How can I order PureCAFE Coffee at the Lowest Price?

How can I order PureCAFE Coffee” & How can I get the Lowest Price?


This is a great question and one asked by many. Why pay RETAIL or more than you have to if you can find a way to save money?

You can purchase this delicious new PureCAFE gourmet coffee at the same price as those who represent the company, Live Pure. I always give friends these two options.

You can become a Preferred Customer for FREE, and receive the same price as Brand Partners, saving 25% on everything you order.

Simply go to my website: and click JOIN. When prompted you will click on “become a preferred customer” for free. You can get your products monthly and earn loyalty points and get a free gift on your Birthday, and cancel at any time. This will save you considerable money over becoming a retail customer.

The other option is to become a Brand Partner.

I chose this option as I know that when I LOVE something, I enjoy sharing it with people I know and care about. As a Brand Partner you can also earn income. Once again, go to my website and click on JOIN.

Chose your account as Brand Partner.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out by phone or text at (802) 999-1815 or email me at The other option is to scan my QRCode and it will take you right to my website. Lots of options. I hope this information has been useful.

We love our customers and Brand Partners. Which will you choose? Whatever works best for you, just know we’ll support you.


NEW Healthy Coffee with Cordyceps…

NEW Healthy Coffee with Cordyceps…

Have you ever tried a healthy coffee that tastes great? Up until recently, I hadn’t.

In the past, when I have been introduced to ‘healthy coffee’, I have been open minded because I love coffee and thought if it can have added health benefits- like weight loss or an elevated ‘mood’, then I’m open…. HOWEVER, those coffees that I have tried over the past decade, (Weight Loss Coffee, the HAPPY COFFEE, and Coffee with CBD) have all disappointed me! In fact, the ONLY way I could consume those coffees was to add it to a shake, to add a mocha flavor.

So, when LivePURE launched their new coffee called PureCAFE this year, I was both optimistic but also skeptical.

Guess what? The PureCAFE over delivered on all levels.

First of all, I love the convenience of opening a pack and just adding boiling water…. however even though it is convenient and in a beautiful package, it had to taste GREAT. And I’m happy to say it DOES. (If you have not tried it yet, please reach out for a free sample. ( PureCAFE comes in both a Black Bold and Latte with Caramel Cream, and since I am a latte or ‘cream and sugar’ kinda gal, that is my favorite of the two.

Both flavors, according to those who have tested samples, are delicious, but for me I personally enjoy the latte every morning.

For decades I have loved my morning ritual of coffee with an unhealthy “dessert cream” in the morning, but this past year I was beginning to feel acidic or nauseas after drinking my Yeti full of coffee.

Now, with PureCAFE I don’t have that same acidic feeling, and this also offers an added immune boost and mood uplifting factor. In these crazy times, both of those benefits are a BIG bonus. Heck, for about a ‘buck a cup’, you can’t go wrong.

Did you know that COFFEE is the second most consumed beverage in the world following water? So, if you or anyone you know enjoys coffee, even on occasion, and want to learn more dial into an 8-minute overview 24/7 at 720-708-1448, or give me a call or text for a free sample. 802-999-1815.

A box of PureCAFE costs only $28.95. The Bold has 30 sachets in a box and the latte has 20.


Be impressed and surprised like I was. Order your PureCAFE today or ask for your free sample.

Joy Edgerton/ 802-999-1815/