Did you know Ketopia can help with your MENOPOT-“Belly Fat”?

Did you know Ketopia can help with your MENOPOT-“Belly Fat”?

Are you still is disbelief that YOU have an abundance of belly fat due to menopause? I was!Capture MENOPOT

I was one of those women who always said that Menopause Belly Fat Gain would NEVER happen to me! After all, I embraced fitness my entire life, I lifted weights – had a large % of my weight being muscle and my diet was balanced and healthy…..
and then…. at around age 53- at menopause- things really DID change and I was no longer invincible! It FAT BELLYwas a hard realization! Until recently I felt like I was living in someone else’s body….and that I had ‘dirty spark plugs’ that weren’t firing effectively… brain fog…less focus….just not myself!

I know, research supports what countless women, as well as myself have discovered for themselves: menopause brings with it a rapid accumulation of fat smack-dab at the waist, the menopot belly. So at age 53 I began researching MENOPAUSE and hormonal shifts and really got how and why it happened – BUT that still didn’t offer a solution to HOW TO LOSE MY MENOPOT! And then, July 10th 2015, FGXpress – a company I have been working with since 2006, released a new program called The 10-Day KETOPIA Reset. This is the solution that helped me, just a little over a month ago.Scale throwing itMany experts believe that the shifting sands of declining hormone levels cause our bodies to redistribute fat from our arms, legs, and hips and plunk it down at our waists. In addition, lower estrogen levels and age-related changes all add up to a net decrease in lean muscle mass. Less muscle means that it’s more difficult to burn the same amount of calories as we did in our twenties, thirties, and even five years previously. Women often complain that their diets are the same but their waistline is different and we often resort to wearing pants with forgiving waist lines (yup, elastic, like our mom’s wore!)

To learn about Ketopia visit (www.Healthy10DayReset.com)

This is what helped ME begin to rid my belly and back fat! For the first time in years– something worked! Ketopia literally turns your body into a FAT BURNING BODY (with nutritional ketosis) rather than a SUGAR/CARB BURNING BODY!1 Day 1-30jeans

The Nitty-Gritty on the Menopot Belly

Studies haven’t shown a direct correlation between the drop in hormone levels in menopause and insulin resistance, but they have shown that accumulation of fat at the midsection is associated with increased insulin resistance, increased hunger, and a change in carbohydrate metabolism. So while there isn’t a direct line from lower estrogen levels to insulin resistance, there may well be a more circuitous route that leads to the same destination: elastic waistbands. I LIVE IN PANTS WITH ELASTIC WAIST BANDS! Thank GOD for Yoga Pants!Fuel Tank

A healthy way to address your FAT GAIN is by embracing a Ketogenic Nutritional Program, and the KETOPIA 10-Day Reset gives you a full program to help you reach your goals. It is high in healthy fats- approx. 65%, with protein around 25% of calories and carbs 5%…..and the box provides you with 3 of the key products: 1) KetonX drink that puts your body into a healthy nutritional state of ketosis, 2) Dough bites- snack to keep the ‘burn going’ and 3) FIXX Energy Shake…(oh yeah, and to provide PEETOSTIX, which are ketostix that you pee on to see you are in ketosis.KETO FOOD PYRAMID)

Here are some facts

• Ounce per ounce and pound per pound, lean muscle burns more calories for fuel than fat (about 6 calories per pound of muscle and about 2 calories per pound of fat).

• The same number of calories taken in will now produce a little extra fat, which gets deposited in the arms, hips, thighs, and midsection.

• The same amount of fat doesn’t weigh as much as muscle or the water in our bodies.

• Women can eat the same number of calories, be losing muscle mass and replacing it with fat, which weighs less, so the scale doesn’t change, and yet there’s a greater percentage of fat than previously and a reduced percentage of muscle.

• Around menopause, some of the excess fat deposited around the body decides to have a big family reunion at the waist. So seemingly overnight, women wake up to a Menopot Belly.

• The more fat that’s deposited at the midsection, the more likely it is that your body isn’t metabolizing carbohydrates as efficiently, which can lead to insulin resistance and diabetes.

