It is with great pleasure that I share Shelly Lang’s story that spans from 2006 to the present. I encourage you to read to the end to see the strength (both physical and spiritual) that Shelly endured over the 13 years of her ‘journey’. Her story is worth reading as she discovered many things about herself during this journey, but also about the power of prayer and optimum nutrition for healing her body and cells. Perhaps you can learn and discover as well.
“In her own words”…
“My Crazy medical train! Buckle up and hang on, you are in for an adventure! The fact that I am alive and well to share is a miracle in itself.
This long, lengthy journey began August 2006. Monday morning at work I was feeling extremely tired, and my body was just sore. I finished my groups (I was a counselor for the Idaho Department Of Corrections) and went home. When I called the doctor’s office, they advised me to climb in bed and get some rest and to be in the office first thing in the morning as the doctor is concerned, and she wants to check you out!
When I arrived the next morning, she examined me, then discussed since I had been diagnosed with Asthma a few years earlier, she sees a pattern with lung issues being the cause of all my office visits. She didn’t want to put me on prednisone, as she was afraid it would deplete my immune system more. 
She sent me home and told me to come back in on Thursday and if I was feeling better just call and cancel the appointment. Thursday arrived and I work up extremely short of breath. When I arrived at the doctor’s office, she examined me and stated, “I hear pneumonia- you’re going to the hospital”!
This was the start of one hospital admittance to many, many more hospital stays. It became so bad I would have a bag packed in my car, when I went to see the pulmonologists. Every month I was put in the hospital for 10 days at a time. I was on major steroids and antibiotics just to breathe. I was sent to The National Jewish Respiratory Hospital for a week of testing, still no answers and came home on more medicine.
This continued until I was taking 100 milligrams of Prednisone a day. My life had become something I didn’t recognize. I was then sent to Seattle, for yet more testing on my lungs. still no game changing news!
After living on steroids for years my bones were very brittle. I am not exactly graceful either, I dropped a pan from a pan rack way up high in the kitchen. It came crashing down on my foot. I never really paid much attention to it until it began to hurt like crazy! Quick Care was open, and I went in to have my foot checked. I was excited when he said it wasn’t broke. He told me to put asper cream on it and use a heating pad. (THIS PICTURE to the left is ME back in 2008. My body was bloated from drugs and as a result I was VERY overweight.)
I was at Elk Rehab at the time working on building my lung function. I informed the doctor that I couldn’t do the tread mill, as it just killed my foot. He then sent me to Orthopedics. They x-rayed it, and it was broke! I had walked on it for six months, after being told it wasn’t broke. Surgery is my next step. He had to go in and break my foot, take a bone out of my knee and insert it in my foot, holding it together with a screw.
When we arrived the man at the desk said “just go on back, we will collect paper work later.” I should have picked up on that clue! Like “oh man, I must look awful, what hospital lets you go on in without paper work- really”? The doctor decided to do an Ultra Sound and he found a mass by my Pancreas. Doctors did not know what it was, but after biopsy’s, many tests and consults with many specialists the decision was made to do surgery.
The surgeon said he would do laparoscopic, and I would have to spend the night! I was not happy about spending the night as I had already spent a ton of time in the hospital. He informed me that he understood, however he would be moving my organs around and I would need to be observed.
When I woke up, he came in and said I am going to let you go home, as I couldn’t get to it. I will bring you back in
and we will cut you open and get it. Still I had no idea what I was looking at. I was home for about an hour when the doctor called, he told me to go to the drug store and buy this prep, do it and be at the hospital Monday morning at 5 am as we are operating at 7am. REALLY?????
Since it was already Thursday, I had to get with it. I was prepped, ready and on time at the hospital on Monday. Waking up was a nightmare post-surgery as I was cut from stern to stem so to speak, and I had a feeding tube in. They took part of my colon, part of my small intestine, and 18 lymph nodes. The doctor came in and ask how I was doing? I responded with “I feel like I did 100 sit ups, and I wasn’t in shape to start with.”
He said “Oh yeah, let me tell you what I did. I took all your organs out and cut out what I could see. Then ran each of your organs thru my fingers to make sure I got it all.”
He comes in on Friday, and says he received the Pathology report and it showed disease in a few areas, but we got it!” He turned and left. I was on major pain meds, so I wasn’t thinking anything about what he said. A couple hours later a man came to my hospital room, who turns out to be the oncologist.
This is when I heard the words that no one wants to ever hear. You have Cancer! It is a rare form, you will be sick of me by the time this is over. I looked at him and said “Not me- you better go check your file and go talk to who you are looking for?” No denial there. I then looked at the Oncologist, and I burst into to tears and I said, “It can’t be me…. my first grand-baby will be due August 2nd.”
After that I collected my thoughts and said I am going to see that baby be born. What do we need to do? This was June 25th. 2009. He was born July 24th. Then my incision was infected, and my leg in a cast, I didn’t look too pretty but he could not see me, but I could see him! AHHH the LOVE of a grandmother!
