Day 16 Joy’s Journey with Ketopia

Day 16 Joy’s Journey with Ketopia

Do you believe “Slow and Steady Wins the Race”?

In terms of losing weight and reaching your goal size I DO believe it is those who change their eating and lifestyle habits that actually do reach their weight loss goals AND stay there! but….what if it is a SLOW PROCESS? Do you ever want to give up? I’m human….If my goal wasn’t etched so deep in my soul- I would want to give up sometimes… And this is where vision and a strong desire win!!!

turtle Today I dropped 1/10th of a pound. Are you kidding? 1/10th?? and yesterday only a 4/10th of a pound. I got discouraged for a moment and then got realistic- it didn’t take me 2 weeks to gain 20 pounds, why would I expect to lose it that quickly???

…..and then I put on a pair of pants that were snug only 15 days ago and smiled. Here are my results in my first 10 Days.Joy Day 1-10KETOPIA WORKS!

I do have to say that it is truly amazing that some people are dropping 5-10 lbs. in their first 5 days OR MORE- and that the average person across the board, using Ketopia, are losing an average of 1 pound a day. When Ketopia first came out the average weight loss was 1-1.5 lbs. a day but now as people are continuing a 2nd or 3rd 10-Day Reset I believe it is averaging out to 1 pound a day. THAT IS FANTASTIC!



joy9 Back when I was 16 year old I went to Weight Watchers with my mother. It was fun having my mother be my ‘BUDDY’ and to this day we laugh about some of our meals and experiences. I didn’t eat ANYTHING that was not ‘on the program’ for 6 weeks. Not a crumb. It was my first diet pound at a time

I remember weighing myself once a week AT THE MEETING (never in between) and some weeks I dropped 1 pound, sometimes only 1/4 pound for the whole week, and for me -rarely more than 3 pounds a week. Slow and Steady!!!!

BUT… the end of 6 weeks I had dropped 16 pounds and at least 2-3 sizes of clothes. Slow and Steady Won That Race…..and I kept that weight off with relative ease…due to establishing healthy habits, until my freshman year in college!!!! (who remembers the freshmen 10!?)

Those for all of us using KETOPIA, let’s realize that we will all drop weight/inches at our own pace. Women generally lose weight slower then men….and people with a lot of weight to lose will drop quicker than those who have less to lose.

We are as individual as each snowflake. Enjoy the Journey….. Make sure you begin to envision yourself reaching your goals. “What we Believe we can Achieve!”

How to Really Lose Weight Ketopia Works. It is scientifically proven. It is safe. It addresses FAT LOSS by putting your body into a healthy and natural state of Ketosis. The 3 products, KetonX, Dough bites and FIXX are nutritionally balanced to perfection and they taste great. The Ketopia program helps reduce CRAVINGS, especially for sugars and also give you more ENERGY and MENTAL CLARITY. When your body is burning FAT for Fuel you have 225% more Energy for daily function.

Are you ready to shift YOUR LIFE? Try Ketopia….whether it is to drop 10, 20, 60 or 100 lbs. or just to lean out your body composition experience for yourself what a 10-Day Reset feels like.

Oh….did we tell you that you can become a member like us and get Ketopia at wholesale? and that you can make a ton of money helping your friends and family get healthier and lose weight? Join the Ketopia Journey!


Joy & Dave


Day 14- Joy’s Journey with Ketopia

Day 14- Joy’s Journey with Ketopia

This is easy… is it possible that today is already day 14 and 2 weeks into using Ketopia? It has easily become a way of life and has an incredible ease about it. Typically when I complete a 10 Day Cleanse or any program to jump start weight loss, my cravings are high and I can’t wait to begin eating things I missed- but not with Ketopia. This is now a new permanent way of eating for me! Although the average person appears to be dropping 1-1.5 lbs. a day, my average is closer to .5 lbs. per day.

Scales and towelMy most recent attempt at losing this FAT accumulation was on a popular cleanse…..from another MLM company that a friend is affiliated with, but ONLY because at that time FGXpress had not launched Ketopia! I literally had to plug my nose to drink the green drink, and on several occasions gagged over the large size Amino Acids. In comparison, with the KetonX drink in the morning, the Dough bite late morning and the FIXX shake mid afternoon….I have 100% satisfaction and everything tastes GREAT!