(KEY HERE: this is one reason the KETOPIA 10-Day Reset can help you with reducing your fat weight.) As fat accumulates in the midsection, something even more insidious occurs: that fat sends out more of the hormone ghrelin to the brain, which acts to increase appetite. (KETOPIA helps curb your appetite and cravings!)

• What seems to be a sudden occurrence is actually a few years in the making. Don’t be discouraged…..you really didn’t gain your belly fat overnight although it may seem like it! Give KETOPIA a try. I did 30 Days and plan to continue with a 10 Day Reset 1x month until I reach my body fat/healthy weight goals.

It truly can be as simple as using the 10-Day Ketopia Reset Program and adding a thirty-minute walk to your day and a little resistance or weight training to your exercise routine. To read a great article on this topic visit: http://www.mymenopausemag.com/menopause/how-to-lose-weight-in-menopause/

To ORDER Ketopia go to www.fgxnow.com.

Yoga5I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy & Dave




Tired of Dieting?- Try KETOPIA!

Tired of Dieting?- Try KETOPIA!

Ketopia is not a diet; it’s a lifestyle!

KETOPIA is NEWFINALLY there is a program that addresses both HEALTH & WEIGHT/FAT LOSS. RESET your BODY TODAY! Let your stored body fat become your fuel!

Ketopia is a 10-Day Reset Program that consists of 3 nutritional products and an additional product to SHOW that the program is working!

Each product in the Ketopia system leverages the latest breakthroughs in science and nutrition to make your health goals realistic and tangible. Since health is habit, not an event, Ketopia was designed to supplement your healthy lifestyle to help you feel and look your best.

Review of What’s in comes in the Box of KETOPIA:

Your Box will be delivered to your address by UPS. It comes in a compact box with great visual appeal and dividers to separate the three different products. On the top you will find a handy GUIDE to the 10 Day program as well as a package of 10 Peetopia Stix. (basically ketostix)

Ketopia visual now

KetonX™ – a drink that allows the body to begin converting into a state of nutritional ketosis within a matter of hours, not days. Featuring a patented blend of ingredients, KetonX is a safe and simple way to achieve ketosis without the negative side effects of a typical ketogenic diet. It’s delicious and tastes like an orange creamsickle.KetonX drink




Dough Bites™ – a delicious cookie dough snack that feature 24-Karat®Chocolate, zero-impact carbohydrates, fiber and prebiotics. They are formulated to help balance insulin levels and increase fat utilization for energy. Dough Bites are filling, help to reduce cravings, and taste amazing. You can eat them straight out of the package or heat them in the over at 350 degrees for 5 minutes.

YUM, you’ll enjoy a delicious “cookie Dough Bite snack” with warm melted chocolate bites!

Dough Bites visual



FIXX™ – FIXX is a delicious 24-Karat® Chocolate meal replacement energy shake that is made with the highest-quality clean ingredients to support your weight management goals along with the rest of the Ketopia system.




Peetopia Stix™ – Use Peetopia Stix to track your level of nutritional ketosis throughout the program. Start measuring your progress within only hours of your first drink of KetonX. PROOF WITHIN HOURS 1 hour day 1

You can use Peetopia Stix to measure your level of nutritional ketosis while using KetonX. You can test yourself as early as an hour after your first drink of KetonX. When using Peetopia Stix, you are looking for moderate ketone levels, but the benefits of ketones are present with higher or lower levels as well.

The goal of KETOPIA is HEALTH -and it wouldn’t be complete without discussing the importance of the role of exercise.

The 10-Day Ketopia Reset Pack is designed to help your body achieve ketosis within a matter of hours. However, it is important that the 10-Day Ketopia Reset Pack be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and at least 30 minutes of daily exercise. A healthy diet and daily exercise helps achieve optimum results.

