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If you are in the industry of Network Marketing, Multi Level Marketing, (aka MLM) or Direct Sales, THIS will no doubt interest you!
It was created out of a need in business.
Face it, if you’ve been in this industry for a number of years- many- if not most of us know hundreds if not thousands of people.
Things change over the years…. what worked in the 80s, 90’s or even up to 2010 and beyond, may not even be applicable in this industry any more. Or… if they are- they certainly need to be fine tuned.
There are however some basics that never fade with time, and some of the challenges in this course will be included.
Are you looking to create new RESULTS in your business? If so, this 21-Day Challenge may just be what you need. Share it with your TEAM or with friends in other companies. In fact, we just made it an affiliate program so if you are interested in becoming an affiliate, you can share YOUR code and save your team or friends $20 off the cost of the course, AND earn $20!
We know all about ‘challenges’. Take a look around and you’ll see fitness challenges, diet challenges popping up all the time. I have participated in them AND I have also run them, mainly when I was either a personal trainer OR manager of a gym. But I have NEVER seen an MLM challenge, have you?
Skills Training You’ll Learn
A Simple system for Sharing, follow up, to create 10-12 new signups per month, working less than 30 minutes per day
Defining Your 1 approach and 1 close
Accelerated learning
Facebook -Don’t do what everyone else is doing
Using Facebook Live – How being authentic is your winning hand
How to host your own team calls
Wealth Mindset Upgrade
Attracting your Ideal Distributor – If this is not defined, they never show up!
Neuroplasticitiy – the latest science for rewiring your brain
Personality Test – Fun to know how you are in the world, but more important is to quickly identify how your prospect need to hear your message
Your Relationship to Money determines how much you have
Do you know what your Business is? Most people do not
Become an Affiliate and share with others who are in MLM or Direct Sales. This will be generic and not intended for any one company. There will also be NO pitching or promoting within the closed Facebook group.
Comments Off on Boosting your network marketing revenues with effective follow-up after the sale is made
Boosting your revenues with effective after sales follow-up can be easy and fun, especially once you know the reasons behind it and the benefits. Also once you have an effective system in place you’ll see simple it can be.
If you aren’t doing some of the things listed below, chances are you are missing a lot of sales and repeat business.
Perhaps you have heard the KISS in network marketing? Keep it Simple Stupid.
(KISS is an acronym for `Keep it simple, stupid‘ as a design principle noted by the U.S. Navy in 1960. The KISS principle states that most systems work best if they are kept simple rather than made complicated; therefore simplicity should be a key goal in design and unnecessary complexity should be avoided.)
Finding new customers is crucial to the growth and success of your business. But we shouldn’t forget there is huge potential for revenue in our list of existing customers.
Also in our industry, satisfied customers do two things on a regular basis IF they are treated with respect and appreciation. They JOIN your team and you become business associates together with a common goal OR they refer you other customers. (We often use the term “upgrade” to individuals who literally upgrade to a different status other than a customer.
Below I may use the words Customer and Client interchangeably. In our industry of network marketing we generally call people who purchase product or services customers and if they engage in the business to earn income, are called distributors, members or in our case, Brand Partners.
Did you know that selling to a new client cost five to 25 times more than to an existing client, according to the Harvard Business Review?
A sound sales follow-up strategy is a great way to boost your revenues by selling more to existing customers and by getting referrals to new customers.
The period immediately following a sale is what is often called “the honeymoon phase,” when there’s a certain level of excitement on both sides. The client has just fulfilled a need or solved a problem; and product is on the way. Excitement is high.
But this is also a vulnerable time. Did you know that your attitude in this phase can make or break the future relationship with the customer?
Here are five simple steps to effectively follow-up after a sale.
1. Send a note to say thank you (Yes, a hand written note is still used in 2019!)
We suggest a handwritten note however some individuals prefer to send emails or ‘messages’ via social media, like Facebook. Whatever your method, it’s important to say thanks after making a sale as part of making it a good experience for your customer.
