Join Joy’s Reboot66 Groups: Improve & Accelerate Your Success Today

Are you looking to Slim Down this summer? If so, join our Summer Slimdown Program… it’s guaranteed to be fun, simple, easy and we promise you the long term results YOU are looking for will be worth it.

Groups will begin April 19th, 2021 and the way it is set up is new customers can join anytime during those weeks. It’s also FREE as long as you are a ZipSlim Customer. Order here:


Win Prizes with Beyond Slims Reboot 66 Contest!

Every person’s experience with the Metabolic Reboot™ program is unique, but one thing proven by science is that it takes 66 days to form a habit. That’s why we reward everybody who sticks with the Metabolic Reboot™ program for 66 days with fabulous prizes as part of our Reboot 66 contest.


What is a Reboot Group?

A Reboot Group is a simple, rewarding, and FUN way for Members of the Beyond Slim® Community to connect for support in achieving their Metabolic Reboot® program goals.

Led by your Beyond Slim® Coach or a Coach (That would be ME!) with whom you’d work closely, you and your fellow Reboot Group members will share victories, break through obstacles, and participate in weekly challenges that will help the 9 Reboot Rituals become the foundation of your healthily, lasting lifestyle change.

What would YOU choose if you WON? $1000 in a new wardrobe or $1000 in a Staycation?

If you are ready to REBOOT and change YOUR body to be fitter, healthier and happier, wait no longer. Join us. I’m confident your results will surprise you in a positive way.


If you have questions please email me at or text/call 802-999-1815.

Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach with Beyond Slim



How to get a ZipSlim Sample…

How to get a ZipSlim Sample…

Welcome to Beyond Slim™, a community on a mission to help millions of people become Fitter, Healthier, and Happier. If you have heard of ZipSlim and are curious about this new weight loss drink-you’ve found the right resource. If you want to experience a sample before purchasing a month supply, call or text me at 802-999-1815 or send me an email message at

1. It’s Simple: Just mix ZipSlim® in 12-20 oz. of cold water in seconds and enjoy!
2. It’s Tasty: ZipSlim® comes in a delicious and refreshing Blackberry Lemonade flavor and you can get it Charged (with 100mg of natural caffeine) or Caffeine-Free.
3. It’s Clean: ZipSlim® contains no artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners or preservatives. It’s also gluten free, dairy free, non-GMO, vegetarian friendly, and keto and paleo friendly.

In all that we do, we are driven to Go Beyond the status quo and deliver cutting-edge nutrition, proven programs, and a revolutionary distribution model to make a major contribution to society.

I‘m happy you reached out and that I have the opportunity to introduce you to ZipSlim™ and help you get off the diet yo-yo treadmill. It’s the most effective and delicious way to lose 3 times more weight*, reduce cravings, and help you combat Metabolic Overload, the leading cause of mid-life weight gain. Simply mix in water and enjoy twice a day as the foundation of your health routine.

Watch this 5-minute video to help you understand Metabolic Overload and how the ZipSlim works.

AND, if you’re like me, you love getting inspired with others success. Many of these stories are personal friends of mine and accomplished these results in 66 days or less. Those who have dropped significant weight have been using the ZipSlim for 4-6 months.

If you’re inspired and ready to get started without a sample simply go here. Beyond Slim offers a generous 90-Day Money Back Guarantee.

As a customer, you’ll have all the FREE support that you’d like with our proven programs and support groups. I’ll be your accountability partner, coach, to help you stay on track and get the BEST results possible. As a former personal trainer, I know how important accountability is!

Cheers and Congratulations to you for putting yourself first and looking into a healthy way to become FITTER, HEALTHIER and HAPPIER.

Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach with Beyond Slim



How She Lost 15 Pounds in just 21 Days…. with ZipSlim

How my friend lost 15 pounds in just 21 days with ZipSlim…

This is my friends story….her experience with ZipSlim that I thought it was worth sharing! At this time she wishes to stay ‘under the radar’ but I suspect as she reaches her goal of losing 40+ pounds, that she will become a POSTER CHILD for ZipSlim.

