How can I order PureCAFE Coffee at the Lowest Price?

How can I order PureCAFE Coffee” & How can I get the Lowest Price?


This is a great question and one asked by many. Why pay RETAIL or more than you have to if you can find a way to save money?

You can purchase this delicious new PureCAFE gourmet coffee at the same price as those who represent the company, Live Pure. I always give friends these two options.

You can become a Preferred Customer for FREE, and receive the same price as Brand Partners, saving 25% on everything you order.

Simply go to my website: and click JOIN. When prompted you will click on “become a preferred customer” for free. You can get your products monthly and earn loyalty points and get a free gift on your Birthday, and cancel at any time. This will save you considerable money over becoming a retail customer.

The other option is to become a Brand Partner.

I chose this option as I know that when I LOVE something, I enjoy sharing it with people I know and care about. As a Brand Partner you can also earn income. Once again, go to my website and click on JOIN.

Chose your account as Brand Partner.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out by phone or text at (802) 999-1815 or email me at The other option is to scan my QRCode and it will take you right to my website. Lots of options. I hope this information has been useful.

We love our customers and Brand Partners. Which will you choose? Whatever works best for you, just know we’ll support you.


NEW Healthy Coffee with Cordyceps…

NEW Healthy Coffee with Cordyceps…

Have you ever tried a healthy coffee that tastes great? Up until recently, I hadn’t.

In the past, when I have been introduced to ‘healthy coffee’, I have been open minded because I love coffee and thought if it can have added health benefits- like weight loss or an elevated ‘mood’, then I’m open…. HOWEVER, those coffees that I have tried over the past decade, (Weight Loss Coffee, the HAPPY COFFEE, and Coffee with CBD) have all disappointed me! In fact, the ONLY way I could consume those coffees was to add it to a shake, to add a mocha flavor.

So, when LivePURE launched their new coffee called PureCAFE this year, I was both optimistic but also skeptical.

Guess what? The PureCAFE over delivered on all levels.

First of all, I love the convenience of opening a pack and just adding boiling water…. however even though it is convenient and in a beautiful package, it had to taste GREAT. And I’m happy to say it DOES. (If you have not tried it yet, please reach out for a free sample. ( PureCAFE comes in both a Black Bold and Latte with Caramel Cream, and since I am a latte or ‘cream and sugar’ kinda gal, that is my favorite of the two.

Both flavors, according to those who have tested samples, are delicious, but for me I personally enjoy the latte every morning.

For decades I have loved my morning ritual of coffee with an unhealthy “dessert cream” in the morning, but this past year I was beginning to feel acidic or nauseas after drinking my Yeti full of coffee.

Now, with PureCAFE I don’t have that same acidic feeling, and this also offers an added immune boost and mood uplifting factor. In these crazy times, both of those benefits are a BIG bonus. Heck, for about a ‘buck a cup’, you can’t go wrong.

Did you know that COFFEE is the second most consumed beverage in the world following water? So, if you or anyone you know enjoys coffee, even on occasion, and want to learn more dial into an 8-minute overview 24/7 at 720-708-1448, or give me a call or text for a free sample. 802-999-1815.

A box of PureCAFE costs only $28.95. The Bold has 30 sachets in a box and the latte has 20.


Be impressed and surprised like I was. Order your PureCAFE today or ask for your free sample.

Joy Edgerton/ 802-999-1815/

LivePURE Transformation Challenge- Get PAID to transform!

Are you ready to take your health to a new level? Lose those unwanted fat pounds? Add lean muscle? Improve your overall health? It IS possible to do this and requires just 90-days of commitment, using the right tools and products. I’ve done it several times in my life, and so have many others.

Here are the winners of the first LIVEPURE Transformation Challenge that was held January-March, 2024. Congratulations to Brandon, Billy and Rebecca.

Be inspired by their photos but wait until I share their stories later.

