Did you know Ketopia can help with your MENOPOT-“Belly Fat”?

Did you know Ketopia can help with your MENOPOT-“Belly Fat”?

Are you still is disbelief that YOU have an abundance of belly fat due to menopause? I was!Capture MENOPOT

I was one of those women who always said that Menopause Belly Fat Gain would NEVER happen to me! After all, I embraced fitness my entire life, I lifted weights – had a large % of my weight being muscle and my diet was balanced and healthy…..
and then…. at around age 53- at menopause- things really DID change and I was no longer invincible! It FAT BELLYwas a hard realization! Until recently I felt like I was living in someone else’s body….and that I had ‘dirty spark plugs’ that weren’t firing effectively… brain fog…less focus….just not myself!

I know, research supports what countless women, as well as myself have discovered for themselves: menopause brings with it a rapid accumulation of fat smack-dab at the waist, the menopot belly. So at age 53 I began researching MENOPAUSE and hormonal shifts and really got how and why it happened – BUT that still didn’t offer a solution to HOW TO LOSE MY MENOPOT! And then, July 10th 2015, FGXpress – a company I have been working with since 2006, released a new program called The 10-Day KETOPIA Reset. This is the solution that helped me, just a little over a month ago.Scale throwing itMany experts believe that the shifting sands of declining hormone levels cause our bodies to redistribute fat from our arms, legs, and hips and plunk it down at our waists. In addition, lower estrogen levels and age-related changes all add up to a net decrease in lean muscle mass. Less muscle means that it’s more difficult to burn the same amount of calories as we did in our twenties, thirties, and even five years previously. Women often complain that their diets are the same but their waistline is different and we often resort to wearing pants with forgiving waist lines (yup, elastic, like our mom’s wore!)

To learn about Ketopia visit (www.Healthy10DayReset.com)

This is what helped ME begin to rid my belly and back fat! For the first time in years– something worked! Ketopia literally turns your body into a FAT BURNING BODY (with nutritional ketosis) rather than a SUGAR/CARB BURNING BODY!1 Day 1-30jeans

The Nitty-Gritty on the Menopot Belly

Studies haven’t shown a direct correlation between the drop in hormone levels in menopause and insulin resistance, but they have shown that accumulation of fat at the midsection is associated with increased insulin resistance, increased hunger, and a change in carbohydrate metabolism. So while there isn’t a direct line from lower estrogen levels to insulin resistance, there may well be a more circuitous route that leads to the same destination: elastic waistbands. I LIVE IN PANTS WITH ELASTIC WAIST BANDS! Thank GOD for Yoga Pants!Fuel Tank

A healthy way to address your FAT GAIN is by embracing a Ketogenic Nutritional Program, and the KETOPIA 10-Day Reset gives you a full program to help you reach your goals. It is high in healthy fats- approx. 65%, with protein around 25% of calories and carbs 5%…..and the box provides you with 3 of the key products: 1) KetonX drink that puts your body into a healthy nutritional state of ketosis, 2) Dough bites- snack to keep the ‘burn going’ and 3) FIXX Energy Shake…(oh yeah, and to provide PEETOSTIX, which are ketostix that you pee on to see you are in ketosis.KETO FOOD PYRAMID)

Here are some facts

• Ounce per ounce and pound per pound, lean muscle burns more calories for fuel than fat (about 6 calories per pound of muscle and about 2 calories per pound of fat).

• The same number of calories taken in will now produce a little extra fat, which gets deposited in the arms, hips, thighs, and midsection.

• The same amount of fat doesn’t weigh as much as muscle or the water in our bodies.

• Women can eat the same number of calories, be losing muscle mass and replacing it with fat, which weighs less, so the scale doesn’t change, and yet there’s a greater percentage of fat than previously and a reduced percentage of muscle.

• Around menopause, some of the excess fat deposited around the body decides to have a big family reunion at the waist. So seemingly overnight, women wake up to a Menopot Belly.

• The more fat that’s deposited at the midsection, the more likely it is that your body isn’t metabolizing carbohydrates as efficiently, which can lead to insulin resistance and diabetes.

(KEY HERE: this is one reason the KETOPIA 10-Day Reset can help you with reducing your fat weight.) As fat accumulates in the midsection, something even more insidious occurs: that fat sends out more of the hormone ghrelin to the brain, which acts to increase appetite. (KETOPIA helps curb your appetite and cravings!)

