How to Avoid Medication for High Blood Sugar

Congratulations on being open to a healthy alternative to going on medication for controlling high blood sugar.

Control is a new breakthrough product was introduced in 2017 that is changing how people are getting a handle on their high blood sugar levels…without ‘medication’. Of course, if you are seeing a doctor for health concerns, including high blood sugar and or pre-diabetes, make sure you share all information regarding this product called CONTROL. Email us at and we’ll gladly send you a full documentation in a PDF.

In the past months I have friends whose blood sugar levels, along with blood pressure and cholesterol, have normalized using the Control. One’s friends doctor was are so impressed he stopped discussing medication with him. Others have been able to get off their Metformin medication, with the guidance of their doctor.

Often times it is a ‘scare’ within the family to have people take control of their health. For my friend it was two friends who had diabetes. One recently had part of his leg amputated and the other, his brother, recently began taking insulin several times a day.

High blood sugar is nothing to mess with and the sooner your get it under control the healthier you’ll be. Diet and exercise are helpful for sure… in fact dropping unhealthy weight can be a great place to start.

What IS Control?

Tavala Control is an all natural, gluten free and stimulant free capsule that helps control blood sugar levels in the body, which in turn helps get rid of those annoying spikes and valleys in energy we experience throughout the day. Control also helps lower cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure.

There are now 112 capsules in each container of Control and the suggested ‘serving’ is 4 capsules per day. Most people take 2 capsules in the morning with breakfast and 2 capsules in the afternoon with their evening meal.

If you or anyone you know are concerned with their blood sugar levels please share this information with them.

I am not a doctor nor do I pretend to be, I am sharing this information because it is helping many people improve their health, including 2 very dear people in my life.

If you have high blood sugar and are looking to lose weight, it is the perfect companion product to Tavala Trim, which is a thermogenic product that boosts the metabolism, give you energy, suppresses the appetite and cravings and helps you lose weight.
Tavala Control is the perfect companion to Tavala Trim because it attacks different modes of weight loss (blood sugar levels) than Trim does (metabolism, appetite suppressant, etc.). The cost is $49.99

Because of this, Control can help you break through in your weight loss if you have plateaued with Trim. The cost of Trim is $64.99. Purchase both together and save $5.

Ready to take CONTROL of your health? Order at Have questions? Well, we love questions. 802-846-7530. The brief video below may also answer some of your questions.

Dave and Joy/ Global Leaders with Tavala









Winning Recipe for the BEST BRU Recipe

Last month Tavala had a contest asking people to submit their favorite recipe for using bru. No doubt it was a fun challenge for the Tavala staff to try new recipes each day… and congratulations to Jennifer Jaca, she WON and was awarded 3 bags of bru.

I probably should have submitted a couple of recipes I use including my favorite KETO FAT BOMB recipe, but I never got around to it.

You can see that at

Healthy bru Guilt-Free Cake (aka Texas Sheet Cake)

(also known as the Chocolate Lovers Dream Cake)

2 cups sugar, 1 tsp. baking soda, 1 tsp. vanilla, 1 cup butter, 4 Tbsp. bru , 1/2 cup buttermilk, 2 cups flour, 1 cup water, 2 eggs, 1/2 tsp. cinnamon.

Melt butter and bru (dark organic Cacao) together; add rest of ingredients and bake in a sheet pan or cookie pan for 25-30 minutes at 350 degrees.


3 Tbsp. bru, 6 Tbs. milk, 1 stuck butter, 2 C. powder sugar, 1 cup nuts (optional) Boil bru, Milk and Butter then add powdered sugar and nuts. Frost while hot.

Basically what I have discovered, if you LOVE chocolate you can use bru as an alternative chocolate flavor in any recipe. It increases the healthy benefits of dark organic chocolate (Cacao) and it will make it the highest anti-oxidant dessert on the planet.

So what the heck IS bru you may ask???

Lately, it seems that everyone from medical professionals to health gurus are touting the substantial health benefits of cacao, from natural mood elevation to lower blood pressure and improved digestion. Cacao has even been shown to slow the creation of fat cells.

With all these unbelievable health benefits, and many more, Tavala bru should seem like a no brainer. We recommend you drink at least one cup everyday, but more only gives you better results. Drink it in the morning, drink it throughout the day – you decide! It’s as easy as stirring one scoop into hot water – your daily helping of good health.

As for the taste and aroma, it’s like the best dark chocolate; enjoy it with your favorite sweetener or creamer, add it to your coffee, or drink it as is (hot or iced): natural, earthy, uplifting!

Directions for use: mix one scoop of Tavala bru with 8 oz of hot water. Stir and enjoy! More or less mix may be added for your personal taste.

Interested in purchasing bru? Go to It is available only through a Tavala members website and will never be available on the shelves of a store. The cost is only $29.99.

Some people actually lose weight substituting fattening beverages with bru. They do say that dark cacoa helps slow the creation of fat cells. I doubt that the recipe above would be a way to lose weight but you’ll at least know your anti-oxidants are handled for the day.

Bon Appetite!

