Joy’s Journey. Today is Day 30 of my Bikram Yoga 30-Day Challenge!

Today is September 19, 2017. 30-Days ago I wasn’t sure this day would ever arrive….you see on August 21st I signed up for my first Bikram Yoga class- in hopes of restoring my body, mind and spirit.

I know many people, men, women and even children love yoga and have encouraged me over my lifetime to give it a try, but up until a month ago I had no interest. It sounded boring and overly repetitive, at best!

Then a month ago I had a heart-felt talk with myself and asked my body, mind and spirit (soul) what it needed. I was tired, I had ‘tennis elbow’ due to overuse playing tennis, using the computer and lifting weights and I was discouraged. I was looking for something- and had no idea what that ‘something’ would be.

When I heard the loud “whisper” back telling me I need BIKRAM YOGA I wanted to ignore it, only I couldn’t. Why ask if I don’t want to hear my inner truth- right? So I looked up local studios in the Burlington VT area, dusted off an old Bikram for Beginner’s book (not sure why I still had it after a few classes back in the early 2000s) -then I made a personal commitment to do (or try?) Bikram yoga for the full 30-Days.

When I signed up there was a new student special, as is with most- if not all Bikram studios throughout the world. $30 for 30-Days. You can take as many classes as you want or physically can, in those 30-Days. I had no idea if that would mean 1 class, 5 or 20….and I certainly never thought I would or could do 30 classes in 30-Days.

Birkam Choudhury says to give Bikram 30-Days and it will change your body and give it 60-Days and it will change your life.

When I signed up for the 30-Day pass I had no other goal than to do one day at a time. The Bikram studio is 105 degrees of ‘heat’ and 40% humidity!!!!!

Day 1 I was petrified…. and although I had no idea what I was doing, with great instruction I did each of the 26 poses as best as I could, never sitting one out…. and I survived. (barely I may add, but I kept coming back!)

Now looking back Day 2-30 is a blur….but if you want details you can check out the MANY blogs I did during those days at Some days were easier than others and there were those amazing days that I felt extremely strong….and then some days it was all I could do to complete the 90 minute class and keep my arms straight and glued to my ears, which for someone with ‘tennis elbow’ was a challenge!

On September 1st, the studio I go to (Queen City Bikram Yoga, which I highly recommend) started their OWN 30-Day Challenge. Now I had a decision to make. Do I continue on with my own 30-Day Challenge AND then add on and begin a full 30-Days in September? If so, that would be 41 days in a row and that seems daunting!

Today is Day 30- for ME and my personal 30-Day Challenge… and I haven’t yet decided if I’ll continue on, but for sure I’ll CHAMPION MYSELF on doing what I once thought was 100% impossible. My husband has been ultra supportive in every way possible, even so much that he did 8 classes with me!

Today my husband Dave gave me a sweet CARD with a gift certificate in it for a pedicure and manicure combo. A nice treat. Heart

Looking back, I am so happy that today is Day 30 and that I accomplished what I thought was impossible! I do love big challenges in life…. AND along the way, I had FUN, challenged myself, made new friends and found a new ‘sport’ aka “practice” that I know I will continue.

From this day forth, I am thinking I’ll let my body decide how often to do Bikram Yoga. Right now it says 3-4 days a week, mixed in with my familiar activities of weight lifting, occasional tennis and ‘walks’ will be a beautiful balance….but only time will tell.

In conclusion, I highly recommend everyone trying Bikram Yoga and doing an introductory package so you can do as many (or few) classes as you want in 30-Days. I heard so many people in class share their experiences on overcoming physical challenges and injuries and how the THERAPEUTIC BENEFITS of BIKRAM made a huge difference in the quality of their lives. That’s what its all about!

For me, my ‘tennis elbow’ has improved and my flexibility and my balance is MUCH better than before! I breathe differently, which is great as I have always been a very shallow breather.

I melted many inches of FAT off my body, in particularly off my belly area, as well as legs and hips.

I did NOT lose any weight on the scale as of today, (bummer!) which shocked me as I thought I look like I dropped 5-8 pounds, but ya know what, my clothes fit better, I can wear my ‘tester’ jeans now and I feel like I am getting my ‘sexy’ back, after menopause. (Yup, my men-o-pot is smaller, thanks to Bikram!)