Today I was down almost 1.5 lbs. from yesterday. I weighed in the buff, not wanting even a towel to alter my weight by an ounce! So crazy how my head has got a bit trippy about the scale. Up til Ketopia I didn’t know my weight and we didn’t even have a reliable scale. (That can be good and bad!) Now I try to use it ONLY as a point of reference as there are many things shifting on my body besides the scale. Did I mention INCH LOSS??? around my Meno-Pot (belly) and in places where I have been efficiently storing fat since menopause! Yup- the belly- the boobs (at one time I would have welcomed that!) the back (never thought I’d have back fat!) and the triceps. WHAT???? Yup, 58 year old women do begin to have fat accumulations in strange places.

Scale and representation

Yesterday I began to think of Ketopia and how it is a solution for the average person to drop unwanted body fat, rev up their body so it is burning more efficiently and is not a gimmick or fad program. I know we live in a microwave society (we stand in front of the microwave and say HURRY UP to our popcorn) and we want instant gratification….but with Ketopia-it is a solution and not a COVER UP of a problem.

You’ve seen the SPANX in the stores and advertisements that they HOLD in your body fat and slim your body so you look smaller- but why not simply ADDRESS the Body FAT in the first place? Also those herbal wraps that are costly and temporary…people buy them monthly to help shrink their fat cells and smooth their cellulite. Once again, not addressing the issue of FAT…and the fat and inches always return!

Burn the Fat Burning your stored BODY FAT FOR FUEL is the LONG TERM SOLUTION!

Give your body the right raw materials and the body can product miracle upon miracle. Give it 10-Days. You will be pleasantly surprised. It is not a diet, rather a life-style. Join us our journey- Order yours today. Did we tell you that you can also earn lots of money helping your friends and family be healthier? not on a diet

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy & Dave


Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 8

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 8

I have to say, one of the SMARTEST things Dave and I did when ordering our Ketopia was to purchase a 9 pack (All-Star pack). 9 Pack Ketopia Packs

The 9 pack OR All-Star pack is the best VALUE. For only $999 you receive 9 “10-Day Reset Ketopia Packs”…enough for us to do 3 10-Day Reset packs” something we were committed to for the first 30 days!!!! If you are someone who only ordered 1 10-Pack to “try” I’m afraid you will be mighty disappointed when you run out. Just sayin’….

I LOVE this program and that is what it is….It is not a diet!

not on a diet

Diet’s remind me of hunger and deprivation and slow results….this is anything but that!

As I am writing this I am nibbling on a Dough bite….boy are they satisfying. Yesterday I put mine in the toaster over for around 5 min. and enjoyed a delicious, WARM, soft and chewy Dough bite that was so similar to a fresh home made chocolate chip cookie that my mouth is still salivating. Because of habit and being too lazy to leave my desk to ‘heat it up’ I am enjoying mine raw. YUMMY. You’ll want to order a month supply of JUST the Dough bites when they are sold separately in September.

We have had offers from people to drive from other locations in Vermont, from Canada, from Mass. and even Maine if we would sell them one of our 10-Day Reset programs…… No Way! We calculated perfectly for our personal use and a couple others orders when we bought our 9 pack. The only thing I wish was for us to thought ahead and bought 3 of the All-Star packs so when people want to buy the Ketopia, they can start immediately.


How much product should you begin with?

If you are looking to drop 5-10 pounds order a minimum of 1 Ketopia Reset Packs

10-20lbs. 2 Ketopia 10-Day Reset Packs

Anything more than 20 lbs. I’d suggest committing to 30 days, or 3 10-Day Reset Packs – then make an assessment from there.

Once your body is RESET it will begin burning more effeciently and effectively even when you are not consuming the Ketopia. In September, FGXpress will be offering the KetonX drink and Dough bites in a 30-Day supply. Stock up!!!! You will want them on hand for a “quick fix” in the future.