Dave and Joy/Global Leaders with Tavala



Why Tamanu Organics Skin Care?

What makes Tamanu Organics different?

First it is a Daily Skin Care System for All Skin Types. Many products on the market are geared towards different age groups, different skin types, different genders but Tamanu Organics is an organic skin care system that is good for everyone!

What’s unique about the ingredient “Tamanu Oil”?

Our impact ingredient, Tamanu Oil, has been used traditionally as a local medicine. The sacred Tamanu trees are ancient and native to Vanuatu, where they grow abundantly along the beach shores. In fact, Tavala is the name of a village on the island of Vanuatu, where we source this incredible oil. The Tamanu nuts are harvested only twice a year and are left to cure naturally in the sun until they are collected and cold-pressed for their precious oil.

Science has shown that each drop of Tamanu Oil gently urges skin to rebuild and stimulates the growth of healthy, new skin tissue. This regenerative oil provides immediate relief to distressed skin and helps fight the body’s inflammatory responses. Tamanu Oil can reduce the appearance of eczema, acne, and renew damaged skin. It moisturizes, nourishes, and repairs the skin.

What is in the Tamanu Organics Daily Skin Care System?

The 4 part system includes a Gentle Cleanser, a Soothing Toner, a Comforting Creme and a Night Time Serum. As mentioned above, this system was designed for all skin types to gently cleanse, hydrate and replenish skin.

Using the healing power of Tamanu Oil and other important botanical ingredients, Tavala has created a masterpiece that works exceptionally well to produce beautiful and healthy skin. If you’d like a full ingredient list of each ingredient, including botanicals, please email us at and we’ll send you the documentation. You’ll be impressed….it is so pure and healthy that is healthy enough to eat!

The kit comes in 2 sizes: A Full Tamanu Organics: $194.50 and a travel size Tamanu Organics Travel Kit: $119.99

Dave and Joy/Global Leaders at Tavala



Perhaps this is the BEST question you can ask!

Congratulations on taking a look at TAVALA and then deciding that Tavala IS the company you wish to partner with.

We are confident that you’ll love what you experience and find Tavala is not only a ‘home- a real family’ but also a great opportunity to create income and help others built teams and ultimately improve their ‘tomorrows’.

If you’re about to join Tavala no doubt you’ve found that Tavala has many unique qualities and is different than most network marketing companies out there. You’ll also find because Tavala is unique and different, that there will be far less resistance when you share the opportunity and products. A couple of ways they are unique and there is less, if ANY resistance is that there is no joining fee- ever!

Also customers and members pay the same low price….and we get paid 10% MORE on our customers.

Last but certainly not least, is you are not required to be on a monthly auto-ship order (though most are, due to loving the products and wanting to have samples on hands) but it is NOT a requirement. In fact, your customers order can qualify you to earn a check, even if you are not currently active!

Really? Yes, Really! I remember being on vacation years ago at the onset of my network marketing career and I forgot to place an order that month. Honestly, I think it was because funds were so tight that I couldn’t find the necessary dollars to place the order. As a result, my monthly check was never received…that’s right. The $1500, which by the way was a huge check back in those days, was never delivered.

As long as you have 1 active customer with a 25 point order (think 1 box of TRIM or 1 pack of Quantum Relief Strips) then you’ll never ever miss a check. Amen!

The reasons above are great reasons but don’t even touch upon the MONEY and I don’t know about you but we came to Tavala to collect the SUPER CHECKS! (Ask us about the lifestyle bonuses that begin at $350 and go up to $2000 every 28-days….as well as the 70% payout on the first 3 levels, and the large bonus pools and unlimited width you can build in the Uni-level Compensation plan)….etc.

So, this is all great and dandy, but how do you begin?

What is the absolute BEST way to get started?

What is the most important question you can ask?

This could be one of the most important steps. Make sure that you align with the right team for you. Do your homework and check out and see who the leaders in Tavala are and what training they have in place for their teams. Will they be there to support you and your team? Do they work Tavala exclusively or do they balance 2-3 other “MLM” opportunities? Will they be around 1 year from now? I know many times people feel bad if they don’t join with the first person who shared the opportunity with them but heck, this is a business, and hopefully a long term partnership between you and your up line sponsors and support team.

How you begin is most likely how your team will begin. The absolute best and fastest way to grow your business is by starting with one of the Builder Boxes. For a low investment of only $399.99 you will receive product for yourself and 40 samples to hand out to your potential customers and partners. (This ex. is with the TRIM Builder Box)

Think about it, it is much easier to say TRY this -rather than BUY this! It is also very easy to ask someone who they may know who would be interested in more energy, a boost in their metabolism and losing weight (if the discussion is the TRIM Builder Box). Some people sell the samples for $9.99 and Tavala even has an App that you can use for this purpose, but in our opinion if you are looking for the FASTEST growth and duplication, buying the Builder Box and sampling for free will get you up and running and in a positive cash flow within weeks- or less.
This is not to say that you can’t have success starting out with a smaller box called the Alpha Box for only $199.99 box that also 16 samples…. but if you are looking to make it big with Tavala, you’ll do best by getting up and started quickly.

