Joy’s PURE Journey. Day 12. Getting Leaner…..

Today was the first time in a long time that I looked at the mirror at the gym when lifting weights, that I said to myself, “Wow, you really ARE dropping FAT and getting leaner”.

If you know me, I am overly critical with my body, so this is a big WIN and I attribute it to all the great products I am enjoying that are elevating my mood and improving my life in general.

You can ‘diet’ all you want, by reducing calories, making healthier choices, etc. but I am believing more and more that it is crucial to reduce your toxic load so that your body can release TOXINS – thus release the FAT where toxins are stored. As a result, you’ll reduce inches of fat that prevent you from seeing those beautiful muscles that you work so hard to sculpt.

Now, the photo to the left is me at age 30. It was after giving birth to two children (by C-Section) and who were then 5 and 6 years old at that time.

My goal? I wanted to prove to myself that I could train, ‘diet’ and commit to being a part the Vermont State Body Building competition. just one time. Part of my motivation was I was working at the Olympiad Health Club as a membership director, and watched several people completely change their body by getting into Body Building. I want to see if MY body was up for the challenge.

My biggest challenge was by the time I made the decision, I only had 90 days to pull it together.

I went into my 90-day stretch in pretty good shape, however in order to compete I had to drastically reduce my bodyfat. I wish so much I had a before and after comparison, BUT as you can see in the photos, I did lean down to 8.5% body fat and successfully did what I set out to achieve.

Determination was the key as well as having the right mind-set, healthy habits and TOXIN FREE nutrition.

If I had then- what I have now in terms of super fruit nutrition, it would have been easier and healthier. Bottom line, getting leaner, dropping the right kind of weight (FAT) while maintaining or building lean muscle is the KEY. Typically when people set out to diet to lose weight, they lose water and lean muscle, losing their very engine (metabolism) to maintain that lower weight. Heard of the Yo-Yo syndrome? I bet you have.

I’m quite sure a body building competition is not your goal, nor is it mine at age 66, but ridding the men-o-pot belly and body fat that has come with age, is my goal. Guess what? With the help of PURE products, including MAJIK, it is working.

I’m grateful.

I encourage you to join me on YOUR journey so we can support one another.


Will it be Day ONE or ONE Day? It’s your choice?

Would you like to make a change and get healthier- but not sure how to get started? Reach out to me. My background and passion is inspiring people to be the healthiest possible version of who you were meant to be.

Joy Edgerton/ Brand Partner and Lifestyle Coach with Live PURE. 802-999-1815

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