Boosting Your Metabolism by FLIPPING THE SWITCH….How? ZipSlim

Do you want to know HOW to boost your metabolism and ignite your calorie burning? It’s as easy as “Flipping the Switch” with ZipSlim® ZipSlim is a product that does just that and it’s a delicious blackberry lemonade flavored drink that you drink 2x day an hour before your largest 2 meals. For me, I drink the ‘charged version’ after my morning coffee and then have a large breakfast/ ‘brunch’ and the decaf version an hour before my dinner, usually around 5:30 pm.

What if losing weight were as easy as flipping on a light switch? What if your body had a simple little cellular switch that controls whether you burn food for energy, or store it as fat.

Well, your body actually does have this switch – it’s only recently been discovered; and if you need to lose 30 pounds or more, then there’s a good chance that it’s switched off in your cells.

This switch is called AMPK. It’s a little enzyme that helps regulate your metabolism – and we all have it.

It’s time to reboot your metabolism, reactivate your AMPK, and reclaim the body you want, with a stunning new breakthrough called ZipSlim®!

ZipSlim® is a delicious drink, formulated by one of America’s leading weight loss doctors. Just drink it twice a day, before your two biggest meals, to flip your AMPK switch back on. ZipSim’s powerful nutrients are clinically proven to help you lose three times more weight than diet and exercise alone.

Click on the video below to learn more…..



Flip the Switch with ZipSlim® by Beyond Slim® from Beyond Slim on Vimeo.

To learn more about ZipSlim or to place your order today, go to

Do you have questions regarding ordering or about the ZipSlim to reach your goals? Feel free to reach out to me by phone or email.


Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach with Beyond Slim

802-999-1815 (cell) 802-846-7530 (home office)

Are you interested in learning how you can be a coach with Beyond Slim?

* Fifty overweight people (BMI 28-36) using a key ingredient in ZipSlim®, along with a lower calorie diet (1,350 calories for women/1,850 calories for men), lost 30 pounds in just 13 weeks, compared to just 10 pounds for those following the lower calorie diet alone.

How to sign up for the Beyond Slim REBOOT66 Contest?

Reboot 66 coaching is available for anyone who is consuming ZipSlim and anyone can join for FREE.

Rewarding Your Success Story

Becoming a fitter, healthier, happier YOU is the best reward of all, but we strive to go beyond at every chance. That’s why we celebrate our most inspiring Metabolic Reboot® success stories with recognition, prizes, experiences, and more!
How can you sign up with the Reboot66 Contest?
If you have ANY questions please give me a call or email. I’m happy to help in any way. This is a fun contest and there will be 3- 1st place winners in the categories of FITTER, HEALTHIER and HAPPIER. 2 of my personal friends took first place in the first ever contest! These two women are friends that I watched literally ‘shrink’ and get SLIMMER and FITTER, HEALTHIER and HAPPIER over a 90-Day period. Finally, just before Christmas, 2020, I decided to join in the fun.
Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach
802-999-1815 cell, 802-846-7530 JOY’s Favorite weight loss.


Is your metabolism a little ‘stuck’ or sluggish? If so, would you like to know HOW TO FLIP THE SWITCH?

What if losing weight were as easy as flipping on a light switch? What if your body had a simple little cellular switch that controls whether you burn food for energy, or store it as fat.

Well, your body actually does have this switch – it’s only recently been discovered; and if you need to lose 30 pounds or more, then there’s a good chance that it’s switched off in your cells.

This switch is called AMPK. It’s a little enzyme that helps regulate your metabolism – and we all have it.

It’s time to reboot your metabolism, reactivate your AMPK, and reclaim the body you want, with a stunning new breakthrough called ZipSlim®!

ZipSlim® is a delicious drink, formulated by one of America’s leading weight loss doctors. Just drink it twice a day, before your two biggest meals, to flip your AMPK switch back on. ZipSim’s powerful nutrients are clinically proven to help you lose three times more weight than diet and exercise alone. The drink comes in both ‘charged’ and decaf. Both taste delicious, and taste like blackberry lemonade.