🌟🎉Celebrate the Champions!🌟

1st – Brandon M
2nd – Billy G
3rd – Rebecca B
Body Composition is more important than any number on the scale!
From LivePURE: In their own words…..
“A huge THANK YOU to every participant who joined this journey. Your energy and commitment have truly transformed lives, making each day healthier and more vibrant. You didn’t just participate; you embraced change with open arms and became inspirations in your own right!🌿💪🏻
To all our LivePURE family, remember, the challenge isn’t just about the final goal, it’s about the first step that takes you there. Maintaining your health is an ongoing lifestyle challenge—continue to persevere and embrace this vibrant journey every day!🚀🌈
In this journey of transformation, every single one of you is a winner. Keep pushing forward, keep thriving, and let’s continue to celebrate our successes together! 🎊✨
As for me, I started off strong in this Challenge, month 1 was GREAT, then in February and March I went back to my old “winter ways”. Needless to say, I didn’t submit my AFTER photos.
But….I, along with many others, are participating in the current TRANSFORMATION Challenge.
It’s REE to enter and who know, you could win free product and $3000, $1500 or $1000. Imagine how GREAT you’ll feel???
I have the tools and I’m here to help you get the best results. Join my team and we ALL win! As a former personal trainer and body builder, I know how to help others get results. Join today.
Joy Edgerton/ 802-999-1815/
You can step into Summer more FIT, HEALTHY and HAPPY! Join me!

A New MAGICAL Weight Loss Just Launched. Move over Skinny Shot…

Are you looking for the latest in fast and healthy weight loss? If so, look no further.

What is your health worth? Is your WEIGHT LOSS worth the cost, discomfort or negative side effects, including health risks of using a short term solution that comes with risks that some products come with? If you are NOT willing to sacrifice your health, but still want to lose weight fast and effectively- read on. I’ve discovered something truly MAGICAL.

If you are searching for your NEW YEARS RESOLUTION SOLUTION, you’ll love to a brand new breakthrough product that launched on the 28th of November, through Live PURE. MAJIK+ and it truly is MAGICAL!

I am particular with what I put in (and on) my body, so putting anything unnatural in my body, or especially getting an “injection” of any kind, no matter the results, is not anything I would be willing to do. However, as proven by sales, numerous people, mainly women, ARE willing go to to this extreme to rid their wanted pounds.

I kept hearing of something called The ” SKINNY SHOT” that usually needs to be administered by a health professional who can do injections. Although weight loss seems to be a by-product, it also comes with it’s share of risks. I googled Skinny Shots after hearing 3 scary scenarios of friends of friends who had used it, and began researching for a healthy solution.

As I continued to research for healthy options that would be for any body and a product that would offer benefits of reduced appetite, reduced cravings, (and more) while also offering health enhancements and ENERGY I found MAJIK+.

MAJIK+, recently formulated and NEW to the marketplace, also offers weight loss benefits as well as ENERGY. Who doesn’t want more energy? This product has many benefits, is a HEALTH deposit and is affordable.

Here is the best description of Majik+ from live PURE: “It helps you control your caloric intake while supplying the energy necessary to get through workouts and busy days, making it easier to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet and expend energy to improve fitness.*

Majik+ delivers more than just physical energy. It enhances focus, helping you dive into tasks, projects, or workouts with unwavering concentration. Experience unprecedented mental clarity, enabling you to seize each moment with precision and purpose.*

Made with clinically proven ingredients to help with both cravings and energy for a two-pronged approach to weight loss motivation.*


  • Increase energy*
  • Decrease cravings*
  • Manage blood sugar*
  • Boost fat loss*
  • Supply of antioxidants*

Key Ingredients

A protein hydrolysate from yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) that regulates appetite-related hormones to help reduce appetite and keep you feeling fuller longer. Clinically proven ingredient.*

A similar compound to caffeine, supports a range of functions in energy, focus and motivation. Clinically proven ingredient.*

Guarana Seed Extract
Contains caffeine and antioxidants. Help increase energy and focus.*

Cocoa Extract (Theobromine)
May provide cardiovascular and cognitive benefits by supporting blood flow and has antioxidant effects.*

Green Coffee Bean Extract
Supports healthy blood sugar levels, metabolism boost and appetite suppression.*

Green Tea Extract
May help increase metabolic rate, fat breakdown, appetite suppression, energy boost and reduce fat absorption.*

Our Promises

  • Vegetarian
  • Gluten Free
  • Dairy Free
  • Soy Free

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.