Make an investment in your health. Try something new, take a risk, even if you are not good at it- trust me here, I have never felt so incompetent in my entire life as I have while doing Bikram yoga!

Although I now KNOW the poses and am 100% better than when I began, it is a life-time ‘practice’…. and there is NO competition – other than against yourself.

Care to share YOUR feedback with your Bikram Yoga – or if you ever ever done 30 days or 60 days in a row? I’d love to hear from you! Thanks for reading and supporting me on my journey!

Joy Edgerton


(Products to enhance your body, mind & spirit)



Taking Care of your “Generals” in MLM EARNS you the BIG $$$

If you are involved in network marketing and have a goal of reaching a high rank in your company, you know you can’t do it alone.

One of my favorite up-line sponsors in this industry is a friend who I’ll call Cody. He was a natural networker and had a great personality. He wasn’t flash and slick…he was ‘real’.

He really knew how to capture peoples attention without being too salesy and also made a point to get to know his key leaders ‘as people’ so that he could help each of his leaders reach THEIR goals….. not just his. Getting to know your leaders is crucial. Gratefully so, I was one of his leaders that he identified early on (even when I didn’t believe it) and helped along the way.

The interesting thing is by recognizing leadership qualities in me and taking a keen interest in MY success he actually accomplished his goals….and his goals were massive for a young man in his 30s.

During this time I came to learn some simple things that GREAT leaders do are:

When they ‘enroll’ someone in their business they get to know them and know what their goals are. Also ‘what color’ are they within the color code? By knowing what motivates the individual you’ll be able to speak their language and tune into what is important to them….rather than what is important to you. Here is one version of the color code test.

An example of NOT doing this is assuming because you are a NUMBERS person and love statistics, that you need to talk numbers/stats and only income with your newly enrolled people. Heck no, not to me! That would be an instant turn off and I’d be looking for a quick way to escape the conversation. But if that same person knew that my ‘hot button’ was helping people reach their health and financial goals, and especially enjoyed working with women- then a conversation in those terms would be important.

When they enroll someone in their business they quickly introduce them (by phone, in person or online) to up-line and cross-line people on their team. Most people love being a part of something bigger than themselves and having other people to connect with on the same team is important…and bottom line, more fun! Also this gives them more people to do 3-way calls with…. which is a great way to validate information and edify people on the team.

When they enroll someone and identify that you are one of their leaders, they then take extra care of those people knowing without them reaching their goals and experiencing their level of success they understand that THEY won’t reach their goals!

Recognition is one of the top reasons people join and stay in network marketing. Never take your leaders or team for granted. Making income is also important! Helping your new members earn income their first 30 days -or less- is crucial.


Back to my friend Cody.

The company we were with had several rank titles from Member, to Part-time, Full-Time and all the way up to the top level which was called “Rainmaker”.

In order for you to rank advance (as with any mlm company) you need others on your team rank advancing and reaching their goals too.

Cody wanted to become what is called RAINMAKER. In order to reach that rank he needed “4 Full-Time” personally enrolled reps (or members) When I first joined the company he was a budding leader but within 2-3 years he was a top producer.

Lucky for me, I was one of his chosen ‘leaders’ or “Generals” as I often have heard the term. At that time in my career making an additional $5,000 a month income seemed golden! I had never earned that much in a month in my life. Cody on the other hand wanted to earn $50,000+ a month income. By being a great leader and making sure that I- and a minimum of three others reach and maintain a minimum of FULL TIME STATUS, he would reach Rainmaker!

He became the second person in the company to reach this highest rank and only person to maintain it many times over the course of the year…and the only reason that his income decreased and that he left for another opportunity was the company took on a whole new direction ….throwing most of the leaders under ‘the bus’. (Actually picture a speed boat taking a quick curve out of nowhere and people flying off the side of the boat and ending up in the ocean…without a life boat. Yup, that was what happened.)

Now, fast forward many years later my financial goals are more in alignment with what Cody’s were … so we, like other successful leaders, have identified our personally enrolled “Generals” and are working with them closely to make sure they reach the goals they desire, as fast as possible… as well as continue to grow their teams and their personally enrolled leaders. And it goes on an on with great momentum. (Key, never stop enrolling or developing leaders!)