No doubt there are others out there that would love to lose weight, rid the ‘bloat’ and begin their journey towards their ideal weight. The story below is her journey and MY journey is here:

IN HER OWN WORDS: “The new year had begun, I was over tired from all the holiday sugary foods, from too many parties & holiday ‘cheer’ and too much stress. When I am stressed I eat….most of the times unconsciously. I prayed for a solution – as I didn’t know how I could do this on my own.

I promised not to set WEIGHT LOSS as a New Years Resolution as every time I have done this in the past, I failed. But that doesn’t change the fact that I was desperate to drop weight and was willing to do almost anything to have that happen.

My friend contacted me the end of December and told me she had just started a new product that she loved, called ZipSlim. She promised it tasted great too- which was a good thing as the last ‘diet’ drink/program I had tried- at her suggestion too, tasted ‘horrible’….like” ‘plug your nose, horrible’.

I trusted my friend and agreed to give it a try, especially when she said SHE had dropped 8 pounds in her first week and hadn’t even ‘dieted’….all she had done was to drink this ZipSlim drink 2x day an hour before her largest 2 meals of the day! She, like me, has a slow metabolism- so I agreed to try it. I committed to the ‘subscribe and save’ for the best price, knowing they also offer a 90-Day money back guarantee.

This is all she shared: ZipSlim comes in a delicious drink form (powder, add water to it) in both Charged and Decaf. I purchased one bag of each and decided to commit for 90-Days as I knew I needed that amount of time to give it a full assessment.

She then went on to tell me that I won’t believe the ENERGY & FOCUS you get-as well as the other benefits. Yeah yeah, I thought, now THAT would be a bonus….but I had NO idea what kind of energy she was talking about.

She then told me something that was magic to my ears. EVEN IF YOU DON’T EXERCISE OR ALTER YOUR DIET DRAMATICALLY, (but do your best to follow the 9-Reboot rituals’) you will improve your health and lose weight. Really? In fact, scientific studies show that those dieting alone in a study only lost 10 lbs. but those dieting (meaning eating healthy) and using ZipSlim lost 3x more weight or 30 lbs.

It seemed impossible but here is what I found. First of all, I am an emotional eater and often can not control my carbohydrate or sugar intake. I know it is my weakness. So, when I started drinking the ZipSlim 2x day I realized that my friend was right- NO CRAVINGS AT ALL….and My Appetite was zilch. This Dramatically suppressed my cravings, including with alcohol. (sugar)

I still ate 3 meals a day but they were healthy meals and 1/4 of what I had been eating over the past year. In fact, I had to remind myself to eat! I simply didn’t want to eat more food than my body wanted…and if I took a bite of something ‘junk food like’ I only took one bite. WOW, I was onto something here! ZipSlim is a DREAM COME TRUE!!!

I HATE the scale, but I did weigh myself on Day 1, 7 and again on Day 30! the Reboot Rituals suggest daily but I couldn’t get myself to do that BUT I DID assess daily, how I felt, how clothes felt, and occasional weighing in.

Normally I want to pick up the scale and SMASH it, but in my first 7 days I had dropped 6 lbs. and by day 21 I had lost 15 pounds. WOW, that motivated me to keep on track. Even though many of the pounds may have been holiday bloat, I didn’t care. It was gone and my clothes already felt baggier.

Since I was on such a great ‘roll’ I decided to clean up my diet even more, increase my water and begin working out…moving my body daily by walking, at least 30 minutes per day. I was committed to giving it a GO for a full 30 days and then 60 and ultimately 90 days. On my 30th day I slid on jeans that had not fit me in over a year. I had dropped 15 lbs. by day 21- only 3 weeks…. and felt great.

The price was EASILY paid for with the money that I no longer spent on energy drinks, afternoon Starbucks or snacks during the day or at night. Not to mention, I was eating out less and eating smaller portions.

