Day 14- Joy’s Journey with Ketopia

Day 14- Joy’s Journey with Ketopia

This is easy… is it possible that today is already day 14 and 2 weeks into using Ketopia? It has easily become a way of life and has an incredible ease about it. Typically when I complete a 10 Day Cleanse or any program to jump start weight loss, my cravings are high and I can’t wait to begin eating things I missed- but not with Ketopia. This is now a new permanent way of eating for me! Although the average person appears to be dropping 1-1.5 lbs. a day, my average is closer to .5 lbs. per day.

Scales and towelMy most recent attempt at losing this FAT accumulation was on a popular cleanse…..from another MLM company that a friend is affiliated with, but ONLY because at that time FGXpress had not launched Ketopia! I literally had to plug my nose to drink the green drink, and on several occasions gagged over the large size Amino Acids. In comparison, with the KetonX drink in the morning, the Dough bite late morning and the FIXX shake mid afternoon….I have 100% satisfaction and everything tastes GREAT!

Today I was down almost 1.5 lbs. from yesterday. I weighed in the buff, not wanting even a towel to alter my weight by an ounce! So crazy how my head has got a bit trippy about the scale. Up til Ketopia I didn’t know my weight and we didn’t even have a reliable scale. (That can be good and bad!) Now I try to use it ONLY as a point of reference as there are many things shifting on my body besides the scale. Did I mention INCH LOSS??? around my Meno-Pot (belly) and in places where I have been efficiently storing fat since menopause! Yup- the belly- the boobs (at one time I would have welcomed that!) the back (never thought I’d have back fat!) and the triceps. WHAT???? Yup, 58 year old women do begin to have fat accumulations in strange places.

Scale and representation

Yesterday I began to think of Ketopia and how it is a solution for the average person to drop unwanted body fat, rev up their body so it is burning more efficiently and is not a gimmick or fad program. I know we live in a microwave society (we stand in front of the microwave and say HURRY UP to our popcorn) and we want instant gratification….but with Ketopia-it is a solution and not a COVER UP of a problem.

You’ve seen the SPANX in the stores and advertisements that they HOLD in your body fat and slim your body so you look smaller- but why not simply ADDRESS the Body FAT in the first place? Also those herbal wraps that are costly and temporary…people buy them monthly to help shrink their fat cells and smooth their cellulite. Once again, not addressing the issue of FAT…and the fat and inches always return!

Burn the Fat Burning your stored BODY FAT FOR FUEL is the LONG TERM SOLUTION!

Give your body the right raw materials and the body can product miracle upon miracle. Give it 10-Days. You will be pleasantly surprised. It is not a diet, rather a life-style. Join us our journey- Order yours today. Did we tell you that you can also earn lots of money helping your friends and family be healthier? not on a diet

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy & Dave


Spanx- Body Wraps or KETOPIA?

Spanx- Body Wraps or KETOPIA?Ketopia visual now

Most women l know care about their appearance and have a strong desire to look good both IN and OUT of their clothes. Most are also willing to try just about anything to help them – especially if it helps their BODY IMAGE. MOST things available are a TEMPORARY Fix but have you heard of Ketopia?

Many women have succumbed to what are called SPANX….. in fact I recently had a friend tell me she relies on them to keep her fat ‘in’….. Since I didn’t know much about them I decided to do some research. This is what I found. Not only are they expensive, but they are a TEMPORARY! Spanks

What the heck ARE Spanx? Spanx are under garments worn over your under clothes to hold you in and make you look thinner or look like you have lost weight. They helps hide the bulges of fat that often make your clothes appear lumpy. Not only do they help you look like you’ve lost weight (up to ten pounds!), but they also can firm up your appearance and they streamline you. People wear Spanx with jeans, business attire, dresses, and even sweats when they want a fitter, thinner figure

Other women spend a fortune on another temporary fix called Body Wraps. Years ago I enjoyed a seaweed body wrap at a spa, but do you know there are women today who use them several times every month for a temporary inch loss? A friend used them to fit into her bridesmaid’s dress…but the following day when she gained her inches back, she couldn’t fit into the dress. Once again, a temporary and costly solution.body-wrap-image

And then there is KETOPIA. Finally something with substance and offers lasting results!

What is Ketopia?

Ketopia is a 10-Day Program that nutritionally puts your body into a healthy state of ketosis so you burn your own stored body fat for fuel. This is not temporary. It is lasting. Once you have reset your body, you will enjoy more energy and a more efficient fat body burning.

What are the benefits of Ketopia? They BEGIN when you begin the program….

1) Weight Loss 2) FAT LOSS 3) Less Cravings or elimination of cravings 4) More energy 5) Inch Loss and what I find fascinating, is Ketopia helps you RESET your body so it burns more efficiently and effectively even AFTER you have stopped!

Rather than spend money on a temporary fix, try Ketopia. You’ll save money while enjoying a morning KetonX drink, Dough bites and FIXX shake, all conveniently packaged in a 10-Day program. Don’t believe me? Take the Challenge. Order YOUR 10-Day Ketopia pack today.

fat burningBurning Fat for Fuel…now THAT sounds wonderful!!!!!

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Join us as we change the world with Ketopia.

Joy Edgerton

Dave DeBerardinis