Clearly, Together Everyone Achieves More when you work as a TEAM!

I know the above seems extremely obvious, but we have worked with other up-line sponsors who clearly do not understand it and do not take care of their leaders…. and you guessed it, success rarely happens long term for those leaders.

If you have dreams, goals and aspirations within your company and mlm business make sure you share them with your up-line sponsor and if they don’t ‘get it’ then share with others above them or with the corporate staff. This is a business of duplication and working together. TEAM! It cannot be accomplished alone.

Do you want to be honored, supported and recognized? It starts with each one of us.

Honor, support and recognize those you enroll onto your team is crucial. And if for some reason you cannot support them, then tell your sponsor so that they will not be lost in a crowd of reps. Encourage people on your team to reach UP and OUT and together we can all achieve amazing things within this industry.

Dave and Joy/ Global Leaders with Tavala


Joy’s Journey- Day 24 Bikram Yoga- Going for the 30-Day Challenge!

Today is the first day I had to look at the calendar and count which day I was on with Bikram Yoga. Was it 23 or 24? and to my delight, today was 24!

Day 1 I had NO IDEA what I was doing or if I could survive 90 minutes of 105 temperature with 40% humidity, but obviously by taking one day at a time I am not only surviving but my Bikram Yoga ‘practice’ is improving little by little.

If nothing else it is showing me that I am dedicated and am willing to concentrate and work through everything that is unfamiliar…oh SO unfamiliar!

Like with most goals, simply showing UP and doing the best you can is the goal with Bikram Yoga. Do what you can- the right way- and you’ll receive 100% of the therapeutic benefit. So for that, I am grateful.

I’m not going to lie….it has not been easy. Yesterday both my arms felt heavy and stiff and actually ached, that even typing on the computer keys seemed difficult. Today I took it down a notch and was more gentle on myself and as a result feel more energized than tired. How cool to listen to your own body’s wisdom and when you do, you feel better! Imagine that for a concept?

Perhaps why I feel elated today is also because it is sunny and almost 80 degrees weather here on September 13th in Vermont. Hard to believe but so welcomed. It was only a week ago that we thought fall was here and that winter was just around the corner.

It is often said that it takes 21 days in a row with any habit, whether eating, working out, doing YOGA etc. and I have to agree this is true.

For me, my goal is 30-Days straight…and then this little voice in my head says but “Bikram” himself says give him 30-days and and you’ll change your body and give him 60-days and it will change your life!”

So who I am going to listen to? Myself or Bikram himself?

60-Days could be cool, after all I did recently turn 60 years old. Typically on my Birthday I’ll do that many pushups (and not the girl ones on your knees) for every year. I think I began doing that at age 55. 60 was a stretch, but I did it, but I believe I did rest this year for 10 seconds after 30 and continued on. So you see, setting goals is something I am quite familiar with.

So as I get closer to the 30-Day mark I decided to research what I can expect by going the full 30 days.

Can you change your life in 30 days? The benefits of a Bikram Yoga 30-Day Challenge

As mentioned above, Bikram Choudhury tells his students: “Give me 30 days, I’ll change your body. Give me 60 days, I’ll change your life.” While it seems impossible given the number of unsuccessful weight loss plans and other advertised fad exercise regimens out there, Bikram Yoga studios all around the world have been fortunate enough to see several students experience the truth of this statement first-hand.

30-Day Challenges are designed to help students delve deeper into their practice, refine their postures, and gain a better understanding of their body and capabilities.

What is a 30-Day Challenge?

The goal of a 30-Day Challenge is to take a class every day for 30 days and over time see the positive physical and mental changes realized by a consistent practice.

Are 30 days of yoga in a row too much?

Not at all. (Or so they say!) Bikram Yoga is different from most other forms of exercise. Because yoga does not tear the muscles, your body does not require time to repair itself between classes. Furthermore, Bikram Yoga restores health and brings your body and mind back to balance. It is safe to take class every day, even twice a day!

What are some of the benefits of a daily practice?

