Joy’s Journey- Day 11 Bikram Yoga at 6:30 am? Are you kidding me?

Today is 11 days STRAIGHT that I have been doing Bikram Yoga. I had plans for the day that would cut into our usual 9 am class, so we decided to get up early and take in a 6:30 am class.

Not a problem for Dave since he is an early riser (4:30-5:30 am) but for me it was a stretch!!! I don’t know about you but the mornings I ‘have’ to wake up at a certain time with an alarm clock, I never sleep as well the night before. I think it is fear that I may over sleep. So to say I ‘may have got 4 hours of sleep’ is accurate.

Still I am dedicated and committed to do 30 Days straight of Bikram Yoga. You heard me….30 straight. I have heard of some people doing that and even knew 1 person who transformed his body from bent over and in back pain to thriving in 30 days! Cool for someone else but honestly never expected this of me. But as you may remember, I asked my body what it needed and heard is a loud whisper “Bikram Yoga” and the rest is history. (Don’t ever ask your body, or your soul/spirit if you don’t plan on listening or going into action!)

I figure if I can do this PHYSICAL CHALLENGE….then I can accomplish anything I put my mind to.

Incidentally what IS my next goal? (aside from surviving and thriving with Bikram for 30 days straight?)

I have heard it been said that a goal should be so big that it scares you….. and if your WHY doesn’t make you CRY then it’s not BIG ENOUGH!

OK, so here is my goal and it won’t make much sense to anyone unless they are also with TAVALA, the network marketing company Dave and I work with.

My goal is to reach 14 Karat Gold by the beginning of November, 2017, and be the first in the company to reach that level – by or before the leadership Paradise Cruise. Not only does that double our income we are currently earning (6-figures +) but we would then also receive a $10,000 bonus. For this to happen we need to bring others on the TEAM up with us and that is the exciting part. TEAM= Together Everyone Achieves More!

So – how does all of this relate to Bikram Yoga?


When you are disciplined in one area of your life, it passes over to others. Discipline with Bikram Yoga includes the Body, Mind and the Spirit. When I am strong in ALL of those areas, I am unstoppable!

Incidentally, the Quantum Relief Strips help with that balance of energy & focus!

Have you ever done 30 days of Bikram Straight? I’d love to know! Also What is your GOAL and your WHY?

Joy Edgerton


Joy’s Journey Day 6 & 7: BIKRAM YOGA and more….

Today is Day 6 today…. Is it true what they say that the more you do something each and every day, the easier it is to become a habit? I am pleasantly surprising myself with my new habit of 90 minutes of Bikram Yoga daily- but that is the kind of person I am once I make a decision.

Whoever said it was going to get easier as time goes on was inaccurate with my 6th day of Bikram. I am not sure but I felt more exhausted than days 1 and 2. I think my body needed a break…. my muscles and tendons, etc. had been taxed thoroughly the 5 days prior and I simply had not recovered enough. BUT YOGA is your ‘own practice’ so you DO what you can and do it right and you STILL receive the benefits.

BE-DO-HAVE… BE in harmony with yourself and intentions, DO-whatever it takes…HAVE the results you are looking to attain. In my case, it is a healthy, limber, strong and lean body! I want to age gracefully!

True, day 6 was very physically (not so much mentally) tough, even keeping my arms straight and to the front or to the sides took a lot of effort.

When I left the yoga studio my husband looked at me and thought he’d literally have to carry me to the car. I was POOPED beyond pooped. I had NO EXTRA energy to draw from. My body was depleted….

That is OK. I did it, felt like my own HERO or should I say “Shero“.SHE/HERO….

I hydrated myself after I got home and ate a huge bown of chilled watermelon. Watermelon never tasted so good in my life!

I promised myself to take it easy for the rest of the day to rejuvenate my muscles and be strong for Sunday, my 7th day in a row. As it turns out, Dave and I played a little tennis later in the afternoon- which was good for two reasons. 1) cardio 2) to confirm that Bikram Yoga is what I am supposed to be doing. Tennis HURT MY ELBOW, which was beginning to heal with yoga. hmmmm.

DAY 7-
I was excited for the day and for Bikram Yoga. I KNEW from when I woke up that my experience would be different and more energized than yesterday. Heck, when I lift weights at the gym, some days I am far stronger than others. Same here with Bikram Yoga.

By the way I highly recommend trying this form of yoga – it is not only a physical but it is a spiritual experience.

One week ago today I went into the studio after the morning class to see if I wanted to begin Bikram on Monday. Both Jess and Alex were there and welcomed me. I then emailed the owner Marla to introduce myself. By having a positive experience with staff from ‘before day 1’ made a difference for me as I was more than nervous to take up Bikram. I was downright petrified! I highly recommend Queen City Bikram Yoga. Thus far, I have experienced 4 different instructors in the 7 classes and they are all wonderful!