Good news is, this type of cancer also presents like asthma in some ways. The wheezing and shortness of breath are the same along with other added symptoms like diarrhea and flushing. Now we have information, and I won’t be going out of state to see yet another specialist. All the testing will finally stop, I thought!
I was released on Sunday afternoon, only to find out I had to be back downtown Monday morning for a three-day scan. Luckily the department called and said not to come until Tuesday, because they had to have the radioactive dye flown in to do the test. Well that doesn’t make you feel real at ease! These scans are right up to your nose close, and they scan over the course of three days.
About 6 weeks after my surgery I was struggling with being the middle man for all I ate. Food went right on out! I called The Oncologist and asked what I needed to do to alleviate these symptoms. He had me come in and do blood work which takes a week to get back! I was scheduled to see him after the week, and when I showed up, he showed me that my proteins had gone way up. I needed to begin with these shots of Sandostatin to keep the Cancer at bay. I started on these shots and have been on them for 9 plus years.
They were 15-gauge needles and they had to go in an inch and a half on both sides of my bum! This treatment went on for nine plus years every 28 days. (Incidentally, the cost for my treatment was $16,000 every 28 days!) do you get it?
Sometimes they would hit my sciatic nerve, talk about painful. Oh, my heck, down both sides of your legs it is excruciating pain! I was sick more times than I can count during this time. Let alone we winter in Arizona and I was flying to Idaho every 28 days for treatment.
I had pneumonia when we first got to Arizona and it hadn’t cleared up and I got that flu. One spring weekend in March of 2018 we stopped to visit Travis and Coliese Hart. (yes, this is Coliese and Travis).
Coliese and Travis put me on Amazon gold (it was a different name then) and I started taking it. We have grand kids who go to school and daycare. When I would go there, I was always sick for weeks after. Being on Amazon Gold has been a game changer for me. I feel amazing, I went on a cruise, (something I would have never done before Gold!) and many people traveling with us got sick. My hubby got very sick with a bad cold deep in his burning chest. He was down for 2 weeks.
Who didn’t get sick?
Me, the one who gets pneumonia if someone across the room sneezes. Today marks a very memorable happy occasion for me. I am OFF TREATMENT! The task that was supposed to be life long has been completed.
Here’s my message and perhaps before this moment, my secret.
What did I do differently?
I take Amazon Gold and Control.
The Amazon Gold has boosted my immune system (It balances the Immune System) helped me breathe better, I feel healthy and alive!
Control keeps my blood sugars in check and keeps me focused
! I am so impressed with these products that I invested in the business and I am sure glad I did because it is a great company. I hope MY STORY from ILL with treatments that I was told would be a life time thing, to HEALTHY will inspire you to take a look at these products. I know they changed my destiny.
We already have the great products for weight loss, immune balance, blood sugars and Quantum Relief Strips. They are wonderful. When the ViiVa merger happens, ViiVa will bring many fabulous products with them. Customized, fast, convenient and healthy breakfast and a travel component- just – to name a few.
This is a perfect time for you to join our team. The opportunity is now! The best reward you can ever accomplish is the gift of helping others enjoy what works!
Have you ever thought about being your own boss?
Would you be open to a side project if it did not interfere with what you are currently doing? Message me for details on starting your own business complete with your own website, or any of the products you are interested in. It would be my absolute pleasure to help you get started.”
I am so excited to share these products, and to make other peoples lives healthy. I have been to hell and back with pharmacy medications and now want others to know they too can change their health and their lives. The doctors are still SHOCKED with my health and what appears to be a reverse of disease!
Please reach out to Shelly at or by phone at 208-941-1858 for Shelly or Jon. (Shelly lives with her husband Jon in Mesa, Arizona).
Anxious and Ready to order YOUR Amazon Gold or other products? Click Here:
A month supply of the Amazon Gold is only $69.99 vs. MEDICATIONS and TREATMENTS I was using from big-pharma for $16,000 every month!!!!!!
In ‘our words’….. (Dave and Joy’s)
We met Shelly Lang and her husband on a company cruise back in November, 2018. We would never have ever guessed that Shelly had been living a life full of health challenges, including cancer…until she shared.
Shelly was positive & vibrant and shared her story (in brief) of why she is ON TOP OF THE WORLD and feeling great. At that time she didn’t even know she was able to stop all pharma treatments. She only learned the good news mid-January of 2019. What an inspiration!
We all want HER energy and outlook on life. Without question her story can give others hope and she is happy to share her thoughts on the products that ultimately saved her life and health. We are thrilled to have Shelly and Jon on our TEAM and encourage you to reach out to her at or by phone. 208-941-1858.
P.S. “I am also off 2 of the three blood pressure medications, with the Amazon Gold and Control.”

Dave and Joy/ Global leaders and trainers