Click here to learn more or ORDER:

Click on the video below to see how easy it is to FLIP THE SWITCH with ZipSlim.


Flip the Switch with ZipSlim® by Beyond Slim® from Beyond Slim on Vimeo.

Ready to get started?

If you have questions, give me a call or email me.

Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach

802-846-7530/ 802-999-1815


* Fifty overweight people (BMI 28-36) using a key ingredient in ZipSlim®, along with a lower calorie diet (1,350 calories for women/1,850 calories for men), lost 30 pounds in just 13 weeks, compared to just 10 pounds for those following the lower calorie diet alone.

How I Earn FREE ZipSlim Every Month & How You Can Too….

When I was introduced to the ZipSlim I was told that I could earn FREE ZipSlim each month. A monthly supply of ZipSlim is two bags or a value of $159.90.

So how do I – and better yet, how can YOU earn FREE product each month? Simply follow the directions below.

Beyond Slim is a Social Referral Marketing company and has set up a program whereby their coaches can earn FREE product as well as earn income. So what do you need to do to become a coach? The best website to become a coach is The cost to become a coach with Beyond Slim is $99. This now means that you can EARN FREE PRODUCT, earn income by referring others to Beyond Slim and the ZipSlim and to also earn free products with contests that the company has each month.

So now that you are a coach with Beyond Slim, once you sign up your first two customers with “Subscribe & Save” you have earned $100… which is enough to pay yourself back from the fee of becoming a coach, plus put $1 in your pocket. Each month that you have at least 2 ‘subscribe & save’ customers per month, you’ll earn free product.

Here is a variety of short videos that you, as a coach, will want to share with your customers.

To learn more about the compensation and business with Beyond Slim go to

Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach

802-846-7530/ 802-999-1815 THIS WEBSITE allows you to sign up as a coach OR customer with ease.

My Love for Vermont Maple Syrup & The Master Cleanse….

As a native Vermont gal who grew up next to my grandfathers sugar house (we called it a “Sap House’ back then) I know my maple syrup! (Just ask my husband who had no idea the many ways to enjoy MAPLE!!!!)

I didn’t taste the fake stuff (Aunt Jemima, etc.) until I was around 8 years old and it was FAKE…blueberry or strawberry choice???? That was at a Pancake House in Michigan.

….and by me stating that I am a native Vermonter, I mean I was born and raised in Vermont, a state where were once more cows than people! Few people these days can say that…. and even my mother who grew up in Rhode Island and has been in Vermont more than 63 years can never claim the “Native 802”. Vermonters are tough with being ‘Native’.

Yes, I know my syrups …. From Fancy to Grade A- to Amber- to Grade B… which fortunate for me is my favorite ‘grade’ and the suggested syrup in the Master Cleanse Recipe.

Memory Lane….

As a young girl I used to help my father and grandfather collect sap from the tapped trees (before ‘tubing’ we had to collect sap from the buckets hanging on the tree….with me it was by tractor, but my father remembers it with his horses pulling the ‘sled that held the sap) and when the syrup was boiled to perfection I’d take a shot glass off the shelf and help myself to a ‘shot’ of hot maple syrup. Imagine, a tank of hot syrup and putting my ‘glass under the tap’ and voila….hot maple syrup! I can still smell the boiling sap to this day!

Like many people I have enjoyed a variety of ways to use syrup. I put maple syrup on ice cream, in coffee or tea, in oatmeal, on pancakes and even in scotch! Yes, my husband is still in disbelief (and agrees it tastes pretty good) but now he has to share his scotch!

So….beginning a cleanse with anything that includes MAPLE SYRUP is not a bad thing or a difficult thing to do – I love my MAPLE and I crave this nutritional cleanse called the MASTER CLEANSE 1-2x per year!

Master Cleanse Benefits

The first time I was introduced to this ‘concept’ was when I was heavily into whole & raw foods. A friend I met through Hippocrates Health Institute gave me the original book on the Master Cleanse, written by Stanley Burroughs. Thank you John…. from here my interest in cleansing grew… but I always come back to THIS CLEANSE over the past 20 years.