Today was a wonderful class. Was it challenging? Heck yeah, but I love a challenge!

Was it therapeutic? You bet. My tennis elbow has improved considerably since working with these stretches and poses.

I put on a new Quantum Relief Strip again today and I really do believe it helps with balance and bringing energy to the parts of my body needed most. For me, it is the right forearm, right elbow and the dan tien area below the belly button.

Am I going to continue? You bet. Next Saturday, due to a previous schedule, I won’t be able to do class so I may double up on Friday….we’ll see.

My goal, is day to day, I’ll decide- but ideally 30 classes in 30 days. As long as I don’t let myself down I am happy.

If you take Bikram Yoga I’d love to hear from you. Does it continue to challenge you but also give you rewards that you couldn’t see on days 1-7?

Joy Edgerton


I am blessed that I work for myself (Thank you TAVALA) and can take Bikram yoga whenever I wish. Luckily at Queen City Bikram Yoga there are many options with times. This past week I did all the classes at 9 am but may change it up this week.

Feeling blessed!

Yoga and Tavala’s Quantum Relief Strips

Is it true that the Quantum Relief Strips can help me with my YOGA PRACTICE?

I don’t know how to answer that question as everyone and every ‘body’ is different, however I will tell you that I have heard people tell me since they have been wearing the Quantum Relief Strips on a regular basis they have experienced both an inner and outer balance and more flexibility.

As for MY limited experience- and I am NOT a Yogini by any stretch of the imagination, but I recently started doing BIKRAM YOGA, based out of a physical need to rest my upper body from weight lifting and tennis and to gain more flexibility. The fact is, YOGA is therapeutic and can be a ‘healing practice’ but what was I thinking- that I wouldn’t need to use my upper body in Bikram? Very funny indeed. Every muscle and tendon in the body is worked and stretched with Bikram yoga.

You may be asking, what the heck are Quantum Relief Strips and does this relate to YOGA?

The Quantum Relief Strips (or QRS) are a topical ‘strip or patch’ made up of synthetic silk and quantum energy, that you adhere on the skin of your body, wherever you want to bring energy (quantum healing energy) to that area.

Some people wear the QRS because they are experiencing discomfort in a particular area, some people because they understand that we are all electrical beings and keeping the energy in constant flow allows us to function optimally.

The instructions are simply: Put it where it hurts!

Let’s suppose you simply want to avoid feeling tired or want a positive flow of positive energy in and throughout your body? Well, then the QRS can be used to continue the flow of positive chi which will help keep the body oxygenated as well as Chakras in balance.

The Quantum Relief Strips worn daily keep your body in ease, so you can avoid being in dis-ease and susceptible.

So, getting back to YOGA and wearing the Quantum Relief Strips. Yesterday was day 1 of me taking Bikram Yoga (HOT yoga, approximately 105 degrees) I had 1/2 of a QRS below my belly on the Dan Tien, which is the energy source in our body. Thanks to the advice of a Dr. of Oriental Medicine this is a “GO TO STOP” for the Strip.Power Strips

I also had a QRS on my elbow area where I am experiencing what they call “tennis elbow”. I have to say in a room that is 105 approximately 40% humidity….these strips (Quantum Relief Strips) adhere for days! (The older version created by the same doctor would roll off within minutes of getting wet or sweating!)

Yesterday I felt more strength and flexibility and zero discomfort in my elbow. I was wearing a Quantum Relief Strips. Today I forgot to put one on and my range of motion and level of discomfort was felt. TOMORROW I will wear a new Quantum Relief Strip both below my belly button area as well as on my elbow area. To learn more about the QRS watch this:

or watch ME below TALKING about the Quantum Relief Strips…..


If you’d like to learn more about the Quantum Relief Strips give us a call 802-846-7530 or email us at

For those curious about Bikram Yoga: The temperature is about 105 F degrees and about 40% humidity. The room is kept at this temperature or more for the following:

  • Keeping the body from overheating (contrary to popular misconception) Protecting the muscles to allow for deeper stretching
  • Detoxing the body (open pores to let toxins out)
  • Thinning the blood to clear the circulatory system
  • Increasing heart rate for better cardiovascular workout
  • Improving strength by putting muscle tissue in optimal state for reorganization
  • Reorganize the lipids (fat) in the muscular structure

Are you interested in learning more about the Quantum Relief Strips? Email us at or call us at 802-846-7530. We are looking for reps world-wide to represent/market the Tavala Quantum Relief Strips. There is an incredible opportunity for leaders on our team and all is in place.

The cost for a 28 day supply of the Quantum Relief Strips costs only $64.99 which is customer and member pricing. That is less money than an hour body work session or massage and will last 4 full weeks. Each of the Strips lasts 48 hours. It is FREE to join too!

Dave and Joy/ Global Leaders with TAVALA