If you are weighing MAJIK+ vs. the Skinny Shot, as some of my customers were doing, please read below. The two messages I am quoting are ones I got unsolicited from women who are looking to lose weight and had once considered the SKINNY SHOT. Now they are enjoying MAJIK+ as a safe alternative.

“I’ve known two people who developed pancreatitis on those shots and were hospitalized. One of the doctors here who prescribed it and was all excited about it has stopped prescribing it due to her patients’ complications. This is also MUCH CHEAPER!!!”

“I’ve actually had to friends that began to develop paralysis of their intestines. Kind of scary stuff.”

Are you ready to release those unwanted pounds once and for all? We have the solution. Below are photos of several people who were part of the beta test with Majik+. Don’t take my word for it, give it a try today. I’m currently using it and LOVE the benefits I have received. I’ll share my before and after photos in a month.






Joy Edgerton/ 802-999-1815,,

Joy’s 30-Day PURE Testimonial Results

Joy’s 30-Day PURE Testimonial Results

On September 1st, I made the decision to ‘flood’ my body with PURE products for 30 days. On August 31st I had a full bloodwork panel done for a ‘base line’, weighed myself, took my blood pressure and took measurements.
Purposely, I decided to NOT CHANGE ANYTHING other than to ADD PURE PRODUCTS. Everything remained the same. Same activity, same food choices, ‘adult beverage’ choices and did not take MAJIK. (I did take 1 capsule of MAJIK for a couple of days and then decided to see what would happen without a weight loss product added.)
My weight remained the same, however my measurements decreased. -1.5” on the bust/-3” on my waist/ -2” on my hips/ -1” on each thigh. I’m EXCITED! Truly FAT LOSS.
To my (and doctors ) surprise when my blood results came back my POTASSIUM level when I started was dangerously high at 6.6. In fact, It was SO high that they even ordered a retake the following day and an EKG, even though my kidney and liver function was normal. Fortunately, the EKG came back as normal.
Normal Potassium levels are between 3.5-5mmol/L. MINE was 6.6! A couple of days ago on Day 28 of using PURE PRODUCTS I had it retaken, and it was a ‘healthy’ 4.6. 😊 DOWN 2 whole points!
In two months, I’ll have ALL bloodwork retested, in hopes that my cholesterol, etc. with have reduced as well. My blood pressure on 9/8 was 126/84 and today, October 1st, 122/74.
I wish I had taken a before and after picture but didn’t since my focus was HEALTH and I didn’t expect a visual change. It goes to show the importance of taking PHOTOS.
Cleanse, Restore, Rebuild is REAL. Give it a try, especially if you have a health condition you wish to improve. I went into this 30-day ‘test’ feeling healthy and on zero meds. I felt good before but now I feel FANTASTIC.
Today is October 1st and I weighed myself and took measurements and began adding MAJIK.
I will definitely take PHOTOS today and in 30-days, which I wish I had done when I began flooding my body with PURE products. I just wasn’t focused on weight loss and although I covered many basis, with blogging almost daily, taking measurements, keeping a journal and assessing my nutrition, photos simply didn’t enter my mind. Darn.
Month 2: I will continue using many of the PURE products and ADDING MAJIK. I’ll keep you updated.
My goal is to release 6 lbs. in the month of October and I know I can do it, especially with Pure’s MAJIK product that was newly released.
Interested in learning more? Want to FLOOD YOUR BODY with PLANT-BASED Cellular NUTRITION? You’ll FEEL the difference and look different too.
People say I have a ‘glow to me’, although it’s hard to notice. I do have more energy and have slept MUCH better this past month. To learn more go to:
Joy Edgerton/Health & Lifestyle Coach

Joy’s PURE JOURNEY: Resetting the BODY Works.