You can include messages such as “We are here for you” in your thank you note. Also make sure the note contains your contact details and the name of a person who can be reached in case the customer has an issue or question. (Generally called Customer Support)
2. Check in
It’s a good strategy to call customers a week or two after the sale and find out how everything is going. Are they happy with their purchase? How are they enjoying the product they received? Do they have any questions? But don’t overdo it. The customer’s time is precious. Especially, avoid trying to make a sale at this stage. Instead, listen to your customer’s needs and opinions, and try to resolve any issue they might have.
3. Keep the lines of communication open
Ask your customer for permission to communicate with them. Then send helpful information and advice based on their needs and interests. Focus on high-value content, such as ways to use the product or service, how to get the best results, articles or written testimonials OR before and after pictures, if it applies to the product they purchased. This is the phase of consolidating the trust between you and your client.
4. Think second sale
Talking to existing customers who already bought might seem like a waste of time, but it is actually the key to future sales. Regular contact will help you understand their needs, give you ideas about product improvements and improving their results as well as setting the stage to offer a complementary product that is available through your company.
(With ViiVa for example, suggesting different ADD-ONS or “Customized Boosts” to their breakfast shake that they are unfamiliar with could be a way to introduce new products. Or ask them if they have any plans to travel or go on vacation in the next 3-6 months, in which case you can introduce ViiVa Travel to them.)
By creating a relationship, you are going beyond a simple transaction and giving yourself an opportunity to offer more products or services to the client. (If you are with ViiVa, imagine how useful this will be when we have the Travel Division or the Market Place?)
5. Ask for referrals
Happy customers will refer you other customers. When a recommendation comes from someone who has actually used your products or services, it has an extra layer of credibility and trust.
Delighted customers make the best advocates because third-party claims of excellence carry more weight than self-promotion. For the most part, customers are willing to refer because they know how important referrals are and people like to help.
With ViiVa, our customers who LOVE the products and go on a monthly subscription order will be called VIPS. VIPS will also be able to refer new customers and earn ‘points’ that can go towards the purchase of future products.
Here’s how the follow-up will help you.
Boost your sales—Happy customers are more likely to come back and buy more. Increase customer retention—Satisfied customers are more loyal. Generate customer testimonials and referrals—Future customers will be more willing to trust you if you show them case studies that include quotes and names. Improve your performance—Customer feedback will help you improve your products or fix service problems. Innovate—By listening to customers’ needs and problems, you are gathering invaluable information to share with the corporate executive team to create new products or services. Differentiate—By following up, you’re doing something most businesses don’t bother with and that sets you apart from the herd.
Our team strives to educate and train in areas to help our brand partners grow their businesses. If you are looking to join a company and would like to explore ViiVa, please give us a call. 802-846-7530 or email us at
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You may have heard the phrase “The Fortune is in the Follow Up”. If so, would you agree?
In the industry of most sales, but let’s talk NETWORK MARKETING HERE, I believe there are only a couple of actions we do over and over again in our business. One is ‘follow up’.
Here are the actions that come to mind:
• We introduce a product, service or opportunity • We give them a sample, a video, a ‘tool’ or more information • We follow up to see on a scale of 1-10 they have an interest • We share how they can order, join or if they need additional information, we supply it.
That is about it, but HOW it is done varies slightly from person to person, meaning the PERSON doing the SELLING or promotion of the product or opportunity – but also as well – the person they are talking with. We need to know what their interests are and excites them. (For example, if someone approached me on a financial service opportunity and began sharing THEIR excitement about numbers and ‘industry statistics’ they would lose my interest immediately.
It is imperative to know WHO we are talking with – their interests, and perhaps even their color-code personality.) See free color code test here: There is a FREE test or one that is more in depth for only $39.95.
For the purpose of educating you how to follow up we are simply offering ideas so will keep this generic and we won’t use a product or company name.
A friend recently shared how SHE handles her Follow Ups. Her success rate is higher than the average.