Tavala is at the brink of momentum and leaders are joining daily. Get YOUR slice of the market by coming in strong!

3. Becoming a product OF the product is extremely beneficial and something we personally suggest. Most leaders also agree that purchasing the Experience Pack (One of each of the products, minus the Tamanu Organics, a 4-system skin care system) is the way to go. Then they can also share from personal experience. The cost for the Experience Pack is only $259.99.

4. And here is where things get easily identified. Whose Team you join is important – if not crucial! You’ll want to use a duplication system to have effective follow up with proper distribution of the samples and customers … and if done correctly (not selling) the money will show up….and it will come quickly! Have you ever heard that the money is in the follow up?

Does the team you are joining have this in place and if so, do you have access to it? Do they have weekly team training, Social Media Groups like Facebook? Do they share their You-Tube video trainings and blogs with their teams? Are they available for 3-Way calls? Do they CARE about you or will you be just a number in their organization?

5. Whose team you join ultimately is up to you. We have seen too many people take this lightly and join with their Uncle Joe or best friend Sally out of obligation. If your reason for joining Tavala is only for a fun hobby then it may not matter who you join with- BUT if creating a large weekly income and ultimately creating effective duplication and a large team… then joining with the right leaders IS important. This way you can all succeed and celebrate together!

Perhaps you’ve found a leader you’d like to work with…. and this question comes has come up. Are they simply out there being masterful recruiters with a back-splash training for all? Will they be available for you and 3-way calls / intimate team training or are they too busy in their recruitment process?

And this brings this to us and OUR TEAM!

If you are looking for a TEAM to join, Leaders to follow and want to have the ‘added edge’ with Tavala, consider joining our Team. You owe it to yourself to see the advantages that we can offer you and YOUR TEAM.

Still deciding whose team to join?

We invite you to call us at 802-846-7530 or email to set up a time to chat. We encourage you to interview US as much as we’ll want to interview YOU to make sure you are a good fit for our team and team culture. We won’t try to sell or coerce you into anything. The decision is yours!

We made the decision to become the UP LINE that we never had in this industry and pride ourselves on delivering what we do for our team. We resigned from a company we had been leaders with for over 10 years to join Tavala.

Here is not the place to boast about the dozen plus reasons WHY JOIN WITH DAVE AND JOY, but we are happy to share it if you are interested. The list, interestingly enough, was partially created by our own team!

Dave and Joy/Global Leaders with Tavala


Our Tavala Count down to 2018

Did You Hear that Sound . . .

. . . it was the 2-Month Warning for 2017 !

Like in football, the last two minutes can often be the most exciting. And the last two MONTHS of your year can be exciting, too.

But it takes some discipline, some real commitment—maybe even some recalibration and implementing some new systems.

The last 60 days of the year include some holidays which we certainly want to enjoy….and luckily for those of us with Tavala, we have a product called TRIM that gives you energy- suppresses the appetite, reduces cravings, helps you boost your metabolism and lose weight. Last holiday many people actually LOST WEIGHT.

But here we also want to discuss business and we also want to finish the year strong.

What are your goals for the balance of 2017? What do you want to achieve? What do you want to change? What will set you up for a great start in 2018?

You can dig down deep and be a 10 on the “Go-For-It Scale” and knock out your goals. Or, you can slack off and tell yourself you’ll start fresh in the New Year. Which will it be?

What’s stopping you? Most of the time, we’re unclear of the next step and so we don’t take it. If that’s the case, your next step is to get clear on what you need to do. Don’t let confusion and fear keep you from building your confidence as you chip out the last—and perhaps the most important—yardage of the game.

This is YOUR life. This is YOUR game. It’s no one else’s to play. No one will play it for you.

By winning in the last two months of 2017, you’ll be able to practice the Peak to Peek Principle. You’ll be able see further and clearer from the last peak you climb. And in doing so you’ll set even bigger goals for next year. With Jef Welch, a masterful leader for 30+ years in network marketing, joining Tavala new systems are in place and it will be easier than ever to grow and stay on track.

Last December was a winning month for Dave and I in a number of ways—both personally and professionally. For one, we joined Tavala and began sharing the opportunity with people we wanted to work with- and we resigned from a company we had been with for over 10 years. People ask us all the time WHY…and the simple answer is because it was no longer serving us professionally in network marketing and because our reputations were at stake. We simply couldn’t make good on some things that we simply not working. (No one wants to be on a ship that is sinking, especially when you take your ‘family’ that trusts you with you- right?)

2017 has been a transformative year for us and we’re looking to making November and December of this year a Slam-Dunk win! How about you?

Let’s Play!

Make it a great day,

Dave and Joy/ Global Leaders with Tavala



KUDOS: I owe it to a friend who sends me awesome emails periodically and many of them spur on ideas for blogs. So, I’d like to give credit to my friend, Michael Angier, founder of Success Net with his lovely wife Dawn as he wrote a good share of this blog in an email that I received…. of course I added my ‘twist’ to it and made it applicable to our business and life.

To learn more about Success Net go to I highly recommend his business coaching & training and books.