How to Build your Tavala Business FAST?

How to Build your Tavala Business FAST?

Tavala is one of the easiest Network Marketing companies to share because the products WORK and WORK quickly. They are not ‘me too’ products that take an hour to explain, and you don’t have to use them for 30-90 days to experience significant results. With Tavala, you’ll know that same DAY if not before!

Tavala is also a SAMPLING company. Pre-packaged samples like the Tavala Trim, for example, come in several of the larger business consumer packs that the company has.

So what is the FASTEST way to build your TAVALA business?

Simply Put- share….share…share! Click below to see how simple it is.


If you are looking for TOP LEADERSHIP you’ll want to join a team that has all the tools in place for you to use to grow YOUR TAVALA
BUSINESS FAST. Call us today to see if TAVALA is the right fit for you and if it is, let’s lock arms and get you building FAST!
Top Leadership Positions Available for LEADERS! 802-846-7530
Dave and Joy

Some Things I Love About Tavala

Some Things I Love About Tavala…

I am not a new comer to Network Marketing. I joined the industry when my kids were in grade school, as a way to create additional income and to save money on taxes by having a home based business. Now, today, in 2017, 25+ years later, I still enjoy the industry and encourage ‘those searching’, to find a company and product line that they are passionate about representing and partnering with.

Like most people who continue to purchase products over the years, I, too, am very loyal when it comes to purchasing products/services that I love, whether there is a financial gain or not. Over the years I have only joined a handful of companies, my former company I was with for 10+ years. Honestly looking back, several of the companies I did join were extremely short lived and only based on a friend hyping me that “I’d better get in now and secure a position and that I’d be at the top of his ‘pay leg’!!!! Yes, the fear of loss can be real in Network Marketing.

My advice is never fall for the hype or empty promises when deciding on your financial future and a network marketing company. Do your ‘due diligence’ and learn about the company’s corporate culture, their plans for the future and company growth, products, products coming, compensation plan, opportunity for growth. See if what they SAY is what you FEEL. Use your intuition and ask questions. I know Dave and I always love when people come to us and actually ‘interview us” as we would interview someone looking to partner with us as a leader. It is a 2-way street and hopefully a long term relationship that we are looking for.

In mid-December Dave and I joined Tavala. We resigned from 2 companies we had been affiliated with- walking away from 3 monthly checks. We knew in order to do what we are doing as leaders with TAVALA, that it was the authentic and highly integrity based thing to do. We have never looked back or regretted that decision. On the contrary!

Today we had conversations with 3 different new leaders on our team and it prompted me to create this brief video.

What is unique about TAVALA?

Why Tavala and What are some of the things I LOVE about Tavala? So I set up my phone (didn’t even think about combing my hair or putting on lipstick) and simply spoke naturally from my heart on some of the top differences I am loving about TAVALA versus other companies I have been with or had looked at joining.

If you are looking to have an authentic, real and Non-Hype conversation with Dave and I to see if Tavala is the right fit for you and your Network Marketing Career, please reach out. 802-846-7530 or by email,

We are looking for Leaders or those hungry to learn the industry and BECOME leaders….people with self-motivation, high integrity, positive outlook on life and a team player.

Dave and Joy





Tavala- Can I Make Money with Tavala?

Tavala- Can I Make Money with Tavala?

Dave and I were not actively looking for a new MLM opportunity but we were stymied with the company we were working with (Checks -and size of our team-were dwindling and not growing) and we made a DECISION that we’d be open to a solid business solution if it showed up.

KEY: Be open to walk through open doors OR at least answer the knock at the door!

Then……. we got a call from a friend who reached out to us to see if we’d like to:

  • Try a free 7-day sample of their flagship product- Tavala Trim
  • Be open to taking a look at their new company

Tavala came together with an Executive Team – 2 whom we have worked with before, that has decades of experience in business and the direct sales industry. This group saw a big opportunity in a problem that is seen too often among network marketing companies.

The problem with many direct sales companies is having to sell overpriced products that don’t fill a real need for the end consumer. They struggle to make great products that have an appeal (aside from commission) to both member and their subscriber. Check out the Tavala Compensation Plan below to see how Tavala is different.

