TAVALA recently combined two of our favorite products, TAVALA TRIM and QUANTUM RELIEF STRIPS….. People love both! You can get both BALANCED and TRIM with this dynamic duo!

TAVALA TRIM is Tavala’s Flagship product that is catching the Weight Loss Market and Energy Drink Market by Storm! Business is booming because both of these products deliver what they promise, and they deliver it quickly. In the fast paced ‘microwave’ society we live in people want quick results!!!! They want something that tastes good, makes them feel good…and something that helps them look good. TAVALA TRIM:

  • Boosts your Metabolism
  • Suppresses your Appetite
  • Gives you Energy & Focus
  • Reduces Cravings
  • Helps with Weight Loss


  • Bring Energy to parts of the Body that need it most
  • Helps balance the Chi and Chakras
  • Keep you energized and balanced with positive energy so you can do the things you love to do!



Check out tennis player, Patrick Green, who lost 10 lbs. in his first 7-days using the Tavala Trim. Note the picture on the left where he is wearing supports for his knees, and on the right where he has replaced them with Quantum Relief Strips. By the way, his tennis game has improved dramatically since using both the TRIM and QR StRIPS!

Both the TRIM and QUANTUM RELIEF STRIPS can be purchased for only $199.99 for a 28-Day supply of each. Give yourself the gift of health!!! You’ll love how you feel.

Dave and Joy



Not exactly String Theory…. or is it?

In physics, string theory is a theoretical framework in which the point-like particles of particle physics are replaced by one-dimensional objects called strings. It describes…………… NO, not that kind of String Theory…

More like this.

Your team will follow you. See the word “Follow”? Most people think that leadership is about pushing and forcing…. well, if you’re in a business that relies on a team working together and reaching new heights individually and for the team, you may want to reconsider how to motivate people.

Here’s a short clip I made for our team to transfer their understanding on “who they need to be” if they are looking for duplication.


Your business and your team will grow faster if they can see what they need to duplicate. Words are cheap…. but your powerful demonstration is the most powerful lesson you can give.

Looking to learn more about leadership while you build a team and an income? Awesome, because that is what we do..

Connect with us.

Dave & Joy


Is Tavala TRIM good for Athletes?

Is Tavala TRIM good for Athletes?

As an athlete and former competitive body builder back in the late 1980’s I bring my personal opinion to this topic….Is Tavala Trim good for Athletes? I also asked current athletes this question. As for me, I would have LOVED to have the product TRIM available when I was extremely active and working out daily, shedding body fat in order to compete in the Vermont State Body Building Competition years ago. I also know all my active and athletic friends would have as well! Every Athlete I know wants to have a competitive edge and they often spend hundreds of dollars or more on supplementation and nutrition to reach their goals.

Tavala Trim is a Brand New Breakthrough in Weight Management and Launched November, 2016!

I’m not going to TOUCH the topic of nutrition for athletes as it is so varied between a high fat diet (LA Lakers call it their BUTTER AND BACON DIET) or a higher carbohydrate, lower fat approach but one thing I do know is taking a product for ENERGY, improved recovery, and weight loss without sacrificing muscle IS important and what active people, competitive or not, want.


TAVALA TRIM is a new breakthrough in weight loss supplementation that boosts the metabolism, suppresses cravings and appetite, gives ENERGY and FOCUS and helps lose weight. I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t want those benefits, athlete or not….unless they do not need to drop weight!

To the right is a picture of me at 8.5% body fat back in 1987- a goal I decided to pursue once turning 30 years old. With 2 young children at home, I dedicated myself to this goal seriously for 12 weeks.

Today, I have friends who are both recreational athletes and competitive athletes (runners, body builders, tennis players, Zumba instructors, etc.) that I have introduced the TRIM to and they are RAVING about their results….. It is FUN when they call ME to share their results. We want to hear YOUR results too!

TRIM Testimonial From our Friend Patrick

“I have never taken anything like this in my life. I had gone a week without my Moringa capsules when it arrived. I play tennis a lot and have been feeling lethargic and tired after an evening’s play. My muscles would ache until the following morning. My play was also very poor because I was not able to move and hit the ball how I wanted to. Then came the product and boy was there a change! My energy level went waaaay up! My game got so much better and the aches and pains were gone, even after playing for 2.5 hours – straight.

There is absolutely a difference and a huge one too! I am definitely on-board and will make my order soon.” P.G.

Below is MY personal testimonial on TRIM…. but don’t take my word for it, buy YOUR 28-day supply of TRIM today! The cost of a 28-Day supply is only $64.99. Call us at 802-846-7530 or shop at


Dave and Joy



Sleep Loss and Brain Aging- Tavala SNOOZE can help!

Sleep Loss and Brain Aging- Tavala SNOOZE can help!

A physician that I admire and trust, Dr. Deborah MD. sent me her February newsletter today and it included a topic that is forefront on many people’s minds….people of ALL AGES. This is her information on Sleep Loss and Brain Aging.

Customary is NOT the same optimal when it comes to sleep. Specifically, let’s talk about a commonly repeated disclaimer, “No, I don’t sleep so well, but, hey, people always sleep less as they get older.” The defense is repeated for good reason as it does seem to be true – the quality and duration of sleep both decline in many if not most people with aging, starting even in your 40’s, which to me sounds still very young! However, accepting shorter sleep because it’s common is not such a good idea.
Duke researchers (link is external) have identified the ways in which aging brains deteriorate when they have shortened sleep. Brain function was evaluated by in-person and MRI assessments every two years following 66 generally healthy Chinese adults, starting at the age of 55.