Now this product may not be for everyone, but certainly helped me and is helping my friends I have shared it with. Also Beyond Slim offers a generous 90-Day Money Back Guarantee….so you either get your SEXY MOJO back or your money back.

What more could you ask for? Summer is just around the corner and I have a feeling I won’t be embarrassed in my shorts year. Thank you Beyond Slim for bringing this amazing products to the world!!!!!”

If YOU are like my friend who shared her story, or know anyone who is struggling with losing weight please share this info with them. I coach people for FREE and for anyone who purchases a 30-day supply of the ZipSlim, I’ll immediately give them (or ship) a sample so that they can begin immediately… or give the sample to a friend. (future accountable buddy?) All they need to do is call me at 802-846-7530 or 802-999-1815 and tell me they ordered through our website or email me at

To place your order go to

I have coached hundreds of people with weight loss challenges, when I was a personal trainers and managing a gym….so you’ll be in good hands! If you know anyone who’d like to become a coach with Beyond Slim and earn additional info by sharing these (and other) wonderful products….let’s talk. Coaches can also earn FREE PRODUCT.

FACTS TELL but STORIES SELL so please share your story with us!

Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach at Beyond Slim

802-999-1815/ or 802-846-7530

Stay-at-Home Mom’s are Building a Fast Growing Business with BEYOND SLIM

Stay-at-Home Mom’s are Building a Fast Growing Business with BEYOND SLIM.

Many new moms, as well as moms with several children, are often forced to get back into the work force when their children are young due to the economic culture of today’s economy. It can be devastating for those mom’s who wish to stay home but don’t have the luxury of that option. While not every mother feels that way, I know way too many who have to return to work -sometimes as little as 6 weeks after their baby is born, and they are resentful, depressed and miss being with their baby. And for many, when all things are said and done after paying for child care, they are really not that far ahead financially…..and yet they are missing out on a very special time in their child (children’s) life.

But for many, that additional $500-$2000 a month that they do bring home after paying for child care may be a requirement for their household to break even.

What IF there WAS a way to stay home with your kids and still contribute financially? Well, there is with a company called Beyond Slim.

This is especially true after the year 2020! More and more people are looking for a way to generate income while they were required to stay AT HOME.

Luckily for some moms, they are open to learning how they can work from home and still earn income and many ARE finding a way to stay home with their children while creating either a part-time income or for many, a full-time income. This is done by leveraging their time and joining a Social Referral company… a new concept very different than traditional direct sales or network marketing.

Let’s use Beyond Slim as an example:

Beyond Slim has cutting a one of a kind cutting edge product that people want. Many young moms, or senior entrepreneurs like me with grandchildren, find that by simply sharing a sample of the ZipSlim product with their friends and families (and contacts) are building a nice size business in the ‘cracks of their busy days’. by the way, ZipSlim is delicious and comes in 2 formulas. One ‘charged’ and one ‘decaf’.

This wouldn’t work as well if the product was “ho-hum” and over priced, but if you have a product like ZipSlim
where people want the results and actually FEEL and EXPERIENCE something quickly, then the products really do the ‘heavy lifting’.

No SELLING is required…just share. As women, sharing is in our DNA…. it’s something we naturally do each and every day. Think back at that movie you went to, chose your pediatrician, went to that new restaurant around the corner, or shopped the sale on clothes at the nearby store. Most likely someone told you about it, thus Social Referral Marketing.

Beyond Slim is different in many ways, but here are a couple or things that really pertain to the ease of time, ease of expense for busy people, in this case, for moms. If you asked a mom for a lot of money to start a business or a lot of time to put into a business….I’m quite sure most would say they have neither to spare. $ or Time…

BEYOND SLIM has made it both EASY and SIMPLE to JOIN as a COACH, and BEGIN TO EARN INCOME….and with OUR TEAM, we have made it simple to JOIN and earn income as well. It is one of my personal passions to work with moms, and help them create money from home, or even mad money for themselves. If you are a MOM and looking to earn money from home, please give me a call. 802-999-1815 or 802-846-7530.