JOIN OUR KETOPIA 10 DAY CHALLENGE. We have an active group on Facebook and you get our coaching and expertise for FREE. How to join? Simply visit our website: www.fgxnow.com and click on your location… then click JOIN. JOIN offers wholesale pricing options, whereas the button SHOP offers you retail options. Both are fine- do whatever you choose….but if you are tired of dieting and looking for something that is LONG TERM WEIGHT LOSS join today! OH, did you know you can also earn FREE product OR MONEY by simply sharing Ketopia with YOUR FRIENDS?

We look forward to seeing YOUR results. Here is a glimpse of my results within my first 20 days. 1 Joys Results 1-20

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If you have completed your 10-Day Ketopia Reset program and are waiting for your Autoship order of the 10-Day Ketopia Reset pack to arrive, you can still maintain a healthy lifestyle with this simple guide.
Remember, you can start another 10-Day Ketopia Reset program at any time during the month, or even do them back-to-back. Just make sure you are exercising regularly, getting enough rest, drinking plenty
of water, and consulting your health professional with any concerns or questions. You also have the option to continue using KetonX™, Dough Bites™ and/or FIXX® separately or together as part of your regular health maintenance program. www.fgxnow.com


As you’ll soon discover, the 10-Day Ketopia Reset program helps you make better choices when it comes to
what to eat while working toward your weight management goals. This guide, created by Michelle Lesueur, who also helped formulate the 10 Day Ketopia Reset Program has been designed with the same goal in mind. If you choose to make health a habit between 10-Day Ketopia Resets, here are some additional suggestions to help you stay on track.
1. Have a FIXX® shake for breakfast.
2. Choose low-glycemic foods.
3. Eat Dough Bites™ as a healthy snack, anytime, anywhere.
4. Avoid grains, or eat them minimally.
5. Use nut flours to “bake” and help fight bread cravings.
6. Get a lot of lean proteins.
7. Eat plenty of veggies, preferably raw.
8. Cook with good fats like coconut oil.
9. Eat every four hours to help protect muscle and keep blood sugar balanced. and last but not least……… 10. Get one serving of protein, good fat, and vegetables in every meal.

Breakfast: eggs
2 whole eggs, scrambled
3 egg whites, scrambled
¼ c. fresh veggies

3 oz. chicken breast, grilled Chicken
½ c. fresh or frozen broccoli, steamed ½ c. sweet potato, steamed broccoli with 1 pat butter for

1 FIXX® shake
Dinner: salmon
3 oz. salmon, grilled
½ c. fresh or frozen green beans, steamed
1 small fresh garden salad
2 Tbsp. full-fat dressing

1 Dough Bite, baked (optional)



It is important to continue drinking the same amount of water in between 10-Day Ketopia Reset
programs as you did during the program. Water The human body
is made of 70% water, and needs to be properly hydrated to function optimally. The best rule is to
drink half your weight in ounces per day.
If you’re not sure you’re drinking enough water, you’re probably not! Typically, by the time we feel thirsty our bodies are already dehydrated. Thirst also gets mistaken for hunger a lot of the time.
Next time you’re hungry try drinking a glass of water and wait a few minutes to determine if it’s hunger or thirst that needs your attention. You might be surprised!

Decision MakingWORK IT OUT
We cannot stress enough how important of a role exercise plays in your overall health. Your results on this, or any weight management program, will be best if combined with adequate exercise. If you are not typically a regular exerciser, now is the time to start! Everyone has 20 minutes to spare for their own body and mind each day. It can be as simple as going for a brisk walk outdoors! You will also find that exercise can easily be incorporated into your daily routines.
Benefits of regular exercise include, but are certainly not limited to:
• Improved mood
• Stress reduction
• Boosted energy older couple working out
• Deeper sleep
• Healthier libido
• Prevention of excess weight gain
• Balanced cholesterol levels
• Improved self-confidence
• Heightened mental clarity

collage of 20 day Ketopia guideTo place your order go to www.fgxnow.com


Please email me at info@fgxnow.com for a 20-Day Guide and for healthy food selections while you are on the 10-Day Reset program with KETOPIA.

FREE coaching and support to all customers and members who join our team. Did I mention you can earn money while losing weight and helping your friends and family getting healthier?

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