In August, 2023, I made the decision to FLOOD MY BODY with plant based superfood nutrition to see how it may impact my overall health. So, on September 1st, 2023, I participated in my own HEALTH JOURNEY as an experiment. I used the live PURE ‘food supplements’ as my newly added nutrition.

I went into this healthy, feel fine, but wondered, at age 66, if I could improve my HEALTH and energy. Since I had not been to a doctor since 2019, I decided to get a full blood work panel so I would know internally, what was going on, and be able to document any changes. I have always believed that FOOD IS YOUR MEDICINE. What would happen if I FLOODED MY BODY with PURE nutrition for 30-45 days? I was about to find out.

It was eye-opening to compare my blood work from 2011 up through 2019 and now! To MY surprise, and to the physicians as well, it was discovered that my POTASSIUM, of all things, was extremely high. “Alarmingly high”, is what they said upon reading the results. Because of this discovery, I was advised to go BACK to the clinic, the following morning, for another blood drawing. They wondered if the results were inaccurate and wanted to make sure there was NOTHING wrong. What if it was truly that high (6.6)? The answer was alarming as they said I would immediately have to be admitted to the ER for IV intervention to get the potassium level down.

Since my kidney and liver function was normal, as well as blood sugar, it was indeed perplexing.

I went BACK the following morning and the good news was it had dropped from 6.6 to 6.2, however that was still an alarming number. I had only taken ONE shake of my new nutritionals, so that couldn’t be the reason it dropped, or could it?

They also did an EKG to rule out heart issues, which fortunately appeared normal. It was confirmed with a cardiologist later.

I was prescribed a simple diuretic and told to come back in 3-weeks. That was September 2nd and my appt. was scheduled for Sept. 28th.

HERE IS THE KICKER of this ‘story’. I began flooding my body with PURE products on September 1st and I didn’t do anything different with ‘diet or lifestyle’. Last night I got the results back of my blood test and my POTASSIUM was not only within normal at 4.2 (from 6.6) but a great number.

I am anxious to return in 3 months for another full-blood panel to see if my cholesterol and other ‘vitals’ have changed or improved. I know my blood pressure is already appearing to be favorably changing, from good to very good. I’m thinking by 3 months it will be in the EXCELLENT range, something I experienced most of my life. My healthiest years were when I was eating mainly plant based nutrition and my body LOVES how that feels. Is it because my blood type is A+ (Eat Right for your Blood Type?) or that I simply prefer not to consume much animal protein.

Stay tuned….as I periodically update how my energy, strength and health improve. I went into this 30 day+ journey feeling good, but I have to say I feel more energized and balanced less than 30 days in.

Several friends/clients/ customers are on a similar ‘journey’ and only 2 weeks in, many are experiencing weight loss, inch loss, better overall health and sleep AND less pain and inflammation. I have HEARD live testimonials on people 100% regaining their health with this program. Will YOU be one of them?

Once again, “Let Food by thy Medicine’.

There are SEVEN (7) Channels of Elimination:








For those of us who are passionate about regaining OR maintaining optimal health- this is for you! Flooding your body with PURE NUTRITION products can help in all these areas. Do it for 30-45 days and reset and eliminate toxins from all these channels. Let FOOD BE THY MEDICINE!

It’s best to NOT put your health on the back burner. In a recent poll I heard that the biggest REGRET as people aged, is that they didn’t make their HEALTH a priority.

Pay NOW with prevention or pay later. It’s our choice.

Would you like to learn how YOU can RESET your BODY? I’m only a phone call, email or text away.

My passion as a health & lifestyle coach is to help others become the healthiest version that they can. I am finding the Pure Nutritional Products to be the ideal GO-TO solution.

Joy Edgerton/ 802-999-1815/

Health & Lifestyle Coach

Joy’s PURE Journey- Days 13-18 “in the flow”.

I can’t believe it is day 18 of being on PURE products, as I write this. Where did the time go? It’s hard to say, except that last week each day blended together.

Part of it was putting all mom’s affairs in order, since her passing on August 23rd. A blur in time. I do believe the even keel energy and balance many of these products offer, has made me very emotionally balanced during a very stressful and sad time.

