Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 17

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 17

Ahhh- women….the dreaded BACK FAT. Post menopause I experienced several shifts- both IN MY BODY but also my SOUL!

1) My body shifted ….and I tried to make peace with the deposits of FAT in places foreign to me, but I have felt like a stranger in my own body for the past 3+ years. It wasn’t until KETOPIA that I honestly feel like I have a choice in how I look and feel. One place I swore I would NEVER gain FAT was my belly and the other was my back….

OK- get over it JOY! It happened, but in 16 days using KETOPIA my belly has shrunk 4.5″ and my chest/back fat area 2.5″!!!!

Burning STORED BODY FAT FOR FUEL has changed how I feel AND look!

The ENERGY is something I welcome. Before Ketopia I felt like I have “dirty spark plugs” for energy for past couple of years!

BACK COMPARISONAs you can see by the above visual….Ketopia WORKS!

…..but don’t take MY word for it. Experience Ketopia for your self! We’ll coach you on what packs to purchase to reach your specific long term goals- and coach you for FREE as you begin burning YOUR BODY FAT & Losing Weight!

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy & Dave


TO ORDER: click on location/Ketopia. Click JOIN for wholesale pricing, only $12 to become a member or click SHOP for retail options. Exclusive to FGXpress.





2) Post menopause, I also have not been as concerned with the opinions of other people!



Day 14- Joy’s Journey with Ketopia

Day 14- Joy’s Journey with Ketopia

This is easy… is it possible that today is already day 14 and 2 weeks into using Ketopia? It has easily become a way of life and has an incredible ease about it. Typically when I complete a 10 Day Cleanse or any program to jump start weight loss, my cravings are high and I can’t wait to begin eating things I missed- but not with Ketopia. This is now a new permanent way of eating for me! Although the average person appears to be dropping 1-1.5 lbs. a day, my average is closer to .5 lbs. per day.

Scales and towelMy most recent attempt at losing this FAT accumulation was on a popular cleanse…..from another MLM company that a friend is affiliated with, but ONLY because at that time FGXpress had not launched Ketopia! I literally had to plug my nose to drink the green drink, and on several occasions gagged over the large size Amino Acids. In comparison, with the KetonX drink in the morning, the Dough bite late morning and the FIXX shake mid afternoon….I have 100% satisfaction and everything tastes GREAT!

Today I was down almost 1.5 lbs. from yesterday. I weighed in the buff, not wanting even a towel to alter my weight by an ounce! So crazy how my head has got a bit trippy about the scale. Up til Ketopia I didn’t know my weight and we didn’t even have a reliable scale. (That can be good and bad!) Now I try to use it ONLY as a point of reference as there are many things shifting on my body besides the scale. Did I mention INCH LOSS??? around my Meno-Pot (belly) and in places where I have been efficiently storing fat since menopause! Yup- the belly- the boobs (at one time I would have welcomed that!) the back (never thought I’d have back fat!) and the triceps. WHAT???? Yup, 58 year old women do begin to have fat accumulations in strange places.

Scale and representation

Yesterday I began to think of Ketopia and how it is a solution for the average person to drop unwanted body fat, rev up their body so it is burning more efficiently and is not a gimmick or fad program. I know we live in a microwave society (we stand in front of the microwave and say HURRY UP to our popcorn) and we want instant gratification….but with Ketopia-it is a solution and not a COVER UP of a problem.

You’ve seen the SPANX in the stores and advertisements that they HOLD in your body fat and slim your body so you look smaller- but why not simply ADDRESS the Body FAT in the first place? Also those herbal wraps that are costly and temporary…people buy them monthly to help shrink their fat cells and smooth their cellulite. Once again, not addressing the issue of FAT…and the fat and inches always return!

Burn the Fat Burning your stored BODY FAT FOR FUEL is the LONG TERM SOLUTION!

Give your body the right raw materials and the body can product miracle upon miracle. Give it 10-Days. You will be pleasantly surprised. It is not a diet, rather a life-style. Join us our journey- Order yours today. Did we tell you that you can also earn lots of money helping your friends and family be healthier? not on a diet

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy & Dave


Joy’s Journey – Ketopia Day 12

Joy’s Journey – Ketopia Day 12

This IS a journey!!!! They say (not sure who THEY are) that it takes 21 Days to make or break a habit but honestly, with Ketopia, it has been easy transformation for me of how and what I eat…. and my choices I have made over the past 12 Days have been relatively easy! Honestly, I have had ZERO CRAVINGS or HUNGER!21 days This weekend has been a ‘test’, you could say, as I have been visiting my mother and away from my normal routine and home. Has it been difficult? Not at all.