Most of the people who completed their Challenge have mentioned that they sleep better, gain flexibility and muscle tone, lose weight, handle stress better, smile more often, feel more confident in their appearance, see major improvements in their yoga postures, and find other forms of exercise and daily activities easier.

During a 30-Day Challenge you also have a chance to pay better attention to your body and to the physical and mental changes happening during those 30 days.

To the right you’ll see before and after pictures. I wish I had taken pictures of ME when I started for a comparison. One thing I have noticed is that I am kinder on myself, my body, my body image, my body weight and how I look in skimpy yoga clothes. For that, in itself, I am grateful.

I’ll end here with a picture of my favorite pose. Favorite, not because I love the ‘pose’ but because it is the last of 26 poses in the series and the ONLY pose you do one time….. and from Day 1, it is one of the few poses I could do!

I am currently taking Bikram Yoga at a wonderful studio in South Burlington, Vermont called Queen City Bikram Yoga.

It is an fairly new facility so it is up to date, clean, fresh, it has wonderful instructors and everyone is friendly and makes you feel welcome. They are currently running a 30-Day challenge for the month of September, so if I do “theirs” as well as the 11-days I had ‘under my belt before September 1st’ it means I’d do 41 days in a row. I’m not quite sure about that ‘yet’. One thing I will do is ONE DAY AT A TIME!

Joy Edgerton


Falling Asleep at your Desk, you may need ALERT to stay ALERT!

Are you SICK and TIRED of being TIRED? Fed up not having the normal pizzaz to keep AWAKE and ALERT and ‘on your game’ throughout the day? I recently came across something that will help you….and it’s so easy and simple to use- and works within seconds.


What IS ALERT and how is it taken?

Alert Micromist is the fastest, smartest, and easiest way to get an energy boost using the natural power of Guarana.

By delivering a small amount of Guarana extract and caffeine to the lungs as a micro mist, the effects are felt within seconds.

Alert Micromist is convenient and pocket-sized, so it can be used anytime, anywhere.

Immediate results, no calories, no sugar or caffeine crashes make Alert Micromist the fast, effective way to stay alert.



Immediate results, no calories, no sugar or caffeine crashes make Alert Micromist the fast, effective way to stay alert.
Active Ingredient:
Guarana extract, caffeine
Inactive Ingredients:
HFA134a propellant, Alcohol,
Propylene Glycol

Recommended for adults 18+ years old. Take no more than 2 breaths per hour and 12 breaths a day.

How to use:

1. Hold the micromister with the mouthpiece at the top.
2. Breathe out.
3. While breathing in, actuate the micromister and hold.
4. Hold your breath for 3-4 seconds then exhale

I’m convinced once you try ALERT you’ll stop buying those fancy coffee drinks that are full of sugar and caffeine or drinking harmful energy drinks that tax your adrenals!! Also ALERT only costs $49.99 for a 28-day supply. Interested? Go to and place your order today! Buy 2 and save $!!!!!

ALERT is IDEAL for professionals that need to stay alert and can’t take time to run to the bathroom from coffee or energy drink consumption. Nurses, Teachers, Bank Tellers, Truck Drivers, Cab Drivers, Fire Fighters, Police officers etc. all come to mind. Give it a try!

Dave and Joy


Why Network Marketing is PERFECT for Women of All Ages?

Have you noticed how many women are in network marketing? Why do you think that trend is growing?

I began to research the reason so many women are joining network marketing. It’s a growing phenomena so I thought understanding why more women than ever are getting involved in network marketing and direct sales would be insightful.

According to Women United for Change ( Lawyers, medical and healthcare professionals, marketing executives, pharmaceutical reps, accountants, real estate and mortgage professionals, teachers, working and stay-at-home moms, nurses, athletes, baby boomers, college students, financial planners – women from almost every imaginable background and age group are joining this profession in droves.

Why? and Why Network Marketing?

Women today want to make great money AND still have quality time with their kids, spouse (or other important priorities).
They’re tired of glass ceilings, office politics and long commutes.
They want to be in control of their schedules, to work when they want to work (and take time off when needed).
They love building a business that pays them more (and requires less of their time) as it grows, and to have no limits on the money they can make.
They want to feel the work they do makes a real difference for others, and to be part of a team that supports and helps each other.
They sense they have a bigger role to play in the world, and want to make a real and lasting contribution.

