If you have completed your 10-Day Ketopia Reset program and are waiting for your Autoship order of the 10-Day Ketopia Reset pack to arrive, you can still maintain a healthy lifestyle with this simple guide.
Remember, you can start another 10-Day Ketopia Reset program at any time during the month, or even do them back-to-back. Just make sure you are exercising regularly, getting enough rest, drinking plenty
of water, and consulting your health professional with any concerns or questions. You also have the option to continue using KetonX™, Dough Bites™ and/or FIXX® separately or together as part of your regular health maintenance program. www.fgxnow.com


As you’ll soon discover, the 10-Day Ketopia Reset program helps you make better choices when it comes to
what to eat while working toward your weight management goals. This guide, created by Michelle Lesueur, who also helped formulate the 10 Day Ketopia Reset Program has been designed with the same goal in mind. If you choose to make health a habit between 10-Day Ketopia Resets, here are some additional suggestions to help you stay on track.
1. Have a FIXX® shake for breakfast.
2. Choose low-glycemic foods.
3. Eat Dough Bites™ as a healthy snack, anytime, anywhere.
4. Avoid grains, or eat them minimally.
5. Use nut flours to “bake” and help fight bread cravings.
6. Get a lot of lean proteins.
7. Eat plenty of veggies, preferably raw.
8. Cook with good fats like coconut oil.
9. Eat every four hours to help protect muscle and keep blood sugar balanced. and last but not least……… 10. Get one serving of protein, good fat, and vegetables in every meal.

Breakfast: eggs
2 whole eggs, scrambled
3 egg whites, scrambled
¼ c. fresh veggies

3 oz. chicken breast, grilled Chicken
½ c. fresh or frozen broccoli, steamed ½ c. sweet potato, steamed broccoli with 1 pat butter for

1 FIXX® shake
Dinner: salmon
3 oz. salmon, grilled
½ c. fresh or frozen green beans, steamed
1 small fresh garden salad
2 Tbsp. full-fat dressing

1 Dough Bite, baked (optional)



It is important to continue drinking the same amount of water in between 10-Day Ketopia Reset
programs as you did during the program. Water The human body
is made of 70% water, and needs to be properly hydrated to function optimally. The best rule is to
drink half your weight in ounces per day.
If you’re not sure you’re drinking enough water, you’re probably not! Typically, by the time we feel thirsty our bodies are already dehydrated. Thirst also gets mistaken for hunger a lot of the time.
Next time you’re hungry try drinking a glass of water and wait a few minutes to determine if it’s hunger or thirst that needs your attention. You might be surprised!

Decision MakingWORK IT OUT
We cannot stress enough how important of a role exercise plays in your overall health. Your results on this, or any weight management program, will be best if combined with adequate exercise. If you are not typically a regular exerciser, now is the time to start! Everyone has 20 minutes to spare for their own body and mind each day. It can be as simple as going for a brisk walk outdoors! You will also find that exercise can easily be incorporated into your daily routines.
Benefits of regular exercise include, but are certainly not limited to:
• Improved mood
• Stress reduction
• Boosted energy older couple working out
• Deeper sleep
• Healthier libido
• Prevention of excess weight gain
• Balanced cholesterol levels
• Improved self-confidence
• Heightened mental clarity

collage of 20 day Ketopia guideTo place your order go to www.fgxnow.com


Please email me at info@fgxnow.com for a 20-Day Guide and for healthy food selections while you are on the 10-Day Reset program with KETOPIA.

FREE coaching and support to all customers and members who join our team. Did I mention you can earn money while losing weight and helping your friends and family getting healthier?

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy & Dave



Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 29

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 29

On almost all new nutritional programs that I have been on there is a COUNT DOWN until the day finally arrives when it is OVER! Sometimes I have celebrated with my favorite meal or snacks and often with several cocktails…. but not this time…… Ketopia has shifted my food intake and food consciousness and I plan to continue. Are you ready

To my pleasant surprise it has become a very easy lifestyle to adhere to and I love the way I feel- and look. Truly, what I thought was all backwards (meaning HIGH healthy fats, medium protein and low carbs) has actually been the IDEAL program for shredding unwanted pounds, and especially body FAT!!!!!! The NEW Food Pyramid that many are now following and getting healthy results is the KETO FOOD PYRAMID! Who doesn’t love having their body in a nutritional state of ketosis so you are burning your stored body fat for fuel rather than relying on carbs and sugars.






