Tavala, a network marketing company out of American Fork, Utah is earning the reputation of becoming the #1 Weight Loss Company! Founded in November, 2016 with it’s flagship product TAVALA TRIM, Tavala is showing that health can be attained in a new & ‘non diet’ way.
The winners below submitted their photos and testimonials (Contest #2) and were chosen as the TOP 3 Winners. The #1 winner out of three challenges (the final challenge ends on September, 4th, 2018) will win a 7-night Caribbean Cruise. 
The final Challenge began June 13 and ends on September 19th.
Way to go David, Tamar and Pauline!
Transformation Contest #2 and the Top 3 Winners!
First Place: David Fleeman
“Bye bye, 61 pounds!”
“My experience with Tavala products has been all positive! I started out the new year of 2018 with wanting to get healthier and losing some much needed weight! I lost weight gradually by myself at first but then I was introduced to Trim in March! My how things changed! I started getting up early in the morning at about 5a.m. and would drink or take my Trim before starting to work out! This gave me the energy and the boost I needed to go the extra mile each day!
I love using it as a pre-workout drink because it makes me sweat and gives me a burst of energy! I also love the weight loss protein shake! I mix it with my unsweetened almond milk and the Brü! I usually drink this about mid-morning to help me get some extra protein in that I need! Love my Tavala! Thank you for amazing products that work! From a weight of 253 to now 192! Bye bye, 61 pounds!
Second Place: Tamar Chapson
“I lost 57 pounds in 6 months!”
“Hi everyone, I’ve been one of the lucky ones to start this weight lose journey with the help of TAVALA Trim. I’ve been using Trim for 6 months starting with just trim for the first 3 and half months. In the last two and half months I have added control to my diet and loving it so much! I have lost a whopping total amount of 57 pounds in the last 6 months! I hit my goal and crushed it and I’m not stopping yet. With the help from Trim and Control I have been able to change the way I have been eating for the last 20 years. I have been doing a low carb high protein during the last 6 months. It’s hard to find the time to work out when you are a single mom working full time but with Trim it gives you the energy to keep going.
My health is doing great and with almost 60 pounds down my feet don’t hurt at the end of the day which is amazing. I can keep up with my kids and that’s so important to me. Thank you so much TAVALA for this life-changing opportunity.”
Third Place: Pauline Cardona
“Can’t wait to see where this journey leads.”
Third Place: Pauline Cardona
“Can’t wait to see where this journey leads.”
“I used Tavala trim drink, then added Control 4 weeks ago. I also used the weight loss shake in the beginning until I ran out. I just ordered a new bag in my transformation package. I am weighing in at 299.8 and have lost 3 inches from my hips, 3 inches from my waist and 1.75 inches from my thighs. I lost a total of 14 lbs. I am making changes for the positive every day and I can’t wait to see where this journey leads.”
“I used Tavala trim drink, then added Control 4 weeks ago. I also used the weight loss shake in the beginning until I ran out. I just ordered a new bag in my transformation package. I am weighing in at 299.8 and have lost 3 inches from my hips, 3 inches from my waist and 1.75 inches from my thighs. I lost a total of 14 lbs.
I am making changes for the positive every day and I can’t wait to see where this journey leads.”
Are YOU interested in Transforming your life in any way?
Tavala’s Transformation pack includes the Tavala Trim, Control and Weight Loss Protein Shakes. Many people transform their body with just the TRIM, others with the Trim and Control and some using the Transformation Pack.
Are you looking to transform YOUR LIFE? Body- Mind-Spirit? Let Tavala help.
Give us a call for a free consultation. 802-846-7530 or email us to set up a time to talk. info@DaveandJoy.com

Dave and Joy/Global Leaders and Trainers with Tavala
Brand Partners Wanted: Do you enjoy helping others transform their lives? physically? emotionally? financially? Do you enjoy teaching/training and leading a group of people? Do you enjoy inspiring others greatness? If so, Tavala may be perfect for you! * Let’s chat!