Tavala is the simplest networking business I have ever done in my life by far! What we are finding is if we can help people earn an additional $500 per month (or more) part-time (often in the ‘cracks’ of their lives) then we have a happy member! Happy members share with others and happy members also STAY engaged!
So you’d like to earn an additional $500 a month income without having to be on the phone 4-6 hours a day, doing events, pitching to your family and friends or having in-home parties?
Then you’ve come to the right place!
TAVALA has many unique things in how they have structured their compensation plan and it is really fair for not only the newbie, or part-time person but the seasoned networker who joined to earn $10K-20K or more per month income.
With TAVALA you can join for free and you don’t have to have inventory on hand to begin to earn income…..
BUT, if you follow a simple plan that we teach on our team and one that is a fast track with TAVALA, you can begin to earn $500 a month your first month….and yes, it does require an investment of some inventory called “samples”.
Tavala is a SAMPLING COMPANY. The TAVALA TRIM and the Quantum Relief Strips come in handy sample starter packs that make it easy to offer people to “try before they buy”.
Tavala is also a Subscription Box company!
There is no requirement to have a monthly order (customer orders can qualify you to earn commissions) but we find that most people fall in love with the products and want to have samples on hand to offer to potential customers and members, as well as to use themselves. If you are on a monthly subscription box order you never pay shipping!
Are you interested in earning $500 a month or more?
Ideally you are self- motivated and believe you can do it & are willing to be coached, trained and do whatever it takes.
For the fast track you’ll want to begin with what we call a BUILDER BOX. This is the IDEAL way, although there are other ways….but heck, you are wanting to earn $500 or more a month in as little times as possible, yes?

The Builder Box comes with products for your own personal consumption as well as samples of either the TRIM, the Quantum Relief Strips or a combination of both.
Distributors (also known as members with TAVALA) who begin with this size pack have it the easiest as they simply SHARE samples with friends/family and people who reach out to them. Most people do not like to SELL and most people do not WANT TO SELL….therefore this approach of giving samples away works best! (some also sell their samples, but giving them away, no strings attached will provide the quickest and best results!)
We are seeing anywhere from a 35-50% sign up rate with those who we share samples with. With proper follow up I’m sure the numbers could be higher. For example, if you hand out 40 samples in your first week you’ll have at least 10-15 people who say YES and become 1) a customer (you get paid an extra 10% on customers orders) or 2) you’ll get a member. Either way, you get paid 20% on your front line…..and the income begins!
Ask for referrals and work with those who want to earn money like you do.
Once you are a member on our team, reach out to your up line success line and introduce your new customers & members and invite them to our Facebook groups for additional support. If you do that, your team will be off and running in your first 2-3 weeks.
If you want to take it an additional step further to reach the 4th level in the compensation plan called Palladium, view and then follow the video below. At the Palladium level you’ll earn an additional $350 per month ‘life style’ video (plus your normal commissions). Pocket the money, reinvest, get a new car, take a weekend vacation…..you get to choose! Once you reach and maintain the Palladium level, you’ll earn $350 bonus money every 4 weeks.
We’d love to hear from you. If you are serious about creating a business with TAVALA we’ll mentor you for free. Our team is forward moving, growing quickly and you’ll be on a team where things happen. I call it “in the flow”.
Not everyone is here for just the money. Many people on our team are here to help others, create a lifestyle where they can make a difference in the lives of thousands as well as to help their families. Wherever you are in the process, we’re here to assist you in getting started!
Call us today! 802-846-7530, or email us at info@DavenandJoy.com
Even better, join us at www.DaveandJoy.com and then introduce yourself as a new member of our team and share your goals with us…… This way we can align with your goals and help you attain them the quickly.