• What seems to be a sudden occurrence is actually a few years in the making. Don’t be discouraged…..you really didn’t gain your belly fat overnight although it may seem like it! Give KETOPIA a try. I did 30 Days and plan to continue with a 10 Day Reset 1x month until I reach my body fat/healthy weight goals.

It truly can be as simple as using the 10-Day Ketopia Reset Program and adding a thirty-minute walk to your day and a little resistance or weight training to your exercise routine. To read a great article on this topic visit: http://www.mymenopausemag.com/menopause/how-to-lose-weight-in-menopause/

To ORDER Ketopia go to www.fgxnow.com.

Yoga5I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy & Dave




Ketopia- Plain & Simple

Ketopia- Plain & Simple

FGXpress launched Ketopia on July 10, 2015 – and the word on the street is it is already changing lives of thousands of people in a positive way. If you are someone who have tried dieting over the years- only to find you have lost and gained those same 50 pounds back over and over again- then you will be so excited to learn the Ketopia is a 10-Day RESET that will turn change body from burning carbs and sugars for fuel, to a FAT BURNING BODY. It’s an easy way to become healthier, have more energy, mental clarity and get you back to your ideal body weight and body composition!

10 pounds of FAT

Michelle Lesueur, who helped formulate the Ketopia 10 Day Reset gives it to us plain and simple. Check this out in this brief video below.

If you’re as excited as I am about Ketopia as I am then WAIT NO LONGER, orders YOURS TODAY!

Simply go to www.fgxnow.com. We’ll support you with both a 10-Day Guide to Ketopia as well as a 20-Day Follow Up guide. YOUR IDEAL Body & Body Composition are just around the corner!

Post-Menopause I found myself with 14 pounds of blubber in areas foreign to me. The belly (aka Meno-pot) and the Back (aka Back Fat). If I can lose this many inches in 20 Days- surely you can as well. I can’t wait to hear from you! 802-846-7530.1 Joys Results 1-20

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy & Dave



We are always looking for people who want to help promote KETOPIA to the world. It’s a GREAT opportunity to make additional income, both part time and full time. All training is provide. All you need is enthusiasm- desire and a passion for helping people.

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia-Day 25

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia-Day 25

10 Ways to reduce belly FAT There are many good ways to begin reducing belly fat (as you can see from this visual) but in my opinion, the QUICKEST and MOST EFFECTIVE WAY IS KETOPIA!

The 10-Day Reset with Ketopia!

Ketopia resets your body so it is a FAT BURNING BODY rather than a body that relies on carbs and sugars for fuel. In 10 short days you can see and feel the difference and it is EASY, SIMPLE, DELICIOUS & AFFORDABLE!

Yesterday we attended a Ketopia Tour event in Connecticut. Approximately 8 people stood up (myself included) and shared their personal results on Ketopia.

Everyone’s results were FANTASTIC- with both weight loss, inch loss and more energy…..and it offered so much hope for those who are waiting for their Ketopia to arrive. Joy in CT

I got dressed very early in the morning and put on an outfit I often wear that is comfortable for travel and is somewhat formal. As you can see by the picture, it was quite baggy. I had not wore those pants in a long time and the waist was very loose (Then again, by day 20 I had lost 5.5″ around the belly!) they were much LONGER. (Hey, when you lose the bulges clothes HANG differently!) I spoke about my delight at losing the Meno-Pot around my belly as well as around the chest….which means the back fat is going too. Hallelujah! I believe my results are realistic and gave hope for the many women who were attending, who also have concerns with weight gain, fat gain from menopause, etc. and have tried everything to budge the fat!

Day 1 - 15My husband, Dave is also continuing to have great results with Ketopia. The picture to the left are his results in just 10 days. He lost 10 lbs. and MANY inches around the chest, back and belly. KETOPIA flat out WORKS! I’ll be taking my 30 day pictures and measurements soon. We are doing 3 10-Day Resests back to back.

If you are looking to lose weight in a healthy way and with ease….and if your goal is to drop INCHES OF FAT and also to have more energy…then WAIT NO LONGER!

You can have Ketopia in your hands by placing an order TODAY!

www.fgxnow.com Simply click on location/Ketopia and click JOIN. By becoming a member for only $12 you will be able to purchase Ketopia at wholesale pricing. If you prefer, you can purchase at Retail.

become a member

I am happy to guide you and coach you until you reach your goal. We are also looking for people who would love to promote Ketopia as a business. (Part of full time!) People NEED what this product can do for them. Millions of people’s health is at stake! If you are an entrepreneur & interested we want to hear from you!



