TAVALA Offers FREE SHIPPING for Members Monthly Subscriptions


Monthly Order Subscriptions

There are so many reasons I am passionate about a company called TAVALA, but one of the newest additions we are excited about is that all members who have an active monthly subscriptions, (other companies often use the word auto-ship) will receive their monthly shipment free of charge, no matter the size of the order. Tavala is proudly known as “The Subscription Box Company.”

  • No Fee to join
  • Same pricing for Customers and Members
  • Customer’s volume can count towards members qualification
  • New company with GREAT corporate leadership and opportunity for LEADERSHIP and quick growth
  • Tavala will not promote, sell or talk about any products that are not yet available and IN the warehouse, therefore focusing on product that ARE available now that people can order and enjoy!
  • Lucrative and easy to understand compensation plan…..and truly, the list goes on and on!

Currently there are 4 unique and innovative products available with Tavala and as new products are added you’ll see them added to the company website. They will also have an EXPERIENCE PACK available on a monthly subscription that will grow in size as products continue to be added. Today is Feb. 13, 2017, check for updates periodically at the company website: www.Tavala.com.

We’d love to hear from you if you have any questions on our products or business. We’re looking for leaders so if that is you, or you’d like to step into becoming a leader with us, please give us a call for a top position on our team. 802-846-7530

Dave and Joy







Tavala Trim Testimonials- What Others are Saying About This New Product

Tavala Trim Testimonials- What Others are Saying About This New Product

Tavala Trim, a product launched November, 2016 is causing a lot of buzz in the field and in the weight loss industry. What is Tavala Trim?

  • Breakthrough weight loss formula that will boost your energy and metabolism
  • Sold as both a stick pack drink and capsule form, taken once daily in the morning


Below is a brief 43 second video on Tavala Trim followed by testimonials I have started to collect over the past several weeks.


Tavala Trim Testimonials

“By the way I lost 5 lbs. in a week and still went to 2 parties”! J.E.

“I’ve lost 7.4 pounds in 2 days! This thing really works!!” S.M.

“The week before Christmas is hard on a teacher. All those delicious treats staff and students bring you…ugh. So, I thought I’d get through by starting my sample this week. I’ve been pleasantly surprised that my plateau has finally budged. Two days in and I’m 2.75lbs down”. E.H.

“Flavor and consistency of taste. Definitely the Tavala Trim curbs hunger and provides consistent energy-no crash and I can also tell you I am not hungry. I also slept really well.” M.P.

“Day 1, I noticed a huge increase in energy within 15 minutes of drinking the Tavala Trim, and it lasted all day. An increase in energy and focus and no desire to eat sweets- with the holidays here, what a perfect time to enjoy the Trim.” D.J.E.

“I like it.. (Tavala Trim) I have great energy w/o the crash. I’ll stay informed via your Facebook page. I’ll order some soon. Cheers!” M.O.

“A friend’s husband drives Fed. Ex trucks and is using the Tavala Trim to help with energy and focus – rather than relying on unhealthy energy drinks or coffee throughout the night.” D.D.

“Day 2 I attended a Christmas Party and was among all kinds of sweets and treats. I was totally in control of my eating and I know the Tavala Trim was the reason! I enjoyed looking at the food but had no desire to binge, like I usually do. I have already dropped a couple of pounds.” D.J.

“I am down to only 1 coffee a day- no need to have my afternoon Starbucks to pull me out of my afternoon slump. I am loving the Tavala Trim AND it tastes good!” J.W.

“We moved on Saturday and I drank the Tavala Trim around 10:30 in the morning. I had so much energy throughout the day- settled into our house late and night and had NO hunger throughout the day. I had a shake for dinner and can tell, in only 5 days I have lost inches and my clothes are getting baggier.” D.E.

“A friend has been using the Tavala Trim for 4 weeks and has lost 20 pounds. This is the only thing they have been doing different…. this works!!!” G.H.

“Down 12 lbs. in 2 weeks”…and this is BEFORE the New Year. Tavala Trim Works!

“I was going to wait a week to weigh, but couldn’t help myself. I started Friday & this am (Monday) I lost 6 pounds! I’ve still eaten potatoes, rice…So I’m not “Dieting”. Haven’t had any candy, but other than that, haven’t eaten any differently!” S.R.

My sister in law lost 11.8 1st 5 days…super happy for her, but a little jealous, too. J.D.

“Breakthrough day! My scale gave me some friendly numbers! Yea! Already 14.1 lbs. GONE since starting Tavala…Will post some pics today!” BP

“I was really glad you mentioned the first two days to take half the stick of Trim…the energy I got from 1/2 was powerful indeed and then I moved on to take the entire Trim, and you’re right again, I wasn’t hungry for lunch and ate a light small supper…I have one of my samples left….so please, do order me up the package of Trim… I lost weight easily and happily…. which never happened with FG’s product!!!” A.K. (80 years young)

“I have a Downs Syndrome son who loves to eat. I’ve been worried about him because he’s not very active. So, I gave him some of my sample packet and it worked! It suppressed his appetite. He wasn’t saying he was “starving” today!” L.D.