In her own words:
“I had a request for one of our product samples from a woman who follows me on Facebook. I sent her samples, then the information sheet so that we were in touch twice. Then I followed up to see if the samples had arrived. She said she would let me know. 2 days later she sends me a note stating that she has a gag reflex and can’t take the product and offered to send it back. First, I let her know it’s available in capsules and then asked her if she knew of anyone that might be interested and if she would share. She will. Lesson? Ask more questions. I assumed like I have with all samples, that she was interested in the drink mix because that’s what I say I offer in samples.
As a result, I’ve put some questions together for myself.
Request for sample questions: (In the case here, the product is a Thermogenic Drink that boosts the metabolism, gives you energy and focus, helps suppress the appetite and cravings…. and perhaps best of all, helps with healthy weight loss.
First response will be ………that’s great! I’m excited for you. Then….the questions.
1. Are you interested in the drink mix or would you prefer to try it in capsule form? …. what have you heard or seen /read about this product that you are looking forward to? (Is it energy, appetite control, reduced cravings, inch loss? This will give me a chance to remind them again what the benefits of the product are and it creates a dialogue) 2. How much weight do you want to lose? (This will allow me to guess the best I can, home many orders will get person to goal so that later I can use this during the follow up and sale. I can suggest the savings that auto-ship will provide) 3. Is something special coming up or are you doing this for health reasons? (I will get a better understanding of what the motivation is) I will ‘close’ with…. your samples will go out right away. I will call shortly to follow up. NOTE: if this person is a business person, I will bring up the side project here…. I will say: Before I let you, go, would you be interested in this as a side project if it didn’t interfere with what you’re currently doing? If they say yes, I will ask: would you say your interest level is above or below a 5? (qualifying for a 3-way call). Plan: I will call in a couple days to see if samples have arrived and ask them to let me know when they do and I’ll go over how to use it with them. (And they do! Now I’ve been in touch 3 times.). I’ll ask when they plan to take it…. tomorrow, over the weekend etc. this lets me know when to follow up and get feedback if I don’t hear from them first.
Follow up:
1. “OK, I’m excited for your feedback. Tell me what you liked about the PRODUCT (that’s an open-ended question that allows me to have a conversation. I don’t want to ask a question that only gives me a yes or no because I want the person to get excited about what they liked which usually entails some examples…. I cleaned my entire house, can’t believe the energy, I’m amazed that I wasn’t hungry, it made me feel great etc. I’ll have this info for the close). The close: (Also known as “Bringing someone to a conclusion”.)
“It sounds like you had a great experience. I love how it gave you energy and appetite control. I’m thinking this product is going to get you where you want to go for your upcoming event…….wedding, next couple of doctor’s visits, reunion, vacation, just in time for summer etc. does this sound like the right product for you?” (this will give me a yes or an objection to overcome).
With a yes, I will ask:
1. Do you want to order on line, call it in or have me do it for You? (Once I get that answer I will ask them if they want to order as a customer or as a Brand Partner. When they ask me what the difference is, I will tell them the benefits of being a Brand Partner and how many people do this as a side project. If the answer is yes, I will qualify for a 3- way call.
No matter what the response is, I will then say…. Thanks for being opened to chatting with me and that I love referrals, if they have others who think may benefit.
If someone chooses to become a customer I may add “if you’d like to earn your product for free, let me show you how you can as a customer who is on a monthly subscription order. (Again, I’m asking an open-ended question so I can see how the person is thinking. If I would have asked a closed ended question like….so do you want to do auto-ship? They could just say no and that would be the end).
If you are like our friend Keli, who shared HER method of follow up you may also feel the same way.
She shared “For me, I need a model with steps in my mind that I can visualize. Putting a script together will keep me focused, give me direction and allow me to cover everything that I want right from the beginning.”
If you are new to network marketing, and a little gun shy with the business opportunity even though you know how beneficial your product, service or opportunity is, this may be useful. If so, let us know. In fact, please share how YOU share and follow up at
P.S. Now that you have become successful with getting a new customer a sound sales follow–up strategy is a great way to boost your revenues by selling more to existing customers and by getting referrals to new customers. The period immediately following a sale is what is often called “the honeymoon phase,” when there’s a certain level of excitement on both sides.