For every hour of lost sleep, the ventricles expanded and cognitive skills declined, compared to those who maintained a healthy sleep duration. The sleep-deprived brains looked more like the brain on the right in the picture: the brain with the large black (no-brain) spaces, now filled with fluid where there used to be brain, what is called “ventricular enlargement,” which really amounts to loss of brain tissue.
The pictures, by the way, should be labeled “Normal” on the left and “Alzheimer’s” on the right.
Need I say more? Figure out a way to prioritize sleep. If you have trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep, there are gentle and health-promoting ways to enhance sleep. Sleeping pills and anti-histamine sleepers (Unisom) do not provide normal sleep. Tryptophan, l-theanine, and melatonin – among others – are tools that can help preserve normal sleep brain function and health.

The SNOOZE is a pharmaceutical grade micro-mister that delivers melatonin within seconds which will help you get a good night sleep.

Related Articles:

This information goes hand in hand with a new product launched last week called SNOOZE. Snooze Micromist is a faster, smarter,and easier alternative to fall asleep naturally with the power of Melatonin. By delivering a small amount of Melatonin to the lungs as a micro mist, the effects are felt within seconds. Snooze Micromist should only be used if it is safe to sleep. Immediate results, no calories, no sugar make Snooze Micromist the fast, effective way to fall asleep naturally.

If you are in need of a good night sleep, check out this video


For information please contact us at

To order Snooze, please visit


“Tavala Control”- New Breakthrough in Normalizing Blood Sugar

I began to research natural ways to normalize blood sugar levels and came upon this article by Moss Green on a website “on Common Sense Health”. With the rise of diabetes and blood sugar imbalances in our society I thought it was worth sharing this info. In addition, there is a brand new BREAKTHROUGH product, from a company called TAVALA, that is making it easier to normalize blood sugar and create a healthy balance in the body. Rightfully named CONTROL as it helps you take CONTROL of your Blood Sugar. Control can also be used as a companion product with TRIM, to make it a complete Weight Management Duo!

What Is Tavala Control?


How to Control Blood Sugar Naturally by Moss Green

Although blood sugar control is made to appear complicated, it’s usually simple.

And with diabetes skyrocketing, knowing how to control blood sugar naturally is vitally important to your health and well-being.

What is blood sugar anyway? Simply put, blood sugar (glucose) is the fuel that feeds your brain, nervous system and body tissues. And maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is essential to your mind, body and health.

And while you need glucose, most people’s blood sugar is out of control.

Even though a healthy body can make glucose from protein and fats, your blood sugar levels are mainly based on your carbohydrate consumption. Normal blood sugar levels fluctuate between 80 and140 mg/dL.

Control Blood Sugar to Avoid Diabetes

Maintaining normal blood sugar levels is essential if you want to reverse or avoid diabetes. But diabetes and heart disease are so closely related that you need to take both of these diseases into consideration.

Diabetics have a 400% higher risk for heart attack or stroke. And cardiovascular disease hits earlier in life and is more likely to end in death for a diabetic.

Many people with diabetes and prediabetes take medications that control their blood sugar levels, but don’t change their diet and lifestyle to both control blood sugar naturally AND prevent heart disease.

Yet high blood pressure contributes to many diabetes complications and 80% of diabetics die from circulation problems like heart failure.

This is why making natural healthy lifestyle changes are so important.

These 10 natural steps to control blood sugar will also improve blood pressure and help protect you from circulation and artery diseases.

  1. Exercise for 30+ minutes a day. Physical activity helps control blood sugar, your sensitivity to insulin and is important for healthy weight management. Include both aerobic exercise and weight training.
  2. Eat a healthy low glycemic diet. High glycemic carbs that move sugar rapidly into the blood are the main culprits for both hypoglycemia and diabetes. A healthy low glycemic diet is the answer.
  3. Get plenty of high fiber foods. Fiber helps keep blood sugar levels steady and decreases heart disease risk. Get at least 30 to 40 grams of high fiber daily from the healthy list of high fiber foods.
  4. Switch to 100% whole grains. Studies show whole grains reduce diabetes risk and help maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
  5. Avoid high blood sugar foods. Replace all refined carbohydrates with healthy carbohydrates and limit caffeine and alcohol, which both interfere with your body’s ability to normalize blood sugar levels.
  6. Eat good fat and avoid bad fats. Follow a heart healthy diet that’s low in saturated and trans food fat and high in omega 3 fish oil.
  7. Have 4 to 6 small meals a day. Eating small mini-meals frequently on a regular schedule helps to stabilize your blood sugar levels.
  8. Include protein with every meal. Protein also stabilizes blood sugar, so include a small amount of high protein with each meal.
  9. Practice weight management. When combined with regular exercise, even a little healthy weight loss can vastly improve your odds. Overweight people who lost just 5 to 10% of their initial body weight were shown to have reduced their risk of developing diabetes by 58%.
  10. Include quality supplements. Make sure you get 200 micrograms GTF chromium, extra vitamin C with bioflavonoids and B complex, along with a complete profile of nutritional health supplements. In addition, and this is me, JOY, adding my 2 cents here. What I have witnessed with people taking Tavala’s product “CONTROL” is that within days their blood sugar has improved! That’s how to control blood sugar levels to avoid diabetes. So do it!

How can you get Tavala CONTROL? Simply go to and click on Products. There you will see CONTROL, as well as it’s companion product called TRIM. If weight loss is a goal as well as normalizing blood sugar, we suggest taking both together.

A 28-day supply of CONTROL costs $54.99. Consumers can purchase as Customers or as Members, the price is the same. There are 84 capsules in CONTROL, and you will take 3 capsules every morning.

If you have any serious health complications, as always check with your physician before adding any supplement to your diet.

We’d LOVE to answer your questions and also hear feedback on your experience with Tavala Trim. Please give us a call at 802-846-7530 or email

Dave and Joy