A network marketing/direct sales business gives women the opportunity to accomplish all these things (and SO much more).

This unique and collaborative business is the best option for women who want to create both an exciting income and an ideal lifestyle (and who thrive on making a real difference for others).

Women Are Great at Multi-Tasking- Sharing and Building Teams!

Office Or Home Directions On A Wooden Signpost

Women are renowned for their ability to multi-task. This is a great quality and strength to have in network marketing as you literally have to be very versatile and wear many different hats to run this type of business.

Women are Good Leaders-Women are Naturally Social-Women are Great Communicators-Women are Non-Intimidating-Women are Natural Nurturer’s- Women Offer the Right Kind of Motivation and Women are Quick Learners…

You know that women wear multiple hats and they want more: more for their families, more for their friends, more for the world, and even more for themselves.

At our core, we want it, and unfortunately, some women don’t know their options or are not excited enough to jump into something new.

Sure, there are a lot of ways to do it, and one of those ways is through Network Marketing. And guess what? As a woman, it’s in our DNA. Yes, Women were born to excel in Network Marketing.

I personally love working with other and helping other women as well as empowering one another. In network marketing competition among women, for the most part, is more friendly than in the traditional business world.

If you are a woman and looking to earn additional income part-time or full-time, check out network marketing as an option. It’s a great way to earn additional income in the ‘cracks of your life’ if you are already busy, and it has many rewards.

If you are an entrepreneur and wish to change careers or leave the corporate job/life but not give up an executive income, networking may be the answer for you. It has been for me and the income, residual I may add, that comes with building a team right and getting paid over and over and over again, is worth it.

As for which company to join, only you can determine what that company is. Please do your homework as hopefully this will be a long term relationship and you want to make the right decision on the company, and team you join.

Tavala is a unique network marketing company that is attracting both women who have never done networking in their lives, as well as seasoned leaders. There are many reasons. If you are interested in exploring the possibilities, please reach out to me. or call 802-846-7530. I’m looking to mentor 2 women this month….

Dave and Joy/ Global Leaders


Joy’s “Experiment” with 2 different QUANTUM ENERGY STRIPS & what she found….

Sometimes it’s important to make a comparison with a product so others can make an educated decision which product is best for them.

Let me share a recent ‘experiment’ I did with 2 different STRIPS, that help with pain/discomfort….and bringing Quantum Energy to parts of the body that need it most.

I have been doing Bikram Yoga for 3 weeks now. Today is Day 22…. in a row! I believe in the POWER OF QUANTUM ENERGY…as everything IS energy. I had heard a friend tell me that when he wears the Strips with Quantum Energy to YOGA that his balance and energy is better. When you think of it, it makes sense.

The brief 1 minute video below explains how the Quantum Relief Strips work…check it out.

So now you can understand how the STRIPS work, here is my experiment I did in the last two weeks.

I compared two different Strips on the market, from 2 different companies. Both hold Quantum Energy and both work…. but how do they differ and which one do I feel suits ME better? That was my experiment.

The real reason I started Bikram Yoga was I had a ‘tennis elbow’ which limited my activities of tennis and weight lifting. I knew I needed something so I sat quietly and literally asked my BODY and SPIRIT what it needed. I literally heard BIKRAM YOGA.

Yikes, I didn’t want to hear that as I don’t (or didn’t) like yoga and would NEVER have chosen that on my own….but the voice was a loud whisper that I chose not to ignore. Now 3 weeks later I am loving my new practice and my tennis elbow discomfort is almost gone!

So, what does this have to do with STRIPS for discomfort? I began placing the Quantum Relief Strips on my elbow area, cutting each strip in half and placing above and below the elbow joint area. It really helps with discomfort and inflammation. In fact, I can not imagine doing Bikram in the beginning without the Strips. In addition, I placed a half of QRS (Quantum Relief Strip) on my dan tien, just below the belly button. It is great location as it is an energy source in the body and helps balance the CHI and CHAKRAS. (As I mentioned a friend swore his balance improved in yoga doing this and I needed all the help I could get with MY balance!)