Also many customers then upgrade and become Brand Partners so they can begin to earn income with products or services that they enjoy.
Comments Off on ViiVa Global, Corporate Call Update January 31, 2019
It’s that time of the week for an UPDATE regarding the pre-launch of VIIVA Global.
We do our best to be the most current and solid resource for VIIVA updates.
Those people include those of us who are currently involved with Tavala, (who was purchased by VIIVA in October of 2018) as well as new VIIVA Brand Partners.
The count down continues and we are very excited with all that is being revealed, week after week. Click below to hear the latest updates.
If you like what you are hearing and would like to JOIN NOW (which means getting involved with our team NOW) and begin building your organization, go to
You can join for free until ViiIIVA launches, and then it will cost $35 to become a Brand Partner. The bigger reason, however in joining now, is to begin building and earning income with a team that will soon go from a uni-level compensation plan to a binary. Imagine the ‘spill over’ that you can begin to enjoy today.
Join us next week, Thursday February 7th for more updates.
Dave and Joy/Global Leaders and Trainers with TAVALA/VIIVA
Each week new staff are being added to the VIIVA CORPORATE TEAM. Each is a specialist in their area of expertise that will bring ViiVa to a household name in the near future.
Comments Off on The #1 21-Day MLM Industry Challenge Begins on Feb. 22
Have you joined the 21-Day MLM Challenge yet? It begins February 22 and goes for 21 days, through March 14.
This program offers you Challenges every 4 days – Challenges you can APPLY during the 21- Day Challenge and actually GROW your business. As people say, EARN while you LEARN.
Learn from one of the BEST trainers in the industry, Dave DeBerardinis. This is GENERIC and NON-COMPANY SPECIFIC.
Anyone can teach you skills, but if they’re not experienced by you and become a skill by you, then even the best ideas will remain ideas.
To make the shift from ideas to actual results you need to HAVE the experiences that make up that result for you to duplicate that.
Having the experiences is exactly what the 21 Day Challenge is all about!
Do you do better in a group? Love the support from group learning and interacting with others who’s goals are similar?
Love Accountability?
Learn by Doing vs. Book Knowledge?
Enjoy learning new ways of sharing? following up with prospects? working with your team?
Do you want to learn the MIND SET it takes to build a large network marketing business? (as well as the HOW To’s necessary in the industry… like attracting your ideal distributor???)
This will be a HANDS ON APPROACH that you and your team may want to do together to accelerate your business. Check this out and hopefully we’ll see you on February 22nd…on the ‘inside’.
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Are you involved in Network Marketing and want to Accelerate your Success and grow your team quicker?
This 21-Day was birthed due to a need in the industry.
This challenge has never been shared before in a public setting but because the majority of our business associates are in some MLM business or direct sales company we began to listen to what they say is missing. In January numerous 21-Day Challenges launched? Some were fitness related, some personal development and some for weight loss. But never a 21-Day MLM Challenge.
Over the years many business associates made the suggestion that this information ought to be shared and available- in a generic way that would apply to all MLM companies… as a result THIS challenge IS applicable to any and all network marketing companies, direct sales companies or affiliate programs!
Many people over the years have said “Dave, you have to make this available for others.…” while others have said “Since we are no longer working with the same company we sure MISS your trainings. Can you share something ‘generic’ and available that I can share with my team“? This is how The 21-Day MLM Challenge was birthed.
Why Should You Take the 21-Day MLM Challenge?
If you are NEW to network marketing or at a place in your business where you want it to grow your team much quicker than it is currently growing.
If your MLM business is stagnant and in need of fresh new energy- new ways of prospecting- new ideas sharing. New ways to follow up and attract new people to your team.
If you’d like to double your MLM monthly income in the upcoming months.
If you have a team and want them to learn how to BUILD quicker and a with more solid foundation.
If you want to learn the MIND SET of leaders in the network marketing industry as well as the solid ‘How To’s.
If you love the industry but have never earned a 6-figure annual income…and say “This is MY YEAR to earn the bigger checks”.
