Day 6- cruising right along.
I wasn’t sure what to expect when I said YES to trying a huge array of live PURE products for a minimum of 30-days, but I knew the timing was perfect for me to put ME first and take my health to a new level. ( to see what is available in my online store.)
This is not a new journey for me. I love health and fitness challenges, and have done plenty in my life. This one, at age 66, is focused more on INTERNAL health and how things ‘look’ versus, external appearances, and thus far, I have to say I am thrilled. In fact, I feel GREAT, I feel empowered and in control of my eating in a spiritual way. Something I had not experienced in some time. As God intended, with the quote, “It’s not the FOOD in your life, but the LIFE in your food”. Eating food with life force!!!!!
Most of us know when shopping to follow the perimeter of the grocery store, as opposed to the inner aisles where ‘fake and packaged’ food is abundant. “If GOD made it, Eat it, if MAN made it, leave it alone or eat sparingly.”
So far, I’d have to say what I feel most is an increase in clarity and focus, and feeling that my body is literally thanking me. One significant thing I have done in the past 6 days is not drink any alcohol.
I had got into the nightly habit at 5:00 to pour a cocktail, or more, of my favorite adult beverage. Honestly, in many ways it was to numb losing my father last summer, and ultimately moms death only two weeks ago tomorrow. It just seemed easier to handle their decline, even when they were living and I’d visit the two of them and we’d all toast to family and life. Only mom would only have 1/2 ounce of scotch and water and dad, a light ‘white Russian’ or 1/2 a beer….and let’s say, I’d have a couple of stiff cocktails. It helped on some level.
Ahhhh, those were good memories, but the alcohol became a 4-5 day a week habit, on average, and an large addition to my calorie intake. Not a good recipe if you want to be healthy and lose weight. Actually, looking back a couple of years ago is when it began as I had braces and dental work. I could not eat much food so I enjoyed liquid calories, either shakes or you got it, the additional 200-400 calories per day from alcohol. Not a good recipe for optimum health, right? Even if I did add it to my nutritional beverage of Zipslim, that made it semi-healthy. Sure! What a crock of ‘you know what’. ha-ha.
Anyway, we all know the saying “When the student is ready the teacher appears”, and for me it pertains to me being ready to step back into my passion for health education by example, and ultimately the freedom of network marketing and creating teams with like-minded people.
So here I am, day 6- feeling great and proud of myself. It has not been difficult, and using the MAJIK and feeding my body at the cellular level, I
simply don’t crave bad food choices.
Join me on my journey. We can compare notes and support one another. Be the best version of you that you can and it starts with putting yourself FIRST and taking care of you on all levels… body, mind and spirit.
Have a great day. I’d love to hear from you.
Joy Edgerton/ 802-999-1815