How Can You Treat Fatigue using Tavala’s Products??”
Much of this info was from an article I read about Adrenal Support, and I give thanks to Paul Grudnitsky.
Millions of Americans are trying to figure out why they feel so tired all the time, why they’re suffering from ‘brain fog’, depression, food cravings, and why they don’t feel as sharp or energized as they used to. Why is it so much harder to make it through the day?
You might feel awake and energetic in the morning and early afternoon, but by mid-afternoon you’re completely drained. You feel sluggish, and your mind is scattered…
Well, here’s the thing: What you’re experiencing is very common, and it’s NOT your fault. A little bit about how B-vitamins play a role in fatigue needs to be mentioned. For fatigue (primarily adrenal fatigue as it is so common) health professionals are primarily concerned with low levels of B-12, B-5, and B6 because these B-vitamins are actively involved in cell metabolism. Adrenal fatigue can cause cell metabolism to grind to a near halt. B-5, also known as Pantothenic Acid, helps break down food into proper energy metabolites so you have more energy. B6 is involved in the production of adrenal hormones and B12 helps with energy production. Together, these B-vitamins help reduce adrenal fatigue by providing your body with what it needs to recover. One thing to note: Quantity matters. For ingredients in the TAVALA TRIM visit and click on products/Trim.
TAVALA TRIM helps people with ENERGY…. (while decreasing fatigue!)
Tavala TRIM is a product that is helping people with many things, including increasing ones energy and reducing fatigue. After reading an article on adrenal fatigue I decided to look at the ingredients of the TRIM. The good news is there are 6 mg of Vitamin B6 and 90 mcg of Vitamin B12 in the product…. both vitamins aid in the reduction of adrenal fatigue!
“What Are the Adrenal Glands?”
The Adrenal Glands are little cone shaped glands that sit on top of your kidneys, and they release over 50 different hormones that influence nearly every function of your body; your energy levels, your mental-sharpness, your libido, and most importantly – your stress levels.
Put simply, when you’re stressed, your adrenal glands release some primary ‘fight-or-flight’ hormones called cortisol and adrenaline – increasing your heart rate and breathing. Once the stressful situation has passed, your adrenal glands stop releasing those hormones and you relax again…simple, right?
This stress-response is completely normal and healthy when your stress-levels are under control. But most people, whether they’ll admit it or not, let their stress build up year after year until their adrenal glands are running on empty.
What Causes Adrenal Fatigue?
Stress: With today’s fast-paced lifestyles, you’re under considerably more stress than ever before with fewer opportunities to truly relax and take our mind off things. Your adrenal glands are left to try and take the edge off by working overtime to secrete stress-response hormones. After a while, those stress hormones are all used up.
Diet: The modern diet is filled with processed foods. These contain artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and ingredients that cause inflammation which all put additional stress on the body and make adrenal fatigue worse.
Sleep Deprivation: When you’re not getting enough sleep, your adrenal glands pump out stress hormones to keep you awake. The problem is, you don’t have time to succumb to ‘sleep deprivation, so you drink more and more caffeine to make up the difference. Can’t fall asleep? A few glasses of wine might seem like the solution, but alcohol negatively affects sleep quality just like caffeine! So this balancing act of ‘caffeine in the morning, alcohol in the evening’ become a vicious cycle, turning sleep deprivation into increasingly devastating symptoms of adrenal fatigue. Tavala has an all-natural solution to sleep deprivation. TRY Tavala’s new breakthrough product called SNOOZE, a pharmaceutical grade micromister that delivers pure Melatonin for fast and natural sleep….within seconds.
OK, so I, along with millions of others have Adrenal Fatigue, what actually causes it?
- When you’re adrenal glands are pushed to their limit, the following can occur:
- Chronic Fatigue
- Decreased Sex Drive
- Trouble Sleeping
- Low Blood Pressure (in some cases, dizziness and fainting can occur)
- Mood Changes like Irritability and Depression
- Salt Cravings
- Muscle Weakness
- Headaches
- Loss of Appetite
- Weight Loss
- Abdominal Pain
So getting back to the original question, how can you treat (Adrenal) Fatigue using Tavala’s Products??” Try these 3 simple suggestions.
- Begin using TRIM (Designed for Weight Management but benefits of this thermogenic product is it offers a boost in your metabolism, suppresses your appetite, increases energy and focus and helps you with your weight loss goals. (Choose from drink formula or capsule)
- Use SNOOZE before going to bed. Within seconds pure Melatonin is delivered to your body to aid you in a deep sleep in a micromist form.
- Use the Quantum Relief Strips– cut 2 small pieces of the strip and place on your adrenal glands – (The Adrenal Glands are little cone-shaped glands that sit on top of your kidneys) and another small piece on the heart. (postage size stamp is plenty). The South Korean doctor who formulated the Quantum Relief Strips suggests that this will help recharge your adrenals by bringing Quantum Energy to the places on the body where the strips are placed.
The information posted in this ‘blog’ should not be considered medical advice, and is not intended to replace consultation with a qualified physician. I am simply sharing ways our customers and members are using the TAVALA products to enhance their energy, eliminate fatigue, improve their sleep and boost energy to the places in the body needing energy the most!
Try these simple suggestions and let us know what worked best. They are SIMPLE, EASY and AFFORDABLE and potentially life changing. We love feedback.
The cost for Tavala products is the same for customers and members. Tavala TRIM and the QUANTUM RELIEF STRIPS are only $64.99 each for a 28-day supply and the SNOOZE for sleep, is only $49.99. Order today at or call us at 802-846-7530 and we’ll help you place your initial order. Tavala stands behind their products 100%. Join in the our Health Revolution Today!
Dave and Joy