If you have answered YES to any of the above questions, check out this new 21-Day MLM Challenge. This is a program that is highly recommended by seasoned professionals in the industry. It is a great challenge for anyone new to network marketing OR for the seasoned professional that wants to take their business to a new level.
Our Goal is to share the knowledge of what we know works in this industry. We anticipate having over a dozen or more companies represented but rest assured, there will be no mention of any companies and no ‘pitching’ allowed.
Comments Off on Dr. Wayne Dyer Shares “Resolve to Get Real”…
It’s January 29th as I write this and I know that many people are reviewing their New Years Resolutions! Are you one of them? If so, perhaps Dr. Wayne Dyers advice below can help you put it into perspective.
Resolve to Get Real by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Forget about those New Year’s resolutions in which you decide on the first day of January how you will be conducting your life in September, some nine months later. Here’s why: any resolution that involves you making decisions about long-range upcoming behavior reinforces the self-defeating notion of living in the future rather than in the present moment. In fact, you can go about resolving until the cows come home, and you still have to live your life just like everyone else on this planet—ONE DAY AT A TIME. The important questions to be asking yourself are “How am I going to use my present moments this year?” and “Will I waste them in reviewing to myself how I used to behave, or how I would like to behave in the future, rather than resolving to live each day to the fullest?”
What you can do is set up day-to-day goals for yourself, and then resolve to begin living with present moment awareness for the rest of your life. For example, instead of deciding you are going to give up sugar for a year, resolve to go one day without eating sugar. Anyone can do virtually anything if it is for only one day. When you go for one whole day without eating sugar (or any other new behavior), you are a totally different person at the end of that day. Learn to let that totally different person decide on the second day whether he or she wants to do it again on this new day, rather than letting the same old person decide that it is only going to be difficult in a couple of days anyhow, “so what’s the use.” Always let the new you make the decision, and then you’ll be living your present moments.
You know how easy it is to give up on a resolution, and you may have attributed this to some character flaw or personality weakness. Not so! You give up on your resolutions because your mind resists the notion of trying to live your life in long stretches, when it is patently impossible to do so. It is simply a matter of asking yourself at the beginning of the day, “How do I want to conduct my life today?”Then very directly begin to carry out your goals for the day. When you get good at living your present moments one day at a time, you’ll see yourself changing right before your own surprised eyes.
Remember, anyone can do anything for just one day, so tune out the sentences that keep you locked into your old self-defeating ways and begin to enjoy each day of your bright new year.
I AM, Wayne
Does this make sense? It does to me. In our industry (Network Marketing) and especially this time of the year where we have a VERY effective weight loss product it seems SETTING UNREALISTIC GOALS is the norm. Those goals could revolve around expectations with the body (Ex: lose X amount of weight) or financial goals. (Ex. this year I will earn X income).
I really enjoy Dr. Dyer’s article and thought it was worth sharing. Let us know if you enjoyed it too.
Comments Off on Quantum Relief Strips: Pain Relief? Ask Keli McBride…
Here is a PERSONAL TESTIMONIAL from a friend and someone who shares from her heart. I was talking to a new connection today regarding the Quantum Relief Strips and how her husband was in pain and needing relief….and rather than share MY knowledge and limited PAIN relief results, I connected her with my friend Keli. This is what we do….we don’t SELL, we share and network.
In Her Own Words…. (Keli McBride)
In Her Own Words…. (Keli McBride) “I love connecting people who have had a positive response in some way with a product that they have used.
Pain all but ended my life and by that I mean deep depression and despair. I thought I would never ever enjoy life again because of the debilitating pain. I have multiple herniated discs up n down my spine, fractured vertebrae and a torn meniscus. I received shots for nine years, have been on various medications and 3 years ago I had to step away from my job and go on disability.
Last August Joy introduced the patches to me and they have been life changing. I always shed tears when I recall this. Since then I have shared so many samples and have seen so many people stop using Aleve, Tylenol, Advil etc. They have even helped people reduce or get off opioids. Me being one of those people. The variety of people who have experienced benefits include hairdressers, athletes, doctors, teachers, nurses and regular people like me.