What ever happened with the old pyramid that dietitians have been proclaiming all these years? Things are dramatically shifting- for the good, in my opinion! THE OLD PYRAMID (see below) is obsolete and perhaps one of the reasons I grew up Fat-Phobic and enjoying grains and carbs so much! Dietitians pyramid

Today you can Google so many articles on health/nutrition and diet and get a variety of suggestions but there is NOTHING like finding something that resonates with YOUR BODY and that you can stick for life.

How will you know if KETOPIA is for you?

The only way you will know is if you commit to trying the 10-Day Reset.

What’s the big deal? Some people make a decision quickly and when they read or see something that resonates with them, they move forward. Then there are those who want to know everything ABOUT everything!!! Some people have to have every question answered for them before they will commit to anything- but in this case, a 10 Day Ketopia Reset Program. I have never heard so many ‘detail’ questions about the science, ingredients, origin of ingredients, etc. as I have this past month with Ketopia.

AND the funny thing it is often these same people who go out to a restaurant, eat many foods that they have no idea how they are prepared or where they come from…and don’t question it.…but when it comes to committing to something healthy and scientifically proven, these people are what I call the “Debbie-Doubters”. Many also think NOTHING of spending $75 for a dinner meal for two people at a restaurant- and then question the cost – retail I may add- of a 10-Day program of Ketopia that costs only $149.00. (Each 10-Day Reset comes with 10 KetonX drinks, 10 Dough bites, 10 FIXX energy shakes and 10 “peestix” to test your body being in ketosis!) We have actually SAVED money on Ketopia!

My goal is not to convince you or anyone that KETOPIA will be as wonderful for you as it has been for me….. But if you are SICK and TIRED of being sick and tired and over weight/ with a body fat index that is over the limit of being healthy-then give Ketopia a try. Which PHYSIQUE do YOU want?

Body Fat Pictures

So You Are Ready For Change????

Join us on our KETOPIA journey….. we’ll support you each and every step of the way. We have everything in place for you to begin, stay committed and then chart your progress. It DOES matter who you purchase your KETOPIA from.

Both Dave and I are certified Personal Trainers, who have a passion for helping people get healthier, stronger and more fit….both mentally and physically. We also have a passion to help people earn additional income- so if you or anyone you know are looking to generate an additional revenue stream….give us a call.

Let us help YOU get started today! Get excited about a NEW YOU!

5I3I6962_pp20x20Joy & Dave





its time to set the reset button







Ketopia- Plain & Simple

Ketopia- Plain & Simple

FGXpress launched Ketopia on July 10, 2015 – and the word on the street is it is already changing lives of thousands of people in a positive way. If you are someone who have tried dieting over the years- only to find you have lost and gained those same 50 pounds back over and over again- then you will be so excited to learn the Ketopia is a 10-Day RESET that will turn change body from burning carbs and sugars for fuel, to a FAT BURNING BODY. It’s an easy way to become healthier, have more energy, mental clarity and get you back to your ideal body weight and body composition!

10 pounds of FAT

Michelle Lesueur, who helped formulate the Ketopia 10 Day Reset gives it to us plain and simple. Check this out in this brief video below.

If you’re as excited as I am about Ketopia as I am then WAIT NO LONGER, orders YOURS TODAY!

Simply go to www.fgxnow.com. We’ll support you with both a 10-Day Guide to Ketopia as well as a 20-Day Follow Up guide. YOUR IDEAL Body & Body Composition are just around the corner!

Post-Menopause I found myself with 14 pounds of blubber in areas foreign to me. The belly (aka Meno-pot) and the Back (aka Back Fat). If I can lose this many inches in 20 Days- surely you can as well. I can’t wait to hear from you! 802-846-7530.1 Joys Results 1-20

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy & Dave



We are always looking for people who want to help promote KETOPIA to the world. It’s a GREAT opportunity to make additional income, both part time and full time. All training is provide. All you need is enthusiasm- desire and a passion for helping people.

Joy’s Journey with KETOPIA- Day 26

Joy’s Journey with KETOPIA- Day 26

Ketopia effectively addresses FAT LOSS. When you get your body into a quick, healthy and natural state of nutritional KETOSIS you will begin burning your body fat for fuel rather than burning sugars and carbs. It is a process- and now for me, a life style. I can not imagine going back to my previous diet, which by the way- was pretty healthy!