I really believe the Quantum Relief Strips have made a huge difference in the past 3 weeks…and truth be told, the “QRS” (as well as other Strip) are intended to be worn daily for keeping the body healthy, the chi and energy in flow and for ‘health and well-being’.

Last week I stumbled upon a Mylar bag of an older version of a STRIP with Quantum Energy (called the PowerStrip) … it was something I have used in the past before the Quantum Relief Strips were created. I decided to make a healthy and realistic comparison between the two Strips and to honestly assess which is better for me.

Day 1 using the older Strip version: I placed a half PowerStrip above my elbow and also below my elbow joint. I also placed half below my belly on the dan tien. I went to Bikram Yoga. Now keep in mind, Bikram Yoga is done in a studio that is 105 degree temperature and 40% humidity.

Within 30 minutes of sweating the strip started to peel off. Luckily due to the sweat, I was able to ‘press it back on’ over and over so that it actually did adhere most of the class. Each class lasts 90 minutes. Could I say this actually lasted the full 90 minutes? I suppose I could, unless some of the active ingredients on the exterior were sweat off, which the way I sweat, is a possibility. As soon as I left the class and my skin began to cool off, the Strips came off completely.

The half Strip below my belly lasted all day thanks to my waist band of my yoga pants. When I did remove it, I had a rectangular imprint in that area that looked and felt like a sunburn. Perhaps the heat of the room ignited the ingredients in the strip? That I don’t know.

A couple of days later I went back to the Quantum Relief Strips and placed them in the same areas on my body. I went to Bikram Yoga 2 days in a row. Although the Strips were still adhering in all three areas through two 90-minute classes and 2 showers, I removed them and applied a new ones. Each strip is effective for 48- hours.

For me, and this is only a personal observation, but FOR ME the Quantum Relief Strips work better and adhered superior to the PowerStrips. Are both products good products? Yes, indeed they are, but for me and my active lifestyle with Bikram, baths, showers and occasional swimming, the Quantum Relief Strips, hands down, are a better value. The cost of both products is approximately the same (PowerStrips are slightly higher in price) although for the Quantum Relief Strips through TAVALA, the cost for both customers and members is the same. $54.99. (USA pricing)

Interested in buying the Quantum Relief Strips? You can buy a single pack (or more) 14 strips = a 28-Day supply. Simply go to

Interested in trying a SAMPLE 2-pack of the Quantum Relief Strips go to You’ll find information on that website that will help educate you on the benefits.

Do you enjoy helping others? Interested in a home-based opportunity? We are looking for other leaders to spread the Quantum Relief Product throughout the world. Please inquire. It is FREE to join.

Dave and Joy/ Global Leaders





Bikram Yoga- more than 1/2 way there! Funny Description of Paige’s 1st day.

I couldn’t sleep well last night and I began to wonder if it is my BIKRAM YOGA “practice” that is shifting things internally and messing up with my night time sleep schedule….and day time energy slumps. They say it gets easier and I can expect to BECOME MORE ENERGIZED – but WHO is they anyway? 🙂

Yesterday was Day 16 of doing Bikram daily. I began to question if what I was doing….a 30-Day Challenge was actually good for me and wanted to hear others experience of what it did for them! So I googled and found many great stories, videos etc. but THIS one put a smile on my face and I continued to read on and actually ‘champion’ her successes.

….and this is where I stumbled upon this part 1 of a gal, Paige Williams, who shared her Bikram story in Oprah Magazine.

This girl, Paige, was 80 pounds overweight, divorced, out of work, and deeply in debt. OK, so none of those are me, except I am a 60-year old woman who had never done a BIKRAM challenge and someone, much like Paige, who wants to make peace with my body while balancing my body-mind-spirit connection. Oh and add one more thing, I’d love to drop at least 10 pounds in these ‘infamous’ 30-days. (I’d like to say where the FAT could melt off, but I guess I will have to just wait and see.) One thing I know, a woman with a ‘men-o-pot’ around the belly can not bend into poses easily.

So here is how it was described in Paige’s article. Paige needs a physical and spiritual overhaul. Can 60 days in a Bikram hot-yoga studio really undo years of damage? and this is where it got funny-and accurate.


Paige writes: “The teacher wants me to make a Japanese ham sandwich. To my knowledge, I’ve never seen a Japanese ham sandwich, but as I understand it, I’m to stand bent with my face to my shins and chest to my thighs in perfect vertical union—I am the sandwich.

I would say I look more like a jelly roll. My flabby abdomen won’t let my forehead anywhere near my knees, and my legs tremble as I try contorting myself into a position my body neither recognizes nor endorses. The goal is to concentrate on stretching and breathing, but I’m fixating on my unpedicured toenails. And the neon paleness of my legs. And the fact that I probably should have shaved.

The students around me are tanned and toned and very nearly nude. Every body glistens. We’re in a Bikram yoga studio, after all, where the heat is set to 105 degrees and the humidity to 40 percent, to facilitate flexibility. The men wear nothing but shorts; the women rock hot pants and halters. Because I’d rather lick the sweat-soaked carpet than bare my wretched flesh, I have on the hot-yoga equivalent of a snowsuit: calf-length sweatpants, a jog bra, and a T-shirt. I’m huffing harder than a serial killer. And we’re only on posture number one.

Posture number one of class one of day one. Assuming I survive, I’ll make the ham sandwich and about two dozen other postures every single day for the next two months, for the notorious 60-day Bikram challenge. I’m subjecting myself to “Bikram’s torture chamber,” as founder Bikram Choudhury himself calls this insanely intense regimen, because the program promises renewal from the inside out—because suffering inside this hot room may be my surest path to survival out in the world.

I need to change so many things about my life, it’s hard to know where to start. I need physical and spiritual transformation, from the mental to the muscular to the molecular. I need to stop treating my body like a landfill. I need stability, which I haven’t seen in so long, I’ve forgotten how it feels. I need a reset button.

“Do this yoga for 60 days and it will change your body, your mind, and your life,” says Choudhury, a former Indian yoga champion who lives in Los Angeles and who is, depending on your viewpoint, either a beloved lifesaving guru or just a really flexible guy who got lucky, and rich, with an idea and a persona. Bikram students believe, and I hope they’re right, that Choudhury’s heat-centric, copyrighted sequence of ancient hatha yoga postures is a transformative agent like no other; testimonials the world over suggest this yoga eases the symptoms of a range of maladies—depression, diabetes, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, migraines, arthritis, back pain, and heart disease, for instance—while relaxing the mind and slimming the body.

“Can’t you just do all that by, like, running every day for 60 days?” a friend asks. Good question, but the answer doesn’t interest me. None of my past fitness activities—racquet sports, cycling, jogging, gym circuit training, kickboxing—seem catalytic enough for the depth of change I’m after.

I’m not a renovation; I’m a tear down. And I’m hoping Bikram is my bulldozer!”

So here I am….JOY, not Paige and I began questioning if what I was doing was sane, smart or worth it. I can say each and every day is different- for example Day 17 was TODAY and I felt GREAT. I could balance stronger, I was less tired (despite not sleeping well last night) and honestly if I had to, I’d actually be able to do a 2nd class later today, which they call a ‘double’! (Now that I think of it, I believe it was the TAVALA TRIM drink I had prior to class today that made a difference) I’ll have to try it tomorrow!

Am I going to stick it out? You bet. How could I come this far and not complete the 30-days? I’d truly let myself down if I quit now. 30-days straight or admit I don’t have what it takes.

I began Bikram when I listened to my inner self/my voice tell me this is what my body needs. I wasn’t thrilled to ‘hear’ the message but I believed it to be true.

If you won’t listen, then why ask- right?

I began my personal 30-Day Challenge on August 21st and September 1st Queen City Bikram Yoga, where I go, started their 30-Day Challenge. If I do just mine, COOL, if I do the studios’ it will take me to 41 Days Straight. What do you think? Think I can do it? Think I ‘should’ do it?

I look forward to the day when walking into a Bikram yoga studio is as comfortable to me as walking into a gym or fitness center. The familiarity of a cold 20 lb. dumbbell could really excite me! but in the meantime, I’ll see what YOGA can do for this less-than-limber 60 year old body.

If you happen to live in Burlington VT and would like to join me, message me. My husband joins me 3x a week and the more the merrier!

Joy Edgerton/ 802-846-7530