ZIPSLIM boosts your metabolism, gives you more energy and focus, suppresses your appetite and reduces cravings and simply makes you feel GREAT! But it actually does even more. See the visual above… which is why it is called BEYOND SLIM as it is a healthy product that does so much more. (Weight Loss, Reduction in Waist Size, Increased Muscle Strength, Stronger Immune system, More Energy, reduced Feelings of Stress, Happier Mood, Stress Reduction, Improved Sexual Satisfaction, Better Sleep Quality, Reduction in Free Radicals, Anti-Aging, Enhanced Ability to Focus, Improved Memory.)

Yes, it helps you manage your weight- 2 delicious blackberry lemonade drinks per day, taken an hour before your 2 largest meals. For me that is mid-morning (charged version) and an hour before dinner (decaf).

Most women I know would love to have those benefits while dropping a couple of pounds with ease. Are you one of them? Know anyone who may be interested? If so please share this.

Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach

802-999-1815/ 802-846-7530

For General info and TO ORDER: Click here!


Interested in becoming a Coach? Click here:

For Science and info with Dr. Drucker, formulator of ZipSlim, Click here:

If you are a mom that would like to earn $500-$1000 or more each and every month (AS WELL as earning FREE product) -fitting BEYOND SLIM in the cracks of your life- by sharing the ZipSlim and opportunity, let’s chat! 802-999-1815/ 802-846-7530.


No experience is necessary as all training is included! Just bring desire and motivation. OH, and Beyond Slim offers a generous 90-Day Money Back Guarantee.

Introducing the New Beyond Slim APP on Side Hustle Saturday Training March 27, 2021

If you are a Beyond Slim Coach or looking to become one, you definitely will want to watch this exciting Side Hustle Saturday Training.

I had the pleasure to be interviewed along with another gal, Robin, who were among a group of approximately 10 coaches who were part of a beta test with the new APP. (check out 1 hour 9 min. into it to hear our feedback on participating.)

I never been a huge fan of APPS for business purposes but this one is exceptionally user friendly so even those who may be technologically challenged, can still understand the application.

Side Hustle Saturday: March 27, 2021. Announcing the new Beyond Slim APP

Are you looking for a side-hustle? Love helping others and enjoy getting rewarded for your efforts? Click on this link to learn more and hear from Ray Faltinsky share his vision with Beyond Slim.

I’m looking for self-motivated, highly integral individuals who enjoy helping others and are TEAM oriented.

Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach

802-999-1815/ 802-846-7530

For General info, with 5-min. video Flip the Switch:


For Business prospects:

For Science and info with Dr. Drucker, formulator of ZipSlim


Joy Edgerton’s Real, Raw and Candid ZipSlim Interview….

ZipSlim is a new product that delivers a multitude of benefits, including weight loss/ belly fat reduction and more. It is scientifically proven to work with documentation galore, but the best way I knew to discover the benefits was to try it for myself.

Last fall I watched several friends literally “drink and shrink” and before Christmas decided to give it a personal ‘trial’ and invite other friends to try as well. I’m grateful that I did.

Although I have been relatively fit and trim the majority of my life – things changed at the onset of menopause. That dreaded belly fat, or as I call my men-0-pot appeared and doesn’t seem to want to reduce in size, no matter what I do. For the first time in the last 10 years I have seen a reduction…. a whopping 4.5″ belly fat loss, in just 2 months. I have also released 10 pounds, and a nice shift in body composition.

Rather than bore you with words, simply click on THIS link from an interview with Coach Jon Raynes from Beyond Slim, on March 21, 2021.

A little about me: From a very young age I’ve always received “JOY” and satisfaction from helping others find things that will help them with their body, mind & spirit. Health, fitness & nutrition were my #1 focus which over the years led me into the professions of personal trainer, health coach, transformational life coach and more….

