We encourage others to be 100% authentic in sharing “their story” and yet we stopped telling OUR story on network marketing and why we LOVE this industry….so we thought we’d share it here!
When we first met, in 2005 we were both involved in network marketing but with different companies. It was fun to support each others entrepreneurial juices and we understood the dedication it takes to build and support a team.
The end of 2007 we moved from Arizona to Vermont to be close to family and to support our daughter who was having her first baby. People asked how we could sell everything (including Dave’s car) and move across country without a job…but the truth is they just didn’t understand we HAVE A JOB, it’s called being a a network marketing professional and we’ll be fine! One of the best things about this industry is you can live anywhere, as long as you have internet and a cell phone.
In 2008 both of the companies we were with were going through some major changes and when I say MAJOR- I mean Major! Relationship breakups with Dave’s company had the owners splitting and dividing…. changing everything that Dave had built. The company I was with changed from a Uni-level compensation plan to a Binary- as well as changed names of the company and many products. It felt like everything I had built was slipping away. Even the $500 monthly car bonus I once received was taken away, leaving me with a monthly car payment of $650. What is wrong with that picture?
We hung in there as long as we could until we were behind on all of our bills. Even though our monthly checks were less, our bills continued to grow. Winter in Vermont is not cheap!
Around that time we knew we needed to make a change….. although we didn’t give up on the industry, we decided we needed to get a job…. and for both of us, that was devastating as we had been our own boss for most of our lives. Still, you do what you need to do.
I took a job opening a franchised 24-hour health club- working LONG and crazy ‘gym hours’. Dave even considered moving to Asia to teach English to pilots, as he was a flight instructor, a pilot and used to buy and sell airplanes. Luckily for us, he never did move overseas. Instead he worked multiple jobs, piecing them together to bring in a somewhat sustainable income. At 3:30 in the morning he would get up to deliver newspapers- not a long term plan, especially in the winter months. We owned only one vehicle that eventually was repossessed when we finally realized paying $650 month for a car was ridiculous. For a while Dave borrowed my dads truck to deliver the newspapers and I took public transportation to get to my job.
In addition to delivering newspapers he would then go to the gym I managed and was the janitor …oh yeah, and and on the weekends was a manager at the Days Inn!
While at the gym I introduced him to a member who had a painting company and was looking for painters and he hired Dave that spring to paint houses and condos part-time. Imagine being in your 50’s painting in the hot sun on 28′ ladders. Still, you do what you have to do. Eventually Dave became a personal trainer, adding a 4th job to his resume’….but at least this job allowed us to work together and see one another. Prior to that our hours were complete opposite one another. Still…..you do what you have to do!
All along we couldn’t believe that this is what our life had come to! Luckily we believed this was only temporary and kept our options open that would somehow allow us to get back into the industry that we both loved and had experienced success in.
Flash forward 3 years and with both excitement and some nervousness, we got reengaged in network marketing. The company I had been with since 2006 had a new division, things had changed for the better and the CEO spoke to us about us re-engaging. One thing that caught our attention is a colleague with that company was now earning MORE in one week than her monthly checks had been. THAT caught our attention.
Even though we didn’t have the extra money to buy the necessary larger pack to be ‘grandfathered in’ at a higher pay level we made the decision to buy it and to not pay our Comcast Internet service and our Verizon cell phone service. If we were going to get back into network marketing, we needed every advantage and to make money fast!
We were already two months behind on all our bills and those services were our life line to other possibilities… but we did it anyway! Now we needed (not just wanted) to make this work! Luckily when you are entrepreneurial and have had success before, with the right opportunity and excitement, we knew we could do it again. It was our ticket to freedom!
Our first month back in network marketing we earned $2,851. YES! Within 3 months we were earning $5K a month and within 6 months we were earning $10K a month and growing!
When people tell us we don’t understand when money is tight we actually DO understand….first hand! But that’s not the reason you can’t do it, it’s the reason you HAVE to.
We love what network marketing has done for us and can offer the average person. The flexibility it offers us offers so many options in life. We can live where we want, we never miss a family celebration or birth of a grandchild. We travel often to warm and exotic destinations and we work with a fabulous team of people who are like us, looking to create a ‘better tomorrow’ and to impact people’s lives in a positive way. We’re able to contribute in ways we haven’t been able to for many years.
We’re proud to say we are top leaders with our network marketing company and adore this industry and all the ‘good’ that it represents. We made the decision to be the up line sponsors that we never had and true to our word, we believe we are. We have created an environment and culture on our team that is unstoppable and know someday we’ll be one of the Tavala Elite Circle.
The picture to the left was taken during a company cruise that we qualified for once we first joined. We celebrated with a good size team but know that this year our team will be massive and new and stronger relationships will be created. For those of you who love to travel and earn free trips, you can do it with Tavala.
If you like the benefits of being your own boss, creating your own hours, choosing the people you want to work with and earning what you desire and deserve with no limitations…. then network marketing could be for you.
We are always looking for positive, self-motivated people of high integrity to join our thriving team. Everything is in place for you to enjoy success, whether part-time or full-time. We invite you to join us. Give us a call, 802-846-7530 or email us at info@DaveandJoy.com www.DaveandJoy.com Who knows, you could be featured in our upcoming books “In Their Own Words” where we highlight team members successes. Join the team that changes lives.
Join us today! International? No worries, we are opening new countries and territories all the time. Become a leader in YOUR country with our team.

Dave and Joy/Top Global Leaders with Tavala

This picture is taken with the Founder of Tavala, Boyd Wathen in Orlando, Florida. In his ‘own words’
“I want my legacy to become YOUR legacy”. Amen!