I’m now in the rhythm of using the PURE products without even having to THINK about it. It’s part of my routine and a great way to start the day. I’m running low on a couple of my favorites so will have to plan ahead, but wanted to say that putting my HEALTH as a priority vs. my WEIGHT is a breath of fresh air.

If you know anyone who is looking to improve their health dramatically, I highly suggest doing what I, along with a dozen other friends, are doing. We are flooding our bodies with a large variety of PURE products. This is a way to address all seven channels of elimination. (Choose the best pack for your goals from one of the VIP packs of PURE PRODUCTS.)

To learn more go to

Back in 1999 I spend three weeks at Hippocrates Health Institute and watched/witnessed people experience LIVING FOOD LIFESTYLE and literally change their health dramatically in just 3 weeks. I’m talking about people with RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis), diabetes, high blood pressure, auto-immune diseases and even cancer. LET FOOD BE THY MEDICINE!

Next week I will go and have my blood drawn again, for a comparison. When I began my potassium was WAY too high. Within a week it was ‘almost’ within normal. All looked healthy except that, with the exception of my cholesterol being higher than usual. I’m confident that will normalize within a month or two using these products.

If you have questions, give me a call, or email me. This video here is Teresa explaining how to use the products when your VIP large pack arrives. Teresa going over Pure products once you receive your VIP pack or large variety of products.

Joy Edgerton 802-999-1815/


Joy’s Pure Journey- Day 8 & 9: My MORNING Ritual…

I’m excited to say I am in the FLOW with a very different daily NUTRITIONAL plan that I began on September 1st.

I have never used multiple supplements like this in my life, (maybe one or two) however have always realized the benefits and needs. Since committing to doing a 30-day of flooding my body with live PURE nutrition, I am definitely feeling more energy and focused AND I love knowing my morning, in particular, routine.

Now when I get up in the morning I consistently do this: I take 2 capsules of probiotics, organic sulfur and Detox/Cleanse liquid drops.

Why Organic Sulfur? Good question. I had NO idea, but this is part of the plan and once I did some ‘deep dive’ this is what I found.


PURE’s; Organic Sulfur consists of 99.9% pure distilled MSM sourced in North America, has no added fillers, binders, excipients, artificial ingredients, or flow agents, and is non-GMO, gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegan.

  • Sulfur is the third most abundant mineral found in the human body.
  • Found naturally in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, meat, poultry, and eggs.


  • May improve flexibility and mobility by promoting joint function and health.*
  • May help alleviate discomfort that may follow challenging exercise sessions.*
  • May help promote healthy skin, hair, and nails.*

Read testimonials from people using this product here. If you have joint or mobility challenges, in particular, this could benefit you tremendously.

Then I have my coffee, a YETI full with a keto-creamer that I blend in my Nutra-bullet. It makes me feel like I’ve gone to a cafe’ and a true treat that I savor.

After my coffee I pull out my Nutra-bullet again, add 1 ounce of each of these juices, including a Daily Blend Vitamin, 2 scoops of Mila (Chia Seed) and 1 scoop Vanilla Vegan Shake. I add water to make it a shake, and blend. Voila. Thick, tasty and filling. Generally speaking this lasts me until at least mid-day where I have a healthy snack. Post ‘breakfast’ I have a MAJIK capsule, new weight loss product, to help with weight loss.

Since implementing this program, I am feeling healthier, LOVE the additional energy, LOVE not having to wonder what I was going to have for breakfast and love how healthy and efficient my digestion is.

I invite you to join me. My recommendation is THIS program, but whatever you do, DO SOMETHING. Health IS Wealth.

Interested in learning more? Go to

Have questions, reach out to me at 802-999-1815/ or





Joy’s PURE Journey- Day 1 : My SUPER SHAKE= Energy!

Today is September 1st and Day ONE of FLOODING my body with PURE products.

Yesterday I had my blood drawn for a total BASELINE of what my health is like from the inside… my blood. I love being proactive and taking CONTROL of my health vs. relying on doctors or big pharma. Results? Well, not as good as I expected, but now I have a baseline to compare to. Age 66, I’m not on any medication, but my energy definitely needs to be elevated and I suspect detoxing/ doing the cleanse is a great way to begin. So here I am, beginning my journey.