I’ve thought of having a place for my FAVORITES for years in hopes that it will help other navigate and find products or services that will serve them in life. I’ve been called a ‘connector’ and I do get joy in making connections for people regardless if I personally benefit. Just ask any of my personal friends and they can vouch for that.
This page is my favorite WEIGHT LOSS product.
ZipSlim that literally tastes like ‘blackberry lemonade‘ that addresses METABOLIC OVERLOAD, and has SO many other benefits besides weight & inch loss… and get this! They have a generous 90-Day Money Back Guarantee.
What do you have to lose – except whatever is standing in your way of being the healthiest and most fit version of YOU. Have questions, feel free to reach out at or call/text me at 802-999-1815.


Joy Edgerton/Founding Beyond Slim Coach



Melt your BELLY FAT with ZipSlim


So, spring and summer are right around the corner. You’re getting excited and begin pulling out your seasonal clothes. Only problem is EVERYTHING you try on is TIGHT! You can’t blame the dryer for shrinking your clothes as you have in the past, because you haven’t been wearing them. OH NO, the feeling is horrible! NO, it SUCKS!

How Can you DROP those Pounds without Dieting and Starving Yourself?

Seriously- don’t fret. ZipSlim is a healthy BlackBerry Lemonade flavor drink that offers the following benefits listed in this visual: Simply drink the delicious berry flavored drink 2x day, an hour before your largest two meals, and watch the inches and pounds melt! ZipSlim also comes in a ‘charged’ version as well as ‘decaf’.


Many people experiencing phenomenal results with the ZipSlim aren’t on a DIET but we suggest being sensible and consume 3-5 small meals per day, even if you don’t feel like eating. Also make sure you consume those 8+ glasses of water to help your body flush toxins as you drop the fat weight.

Beyond Slim, the company that has the ZipSlim has a complete program to help you reach your goals. There is a manuel called the Metabolic Reboot Guide as well as 9 daily Reboot Rituals.

Did you know that YOUR FAT is PROTECTING YOU?

Did you know that TOXINS are IN your stored fat? Simply put, your body creates FAT to protect you. Ever notice that the majority of FAT weight gain goes to the belly area? The FAT holds the toxins to protect the internal organs. As you begin to eat healthier meals, alkalize the body, and increase your water intake, you’ll release TOXINS, thus the FAT too.

I guarantee you’ll love the results, and so does Beyond Slim. They offer a generous 90-Day Money Back Guarantee.

If you are currently on a program like Weight Watchers, A Keto Diet, Jenny Craig or another commercial program, the ZIPSLIM will only expedite and enhance your weight loss progress.

Don’t take OUR word for it, try it yourself. You can order here at or call us at 802-846-7530 or 802-999-1815 and we’ll help you place your initial order and answer your questions.

Don’t WAIT too long to place your order. Spring and summer are around the corner and you’ll love the weight loss results. In additional the added ENERGY and FOCUS will help you get through your busy day with more pep in your step!

Facts tell but Stories Sell. Read some testimonials here.

Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach

802-999-1815 (cell) 802-846-7530 This link also has the option to become a coach and earn both FREE product as well as earn income, through Social Referral Marketing.

How Much does ZipSlim Cost?

When introduced to health products, by habit, one of the first things people want to know is how much it costs. To me, I’d rather talk VALUE, but the habit is there. Many people as a result dismiss some of the best nutritional or health products or services, due to stopping at PRICE vs value and benefits.

The other questions I hear regarding the ZipSlim are: does it taste good and do you think this will work for me?

Let’s address the cost of ZipSlim with a question. What is your health worth? Is it worth at least $5 a day? If so, you won’t question the cost of the ZipSlim, because depending how you purchase it, that is what it costs… or less!

That doesn’t even take into account that you can EARN FREE product each and every month if you are a ‘coach’.

Click below to see your purchase options. You can become a retail customer, (higher cost), a customer who goes on ‘subscribe and save’ (which is what I recommend to all customers, and you can cancel at any time) or you can become a coach. A coach can also earn FREE product by referring ZipSlim to others, as well as make additional income as a part-time or full-time business. (2 ‘Subscribe and save customers per month= FREE product for you!)