Probably the most difficult thing I have encountered is on Friday having my granddaughters here and taking them out to get a creemee ice cream cone. It is a summer ritual and fun to guess what flavor each of us with choose. Kamaria, 7, can handle her cone just perfect. She knows how to keep the ice cream from dripping and manages just fine. I never need to lick her cone to keep it centered or manageable. Skyla on the other hand, 3, understandingly has a more difficult time. Typically “Mema” is there to help (bonus for me!) and in the long run, I end up eating half the ice cream cone. Did I succumb this time and help her?

How to Really Lose Weight

Not this time.…..I had Kamaria help her once and then when the dripping became too much to handle I got a cup and spoon and plopped the cone in the middle. Lots of fun for a 3 year old. This time she only ate half of the cone and then we threw it away. That NEVER would have happened before. I am sure most moms- if not grandmothers- like me, have the same experience. We tend to eat the left overs of our grand-kids, especially yummy, slightly melting ice cream on a hot summer day. But here is the thing- I had NO DESIRE for ice cream. Really!!!!

My only vices this weekend that I have not had during my 10 Day Reset was on both Friday night and Saturday night I enjoyed a cocktail. A vodka gimlet on Friday and a Vodka Tonic (zero sugar, carbs or calories in the tonic!) I know alcohol is NOT recommended on the Ketopia program, but I figured it wouldn’t alter my results too dramatically and I chose wisely, alcohol with the least carbs and sugars. Besides, tomorrow I am back in my home environment, with Dave, who is also doing the Ketopia! (By the way, today he will post his 10 Day results so stay posted to our blog here ( In 10 Days Dave dropped 11.5 pounds!!!!! WOW! His clothes are hanging on him!


I am enjoying the KETOPIA so much and love the ease of only having to decide what to eat for dinner as every morning I begin with my KetonX drink (the one that tastes like a creamsickle and puts my body into ketosis within hours!) The other products, the Dough bites and FIXX shake supply me with needed nutrients in perfect proportion….and the hardest decision I have to make is 1) Do I want to eat my Dough bite raw out of the package or cook/bake it so it tastes more like a chocolate chip cookie? 2) Do I want my FIXX shake mixed with just water or do I wish to add almond milk, or other items that are OK, like nut butter, avocado, heavy cream????

As for our dinner meal, clearly our portions have gotten smaller, we are eating the ratio of fats, protein and carbs recommended and we eat earlier than we used to! Many time prior to Ketopia we would have a couple of cocktails or glasses of wine and not eat dinner until 8 pm or later!

oh….and did I say we are saving money with Ketopia in many ways, including the obvious….not eating out or imbibing in expensive wine or scotch????

Ketopia is SO AFFORDABLE! You have to eat anyway- so why not simply exchange what you were buying for breakfast, lunch and snacks with Ketopia? If you buy retail the 10-Day Reset is ONLY $149. But you don’t have to buy retail, there is an option that is PERFECT for people who know they want to lose 10 pounds or more and will be purchasing more product in the future. You can become a MEMBER of FGXpress, like I am, for a one time membership fee of $12. Then when you buy the Ketopia it is only $129 for the 10-Day Reset. After your initial order as a member the cost is ONLY $119 and if you go on a month auto ship like we do, it drops the cost to only $109 for the 10-Day Ketopia Reset! Am I kidding? no way- and did I mention that Ketopia works! Did I mention as a member if you recommend it to others who also purchase product, that you can earn a lot of money helping your friends become healthier and slimmer?

I dropped 5 lbs. in my first 10 Days and lost many inches. The inch loss I am MOST PROUD of was around my belly….. what I call my MENO-POT…the pooch that I acquired during menopause! I lost 3 3/4″ around my belly in 10 Days!!!!!

1 JOY 1-10 days

Our Guidelines for purchasing Ketopia. Goal? 5-12 lbs. 1 Ketopia 10-Day Reset 10-20 lbs. 2 Ketopia 10-Day Reset and 20 lbs. or more 3 or more 10-Day Ketopia Reset packs. Beginning in Sept. you’ll be able to purchase month supplies of just the KetonX and the Dough bites! Right now you can buy the FIXX shake in boxes of 14 at

To purchase your Ketopia go to

When you do begin the Ketopia program make sure you contact us so we can provide you with helpful guidelines to ensure your success as well as a document where you can easily keep track of your many successes….including weight loss, inch loss, BMI and Body Composition changes, etc. One thing I did not do (however it should be easy to find an up close picture of my face) is to take a picture of my face on Day 1 and Day 10. I remember seeing both Jorge’s and Ron’s shapes of their face slim considerably in just 10-15 days on Ketopia. Below is a visual of a woman before and after losing just 8 lbs. Can you notice the shape of her face beginning to slim? So remember to reach out, get the documents emailed to you so YOU can document all the amazing changes that will happen organically as you begin burning YOUR STORED BODY FAT!






We look forward to hearing YOUR journey with Ketopia. Join us….Share with others and let’s help people put an end to dieting once and for all and RESET their bodies instead.


5I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy Edgerton

Dave DeBerardinis


Menopause HOT FLASH Relief with PowerStrips and FrequenSea?

Menopause HOT FLASH Relief with PowerStrips and FrequenSea? hotflashes

A friend asked me today if I had any advice on PRODUCTS to HELP WITH MENOPAUSE OR HOT FLASHES. Since I have heard this question many times I thought I’d share my experiences here in hopes that it will assist others.
WHAT CAN HELP? or should I ask?

Several things come to mind.

FREQUENSEA…..I have many testimonials from years ago when I was in peri-menopause and women told me that they got tremendous relief consuming just 1 ounce of FrequenSea daily….as this product truly does balance both the PHYSICAL and the EMOTIONAL body! FrequenSea is a flagship product, which became available through ForeverGreen International August 2005. (side bar note: Now people can buy 4 bottles of FrequenSea in the Farmer’s Market for much less cost than what it used to cost due to ForeverGreen and FGXpress merging fall of 2014) Check out Click on this link to learn about FrequenSea, with marine phtyoplankton.

Next- without question, are the POWERSTRIPS!

I began wearing a PowerStrip or ½ strip below my belly back in 2013….smack in the middle of my hot flashes and discomfort, which included night sweats! I don’t know when my hot flashes went away but about 2 months into using them on a regular basis and after several women telling me they no longer had hot-flashes I realized I didn’t either!!!! When something uncomfortable goes away we often don’t give it a thought….. Power Strips
When I realized it was the POWERSTRIPS I began sharing with other woman and we all noticed it helped OR eliminated our hot-flash symptoms! I then googled natural remedies for hot-flashes and some of the ingredients they mention are IN the PowerStrips- most likely due to the Marine Phytoplankton. UNIQUE, SAFE and EASY TO USE, check them out if you are experiencing any pain or discomfort.

To learn more about PowerStrips go to

What ARE POWERSTRIPS & How do they work?

PowerStrips are a Class 1 medical device uniquely designed to provide temporary relief of minor aches and pains. Featuring a fusion of modern technology and ancient energies, PowerStrips provide effective pain-relieving results to areas of the body that are in need of a little extra love. (IN THIS CASE- EXTRA LOVE MENOPAUSE symptoms, like brain fog, restless sleep and hot flashes. etc.)


POWERSTRIPS give your body the extra love it needs by making PowerStrips the daily solution to your pain-management needs.PowerStrips provide temporary relief of pains associated with sore muscles,achy joints,common back and body aches,stiffness and inflammation.


Nature elements such as germanium, marine phytoplankton and red ginseng go into the making of PowerStrips to help provide optimum temporary relief of your common ailments. An all-natural adhesive layer also makes PowerStrips safe for daily use.
To learn more please visit
Joy Edgerton, Dave DeBarardinis
802-846-7530 H




The majority of my life I was active, lean and had abs that were an envious body part. In my 20s, 30s and even 40s working out in a ‘crop top’ or jog bra was normal and not embarrassing! My mom had told me when I was in my 40s to not get attached to the slim waist line I had enjoyed my whole life, as menopause would surely change all that. I didn’t believe her!

fat burning

I didn’t believe her! Drum roll here….and then it happened…. Around age 53 the hormonal shift began. What worked in the past no longer worked to keep me slim and trim! I began to accumulate what my girlfriends had always called the ‘muffin top’ and it was horrifying. My clothes got tight around the waist and the dreaded ‘back fat’ showed up. NO!!!! NOT SO!!! Even a solid nutritional plan that had kept me well under 17% body fat most of my life…which included moderate exercise and weight training- was not working!

I named my belly fat my Men-o-Pot! Yes, menopause was full on- with the typical night sweats, restless nights etc. Thankfully a product called PowerStrips ( click on PowerStrips) helped balance my hormones and eliminate my hot flashes and heat discomfort….but it didn’t address my weight gain- or better said, my FAT WEIGHT GAIN! belly fat pic

Truth be told….we as women store fat at different stages of our life:

Puberty Pregnancy Menopause

All make ‘sense’ except for why do we need extra FAT WEIGHT as we get older???? Clearly it didn’t make sense to me and I vowed I’d fight it till the end!!!


Does any of this sound familiar???

In the past sensible food plans like Weight Watchers had worked but I found that I was no longer patient enough losing 1-2 pounds per week… it required me to be thinking of food ALL THE TIME….and that is something I have no interest in. I was open and always looking for an easy & healthy solution. I I also was craving a way to RESET my body and increase my energy level. Discipline was not an issue….finding the right program was.

I always thought if I could find a program that worked QUICKLY, that was HEALTHY, that didn’t require me to “shop and chop” throughout the day with meal preparation and ADDRESSED FAT LOSS more than just weight loss- then I would be one happy lady… I am. Why?


And then….a company, FGXpress, which interestingly enough I have been affiliated with since 2006 announced the launch of KETOPIA. FGX has exclusive rights for this Dr. formulated, patented PROGRAM that puts your body into a healthy and natural KETOSIS within hours, rather than days or even weeks. What this means is you begin to burn BODY FAT FOR FUEL.

Benefits of Ketopia:

FAT LOSS= inch loss….beginning on Day 1

MORE ENERGY- Burning FAT for FUEL offers your body 225% more energy which is good for both physical energy but also MENTAL ACUITY!

Ketopia is NOT a diet…but a program where you actually RESET your body! Ketopia visual now

If you are like me, and sick of tired of the FAT INCHES and FAT WEIGHT that have accumulated over the years- I invite YOU to join ME on a 10-Day Reset. Personally my goal is to lose 15-20 pounds and have it be a permanent weight loss!

No more diets, no more embarrassing moments at the pool in a swim suit that is too snug and perhaps I may even say good bye to my frumpy yoga style pants that are my daily ‘go to’ pants.

To learn more about KETOPIA and how it will help YOU you’re your FAT WEIGHT go to BUY PRODUCT- BEGIN YOUR TRANSFORMATION and BE A PART OF OUR CHALLENGE!

SAY GOOD BYE to YOUR MEN-O-POT, to Back Fat, to Triceps “bat wings”….or any other part of your body that efficiently stores body fat….and enjoy this brand new product. KETOPIA TO THE RESCUE!

Dave & Joy (802) 846-7530





The majority of my life I was active, lean and had abs that were an envious body part. In my 20s, 30s and even 40s working out in a ‘crop top’ or jog bra was normal and not embarrassing! My mom had told me when I was in my 40s to not get attached to the slim waist line I had enjoyed my whole life, as menopause would surely change all that. I didn’t believe her!

fat burning


I didn’t believe her! Drum roll here….and then it happened…. Around age 53 the hormonal shift began. What worked in the past no longer worked to keep me slim and trim! I began to accumulate what my girlfriends had always called the ‘muffin top’ and it was horrifying. My clothes got tight around the waist and the dreaded ‘back fat’ showed up. NO!!!! NOT SO!!! Even a solid nutritional plan that had kept me well under 17% body fat most of my life…which included moderate exercise and weight training- was not working!

I named my belly fat my Men-o-Pot! Yes, menopause was full on- with the typical night sweats, restless nights etc. Thankfully a product called PowerStrips ( click on PowerStrips) helped balance my hormones and eliminate my hot flashes and heat discomfort….but it didn’t address my weight gain- or better said, my FAT WEIGHT GAIN! belly fat pic

Truth be told….we as women store fat at different stages of our life:

Puberty Pregnancy Menopause

All make ‘sense’ except for why do we need extra FAT WEIGHT as we get older???? Clearly it didn’t make sense to me and I vowed I’d fight it till the end!!!


Does any of this sound familiar???

In the past sensible food plans like Weight Watchers had worked but I found that I was no longer patient enough losing 1-2 pounds per week… it required me to be thinking of food ALL THE TIME….and that is something I have no interest in. I was open and always looking for an easy & healthy solution. I I also was craving a way to RESET my body and increase my energy level. Discipline was not an issue….finding the right program was.