To learn more about Ketopia or place your order go to (click on location and then Ketopia)

Today we purchased a new scale that will be more accurate and offer more information other than just weight. This is a process. It would be unrealistic for me to even THINK I could drop the 20 pounds that I wish to lose, in only 10 days. How silly would that be? So our investment for our HEALTH is to hold tight to our original goal. My goal is to drop 20 lbs. of FAT….. and to increase my energy and to accomplish this in 30 short days.

Day 10 JUST around the corner, I’ll stand side-ways with my belly in view. I will take measurements, assess my body fat%, my BMI, blood pressure and my weight….and I’ll POST. So…stay tuned.

Join us on our Ketopia Journey….oh, did we mention that you can make a ton of money helping others become more healthy? Join us…


Joy Edgerton

Dave DeBerardinis




Day 5 Joy’s Journey with Ketopia

Day 5 Joy’s Journey with Ketopia

How is it POSSIBLE today is already day 5 using Ketopia? I am already ½ way through my first 10-Day Reset program of Ketopia….and have committed to do 30 days straight. My goal is to lose 20 lbs. in this time frame and I believe I will.

What will be my results at the end of Day 10? Stay tuned…..I WILL compare my Before Picture (yikes), Day 3 and Day 10 pictures and share my weight loss as well as inch loss. As for today, after 4 full days on Ketopia I have lost 4 pounds! They say most people average 1 lb. or 1.5 lbs. per day weight loss. Many drop considerably more in their first 1-5 days, but stabilize off at this slower and steady pace. (I’d be happy with 1 lb. per day!) and yes ladies…prepare for it- men DO tend to lose weight quicker so I’m trying NOT to get upset that Dave has dropped 5 lbs. in 2 days while I have dropped 4 lbs. in 4 days!

To give you a heads up warning…my comparison pictures I will post at Day 10 are of me in a tight black “skort” (skirt with built in shorts) with a jog bra. (Something to look forward to, lol) The pictures are taken in a sideways view- totally relaxed with nothing being held in. I realize I am SO accustomed to holding in my belly that when I actually saw these pictures in a fully relaxed state I cried. I really did!

When I say this I mean it- this is the easiest and simplest program I have EVER BEEN ON IN MY LIFE….and the results are already promising. I encourage everyone who is interested in losing weight and having more energy and mental acuity to give this a minimum of a 10-Day Reset. Don’t wait to see how your friend will do and base your LIFE and HEALTH on their results- that’s silly….give it 10 Days…..and you’ll know! Then you can ALL compare and celebrate your successes together! Ketopia visual now

Today I awoke fully rested with SO much energy and clarity. Could it be that “I have arrived” or as Ron Williams says, crossed the bridge? And that YOU’LL KNOW WHEN YOU ARE THERE? We had two team calls that Dave ran and HE was extremely clear on the calls. Truth be told, during both calls I multi-tasked and cleaned our entire 5 LEVEL ski condo (minus vacuuming as it would’ve made too much noise) AND I did a load of laundry. That is not my typical Saturday morning routine but I had energy to burn…..

And then Dave suggested we play tennis. Honestly, because of HIS energy and clarity I took a SolarStrip and put on half PowerStrips below my belly to give me the added edge of energy and blood flow. It didn’t help my tennis game but we did have a great 30 min. play of tennis until the rain poured down. ( for info on both the PowerStrips and SolarStrips)

This afternoon our granddaughters ages 3 and 7 arrived late afternoon for dinner and the night and as always we had a great time. DSC01229Thanks to feeling full and having no cravings it wasn’t difficult smelling their freshly popped popcorn at movie time or when they had their little sundae cup of ice cream. Normally I eat their left overs or finish the snacks they can’t finish. Not tonight! My goal is by the time I have gone through 20 days on Ketopia I won’t even mind putting on my swimsuit and going to the pool with them. I do it now but I wear what most women consider their friend -“a sari cloth wrap around the waist”. Right ladies?

If you are reading this and wondering if you can do this program-the answer is YES YOU CAN!

We are here to coach you along the way. Both Dave and I have been person trainers and have run many weight loss challenges at gyms as well as city-wide here in Burlington, VT. You get our coaching for FREE. We CARE about your results so come get healthy with us!!! Drop your unwanted pounds….share with your friends and make a ton of NEW friends and a LOT of money by helping others. What a great way to contribute to others lives…. This IS A GREAT BUSINESS…..Join us and our amazing team!!!