Click here:

ZipSlim is a product from Beyond Slim, a Social Referral Marketing company. The name is perfect, as their flagship product (ZipSlim) literally is “beyond slim”, in other words, the benefits far exceed just weight loss.

As you can see with a simple comparison, each ZipSlim costs $2.33 at the Loyal Subscriber price. Compared to a Pumpkin Spice Latte, not only does it cost LESS than the sugar laden latte, but the health benefits are much better drinking a ZipSlim. (Note the ingredients)

Compare a canned energy drink with the ZipSlim and you’ll see a similar price, however the health benefits of the ZipSlim are there, whereas the energy drink has no nutritional value.

You are what you eat, right? and you ARE what you DRINK.

I have personally enjoyed many of the benefits in the visual below. Initially my goal for trying the ZipSlim was to find a product for my customer/clients who want to lose weight. Then I began to focus on MYSELF knowing that I’d feel so much better when I reach my ideal goal weight, healthy size and level of functional health.

So once again, what is your health worth? If it costs you $5 or as the visual above shows, $2.33 x 2= $4.66 per day to use the ZipSlim product, is your health worth it? I am now eating less food, making healthier food choices, no longer need supplements for sleep or building my immune system that I was consuming prior to the ZipSlim, as I get those benefits from the ingredients in the ZipSlim. Also, if in 90-Days you aren’t 100% satisfied with your results, contact the company and get your money back.


Are you ready to get started?

Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach

Need more information? Watch this 5-minute video on How to FLIP YOUR SWITCH on your Metabolism.

Have questions? Please give me a call. 802-846-7530 or 802-999-1815. Email me at

ORDER HERE: ttps://

For Science and info with Dr. Drucker, formulator of ZipSlim

Missing TAVALA TRIM and Looking for an Effective Alternative?

If you are like me, and thousands of others, you may have put on a couple (or more) pounds throughout this crazy year of Covid-19. (Ever hear of the Covid-15? This means gaining 15 pounds during 2020?) OR perhaps you may simply want to drop a few pounds during the holiday season versus gain weight?

Since the beginning of 2020 I have been actively looking for a product that I can offer my TAVALA TRIM CUSTOMERS. Like many products, it was GREAT and effective for weight loss and energy, suppressing even the worse of cravings. And then POOF, just like that, the formula was changed and people no longer got results.

Don’t you just hate when a product is changed and it no longer works? SAD TO SAY the original TRIM is a thing of the past.

Well my patience has paid off and finally I have found a product, thanks to a trusted friend, that works AND offers many benefits beyond just weight loss. The ingredients are also superior- so much so that even my friends who are ‘health nuts’ are giving me a thumbs up. I am just now trying this delicious “blackberry lemonade” flavored drink and am committing to 3 months. Why 3 months? Well, the company offers a 90-Day Money Back Guarantee to anyone who is not 100% satisfied with their results.

I am the deliverer of the good news and yes, I became a coach…but only because I do coach people in many walks of life. I’ve been a Certified Personal Trainer, a Transformational Life Coach and a “Transformation Doula”…. helping people master parts of their lives other than their physical ‘being’. But having said this, IF you have questions I’ll put you in touch with my friend, Sarah, who IS doing this as a business.

Call me the delivery person who is excited to have something to offer you and hundreds of former Trim customers who email or call me daily.

For information on the product and studies check this out.

Several of my dear friends are LOVING their results… including a 35 pound weight loss in 8 weeks, 16 inch loss and over 18 pounds in 6 weeks and another friend who dropped 2 sizes of jeans in 2 months. But I want my OWN results and those of others who say YES to trying


For additional information call me at 802-846-7530 or email

Remember, this product comes with a 90-Day Money Back Guarantee so what do you have to lose, except weight? I call that a No-Risk! Since shopping online is something most of us are doing more often, order from a trusted company that stands behind their product!


I look forward to having you join the ZIP TRAIN Revolution…. Getting healthier, more fit and slimmer in 2021 and beyond.

Joy Edgerton / Coach: