Meet Cindy Burton…. a Tavala leader on our team.
“I have been in MLM/Direct Sales since my mid-20’s. That is a LONG TIME. Yes, I have done regular JOB’s during that time but nothing has been as fulfilling. I had NOT planned on being in another MLM/Direct Sales Organization but then Tavala came along. WOW, what an amazing Company, Product, and Personnel/Upline.
Initially I really just wanted to lose weight when I started, as I was in a very depressed state, BUT then I saw the vision of being on the Ground Floor of this Company. This blog is not about my why, etc. This INFO is for those of you who want this AS A BUSINESS TO MAKE MONEY. I want to share my heart with you for a few minutes. (And Yes, I lost weight and transformed my life in many ways!)
First, let me ask you some questions:
If you answered YES to any of the above questions, then please listen to this and BELIEVE.
Tavala is entering what is known in the Network Marketing Industry as MOMENTUM. This is where MILLIONAIRES are made. This is not just me talking, or our upline, or our Corporate offices. This is based on facts that have been proven in this type of business. The individuals that actually WORK this business will one day (probably within 6-12 months) reap the benefits of being on the GROUND FLOOR of Tavala. Does it take some dedication? Does it take unwavering belief in what you are doing? Does it take being on board when things are not going exactly as you want? Does it cost you time and money? YES, YES, YES, & YES.
Please don’t go down the slippery slide of comparing your success to other people. Someone else may put more hours into this than you can. Someone else may have uncovered a “runner” faster than you. Stay dedicated and you will get a “runner” too. Someone else may/may not have young children at home. Someone else may/may not work a full time job, or take care of elderly parents, or………you get the picture. Don’t run hot then cold, then hot, then cold. This is a business and it is going to have its ups and its downs. Watch training videos as much as possible. You can listen/watch them while getting dressed in the mornings or on break at work or riding in the car.
ALL objections can be overcome if we all WORK to find solutions, believe in this Company and ourselves, and WORK hard (yes I intentionally put work in that sentence twice). My family and friends are beginning to say “if she gets a cut, she will bleed Tavala blood.” That is what it takes. There is NO magic formula. There is not a FREE ride! It is about “planting seeds”, nurturing those seeds, fertilizing those seeds, watering those seeds, and repeating that process over and over. Then when the garden blooms, it is soooooo fulfilling. I’m anxious for all of our gardens to grow. There are so many stages in growing that garden even after it blooms. Sometimes there are plants that don’t grow at all–do you want to be one of those?
Richard Shafer, Rose Gold leader and is our upline, talks about a Company he was with many years ago. He poured his heart, soul, time & money into that Company and then he gave up. The people who stayed in that Company are now millionaires. I want to be a Millionaire. Do YOU? Here is the video that Rich did:
Please watch completely. You will be glad you did.
Oh, and get back to me if you’re interested in building a solid business with Tavala. Our team is solid, we have all training in place and with the best upline support…. AND our products work.
Let’s Rock and Roll,
Cindy Burton
903-456-0526 Cindyb7342@gmail.com
Do you live in Texas? Join us Saturday July 21st for a Regional Tavala Opportunity Meeting and Training. See details below. Free to attend and wonderful prizes available to win. New to Tavala? Join us and receive your free Tavala Trim sample, while supplies last.
We’re so proud of Cindy Burton- she’s a true leader on our Tavala Team!!!
“Dave and Joy”
There are not enough words to share what Tavala products, specifically the Trim, have done for me. In September 2017, I was at my lowest mentally and physically that I have ever been. I sat in a dark room deeply depressed and miserable. I had been that way for a LONG time.
I heard about a product called Tavala Trim from a dear friend of mine, Darlene Carson. She had wanted me to try this since February 2017 and I kept saying NO NO NO. Wasn’t interested. I finally gave the depression and despair over to God and he revealed to me that I needed to give Tavala a chance. Wow what a difference Trim has made in my life.
You see there are some other circumstances very few people are aware of. I had gone thru gastric bypass surgery in 2005 and afterwards, just about everything I ate came right back up. For 6 straight months, I tossed up everything. It was miserable. I did lose approximately 150 lbs. during this time–GREAT you say. But the second I started eating, I gained all but 50 lbs. back. That was the main contributing factor in the depression. I had gone thru too much to allow myself to do this.
WHY was I doing this? I craved sweets constantly and something salty–potato chips. Even though I kept my calorie intake down, the weight just kept going up. I felt completely alone in that journey as well meaning family & friends constantly said, “well if you would eat right or if you would exercise or if…if…if….”….. Not necessarily true.
You see I have lupus and cannot exercise. Years ago I would end up in the hospital after trying to exercise. I didn’t fry foods, I didn’t keep sweets in the house, I tried to keep the intake to a minimum but I could not.
Thank God and thank my loving friend for introducing me to Tavala. To date I’ve lost 44 lbs. and I’ve lost many many inches. My clothes are literally falling off. Walking thru the kitchen the other day, I actually felt my pants fall to my ankles. My daughter and I just laughed.
What a wonderful feeling (but glad it happened at home). I now take the Trim, Control, and Protein Shake religiously (Transformation Pack) and I’m TRANSFORMING my life with Tavala.
Whoopie. (That’s a good Texas yell.)
The following photos sum it up.
The picture to the right was taken at my daughter’s wedding before the surgery.
The 2nd was taken at my husband’s retirement party in March 2017.
I looked the same when I started the Trim September 10, 2017.
This picture, comparing side by side was taken in February 2018 and then one in April 2018.
To say the Tavala products have TRANSFORMED MY LIFE is an understatement. They have literally changed my LIFE. Thank you again to my friend Darlene who took the time to share Tavala with me, and to Tavala for creating life changing products.
If I can help you in any way please let me know. Interested in trying the TRIM? Give me a call (903) 456-0526 or email me at CindyB7342@gmail.com. Ready to try the Tavala products? Click here: http://tavala.biz/cindyburton/.
“We’re proud of Cindy! It’s always a joy to share her testimonial and story as it was written from the heart and we know it will inspire hundreds if not thousands of other people.
If you are interested in learning more, contact Cindy today. She is an amazing coach and mentor as she can share from her personal experiences and those of others who have also used the Tavala products.” Dave and Joy
Dave and Joy
It’s our absolute pleasure introducing you to a woman who LOVES to inspire others and help them in life. Meet Coliese Hart…..
“I have always been the person that does what it takes to survive. I have never been the person to let fear hold me back.
My husband and I and 4 children live a very simple life. Working on ranches, welding, mechanic, mail delivery, fish hatchery, promotional items, construction and even some cattle artificial insemination to make life go smoothly! I was taught to work hard and life will be easy. (NOT) I have always wanted to lose weight as 4 children left my body a bit different and my energy level was at an all time LOW-but I carried forward. Several years ago a friend sent me a sample of a product that would help me lost weight and gain energy… so of course I tried it and shared with everyone.
That company taught me the dos…. and the DONT’S of Network Marketing!!! I had a 5 year sprint with that company and made some good money. We were the top of the top, money, enrollers, doing network marketing full time and changing lives. We even built lifelong friendship and seriously found our spot in life…. changing people’s lives for health, wealth and lifestyle… PERFECT FIT for what I love to do!
Then my world came crashing down. The company turned to retail and took my entire 5 years of work with them. I could have stayed with them and continue to promote the company, but I would have taken all of my down lines money and left them with nothing… while still selling products I believed in. That was a Deal breaker for me. Integrity was everything. I live in a rural area with barely 15000 people and if I had done that my name would have been mud.
I went back to work…. punching a time clock building someone else dreams. My husband, Travis, went back to welding (which absolutely makes him physically ill with the dirty environment) and we begin our journey again.
Travis is working 3 jobs and me 2 and we are just trying to survive… Not sure why I had not lost hope but I did not…
I never did give up on Network Marketing and after shopping for the ‘next thing’…and many samples and hours on the phone with many companies, I could not find that fire I once had. Maybe I was pouting but it was not there.
Then someone introduced me to Tavala (honestly, all the while I was literally rolling my eyes because every company has the same key phrases!)
All I needed was a product that did what it said it did and a company that did what it said it would do.
Honesty and transparency was all I was looking for, however I had not made up my mind to go all in again.
Tried the Tavala TRIM product…. Yep-it had “knock my socks off energy” and I broke a plateau in my weight! Then I tried it on a few friends and their reaction was the same.
Here’s some GREAT advise that I took myself- Get a hold of your 3 closest friends that have tried everything with you for weight loss & energy and hope that we all can get on board together AGAIN!
One of my go-to told me “Coliese when you go all in and make your move I will know it and I will be on board!” And that was the switch I needed.
I finally found my passion again.. What I realized is what I was good at is loving humans… and sharing products that work. But most importantly I was good at loving HUMANS no matter what or how they lived or So here I am. I am at a weight I am very comfortable with and I have quit the 8-5 to build my Legacy. Travis is working until I can hit some financial marks that we can be comfortable at. One thing is for sure I believe network marketing is the way to go … if and when you find the product you can believe in!
I have no training… just life lessons and its taught me to help others and everything takes care of itself.”
If you are inspired and want to reach Coliese call her at 208-312-2821, email her at rattlesnakeannie@gmail.com or visit www.GoodtoFeelGreat.com
“It’s such a pleasure sharing Coliese’s story! If I were looking for an opportunity to join or a product to believe in I’d join her! To say that we are excited to have her on our team is a massive understatement. We are beyond thrilled and adore the people she is bringing to Tavala, both as customers and members.”
Dave and Joy/Global Leaders with Tavala
Thinking about earning more income this year? $$$
Achieving goals that may have eluded you in the past?
Yearning to be a part of something that helps you grow as a person?
Yearning to be a part of something bigger than yourself?
Interested in meeting new people, going new places? Building long term relationships? Being challenged into growing your leadership skills?
Considering joining a network marketing company? If so, good for you! Here is a great question to begin with: Its a question with only 2 words.
Where else? YES, these are the two words. 1. where 2. else
The answer to this question in our opinion is no where else, other than MLM or network marketing.
All of the above are things that you receive by being part of a network marketing company. There are many great companies and products out there so make sure the one you choose speaks to your heart and soul and is financially solid AND that you connect with the person who shares the opportunity with you. Make sure their culture is one that resonates as well.
What else to look for in a network marketing company?
Make sure you join with a team where leadership and support is in place. It will shave years off your learning curve if you join with a team like the one we provide at Tavala.
Interview your potential up line and side-line team members before you join. Ask questions of the corporate team as well. All-in-all educate yourself so you are solid in your decision.
Enthusiasm- one of my favorite words and emotions actually ends with IASM or I am sold myself!
OK, so you have determined that your company is legit and ready to go forth. Be coachable and trainable and be good at the game of ‘follow the leader’. Enjoy your experience and share what you learn with your team. Inspire others and be inspired.
Looking to join Tavala? We have many reasons we feel our team is the team to join. http://cs21.temp.domains/~workwjp2//why-join-our-tavala-team/
We look forward to meeting you! Either way, we can be friends and champion each others successes in this amazing industry.
Dave and Joy/Global Leaders with Tavala
Reggie has a passion for helping Tavala’s members succeed. As the third member of the Tavala sales team, Reggie is always cognizant of how decisions we make at corporate will impact our Members and Customers. Field first.
In Reggie’s own words:
“My job is to keep you moving, remove obstacles, and help you climb the ladder of leadership and success. I have the coolest job in the world helping you transform your dreams into reality.”
Reggie is a great example for both Tavala and the field. He understands the needs of distributors and is actively involved in member recognition as well as being a part of events for Tavala. Our personal paths have not crossed yet but we are grateful for his abilities and how he helps keep things moving smooth.
I also like that Reggie is ‘real’ and a true product of the product (s). It’s not just ‘lip service’. Check out his recent Tavala transformation using the TRIM.
Wow down 24 lbs.
Don’t let the shirt fool you – that was just the beginning. To date, according to THIS picture to the left, Reggie is down 24 pounds. Congratulations. Reggie, you are an inspiration on many levels.
Are you checking out Tavala? Want to be connected with Reggie or others who are part of the corporate staff- we can make it happen.