I think it’s important to try them. You’ll receive info on the product as well as a guide on how to use them. I cut mine into strips because I have multiple areas that need the relief.
Yesterday I had a guy putting windows in my home and I noticed he had a slight limp. A few hours into it he was really distressed and was walking with his foot out to the side and stiff legged. I guess he’d done something to his thigh. It was huge compared to the other one. He trusted me and let me put a patch on him. 3 hours later when he was done, he came in and asked me if it could really be working already.
I’ve yet to meet someone that the product does not work for. Getting a months supply gives you plenty to see how your body responds and then you already have them for continued daily use. With regard to your upcoming surgery, these will be exceptional not only for the discomfort but for the entire healing process.
This might seem like a lot to share. I’m extremely passionate about this product. It returned me to a very happy and productive member of the human race! I’m here always for any questions and or support. I’m wishing you and your husband the very best ✨💪✨”
Tavala, the company that exclusively sells the Quantum Relief Strips was recently purchased by ViiVa Global. ViiVa Global will launch soon (early 2019) and carry these exclusive ‘patches’ that do more than just relieve discomfort. Bring relief and positive energy to YOUR BODY TODAY!
Comments Off on ViiVa : The Breakfast Company (Breakfast Solution)
This article was written in 2014 by John Rampton… and although many of his points are accurate today, there is a lot of talk about intermittent fasting these days and actually skipping the traditional ‘timing’ of breakfast….but NOT the nutrition.
How does THIS come into play if you decide to SKIP breakfast on one of your intermittent fasting days? I can tell you what I will do IN MY life on those days!
For me on those occasional days, I’ll simply have my nutritious BREAKFAST PROTEIN SHAKE at a later time!
SCROLL DOWN TO THE BOTTOM and click on the video link. You’ll see what VIIVA has that will make all of our breakfast meals more enjoyable, easier, quicker and more nutritious.
First let’s see the benefits of eating breakfast, as stated below. Then we’ll offer a new ‘twist’ on the subject and share a solution that VIIVA is addressing on this very subject matter.
Chances are you’ve heard many times in your life that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And over the years, there have been countless studies attempting to prove–and even disprove–this advice, and to determine the consequences if you miss out on this meal.
So, what is the truth? Is breakfast really that important? In short (no surprise), yes it is. Should you skip breakfast? Probably not, unless (as mentioned above, you are doing intermittent fasting. In which case, simply enjoy your breakfast shake, at a later time.)
Breakfast is:
1. Good for Your Overall Health
There have been numerous studies over the years that have shown that eating breakfast frequently is beneficial for an individual’s health in several different ways. For example, Harvard conducted a 16-year study of 26,902 American men aged 45 to 82 and found that those “who skipped breakfast had a 27 percent higher risk of CHD compared with men who did not.” In other words, these men were susceptible to heart attacks because of coronary heart disease associated with bad sugar levels.
Other research has found that eating breakfast can decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes in women and reduces obesity because it limits mid-morning snacking. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can eat an unhealthy fried dish every morning; it means that eating a well-balanced breakfast is just plain good for your health. Heck, forget well-balanced–just toss down a dish of cereal….. (NO don’t do that! Enjoy a healthy protein shake with customized nutrients instead!)
2. Improves Your Memory
Another area of research has focused on the relationship between breakfast and short-term memory. One study released in the Journal of Adolescent Health of 319 adolescents (aged 13-20 years) found that “high energy intake from breakfast had a beneficial effect on immediate recall in short-term memory evaluated on the whole sample.” (YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE THE CUSTOMIZED BREAKFAST OPTIONS BEING OFFERED BY VIIVA! Some will be designed for enhancing your memory, some for getting GREENS in your diet, some for energy, some for mood enhancement etc.)
There was also a study released in the Journal of Physiology and Behavior that discovered that eating breakfast, such as oatmeal, improved the spatial and short-term memories of elementary school children. While these studies looked at children and teenagers respectively, it’s believed that eating breakfast can improve short-term memory in adults as well.
3. Boosts Energy
According to a 1999 study published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, consuming a breakfast high in fiber and low in carbohydrates will make you feel less tired during the day.
