TAVALA recently combined two of our favorite products, TAVALA TRIM and QUANTUM RELIEF STRIPS….. People love both! You can get both BALANCED and TRIM with this dynamic duo!

TAVALA TRIM is Tavala’s Flagship product that is catching the Weight Loss Market and Energy Drink Market by Storm! Business is booming because both of these products deliver what they promise, and they deliver it quickly. In the fast paced ‘microwave’ society we live in people want quick results!!!! They want something that tastes good, makes them feel good…and something that helps them look good. TAVALA TRIM:

  • Boosts your Metabolism
  • Suppresses your Appetite
  • Gives you Energy & Focus
  • Reduces Cravings
  • Helps with Weight Loss


  • Bring Energy to parts of the Body that need it most
  • Helps balance the Chi and Chakras
  • Keep you energized and balanced with positive energy so you can do the things you love to do!



Check out tennis player, Patrick Green, who lost 10 lbs. in his first 7-days using the Tavala Trim. Note the picture on the left where he is wearing supports for his knees, and on the right where he has replaced them with Quantum Relief Strips. By the way, his tennis game has improved dramatically since using both the TRIM and QR StRIPS!

Both the TRIM and QUANTUM RELIEF STRIPS can be purchased for only $199.99 for a 28-Day supply of each. Give yourself the gift of health!!! You’ll love how you feel.

Dave and Joy



Quantum Relief Strips- NEW * from TAVALA

Quantum Relief Strips- NEW * from TAVALA

What’s new on the market? For those who are familiar with an all-natural STRIP created by a South Korean Doctor, you’ll be excited to hear that a company called Tavala just launched a new version of a STRIP called Quantum Relief Strips which many are claiming is 5 times more effective than any strip product in this category in the past.


If you desire more BALANCE, ENERGY in your body, and want to balance your body including your Chakras, the Quantum Relief Strips are for you. There are many amazing benefits that are derived once your body is in optimal balance and your energy is restored.

chakra-balanceThe Quantum Relief Strips are ideal for daily use and each strip is effective for 2 days. A 28-day supply is a pack of 14 Strips. They are all-natural, made on ‘silk’ and the active ingredient is QUANTUM ENERGY.)

The cost is only $64.95 whether you are a customer or a member and you can order your month supply from

There are many sizes available for the consumer AND for the business builder. We are currently looking to mentor 2 new leaders on our team this month. Call us today to see if this is the right fit for you!

Dave and Joy


FGXpress Power Strips Looking for a fabulous opportunity? Join our team.

What are the Ingredients in the Quantum Relief Strips from Tavala?

What are the Ingredients in the

Quantum Relief Strips from Tavala?

To say I am excited is an understatement. Tavala recently released a new game-changer in the WELLNESS MARKET! Quantum Relief Strips.

More and more people are understanding that EVERYTHING is ENERGY! Now there is a product to support POSITIVE ENERGY in our bodies on a daily basis.

What are Quantum Relief Strips?

Quantum Relief Strips bring energy to the body where the strip is applied, and these strips balance
the energy in the body and relieves negative energy. These silk strips contain no ingredients other than Quantum Energy, so there are no unpleasant smells or odors to deal with.

The Quantum Relief Strips are developed by a renowned doctor in Korea, and these exclusive and patented strips are to be applied to the area where Quantum Relief is wanted. The “QR Strips” (as I often call them) balance the energy in that area, and are effective for two days.

So, what makes the Strips so magical and effective? What is IN/ON the Quantum Relief Strips?

Active Ingredients: Quantum Energy, Ginger, Tourmaline
Inactive Ingredients: Silk, Adhesive
Recommended for adults 18+ years old.

(As a parent or grandparent, we get to choose if we feel these are right for the younger family members.)

Directions for use:

Apply the Quantum Relief Strip to area where Quantum Relief is wanted.
Each Strip is effective for two days.

To summarize, The Benefits of the Quantum Relief Strips:

  • Balance Energy
  • Brings Energy to problem areas
  • Relieves Negative Energy
  • Works with the Body’s CHI
  • Made of Energized Silk Strips

The human body is made up of a series of electrical impulses. Everything we do, every word we hear, every movement we make, has an electrical signal and energy associated with it.
Quantum Relief Strips are a method of natural energy that works with the chi in the body to
promote optimal wellness. Once you experience it, you’ll know that Quantum Relief Strips, by Tavala, are what you’ve been waiting for.

The cost of the Quantum Relief Strips are only $69.99 for members & customers! There are several size packs available. Tavala offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all their products, including the Quantum Relief Strips.


We are actively looking for people who UNDERSTAND & are passionate about this product and want to build an international organization.

Please call us today to see if this opportunity is right for you! 802-846-7530

Dave and Joy 802-846-7530