FUTURE vs PAST SCIENCE SHOWS THIS: Simply put, Ketosis is the burning off fat for energy.

As mentioned above, when you are in ketosis you burn fat for energy not carbs. The body goes through ketosis when there is not enough carbs to refill glycogen in the liver. When you drink the patented, all natural KetonX drink it flushes the liver and you soon go into ketosis and start burning fat, losing weight.

Don’t take it from me: here is a testimonial from a man who was part of the beta test. He has been using Ketopia now for almost 3 months! “I can tell you personally that this product is AMAZING and works better than ANYTHING I have ever tried for weight loss. Here is how it has worked for me. I went into ketosis 50 minutes after starting the program from drinking the KetonX drink. (many using this product go into ketosis as little as 20 minutes). I lost 8 pounds in the first 4 days, 10 pounds in the first 6 days, and 40 pounds in 40 days, and now a whopping 50 lbs in 10 weeks.”

“It’s FUN and it’s EASY. You just drink an orange creamsicle tasting drink in the morning (called KetonX) , eat a delicious cookie at lunch (called Dough bites), have a VERY tasty chocolate shake for a mid afternoon snack (called FIXX) and eat a sensible meal at night. That’s it. The best part…. you feel AMAZING and NEVER hungry.”

Sound too good to be true?

Some people don’t believe this is possible, because up until now there was nothing on the market like it. If you are looking for OPTIMAL HEALTH and ENERGY, and want to drop those 5, 10, 20, 30 or maybe 50+ pounds, you can do it sensibly with KETOPIA! (and by the way, you’ll save $$$$ as the 10-Day program gives you 2 meals and a snack a day. Only concern yourself with a healthy dinner!)

KETOPIA is NEWThere are thousands of people wanting Ketopia- they simply have not heard about it YET. We would love to work with others who are passionate about helping others reach their goals, and people looking for another way to generate income from home. Entrepreneurial- have high integrity- fun, upbeat, positive and “coachable & trainable”.

Join us – Dave & Joy, and we’ll help you be both successful financially- but also attain your highest level of health. (802) 846-7530, info@fgxnow.com


www.joysfavorites.com is our Farmer’s Market of My Favorite Products I have enjoyed over the years.

MONEY in hand5I3I6962_pp20x20

Joy & Dave



Did you know there is CASH in FAT?


Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 22

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 22

The Ketopia 10-Day Reset is NOT A DIET….

It is a brand-new scientifically proven program that puts your body into a healthy and nutritional state of Ketosis so you are burning FAT rather than burning carbs and sugars.

The FOODS that come with the 10-Day Reset pack of Ketopia support the state of ‘ketosis’ so you continue to burn your fat all day long! They include the KetonX drink, Dough bites and a FIXX energy shake.

not on a diet




The program is NOT about deprivation at all and the list of foods you ARE encouraged are on my of favorites…and lots to choose from. They include green veggies, avocados, nuts, cheeses, nut butters etc.

Although I am rarely hungry during the day, one thing we have recently learned if FOR BEST RESULTS snack on the ‘other foods’ (if needed) at the times you eat the Dough bites as well as the FIXX shake. By keeping a 3 hour window between eating it allows our body to release fat….which is crucial and what we all want!!! For a list of healthy snacks email info@fgxnow.com

Being on Ketopia certainly doesn’t mean you can’t eat at restaurants or that you can’t entertain at your home.Tip on Ketopia CREATE YOUR OWN SALAD

I have stayed away from the scales and measuring tape the past couple of days and I feel like Ketopia is now more a LIFESTYLE change than a dietary change. 21 days21 Days behind me and today is Day 22. I feel FANTASTIC and have an abundance of energy and stamina. The Ketopia Lifestyle has become my chosen way of life. Because it is a RESET of the body, I am confident my body will continue to burn even when I am not on the program. I DO plan on doing at least 1 10-Day reset every 30 days until I reach my goals….and I will continue eating many of the products from FGX and their “Farmers Market”. www.JoysFavorites.com

The picture BELOW represents MY ULTIMATE GOAL. To begin weight training again/building lean muscle with less emphasis on the scale as on body fat. My goal weight is 140 pounds with 17% Body Fat. Currently I am approximately 150 pounds. See the many physique’s at that weight. Which one do YOU look like? Which one would you LIKE TO LOOK LIKE?