OH MY, there are so many cleanses on the market and I have tried several – not too many- but enough to always come back to this one. Many, or most are expensive, deliver weak results, and several I have tried are ones where you choke down HUGE pills and plug your nose for 7-20 days drinking their potion.

Once or twice a year I enjoy this cleanse to support and rejuvenate MY BODY and by doing so my body comes back into balance and is alkalized. Did you know that disease can not live in an alkalized body?

(I also have a few GO TO products that help)…message me. Surely there is one for you!

SO… why am I (and why do many?) resort to the Master Cleanse? Over and Over again? not a biz/ not an MLM….just a good ol’ fashion CLEANSE!

I googled this as I really don’t care WHY but perhaps others will….. so this is cool info and easy to follow…..

Why should you do the lemonade diet?

Here is why I do the ‘cleanse periodically’ and many of my friends do too.

The master cleanse diet is essentially a mix between a juice fast and a water fast. So the master cleanse benefits are very similar to going through a regular fast. On a juice fast, your body gets more nutrients. On this type of fast, your body really gets a chance to rest as it is not digesting anything (but still does get cleansing nutrients from the lemonade recipe). It rests and cleanses only.

Many people experience these positive effects as a result of going through the lemonade diet: (and FYI some products from Tavala have similar benefits…)

Normalize appetite
Energy levels will increase
Cleanse and detox entire body
Pounds of built up waste will be expelled
Reduces inflammation, easing painful joints and muscles
Normalizes metabolism
Restores body to a normal healthy state

In this writings, Stanley Burroughs states the purpose and master cleanse benefits are:

Eliminates toxins and congestion that have been accumulated within the body
Purifies glands and cells in the body
Builds a healthy blood stream
Promotes youth and elasticity
Relives irritation in muscles, nerves and joints
Cleanses the entire digestive system and kidneys
Eliminates hardened waste in joints

The lemonade recipe has special properties that creates a cleansing and loosening action within the body.

The potassium strengthens the heart, and stimulates the kidneys and adrenal glands. Oxygen and carbon build life and act as a stimulant. Hydrogen activates the nervous system. Magnesium alkalizes blood, the sodium encourages cell building, silicon aids the thyroid, phosphorus heals bones, and stimulates the brain for clear thinking. Iron, copper and calcium, carbon and hydrogen helps in building and elimination.

The reason why we need to cleanse

Our bodies are sick and polluted, similar to a car that isn’t tuned and hasn’t had an oil change. Even if you eat a good diet now, have you always? If not, its very likely that many of those pollutants are still built up within your body.

Many of us live in and around polluted environments. Houses and furniture off gas, factory towers spew chemicals into the air….I don’t have to list it all here. You know how bad our air and food can be. This all builds up inside of us and over time, reeks havoc on our bodies.

Stanley Burroughs believed, as well as many other naturopath physicians, that a toxic body that is not eliminating properly is the root of all illness. The only way to heal this and turn your health around is to cleanse it. There are many ways to cleanse, from juice fasting, to raw food detoxes to water fasting. The Master Cleanse is one great option that have worked successfully for many people.

There’s no magic to the master cleanse. It simply flushes out internal waste that puts a burden on your organs in your body. Once you cleanse, your body can efficiently work in the way it was made to, without being sluggish and toxified by pollution and gunk.

When your body becomes so polluted, it will slowly begin to poison itself from the inside out.

That’s why you do the master cleanse. It rids your body of internal waste that cakes up on the intestinal walls of the colon. The master cleanse benefits will make your body eliminate pounds of waste, in a weeks time!

The reason I do the Master Cleanse is all of the above but also ‘new beginnings’…. more energy and less ‘bloat’.

Me speaking here… Just so you know….

END of the INFO I googled. I suggest Googling into, buying the original Stanley Burroughs book that was generously shared with me to change my life many decades ago…or others….