Joy Edgerton

Dave DeBerardinis

(802) 846-7530 It’s this easy and this quick!!!!

Day 1 2 3 in JEANS

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 3

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 3

I lay in bed last night grateful to have found a solution for my sluggish metabolism and for addressing body fat that has crept upon my body in the past 4 years. It’s called KETOPIA. I’ll never forget back in my 40’s….I was very active, lean and always COLD due to low body fat…..sometimes even living in Florida and Arizona! I remember saying how I can’t WAIT till I go through MENOPAUSE- because, my silly reasoning, was that finally I would be warm! Ha-Ha…..not quite!!!! Well I cruised through menopause but not without the meno-pot….I now know why women call them a “muffin top”. muffin top

It’s not that I haven’t tried to lose body fat- I have. I have done the Master Cleanse several time (weight comes back!) and the Purium program (ditto) as well as other cleanses and “diets”….and you got it- DIET’s DON’T WORK. If they did, we’d all be our ideal body weight.

The more I am learning about the KETOPIA 10-Day RESET, the more I understand why and how it works. If you have any questions please google KETOGENIC programs and you’ll see thousands of scientific studies on how it helps the body reach an ideal and healthy state of health AND body weight. Ketopia, as a program makes this extremely easy! RESETTING THE BODY TO BURN FAT is the KEY! Much like rebooting your computer to be more efficient!

So….how lucky am I that ForeverGreen (FGXpress)- a company I fell in love with back in 2005 when the FrequenSea was launched-got the exclusive rights to distribute KETOPIA and actually make scientific claims!!!!!

Day 3- This is EASY!

I find it very easy to follow the simple plan that comes within the 10-Day RESET package. I like routine and I don’t like big meals, so this is ideal for my lifestyle. Today I watched my 3 year old granddaughter and usually when I make her lunch I snack on things I normally wouldn’t- or eat her left overs (How many moms or grandmas do that???) Anyway- ZERO cravings for her mac and cheese, handful of blueberry PULSE, fresh strawberries or piece of ice cream sandwich. ZERO. It must have been that DOUGHbite I had a 1/2 hour before!!! Seriously NO HUNGER- or CRAVINGS….even when I cooked a black bean burger (a favorite) for my daughter…..

So….if you are reading this and wondering if this is easy- the answer is YES.

Is it filling and fulfilling? YES

Is it affordable? YES….Dave and I will surely save money this month as we work our way through 3 back to back 10-Day RESET packages.

Day 3- I dropped 1 more pound.

That is 3.5 lbs. in 2 days using the Ketopia. My daughter said “Please don’t take it wrong- but you look less puffy”. I know, losing the fat bloat is sure to make me look slimmer. When I saw pictures of those in the BETA TEST with Ketopia I couldn’t believe the noticeable difference they showed not only in the body but also in their faces. I’m looking forward to that!

I am going “by the book”, exactly as the program suggests and lucky for me- the “legal foods” on the program are my “kinds of foods!” Am I missing wine? Surprise Surprise Surprise….I am not. NO INTEREST IN COFFEE OR ALCOHOL which is very surprising!!! It MUST BE MY BEFORE PICTURES THAT TOTALLY GOT ME IN THE GAME.

its time to set the reset button

Dave and I are not adding any additional exercise to our daily routine…but we continue to play a minimum of an hour of tennis a day. After Dave’s PICTURES taken today, we both agreed that adding daily PUSHUPS, AB EXERCISES and LEG SQUATS would add to our health and results… least for the “after pictures”.

Stay tuned. This is fun….Can’t wait to see the GALLERY of Before and After pictures. Ketopia is a savior for many people in helping them reach their ideal and healthy weight and their HEALTH.

Health is a Habit- Not an Event! There are many other products that FGXpress has available to support the Ketopia. You can go to and you’ll be directed to the FGX Farmers Market…where you can SHOP….

HERE’S TO EVERYONES SUCCESS WITH KETOPIA. If you have NOT YET ORDERED YOUR SUPPLY, go to click on location, then KETOPIA. We’ll support YOUR journey…..


5I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy Edgerton

Dave DeBerardinis

802-846-7530 h