150 poundsBegin YOUR Ketopia Journey today! Share with others and you can earn $ and also get your products for FREE!.

Ask me HOW!


Joy & Dave




Dave’s Day 20 On Ketopia – Tips and Insights

The FAT Keeps Falling Off

Personal Stats on Day 20 of Ketopia

Age 58

Down just over 17 lbs.

FAT loss of 10.6 lbs. This is the number I watch. For me, the lower Fat, the healthier the body.

Body Fat down 2.5%

BMI down 2.5 points

4 3/8 inches off my chest

3 inches off my belly

1 inch off my thighs

Stamina way up… Joy & I are now playing nearly an hour of full on tennis daily!

Tips from a 20 Day Journey

1. Water, water, water index

2. Very important to space the Dough Bites 3 hours from the Morning KetonX drink.

3. Very important to space the FIXX Shake 3 hours from the Dough Bites

4. If you need to snack, have a snack around the time you have your Dough Bites or FIXX.

5. Did I mention Water? 1/2 oz per pound of body weight.

6. Don’t get hung up on one measurement. Your body may drop inches before weight or be dropping Fat and that doesn’t show up on the Scale!

7. Choose 4-5 ways to measure YOUR success. I use Fat Loss, weight, inch loss, how my clothes fit, compliments I hear, energy level, better sleep. What ever one is good today, I WIN !

tennis8. Move your body. 30 minutes daily. Walk, tennis, bike, workout, run, jog, chase good looking ladies….. it’s all about your health! Don’t worry what you look like, just get out and MOVE !

9. If you only have 1 Ketopia Pack on order….. when you hit Day 11 you will be ticked off at yourself for not having more on hand…. Just Sayin’. Order more Ketopia Packs NOW!

10. Just noticed I lost less weight since we ran out of Pulse-8… um? 2 more tubs coming tomorrow. Keep your body edified with great supplements. I have 2 Solar Strips daily and 1-2 scoops of Pulse-8 daily!

You can order Ketopia Today ! Call or email us. or go to http://davejoy.fgxpress.com/#/ketopia and place your order!

Imagine how much weight and fat you could lose on this 10 Day Reset program. And you don’t have to stop there! I’ve decided to do 3 programs in a row…. 30 days to lose 25-30 lbs!

BTW, if you not earning too much money already, you can, by simply sharing and helping friends and family look fabulous? Sign up for more details on Ketopia and follow our progress. Send an email to be part of this to info@FGXnow.com

Join us on this journey!

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton

802-846-7530 h


Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 21

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 21

10 pounds of FAT is a lot of FAT!

I love this visual and what I also find intriguing is the average person who is doing the FGXpress 10-Day Reset of Ketopia IS losing 10 pounds in 10 Days! Now there are many who are dropping a lot MORE weight than 1 pound per day, and there are those – like me- who are dropping approximately .5 lbs. per day. We are all on our Ketopia Journey at our own pace…..but the AVERAGE appears to be a loss of 1 lb. per DAY!

10 pounds of FAT

With Ketopia you lose the RIGHT kind of weight!

When your body is in a nutritional state of “ketosis” as you are Burning FAT for FUEL -rather than CARBS and SUGARS- and I am confident that you will have a lot more energy as you utilize your stored fat for fuel. MORE ENERGY, ZERO CRAVINGS or HUNGER due to the products of KetonX, Dough bites and the FIXX shake.

I could go on and on but you still won’t know until you try it for yourself. (“You’ll Know When You Are There”! is a common motto on this program. ) There are many options available. Please call us at 802-846-7530 for a guideline based on your goals, or visit www.fgxnow.com and click JOIN for wholesale options, and SHOP for retail options. (Hint: If you think you may share Ketopia with others click JOIN! If you think you’ll keep Ketopia a SECRET, click SHOP!)

My results using the Ketopia have been strong and steady….slow and easy….. and my Day 20 results are in the collage of photos below. As a woman who has helped hundreds of people over the years regain their health, their fitness, their self esteem as they regain their health in lifestyle areas, I welcome working with you. I also can say that THIS program has helped ME regain MY self confidence again. At age 58, post menopause, I had gained fat in areas I never had (hello BACK FAT and BELLY FAT) but they are slowly melting!!!! Ketopia has offered me hope – and only 40 days ago, when Ketopia launched- I was desperate to find away to return to my leaner self. That was only a month ago! Let me help you on YOUR KETOPIA JOURNEY!1 Joys Results 1-205I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy & Dave




OH….did we tell you that you can make a ton of money helping your friends get healthier and thinner with Ketopia!???? We are a fast growing team where we work with integrity and have FUN assisting others reach their health and wealth goals.