Mix these ingredients together: 2 tablespoons fresh squeezed “organic if possible” lemon (this is about 1/2 a lemon) 2 tablespoons organic maple syrup, Grade B (the darker the better, do NOT get the fake stuff.) 1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper, gradually increase through the cleanse. Ten to Fourteen ounces pure water.

Mix, and drink 6-10 lemonade drinks per day. Some recipes stay medium hot water, but typically I only have a warm or heated beverage in the morning. (unless I do the cleanse in the winter!)

Many suggest drinking a salt water ‘flush’ in the morning and an herbal laxative tea at night, but I won’t get into that now as it is subjective. This will help flush the system and improve how you feel.


Today is only Day 1 but when I have finished my 10 days I’ll ease my system back into eating normal foods….most likely plant based, which is my preference. Many people suggest starting with diluted orange juice in small amounts the first day. Day 2 I’ll move to more orange juice a little less diluted and vegetable broth in the evening. By days 2 or 3 I’ll then add in vegetables and organic fruits.

Difficult? Not for me. I love feeling hydrated, not having to think about food preparation. I think the most difficult thing will be eliminating my evening cocktail but I’ll hold the vision of a healthier, cleansed body with less fat and bloat. Typically I lose many inches and some fat weight too.

I encourage you to explore the Master Cleanse and if you have any questions feel free to ask. It’s a great way to JUMP START your body and begin to lose unwanted pounds. From here we then suggest the Tavala Transformation Pack.


Joy Edgerton


Tavala Trim Capsules: Now you can choose your ‘dose’…

In 2017, Tavala updated the Tavala Trim capsules to split the dosage in half, which means as of now, two capsules equal one serving of Tavala Trim (as long as the bottle shows 56 capsules inside).

Tavala did this so they could more effectively split the dose of Trim with the capsules. Please pay attention to the label on your Trim bottle and be aware of the count inside.

TRIM comes in two forms.

A powder that you mix with 12-16 ounces of water that creates a drink that tastes delicious!

A capsule form. Take 2 in the morning or 1 in the morning and the other when desired, usually just before or after lunch.

TRIM is a metabolism booster. It helps suppress the appetite, reduce cravings, gives you energy and focus and helps you lose weight!

The TRIM is only $69.99 (USA prices) for a 28-day supply and can be purchased at

The cost for customers is the same as for members of Tavala, and if you LOVE the product and wish to share with others, you can upgrade for free to become a member and earn income. There is never a fee to join!

If you have questions or would like us to assist you in your initial order please call us at 802-846-7530. We’ll also provide you with a full guideline so that you will get the best results possible.

Dave and Joy/ 802-846-7530/

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 24

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 24

I am LOVING the KETOPIA 10-Day Reset. It is EASY, SATISFYING and I have ZERO FEELINGS OF HUNGER OR DEPRIVATION!!!!! plus….bonus: my body continues to burn FAT!Fuel TankNUTRITIONAL KETOSIS/KETOPIA. Our fat stores are much greater than glycogen (carb) stores. Even in very lean athletes the energy stores of fat will many times be 20 times more than carbs. Choose your fuel!!

For me the KETOPIA has now become a way of life!

My body chooses healthy foods that support the “pyramid”of healthy foods that keep me Burning Body Fat.

KETO FOOD PYRAMIDMy era growing up was very ‘fat-phobic’ and I embraced a very low to zero fat diet -but but after being introduced to Ketopia I realize that good, healthy fats do not make you fat….they help you BURN FAT and help you GET LEANER!!! WOW!!!!

So choose YOUR Fuel….do you want to draw from your FAT reserves and burn body fat for fuel or do you want to continue relying on carbs and sugars for your body’s fuel?


Examples of FAT BURNING BODIES are below. We all get to choose. If you chose FAT BURNING and are looking for Ketopia call us or visit our website. 802-846-7530 or email

You DESERVE to look and feel as healthy as possible. OH, did you know you can make a lot of money helping YOUR friends and family get healthier?Lean man and woman

5I3I6962_pp20x20JOY & DAVE