I always thought if I could find a program that worked QUICKLY, that was HEALTHY, that didn’t require me to “shop and chop” throughout the day with meal preparation and ADDRESSED FAT LOSS more than just weight loss- then I would be one happy lady… I am. Why?

And then….a company, FGXpress, which interestingly enough I have been affiliated with since 2006 announced the launch of KETOPIA. FGX has exclusive rights for this Dr. formulated, patented PROGRAM that puts your body into a healthy and natural KETOSIS within hours, rather than days or even weeks. What this means is you begin to burn BODY FAT FOR FUEL.

Benefits of Ketopia:

FAT LOSS= inch loss….beginning on Day 1

MORE ENERGY- Burning FAT for FUEL offers your body 225% more energy which is good for both physical energy but also MENTAL ACUITY!

Ketopia is NOT a diet…but a program where you actually RESET your body!

Ketopia visual nowIf you are like me, and sick of tired of the FAT INCHES and FAT WEIGHT that have accumulated over the years- I invite YOU to join ME on a 10-Day Reset. Personally my goal is to lose 15-20 pounds and have it be a permanent weight loss!

No more diets, no more embarrassing moments at the pool in a swim suit that is too snug and perhaps I may even say good bye to my frumpy yoga style pants that are my daily ‘go to’ pants.

To learn more about KETOPIA and how it will help YOU you’re your FAT WEIGHT go to BUY PRODUCT- BEGIN YOUR TRANSFORMATION and BE A PART OF OUR CHALLENGE!

SAY GOOD BYE to YOUR MEN-O-POT, to Back Fat, to Triceps “bat wings”….or any other part of your body that efficiently stores body fat….and enjoy this brand new product. KETOPIA TO THE RESCUE!



Joy Edgerton

Dave DeBerardinis

802-846-7530 h











FG Xpress Power Strips for Hot Flashes

FG Xpress Power Strips for Hot Flashes

I found a solution to my HOT Flashes!

I recall in my 40’s I actually looked forward to menopause. Why? … Because I was someone who was always cold. I remember saying at least when I go through menopause I’ll be warm. What a joke!

Well, as every woman who has experienced HOT FLASHES can tell you….it is not a warm, fuzzy experience. Hot flashes come when you least expect them and is very inconvenient…and uncomfortable. Since experiencing menopause I have had to dress in layers and also sleep with a fan blowing cool area on my body.

My Personal Experience using the Power Strips:

“I began using the Power Strips for shoulder pain and a ‘frozen shoulder’. I placed a Power Strip on my right shoulder before bed and it worked immediately. How I know is because I was able to sleep ON my stomach comfortably for the first time in over a year and slept without pain. I have continued to use the Power Strips for other benefits that they offer and just realized today, after reading of a woman’s testimonial on them working for her HOT FLASHES that MY menopause symptoms and hot flashes are almost non-existent now. WOW, this is something exciting in my life and worth sharing!

hot flashes

Celine B. wrote “I am totally amazed at the results I’m getting! I usually have difficulty sleeping because of my back. For the past two nights now I have had the best sleep. No hot flashes waking me up. I can’t say enough.”

Here’s something I recently discovered since using a new product called POWER STRIPS, by a company called FG Xpress. This dermal application (thin, transparent power strip made from Korean Red Ginseng, Germanium and a base of minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Silver Ion) and Marine Phytoplankton) is available by membership and can be sent anywhere in the world in a greeting card. It has helped thousands of people in the following areas:

  • Restful sleep patterns
  • Improved energy and mood
  • Mental clarity, memory and sharper focus
  • Reduced stress and tension
  • Almost instant pain relief
  • Immune system boost
  • Increase muscular strength
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Less cravings for sugar or sweets
  • 24/7 detox and rebuild
  • Hormone balance, addressing Menopause, PMS


Want to learn more?

Want to try the Power Strips ?

Click here

FG Xpress

Take a seat in the front row of a day one, ground floor, residual business opportunity. The entire world’s address system, available to you DAY ONE! Seamless. One product, one price, patented, doctor-formulated, brand new, first of its kind, category creator and exclusively ours!

Join the race, the human race, in a brother and sisterhood that erases all country lines, politics and logistical obstacles. Don’t miss out, get in now! Start celebrating your suXess!


  • Global Distribution Ready
  • One Product. One Price
  • Doctor Formulated
  • Patented
  • Seamless!

Click here


Power Strips

Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton


Skype: dave.deberardinis




power strips

power strips

power strips

power strip

power strip

power strip