When your breakfast consists of items like whole-grain breads and cereals–which should provide at least four grams of fiber per serving–you’re fueling your body for the entire morning. If you are a high caffeine user, consider getting a protein into your body at breakfast, so that your caffeine has something to bind with for maximum energy. (Make sure you avoid fast food cereals that are full of empty calories and sugar!)
4. Improves Your Mood
A 1999 study in the Journal of Physiology and Behavior of 144 volunteers found that those who had breakfast cereal prior to the test sessions arrived in a better mood and were even calmer following the sessions than those who did not. In short, having these vital nutrients every morning can help make you more positive. (New studies show that breakfasts with a protein base (whey or plant based protein powder for example) are actually healthier for you! A quick and ideal solution would be a protein base shake with healthy carbs and the ability to customize to the person’s nutritional needs. Mom’s need a different set of nutrients than children, than athletes, than seniors, etc.)
No matter what age you are, eating breakfast every morning will make you feel less restless and irritable.
5. Consumes More Nutrients
Since most of us are on the go most of the time, it can become extremely difficult to eat a well-balanced meal. However, if you have the time every morning to eat breakfast, you are probably making sure that you also have the chance to consume important nutrients. (Once again, a quick SHAKE with the ideal nutrients could be the perfect solution in our fast paced life.)
According to research published in the journal Nutrition Research and Practice, those who eat breakfast daily are consuming beneficial nutrients like calcium and fiber.
6. Helps Burn Calories
Whether you’re dieting or not, breakfast is a great way to help burn those unwanted calories. By consuming smaller meals throughout the day, you’re increasing your body’s metabolism. In fact, research conducted by Harvard of 17,000 men discovered “that those who frequently have breakfast consistently weighed less than those who rarely or never ate breakfast ” (This is being debated by new science and those in favor of a Keto lifestyle or ‘diet’ suggests that a healthy protein based ‘shake’ would actually be more useful to the body and maintaining health as well as your ideal weight, than the ‘average cereal’ being consumed today.)
7. Improves Concentration
This shouldn’t come as a surprise since breakfast has already been found to improve energy and short-term memory. Research has discovered that eating breakfast also boosts concentration. In a 2008 issue of Indian Pediatrics, it was found that “middle-school students who ate breakfast every day had better attention, concentration, memory, and school achievement than those who consumed breakfast only sometimes or never did.” During sleep, the main source of the brain’s energy, glucose, decreases, hence the help from breakfast.
Recent research explains that eating a healthy breakfast–such as eggs, oatmeal, yogurt, and fruit–keeps “blood sugar levels steady and allows optimal cognitive function throughout the day.” (Once again for a quick breakfast, a new solution for people of all ages, is a protein based shake!)
It does take a little forethought and you may have to plan three extra minutes in the morning, but if you want to improve your health, memory, mood, concentration, and energy level, start eating a healthy (or mostly healthy) breakfast every morning.
NEWS in 2019: ViiVa Global is addressing the TOPIC of BREAKFAST and will be known as the Breakfast Company by their innovative products that will be available, first quarter of 2019. The science and nutrition is UP TO DATE and CUTTING EDGE.
While the information above is useful, check out how VIIVA is addressing this important meal and how YOU can enjoy it in the very near future. to learn WHEN and HOW you can purchase.
Ready to know more? Be a part of this new revolution?
Dave and Joy/ViiVa Leaders and Trainers (Currently Tavala, soon to be ViiVa)
Comments Off on ViiVa Corporate Call: January 24, 20019. Available Here…..
If you have been following the Pre-Launch of ViiVa you will no doubt want to be up to date with any any all new information. Visit our blogs periodically to get the most current information.
For those of you who may have missed a corporate call on January 24, 2019 OR for those who would love to review the information or even SHARE it with others, we’ve made it easy for you!
Ready to join VIIVA? Get started now by joining with our team. The advantages are numerous, including having more product availability (Tavala plus ViiVa), position without our fast growing team, earn money now,vs. waiting…and more.