TODAY is a good time to join Tavala. Reach out to us and we’ll show you all that we have in place for members of our team, as well as make sure that Tavala is the right fit for you and your goals. We look forward to connecting. www.DaveandJoy.com Call us at 802-846-7530, or email info@DaveandJoy.com We’ll respond within 24 hours or less.
Dave and Joy/Global Leaders with Tavala
Congratulations on taking a look at TAVALA and then deciding that Tavala IS the company you wish to partner with.
We are confident that you’ll love what you experience and find Tavala is not only a ‘home- a real family’ but also a great opportunity to create income and help others built teams and ultimately improve their ‘tomorrows’.
If you’re about to join Tavala no doubt you’ve found that Tavala has many unique qualities and is different than most network marketing companies out there. You’ll also find because Tavala is unique and different, that there will be far less resistance when you share the opportunity and products. A couple of ways they are unique and there is less, if ANY resistance is that there is no joining fee- ever!
Also customers and members pay the same low price….and we get paid 10% MORE on our customers.
Last but certainly not least, is you are not required to be on a monthly auto-ship order (though most are, due to loving the products and wanting to have samples on hands) but it is NOT a requirement. In fact, your customers order can qualify you to earn a check, even if you are not currently active!
Really? Yes, Really! I remember being on vacation years ago at the onset of my network marketing career and I forgot to place an order that month. Honestly, I think it was because funds were so tight that I couldn’t find the necessary dollars to place the order. As a result, my monthly check was never received…that’s right. The $1500, which by the way was a huge check back in those days, was never delivered.
As long as you have 1 active customer with a 25 point order (think 1 box of TRIM or 1 pack of Quantum Relief Strips) then you’ll never ever miss a check. Amen!
The reasons above are great reasons but don’t even touch upon the MONEY and I don’t know about you but we came to Tavala to collect the SUPER CHECKS! (Ask us about the lifestyle bonuses that begin at $350 and go up to $2000 every 28-days….as well as the 70% payout on the first 3 levels, and the large bonus pools and unlimited width you can build in the Uni-level Compensation plan)….etc.
So, this is all great and dandy, but how do you begin?
What is the absolute BEST way to get started?
What is the most important question you can ask?
This could be one of the most important steps. Make sure that you align with the right team for you. Do your homework and check out and see who the leaders in Tavala are and what training they have in place for their teams. Will they be there to support you and your team? Do they work Tavala exclusively or do they balance 2-3 other “MLM” opportunities? Will they be around 1 year from now? I know many times people feel bad if they don’t join with the first person who shared the opportunity with them but heck, this is a business, and hopefully a long term partnership between you and your up line sponsors and support team.
How you begin is most likely how your team will begin. The absolute best and fastest way to grow your business is by starting with one of the Builder Boxes. For a low investment of only $399.99 you will receive product for yourself and 40 samples to hand out to your potential customers and partners. (This ex. is with the TRIM Builder Box)
Think about it, it is much easier to say TRY this -rather than BUY this! It is also very easy to ask someone who they may know who would be interested in more energy, a boost in their metabolism and losing weight (if the discussion is the TRIM Builder Box). Some people sell the samples for $9.99 and Tavala even has an App that you can use for this purpose, but in our opinion if you are looking for the FASTEST growth and duplication, buying the Builder Box and sampling for free will get you up and running and in a positive cash flow within weeks- or less.
This is not to say that you can’t have success starting out with a smaller box called the Alpha Box for only $199.99 box that also 16 samples…. but if you are looking to make it big with Tavala, you’ll do best by getting up and started quickly.
Tavala is at the brink of momentum and leaders are joining daily. Get YOUR slice of the market by coming in strong!
3. Becoming a product OF the product is extremely beneficial and something we personally suggest. Most leaders also agree that purchasing the Experience Pack (One of each of the products, minus the Tamanu Organics, a 4-system skin care system) is the way to go. Then they can also share from personal experience. The cost for the Experience Pack is only $259.99.
4. And here is where things get easily identified. Whose Team you join is important – if not crucial! You’ll want to use a duplication system to have effective follow up with proper distribution of the samples and customers … and if done correctly (not selling) the money will show up….and it will come quickly! Have you ever heard that the money is in the follow up?