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 20

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 20

Today is Day 20 and I am assessing my results on 2 full 10-Day Resets with Ketopia.1 Joys Results 1-20I LOVE the way I feel- I have more energy, my clothes fit much better, I have lost a ton of FAT inches and also dropped weight. Initially I had wanted to drop 14 pounds- the amount of FAT weight I had put on since menopause. (THEN I got caught up on wanting to drop 20 pounds…because I heard that the average person is losing 1 pound per day….and why NOT increase my goal of weight loss?) Silly me- that got me thinking more about the scale than the inches. There were days I wanted to throw the scale across the bathroom!Scale throwing it

Above, in the picture, are my results! Day 1 (Look at my face, I was unhappy (Ok, really I was both pissed and angry that this happened to me) and totally disgusted with how I looked. I stuffed myself into my jog bra and “skort” and Dave took my “before” pictures. Day 3….liking the little (and quick) shifts that were beginning to happen. My clothes were already beginning to fit better. Day 10– more energy, feeling better and loving the inch AND weight loss. This 10-Day reset is EASY to stick to!!!!

Ketopia ROCKS! We are so glad we purchased enough Ketopia for 30 days!

Today, Day 20…. you can see in the above picture that I have lost a substantial amount of inches. I am happy -but STILL a little bummed that my WEIGHT LOSS on the SCALE was not as much as some others… so I sent an email to Michelle Lasueur and this is what SHE posted on her Facebook Fan Page today. (Michelle helped formulate the Ketopia!)

fat verses muscle burn

NUTRITIONAL KETOSIS/KETOPIA: I have been receiving some feed back from woman on the program that say that they are seeing more inch loss than weight loss. I want to explain. There are a lot of fat skinny people walking around today. The scale isn’t always a good indicator of how you are doing. In order to be healthy it is about body fat, far more than weight. Woman get so caught up with the scale. Taking measurements is a much better way of doing things and measuring progress. Many times you can be doing a muscle for fat exchange and this is a good thing. The picture above does a good job explaining the difference and why this is good. As you are helping your body become more balanced and developing a healthier metabolism, you may have a fat for muscle exchange before you notice something on the scale. Something to be aware of.

For those who are looking for a product that will RESET your BODY and help you drop unwanted FAT weight once and for all, order KETOPIA TODAY!

We’ll help guide you to the BEST pack that will support your weight loss and health goals. Also there are MILLIONS of people who are dying to learn about KETOPIA- and we are looking for others who would like to make a ton money helping others with Ketopia.

WAIT NO LONGER TO REACH YOUR GOALS! Call us at 802-846-7530 or visit www.fgxnow.com

Simply click on JOIN to become a member, like we are and get wholesale pricing, or SHOP to buy retail.

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy & Dave

802-846-7530 I love losing weight



Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 18

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 18

The topic today is HOPE!

If you have been struggling with your weight or body composition and are tired of the same old programs and products on the market check out KETOPIA! Brand New, Scientifically formulated and patented and it works!!!! Burn FAT for Fuel!!!!!


To order your 10-Day Reset of Ketopia go to www.fgxnow.com or call 802-846-7530 and we’ll help YOU chose the best pack for your particular goals. Oh…..and remember to ask us how YOU can make money sharing Ketopia with your friends!

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy & Dave




Dave’s Ketopia Day 15

Dave’s Ketopia Day 15

Day 15 and half way thru my 30 day Reset with Ketopia

Down 15 lbs, Fat loss of 9.2 lbs!

What I’m most amazed with is the lack of craving and hunger on this program.

If you have some fat to lose, Get Ketopia! Really, it works!

Imagine how much weight and fat you could lose on this 10 Day Reset program. And you don’t have to stop there! I’ve decided to do 3 programs in a row…. 30 days to lose 25-30 lbs!

BTW, if you not earning too much money already, you can, by simply sharing and helping friends and family look fabulous? Sign up for more details on Ketopia and follow our progress. Send an email to be part of this to info@FGXnow.com

Join us on this journey!

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton

802-846-7530 h