It all starts with Cleanse- Balance- and Build! First we need to CLEANSE, then BALANCE and then BUILD.

Today I started my day with taking organic sulfur , probiotics, 2 droppers of cleanse, and the super fruits below, mixed with Mila, Daily Build (liquid vitamin) and a scoop of Greens.

It was tasty and easy to consume. A friend tried it and found it was hard to take the flavors, but I tend to enjoy ‘different’ or funky healthy products.

Soon after I went to the gym, lifted weights (Back and Biceps), came home and walked the dogs for 30+ minutes and had SO much energy. Let Food be thy Medicine….

Here is a visual of some of the Superfruits that I put in my morning ‘shake’.

Tonight I’m taking the liquid calcium along with GO-YIN. A great-tasting blend of super fruits, herbs and other fruits traditionally used to help the body manage stress for an enhanced sense of calm and focus. I’m guessing I will sleep well tonight.

I’m learning from the best, from Teresa and John Goetz, who have been consuming and sharing Live Pure Products for almost 13 years. They also educate many physicians who recommend these products.

This is a MUST WATCH video to see how I am following Teresa’s suggestions in using these products.

My goal? Why am I doing this?

To have more energy, improve upon my vitals (Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, other blood vitals, as well as to lose 10 lbs.) Stay tuned.

Probably the most challenging things will be: 1) remembering how to take all these products (Luckily most go in my morning shake/smoothie) and 2) to eliminate alcohol.

Join me on my journey. You can find all these products on my online store website.

Joy Edgerton/ 802-999-1815

Cleanse & Detox Your Body with ONE PRODUCT! Day 2 Joy’s Journey

People may think I’m on a new HEALTH KICK, but the truth is, I’m always looking for ways to improve my health and I’m fascinated on the topic on the importance of Cleansing & Detoxing.

Day 2 on my ‘JOURNEY’ using PURE PRODUCTS. Down almost 2 lbs. in one day. The cleanse seems to be making a difference. I’m grateful to have taken before and after pics/measurements etc.

Did you know that FAT is created to protect the body from toxins and impurities, which creates unwanted weight?

Most people go on a diet to lose weight, but what they realize is their efforts may only be temporary at best, unless they rid some of the causes of FAT and weight gain.

You guessed it…. Toxins.

The importance of detoxing the body periodically must not be overlooked.

There are 7 CHANNELS OF ELIMINATION, but did you know there are ONLY four exits for toxins in the body.

Most Americans don’t cleanse and detox at all. Some will do a cleanse and/or detox once a year, and most take a shower everyday.

Our bodies are getting bombarded by toxins in so many ways and the truth is, God designed our bodies to eliminate the bad stuff, however there are ONLY four ways that all the toxins from the stuff we eat, drink, inhale, and slather on our skin gets eliminated. (ONLY 4 EXITS)

Think about it, I’ll give you an example: Alcohol is a toxin, and how does it leave the body? Through URINATION- EXCRETION- PERSPERATION & EXHALATION. (That’s why you can smell it on some ones breathe or coming out of their pores if they sweat after a night of heavy drinking)

There are 7 channels of elimination for toxins and they all lead to the 4 exits of the human body. BUT, most peoples channels of elimination are blocked up and that’s why they feel like CRAP or why their energy is low! (Yes, constipation is a common by product of being ‘clogged’ with toxins.)

If you went to the health food store and asked for products to do a whole body cleanse, they are going to fill up your basket with all kinds of products and many may be counter productive when used together. There IS a better way. It’s easier, its proven and it is just ONE product. WHOLE BODY CLEANSE, imagine that! It comes in both liquid form as well as capsules and it TARGETS all 7 channels of Elimination.

All you have to do is take 2 droppers full (or 2 capsules) added to about 4 ounces of water and drink it at night time.

Cleanse Balance Build with PURE Nutrition. You can order your CLEANSE at .

Search for CLEANSE (or use this:

Joy Edgerton
