ and both taste delicious. Think ‘blackberry lemonade’. Just 2 per day and see yourself “Drink to Shrink”.

Click here to watch a 5-min. video that explains how this ‘blackberry lemonade’ flavored drink helps FLIP the SWITCH to your metabolism.

Like many who have lost weight in the past it often returns to some degree. Sometimes, with fad diets, you actually end up larger and gain more weight, and end up with a compromised metabolism than when you started. This is why many of us say we RELEASE the weight, not LOSE the weight, as when you lose something you often find it again. 🙂

When I reconnected with Katie this past year, she had been searching for a solution to get back on track after the stressful 2020 ‘pandemic’ and to drop what many people now refer to as “Pandemic Pounds” or “Covid-20”. I can relate, as I was in the same situation looking for a healthy solution.

The photo to the left is Katie at her all-time lowest size and weight. She felt energetic and unstoppable in all areas of her life. Her goal is not necessarily return to that same size when she was 34, now at age 43 she is well on her way thanks to ZipSlim.

In asking Katie what her biggest benefits of using the ZipSlim are here is what she said. “I now sleep great, wake up feeling rested, have released 16 pounds in the first month and 7 inches. My biggest feature that has changed is my face! I also have more energy, and more focused throughout the day… and finally am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel because I’m seeing progress like I have never before.”

I invite you to reach out to Katie to learn more. You can visit her website for more details:

She is also available by phone: 802-309-2417 or email:

If you’d like to learn how you can get FREE ZipSlim or to become a Coach with Beyond Slim please click here:

I am super excited to have Katie as a coach on my team. She brings SO much positive energy and expertise to not only my team, but the company. Also her results are inspiring so many people to get fitter, healthier and happier. Join us and if you have any questions and can’t reach Katie, please feel free to reach out to me.


Founding Coach with Beyond Slim


HOW TO Save an Additional 5% Each Month with CTFO

HOW TO Save an Additional 5% Each Month with CTFO:

So you’ve become a member of the CTFO Buyers Club. Congratulations. As you may know, CTFO stands for Changing the Future Outcome…. and when we talk about change, we are talking about changing your Health & your Wealth. If you have NOT yet become a member of CTFO you can for FREE by simply going to and join.

Here’s a simple question: WHY WOULD ANYONE NOT WANT TO SAVE $$$ ? We don’t know anyone who would say NO. to saving money so we’re going to show you a way to save 5% additional on savings each and every month. It’s called being on a monthly “AutoShip” or “Subscription”.

It is Silly not to to be on AutoShip! Here are FIVE AUTOSHIP REWARDS:


  1. You receive a 5% Discount whenever you make an order. This includes all ONE TIME orders, you receive an additional 5% OFF.


  1. You receive the convenience of getting your product/s monthly.


  1. With a simple push of a button you can change or cancel your auto-ship anytime.


  1. For those building a business, it assures that you will always be qualified to receive commissions. Associates do not have to order to get paid 20% of the CV on personal enrollments. Associates do need to place a minimum $47 US DOLLARS monthly order to get paid in the compensation plans matrix, uni-level & infinity.


  1. There is no risk. You have 60 days to return the product for a full refund​- We call this an ’empty bottle’ 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.



– Log into your CTFO back office (you’ll need your user name and your password)

– Click on “Place Order”

– Click on “Create New AutoShip”

– Simple Easy and it’s FREE to begin saving money. There are over 80 products to choose from and many different categories of products. Once again, if you are not yet a member of CTFO, you can join for free by going to

Have questions? Give us a call. We are leaders on the fastest growing team in CFTO. Call us at 802-846-7530, email us at or find us on Facebook under Work with Dave and Joy, or Dave DeBerardinis and Joy Edgerton.




Customer Support is also available to help you! We are here to help and to serve.

Why Use the EXTREME SHAKE from CTFO?


Whether you are looking for a new healthy shake for a healthy meal replacement or you are serious about a shake that will aid in weight and fat loss- you’ll love the EXTREME Shake by CTFO. Take it from someone who have been consuming shakes WAY before they were popular and have tried at least 20 different brands over the many years.

These are the many reasons my husband and I have chosen this particular shake and brand. On top of that, they offer you a 30% wholesale when you join (for free, I may add) and a 60-Day empty bottle money back guarantee.

Here are just SOME (11) reasons we use and recommend the Extreme Shake… and we’re confident you can ADD to this list:

1. Advanced PROBIOTICS ❤️ for metabolism support

2. Advanced PREBIOTICS ❤️for metabolism support

3. MCT for Energy & Accelerated Fat Burn ❤️
4. Patented Sensoril Ashwagadha ❤️
– Eleven CLINICAL STUDIES / Real Science (Eight times strength of ASHWAGANDHA) :Sensoril® ashwagandha supports reduced belly fat, – Feeling of reduced stress, – More restful sleep- MENTAL Clarity, better Concentration, Sharper Focus & Better Memory
5. Supports Healthy Cardiovascular Function
6. Supports Homeostasis
7. Keto Friendly (only 3 net carbs)
8. Gluten, Soy & GMO FREE
9. Delicious
10. Affordable – Plus save money because it is a meal replacement / no swallowing pills to get all the benefits above.

11. Reduces sugar cravings supporting healthy weight loss and Enhances metabolism of stored carbs and fat

1.18 lbs. 15 servings, ExtremeShake with Sensoril® Ashwaganda
Keto-Friendly formula



Undenatured and Diafiltered Whey Protein Concentrate, Ultrafiltered Milk Protein Isolate, Nonfat Dry Milk, Soluble Corn Fiber, Guar Gum, Acacia Gum, Xanthan Gum, Medium Chain Triglycerides (from Palm Kernel and Coconut Oil), Bacillus Subtilis (MB40 Strain), Ashwagandha Root and Leaf Extract (Sensoril®).