Does the team you are joining have this in place and if so, do you have access to it? Do they have weekly team training, Social Media Groups like Facebook? Do they share their You-Tube video trainings and blogs with their teams? Are they available for 3-Way calls? Do they CARE about you or will you be just a number in their organization?
5. Whose team you join ultimately is up to you. We have seen too many people take this lightly and join with their Uncle Joe or best friend Sally out of obligation. If your reason for joining Tavala is only for a fun hobby then it may not matter who you join with- BUT if creating a large weekly income and ultimately creating effective duplication and a large team… then joining with the right leaders IS important. This way you can all succeed and celebrate together!
Perhaps you’ve found a leader you’d like to work with…. and this question comes has come up. Are they simply out there being masterful recruiters with a back-splash training for all? Will they be available for you and 3-way calls / intimate team training or are they too busy in their recruitment process?
And this brings this to us and OUR TEAM!
If you are looking for a TEAM to join, Leaders to follow and want to have the ‘added edge’ with Tavala, consider joining our Team. www.DaveandJoy.com You owe it to yourself to see the advantages that we can offer you and YOUR TEAM.
Still deciding whose team to join?
We invite you to call us at 802-846-7530 or email info@DaveandJoy.com to set up a time to chat. We encourage you to interview US as much as we’ll want to interview YOU to make sure you are a good fit for our team and team culture. We won’t try to sell or coerce you into anything. The decision is yours!
We made the decision to become the UP LINE that we never had in this industry and pride ourselves on delivering what we do for our team. We resigned from a company we had been leaders with for over 10 years to join Tavala.
Here is not the place to boast about the dozen plus reasons WHY JOIN WITH DAVE AND JOY, but we are happy to share it if you are interested. The list, interestingly enough, was partially created by our own team!
Meet Kevin Burrows, a true leader in our industry (Network Marketing) who recently joined our TAVALA team and is working closely with HIS team to help them achieve their goals at record speed. Already Kevin is proving that Bermuda deserves to be on the TAVALA MAP!
Kevin is new to TAVALA, but comes with 3 decades of network marketing experience. I remember the first time we spoke with Kevin we were very impressed with his questions, his devotion to the industry and his caring attitude for always presenting himself and his business opportunity with excellence.
In fact, on his Facebook page he describes himself as: “An entrepreneur who searches for the most cutting edge health products to help man kind.”
Kevin’s drive, his dedication to excellence and desire to help others is apparent in many ways. It was an easy decision for TAVALA to chose Kevin to be in charge of the warehouse in Bermuda and to be able to serve and service those who join Tavala with product in a timely manner.
Today, June 20th Kevin breaks a new record with TAVALA by reaching the status of Palladium – being the fastest of any Palladium in the history of TAVALA to reach that status. To give you an idea of the speed he is moving at, he ranked from Member through Titanium to Silver in his first DAY that Bermuda was launched!
It has been impressive watching him congratulate and compliment his Bermuda Tavala team! He wrote in a recent Facebook post: “…. We have already 2 Titanium’s, another Silver rank advance and before end of day today a rank of Palladium. Leaders, like Kevin, understand that it is all about ‘TEAM WORK to make the DREAM WORK!’
Congratulation, Kevin, for reaching Palladium!!! Perhaps it will be like the 4-minute mile and by reaching this rank so quickly (less than 2 weeks) it will inspire and also show people how with the right mix of products and company, rank advancing quickly is very possible!
This new rank (Palladium) is a huge rank to reach as this is where that $350 lifestyle bonus comes in and it is a monthly bonus along with all other commissions. (Some companies require you to use a life style bonus for a CAR bonus, but TAVALA gives you the choice!) This rank will also begin to qualify Kevin for a 7-day Eastern Caribbean Cruise for 2, in November 2017. This is what Tavala is calling their “Anniversary Cruise” as it marks the launch of Tavala, which was Nov. 1, 2016.
According to Kevin, “I am humbled and honored by my team of go-getters who care about so many people. Second it was an emotional break from the company I was previous with but I am loving every minute here with Tavala, the management team of Allen Davis , Craig Smith, Randy Crane, Eric Davis and my man Dave Malan who makes sure we get product in a timely manner!”
Kevin truly means what he says and appreciates each of the people mentioned above, and promises that those with Tavala in Bermuda are about to turn up the heat a little more! He promises that many more rank advancements are about to come out of this 21 mile islands…
Kevin is one of thousands of distributors with Tavala that are thrilled for what Tavala offers us in the field as we build our businesses and teams.
One last comment from Kevin today solidified his decision to join Tavala. He understands the word and emotion gratitude! He added “Again thanks to Bermuda Tavala Team and to Tavala for such great products that give results. Oh, I almost forgot in my excitement Joy & Dave, for taking the time to chat with me in the beginning and getting us all together to make this happen.”
To say that we are thrilled that a leader, like Kevin, has joined our Tavala team is an understatement. We are thrilled to be working with he and his expanding team, both in Bermuda and in Europe and beyond. If you are looking for a leader, a team to join and be mentored by, Kevin Burrows is ‘the man’. Not only will you be doing business with someone with high integrity, who possess decades of experience in MLM, but someone who is FUN! You’ll also get to work with us!
Interested? Give Kevin a call at 441-234-5645 or email Kevin at xpressbda@gmail.com …. or if you are ready to get started simply go to www.ThinWithTrim.com
Join for FREE!
The word is out. There’s a new Network Marketing Company – it’s unlike any other Network Marketing Company and it’s extremely well funded.
Add that TAVALA has expert leadership and a corporate team that exudes success and experience and that makes for a powerful combination that = success and longevity.
TAVALA launched November 1st, 2016 and is located in American Fork, Utah, and although the company is only going on it’s 8th month in business, many of it’s distributors are already earning serious income and the company is growing at a rapid rate. Although they started in the USA, they are now also in the following countries. Bahamas, Belgium, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, France, Germany, Jamaica, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Trinidad & Tobabo, Turks & Caicos, United Kingdom, and the US Virgin Islands.
There are many unique things about TAVALA which are appealing to both the seasoned network marketer and the ‘newbie’, or first time distributor. Some of these reasons make it “Vemma compliant”, which in MLM is beneficial.
In other words, people can join TAVALA, share the products and opportunity and begin earning income without ever having placed an order. Of course, that is not common, as most people want to try/buy the TAVALA products, but people are loving that there are no REQUIREMENTS like most companies require. People LOVE options and not being told what they HAVE to do!
HOWEVER, what we are finding is because TAVALA is a “sampling company” a large percentage of our members are placing large volume orders due to product demand! Samples of the TAVALA TRIM and QUANTUM RELIEF STRIPS are being placed in the hands/on the bodies of hundreds of new people per day. In face, tomorrow, June 3rd TAVALA is having a “Sampling Saturday event” throughout the USA.
The compensation plan is FAIR and EASY to understand. It is a uni-level and pays weekly. My husband, Dave, did a great overview of the Compensation Plan that is below. You’ll see how EASY it is to understand and share, unlike our previous company where there were multiple prices for distributors- depending on if you were on a monthly auto ship or not, preferred customers on a monthly auto ship vs. customers paying retail, etc. and with enhances and changes every 3-6 months made it difficult to remember let alone share the plan.
TAVALA does not talk about, promote or sell any of their products until they are on the shelves in their warehouse and will only open areas/countries/territories where they can provide excellent service in all areas.
Simply reach out by phone: 802-846-7530 (USA, eastern time zone) or by email: info@DaveandJoy.com or by Skype: Dave.DeBerardinis
If you are truly looking for a way to create what you want in your life, perhaps what we have- what we do- will interest YOU!
No matter what anyone says about Network Marketing, the TEAM you join and the COMPANY you join and affiliate yourself with- DO MATTER!
Join a team that has everything in place for fast & massive growth!
JOIN US with TAVALA. We actually resigned from 2 companies, 1 we had been with for over 10 years, and walked away from income…..to join TAVALA. We loved what we saw and love what we currently see and experience! This is a great opportunity for both the NEW network marketer as well as the seasoned pro. Some say that 70% of the income earned is in the EARLY phase of a company’s success.
Are you ready??