Tavala believed there could be a better way to do business…a better and unique way to participate in a direct sales company today. If you are looking for an opportunity that offers a different VIBE, Compensation Plan, Opportunity that is Vemma Compliant (for long term success) and that you can build quickly and be a leader NOW, then we’d love to chat to see if Tavala is the right fit for you.

We know all about loyalty and falling in love with a culture of the company and the friendships you make. But do not let that blur your vision of what is right for you and your future financial goals and dreams.

We are building a solid team and looking for leaders who also want to lead. Come join in on a conversation that could change the course of your life. HUGE opportunity for the right leaders!!!

Several on our team who are quickly becoming leaders with Tavala had sworn off this industry and gone back to traditional jobs to support their family…but they knew there was a better way….and it is called Residual Income….now they have HOPE again and see that Tavala is different that most MLMs out there. Come and explore for yourselves. Call us today today to set up a phone interview or Skype/Zoom for ‘up close and personal’. 802-846-7530.

We’ll give you a peek behind the scenes with all the training and support we have in place for our team.

Dave and Joy




Can Changing MLM Companies Be Like a Divorce?

I recently heard the analogy that “Changing MLM Companies Can Be Like a Divorce.”

For those out there who have been divorced, you may know how difficult it can be terminating a relationship, ESPECIALLY one where you still care for or even love. But being true to yourself you know that in your heart, that the relationship is no longer the best or healthiest relationship for you to be in and you make the painful change.

The same can apply to loving a company you have been with in the Network Marketing industry, perhaps one you have been in with many years. At some point, there may be a time that your goals and visions shift, or that you need to make more residual income and you find some other company that is a better fit.

network marketing and work placeThis doesn’t mean that you don’t still love the ‘old company’, or that you don’t still love their products (or even recommend them) or don’t like the corporate staff that was like family….. or your team you developed….it’s just that at this stage in YOUR life you must follow your own path- whatever that looks like and wherever that leads.

I could never understand it when friends got divorced and found they had to split up their mutual friends! I have seen people take sides and true friendships even completely dissolve. This happened years ago when my ex-husband and his business partner split ways. All of a sudden the “other husband” then forbid his wife to continue being my close friend….and the sad thing is she listened to him. It took me years to get over that feeling of betrayal.decisions-decisions

So why is it that in most any other profession- other than Network Marketing- if you change jobs people wish you well, rather than try to tear you down on your decision? If you are working as a teacher in a school that is an hour from your home, earning $40,000 a year and get an offer to work for a school 10 minutes from your house earning $62,000 a year what would you do? You’d probably take the job with higher pay, closer to your home. How silly would it be to make your friend feel horrible for their decision? or to stop being their friend?divine discontent

One thing I have admired with many friends in Network Marketing is they have built and maintained friendships no matter what company they are with. This means their lives are RICH in ways due to the sharing of ideas with others, championing their successes and staying in touch with those people you enjoy being with regardless if you are their up-or down line!!!! Dave and I call them “Hot Tub Friends.” (People you’d enjoy spending time with in a hot tub, with an adult beverage!)

Now that I have played with this analogy I can see why some people feel like changing companies is like a divorce. It hurts….and it doesn’t have to. If you are looking for a new home you can visit or give us a call. I’d love to add YOUR story to that website as I believe it can help many people in THEIR journey!5I3I6962_pp20x20

Dave and Joy






Mad Money for Momma- My First Try…

Mad Money for Momma- “my first try”

Hey fellow ladies and Mommas….

How many of you believe that having your own Monthly “Mad Money” is important & even critical for Momma’s Happiness and Well-being?


AND if the answer IS YES…..

yesWhat amount of mad money would make YOU happy? $$$$

Here’s my ‘story’….which I’ll call TAKE 1- as it was my first attempt at having my own “MAD MONEY”.