OK, from one of my samplers, Michele said, “Today was day 2 of my drink samples, and I was soo tired this morning and didn’t know how I was going to get thru the day. I drank my drink on the way to work and when I got to work I had so much energy, I couldn’t sit still…I was sorting parcels like I had never sorted before. I sat down to do some waste mail and I did one bucket full and then I couldn’t sit still…I was sorting parcels like I had never sorted before. I sat down to do some waste mail and I did one bucket full and then I couldn’t sit there anymore, I had to get up and go do something that involved me moving. Then after work I went to the gym (which this morning I never thought was going to happen) and I burned 705.5 calories!!! ” B.H.

Thank you Dave and Joy for my sample. I felt results within 10 minutes of drinking Trim on the first day and every day after that first day. I lost 5 pounds my first week. Just finished my second week and I lost another 5 pounds. I have also lost 1 inch off my waist. I have a ton more energy with less of an appetite and no desire for sweets. I really love this product!!! R.D.

“So started Tavala on Dec 26th, 2016. Eating Keto diet and on cheat days doing Paleo. Included 1 avocado and 1 tbsp. of coconut oil. Also started using the Tread Climber. Gained 5 lbs over holiday. TOTAL LOSS: 9lbs!!!!! WOOHOO!!! This is amazing!! I m only using half a pack each day!! So very exciting and finally moving forward!!!!” D.S.

“My husband says I am ALWAYS on a diet…he says this has been so different because in the past I always told we couldn’t have sweets in the house or NO I can’t pick up pizza (can’t be around it). Right now, I am sitting in Dominos to pick up pizza…I don’t even want any…which is so amazing;) thank you!!!” J.D.

“In two days I have lost 7.5 pounds by being a couch potato I could only imagine the results I would get if I start working out” S.M.

I’m so excited about sharing this product with the world! Becoming a member today after losing 6 pounds in my first week trial. That’s incredible for me since losing weight for me has been difficult. J.H.

“Oh goodness! I have had about a third of it and I like it already! I like that I can control how much I take in- you are right a half is a nice start. I do like stimulants so it doesn’t bother me. “ L.D.

I have lost 11 pounds in 3 days with Tavala!!! my starting weigh on Saturday I weighed 190.6. Not believing that I would see results so fast, I didn’t bother taking a picture. I regret that since I lost weight overnight! so this photo is from yesterday and today!! S.M.

?I am on day 3 and I can tell you that I really like it. No cravings for sugar…my #1 problem. More energy and not much hunger… I am definitely fitting into my clothes better. I recently grew 2 inches around my middle, so I got some.” A.B.

If you would like to purchase Tavala Trim for your own TRIM experience go to www.DaveandJoy.com Customers and Members pay the same low price of $64.99 for a 28-Day Supply. Tavala Trim is part of a Weight Loss system coming in January. If you are up for a challenge you can also join www.tavala.com/trim12

Want to share the product with others? Build an organization? Earn income? Call us today! Let’s see if Tavala and our team is the right fit for you!!!

Dave and Joy








Day 1 of the 7-Day Bridge- How it differs from the 10-Day Reset with Ketopia

Day 1 of the 7-Day Bridge- How it differs from the 10-Day Reset with Ketopia

June 13 has finally rolled around – why is this date special? It is the first day of my 7-Day Bridge program with Ketopia.

Last July, 2015 I did 3 10-Day Resets of Ketopia back to back and totally changed my lifestyle, my diet, my body composition and the way my clothes fit. I felt fantastic and have embraced the Ketogenic Lifestyle since that day. My results? More energy, More mental Clarity, Better Sleep, NO cravings for sugar and carbs, fat loss and more!


How does the 7-Day Bridge differ from the 10-Day Reset? Other than the duration of time (7 vs. 10 days) The 7-Day Bridge comes with a bottle of digestive enzymes, 7 KetonX drinks, and 7 Keto cream shakes. The 10-Day Reset comes with 10 KetonX drinks (this is the drink that puts your body into nutritional ketosis within an hour- or less) 10-Dough Bites and 10 FIXX Shakes. The FIXX shake has an ‘energy component’ to it using natural Guarana for energy.


The Keto cream shake is Keto- PERFECT …..which means it has the perfect ratio of healthy fats (70%) protein (25%) and carbs (5%) in the shake. The FIXX shake that comes with the 10-Day Reset is Keto FRIENDLY, in that you do want to add healthy fats TO THE SHAKE to make it the perfect ratio. I use 1 T. MCT oil or coconut oil and 1 T. of heavy cream, and on occasion, a 1/4 ripe avocado to thicken the shake.

In summary, both of The Ketopia programs contain the tools you need to supplement a healthy lifestyle and immediately reap the health benefits of nutritional ketosis.

Health begins in the digestive track which is why Enzymes are important and now being included in the program: here is why!

I will report back on what my 7-day results are with the 7-Day Bridge. It is 9 pm at night, I have been 100% compliant today and I am FULL.

KETOPIA BOX7-Day Bridge pack7-Day Bridge to the left and 10-Day Reset to the right.



For more info go to www.KetoPerfect.com



Dave & Joy


