Joy’s Day 1 TAVALA 14-Day Blitz
My main motivation, to be perfectly honest, is to TRANSFORM my body like hundreds of my friends have, who have been using the TAVALA TRIM on a consistent basis.
That means losing weight (goal of 15 lbs.) and inches, especially around my ‘men-o-pot’, aka waist line.
In addition to weight loss, another motivation is to get on a regular schedule of proper eating, 4-5 small meals per day (vs. my regular 2-3 meals per day) and begin to exercise on a regular basis (3 weight training per week, 3 cardio-min. per week) and staying hydrated. As a former Personal Trainer and Transformational Life Coach, I used to TEACH this and not sure why, stopped following my own advice over this past winter.
Today I did something that I rarely do- and that is to step on the scale.
Normally I’d be quite freaked out, but since I have a plan- TAVALA TRIM for starters, it was good to know where I am starting….and it’s just a number! (I also measured myself and set those numbers aside until day 15 when I will make comparisons).
I also took a couple of ‘before pics’ and yes this took courage to post as my belly has never been so ‘full and fat. However rather than getting upset, I am using these pictures as a motivation!

In addition to using the TAVALA TRIM, I have committed to taking CONTROL (1 capsule before each main meal-3 per day) to help me avoid plateaus, normalize my blood sugar and to also address WEIGHT LOSS with a “Karate Chop Ninja Approach” in a powerful way!
When many of my friends added CONTROL to the TRIM their weight loss was accelerated.
I have committed to using each of the products shown to the left (Tavala’s full product line) which comes in an “Experience Pack” for only $299, which is a full month supply of each of the products! Buying this pack saved me $85 from buying individual products. Heck I used to market a 10-day weight loss program that cost $179 so THIS is very affordable in comparison and addresses overall health in a positive way….from many angles.
So how am I starting my 14 days? and how am I incorporating the
TAVALA products? It’s all in Conscious Planning! Here is my Day 1
“Bullet Proof Coffee” – first thing in the morning
Quantum Relief Strip placed below my navel- for energy, rejuvination and over-all health…also when your body breaks down fat there will be more metabolic waste and the QR Strips will help remove them from the body quickly.
1 Control before breakfast 1/2 trim with breakfast- today I put it in my breakfast super food smoothie, although usually I drink it as a delicious beverage.
weight workout 11 am (chest and tricep, abs)
1 Control before lunch Large Salad with 3 oz. chicken
Handful of nuts mid-afternoon
‘ALERT Micro mist’ spray mid afternoon to energy
10 minute rebounding on mini trampoline for a healthy lymph system (when you begin to burn fat you’ll have more toxic waste)
1 Control before dinner Homemade chicken vegetable soup, with a variety of veggies, small amount of rice in the soup and added spices.
Bru beverage after dinner
‘SNOOZE” micro mist spray before bed
How does this differ from my normal days?
Well, for starters I usually don’t have my breakfast until around 10 am or even later, so my metabolism usually has not kicked in like when you eat BREAKFAST early in the day. Breakfast, literally means ‘break the fast’ as when we sleep our metabolism typically slows down during sleep.
I have now added CONTROL before meals, 3 times per day!
WATER- wow, I realize without conscious thought, I bet I only drink 3-4 (tops) glasses of water per day. I have committed to drinking 1/2 of my weight in ounces of water….and today, due to being hydrated, I felt I had more energy.
Meals, 3 meals per day and a couple of smaller snacks. TRIM really does curb the appetite and in the past I have LOVED that I haven’t had the urge or interest to eat, so I wouldn’t. BAD NEWS when you are looking to burn fat. If you skip a meal, your metabolism will slow down to conserve energy as you are actually putting it in a starvation mode. I know all this and I teach all of this, but now I am committed to being MY BEST STUDENT!
Last but not least, I think one of the most dramatic things I have committed to doing is consume ZERO Alcohol.
I’m not saying alcohol is bad- I love my chardonnay and cocktails- too much- and know intellectually that it is keeping me ‘fat’. I have been lean most of my life, and menopause crept upon me and my ‘shape’ has changed- and I feel like I am in a foreign body. But I know if is only temporary as my solution is TAVALA PRODUCTS….and a commitment of 14-days of the above regime until I reach my weight loss goal of 15 lbs. (No matter how long it takes!) The crazy thing is several of my friends dropped 14 and even 15 lbs. in their first 7-days using just the TRIM, so I am confident on my approach.
TRIM is a Metabolism Booster- gives you energy and focus, helps reduce cravings and suppresses the appetite and is a thermogenic product for weight loss. Thank you for this amazing product!!!!
Whose ready to transform your body and health???? Call me at 802-846-7530 or email me at Commit and I’ll send you a free 3-day sample of the TRIM to get you started!
Ready to begin and want to get started immediately? I’ll be your coach for FREE. You can place your order (individual product order or “Experience Pack”) at YOUR price as a customer or member will be the same….but if you are like me- why not get paid for referrals? We KNOW people will begin asking you what you are doing. If you are a member, you can earn money!!!!
Let’s do this together! Sharing is fun! I think my commitment may even have spurred Dave on to join in his transformation.
Dave and Joy 