Back in the late 1980’s I was a single mom working part time in sales at a local health club when a friend approached me and convinced me with multiple praises that with my outgoing personality, number of contacts and sphere of influence that I have- that I would be PERFECT for her home based-woman only company. I don’t recall the details of the conversation much but I recall her saying that with VERY LITTLE TIME OR EFFORT I COULD EARN at least $300 a month- which is what I thought would be IDEAL FOR MY MAD MONEY ACCOUNT. I got excited!

3d characters isolated on white background series

I imagined the good life with ‘extras’ including travel or just plain ol’ MAD MONEY to buy whatever I want without pulling from my tight budget. Hmmm, lunch out more often, a pedicure or manicure, a good bottle of wine, new underwear and bras, a new fitness outfit, etc.


Although I am not a fan of “home parties” -nor do I care a hoot about make up or skin care, the allure of having my own mad money for just me– got me excited. I couldn’t even imagine having money that didn’t have to go towards the typical “gas, food and clothing” or my kids ‘stuff’.

I had NO IDEA how to begin to earn this MAD MONEY but trusted my friend 100% so when she suggested I buy the largest pack (saying I needed product in my ‘make believe store front’ from which to sell from (inventory) I believed that her recommendation to start with a $2400 pack was the BEST way to go! I also was convinced it was the quickest to earning the maximum amount of income in the shortest time. (In my mind, the fewest parties I had to host or travel to homes of others who wished to have a party, the better) I should have known I was doomed at that moment….but I did not.

I remember thinking that there was no way I had that kind of money, but as a young entrepreneur who was “coachable and trainable” (the ideal in this industry!) I actually took her advice and went to a local bank, took out a loan to start my “home based business”. I didn’t even have credit back then as I had always paid cash for everything so my ex-husband co-signed the loan.

When my BUSINESS arrived by truck- all I remember was the size of the BOX!!!! – it was huge, and most of the items in it were the color pink!


My friend, Barb, was good at what she did and helped me with two of my own ‘parties’. We did the facial thing around the tables, dabbled with colors and then she handed out the order forms to all the guests- my friends- who were there. To my surprise, people bought things and some bought quite a lot of ‘trinkets’ to make themselves beautiful! I think I earned at least $200 per party of a total of $400 PROFIT. WOW, Mad Money for Momma had come true.

I was in heaven…. until the reality hit- I did not LIKE what it took to be successful with this kind of home business. I remember wishing I was selling something health related, like fitness equipment, or fitness clothing instead. It didn’t take long for me to decide it was not for me so I sold off half of the inventory at my cost to friends and shipped the remaining product back to the company for a partial refund. Whew- I was done with THAT experience!!!!

True be told, I wasn’t mad at my friend Barb. She went on to be quite successful at HER home based business, winning “pins” and jewelry and even trips…. working part time. And I was happy for her. But this experience gave me a taste of what was possible! I got hooked on the idea of MAD MONEY FOR MOMMA and years later, got involved in a nutritional Network Marketing Company that was a good fit for me…..and I did earn MAD MONEY- only more!!!!

As I look back on my first attempt for MAD MONEY without a traditional JOB I recall how excited I got and I never lost that flame of hope for another way of earning my MAD MONEY.

When I first signed joined this company all I needed to be ecstatic was $300 a month. That’s it! And today, with decades of knowledge under my belt, and the industry of Network Marketing allowing this to be possible, I enjoy helping other MOMMAS out there create their mad money.

Fill in the blanks: How much MAD MONEY would make YOU excited to have each month? ________

What would you SPEND IT ON???? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

If you are looking for a way to generate YOUR OWN MAD MONEY, I highly recommend a book written by a friend and mentor, Kimmy Brooke, called the FOUR YEAR CAREER FOR WOMEN. It is fun, light, educational, funny, and easy read and interactive. One thing the book stresses is to find something you are passionate about- something you will use/buy and recommend even if you are not earning money.

For those of you who are open to looking at our business, we are giving away Free Digital copies of The Four year Career for Women. You will love this book. Either connect directly with us at or go to Amazon and order your copies today!

4year-women5I3I6962_pp20x20Joy Edgerton

Wife. Mother. Grandmother (Mema)


Serial Entrepreneur!