Other Ingredients: Natural Flavor, Coconut Oil Powder, Salt, Highly Purified Steviol Glycosides (Stevia Leaf Extract), Silical. Contains: Milk.





We’re so confident that you’ll love this product. Simply click below after the word NOW, to place your order.

Click here to ORDER NOW

Free Member
Wholesale Price: $39.97

  • Retail Price: $52.97

Have questions? Give us a call. 802-846-7530 or email us at \

Winners of the Viiva Breakfast Body Challenge- Round 1

Round 1 of Viiva’s Official Breakfast Body Challenge winners are three strong individuals with inspiring stories. From battling mental health to handling the aftermath of a stroke, the winners embody what it means to WAKE UP and LIVE! Read their stories below.


Stephanie Ortiz

STEPHANIE’S STORY- 1st place winner, $10,000 and 7-night Mediterranean Cruise for 2, May, 2020

“I have always struggled with depression and anxiety. I always just tried to deal with it because my family had the idea that psychiatrists were for crazy people and that we just had to get over it. I tried for a long time to deal with my depression and anxiety but over time it got worse. I got to the point where I had lost my thirst for life. I cried every day and wondered why I was being tested and feeling like my life had no purpose.

This Challenge gave me the opportunity to look at life from a different perspective. I learned so much about myself and what I am capable of, and I have been able to step out of my comfort zone and start living life where, before, I was just existing. I have been given the chance to get my mind, body, and spirit in order so that I can live a life of abundance and joy. My journey is so much more than just weight loss. I am committed to changing my life.”

Terri Brown

TERRI’S STORY- 2nd place winner $2500

“Back in May 2018, I was in a massive car accident where I was hit by two cars driving 65 miles an hour…The car accident caused me to have severe back pain to the point where the simplest things like bending over would cause me agony. I was also suffering from PTSD and depression caused by the car accident. I would stay in bed for days at a time unable to function with no desire to even watch TV. My weight started spiraling out of control! When the competition was announced…I decided I had absolutely nothing to lose.

In the first month, I lost ten pounds. For the first time since the car accident, I felt [like] I had control over my life. [Then] in August, I moved with my kids into a tent in Springville so they could go to school while we were working on selling our house. I was afraid that I would not be able to lose weight while living in a tent, searching for a house, and selling my house.

…I was in my tent waking up when I had an “AHA!” moment and realized that I was able to stand up without any assistance. It happened so gradually over [a] month and a half that I almost forgot that I had been injured. This competition has not only healed my body, but it has also healed my mind. I look forward to each and every day and can’t wait to see what I can accomplish in the next 90 days!”

Paul Carson

PAUL’s STORY- 3rd Place Winner- $1,000

“Thirteen years ago, I had a stroke, so my wife has chronicled this story for me. I was left with total paralysis on my right side and with severe speech and cognitive dysfunction. However, that wasn’t the end of my life!

Despite my regular exercise, I have continued to gain weight over the past decade or so. However, all that changed 90 days ago when I decided to join the rest of my family on the Breakfast Body Challenge. As a stroke survivor, I keep a very consistent routine, which was part of the reason for my initial resistance to joining the Challenge and making dietary changes. But that routine also made it easy for me to identify the VIIVA products as…the credible reason for the difference in my weight and health.

I am down 15 pounds and went from wearing a size 40 waist to a 36. It has been since before my stroke happened that I wore a 36″ waist! I am headed into the next 90-day VIIVA Challenge because I love waking up in the morning EXCITED to get on the scale and then share the good news with my wife.”

Make sure to join us for the Second Round of the Breakfast Body Challenge! Sign up here.

It’s not too late to join ROUND 2. (Oct. 1-Dec. 31) and in 2020 join the 3rd round. Jan. 1-March 31. Click this link:

Dave and Joy/Global Leaders and Trainers


What is the BEST Vegan Shake? Organic Plant Based Protein Base

Years ago I was Vegan -inspired after spending 3 weeks at Hippocrates Health Institute and doing their 3 week Life Change program. I remember it was always difficult finding healthy vegan products, let alone vegan based protein shakes that were healthy, organic, vegan, mixed well and tasted great. Fortunately things have changed!

After much research I have found the BEST VEGAN PROTEIN BASE SHAKE on the planet and it comes in both vanilla and chocolate!






Click here to get more details on the Viiva shake:

Watch this brief video that will give you more details.


Many vegan shakes tastes chalky and don’t mix well. That is not the case with the Viiva plant based vegan shakes. You can mix it in a shaker bottle or blend in a blender.

Want to try something different that is vegan? Order yours today. You do not have to be vegan to enjoy it in fact studies show that a plant based shake is healthier and easier to digest than shakes made with whey.

Enjoy your choice of Vanilla or Chocolate. Each box has 30 individually packed shakes for ultimate convenience and perfect individual size. These shakes are also KETO friendly as they are low in carbs. Simply add mct oil or your favorite healthy fats to make it the ideal combo for your taste.

There are several options. Click here to automatically get 10% off or if you prefer to be a Viiva VIP or Brand Partner, click on those options.

Viiva is often referred to as the Breakfast company, and the Plant Based Protein Base shakes are the staple of the breakfast. Simply add kiiks (see above in the video) or enjoy alone as a shake. Either way it is the best way to begin the day. It is also enjoyed by many athletes and active individuals who enjoy a post-workout drink.

Dave and Joy/Viiva Global Leaders and Trainers
