Taking Care of your “Generals” in MLM EARNS you the BIG $$$

If you are involved in network marketing and have a goal of reaching a high rank in your company, you know you can’t do it alone.

One of my favorite up-line sponsors in this industry is a friend who I’ll call Cody. He was a natural networker and had a great personality. He wasn’t flash and slick…he was ‘real’.

He really knew how to capture peoples attention without being too salesy and also made a point to get to know his key leaders ‘as people’ so that he could help each of his leaders reach THEIR goals….. not just his. Getting to know your leaders is crucial. Gratefully so, I was one of his leaders that he identified early on (even when I didn’t believe it) and helped along the way.

The interesting thing is by recognizing leadership qualities in me and taking a keen interest in MY success he actually accomplished his goals….and his goals were massive for a young man in his 30s.

During this time I came to learn some simple things that GREAT leaders do are:

When they ‘enroll’ someone in their business they get to know them and know what their goals are. Also ‘what color’ are they within the color code? By knowing what motivates the individual you’ll be able to speak their language and tune into what is important to them….rather than what is important to you. Here is one version of the color code test. http://www.mindperk.com/ColorCodeTest.pdf

An example of NOT doing this is assuming because you are a NUMBERS person and love statistics, that you need to talk numbers/stats and only income with your newly enrolled people. Heck no, not to me! That would be an instant turn off and I’d be looking for a quick way to escape the conversation. But if that same person knew that my ‘hot button’ was helping people reach their health and financial goals, and especially enjoyed working with women- then a conversation in those terms would be important.

When they enroll someone in their business they quickly introduce them (by phone, in person or online) to up-line and cross-line people on their team. Most people love being a part of something bigger than themselves and having other people to connect with on the same team is important…and bottom line, more fun! Also this gives them more people to do 3-way calls with…. which is a great way to validate information and edify people on the team.

When they enroll someone and identify that you are one of their leaders, they then take extra care of those people knowing without them reaching their goals and experiencing their level of success they understand that THEY won’t reach their goals!

Recognition is one of the top reasons people join and stay in network marketing. Never take your leaders or team for granted. Making income is also important! Helping your new members earn income their first 30 days -or less- is crucial.


Back to my friend Cody.

The company we were with had several rank titles from Member, to Part-time, Full-Time and all the way up to the top level which was called “Rainmaker”.

In order for you to rank advance (as with any mlm company) you need others on your team rank advancing and reaching their goals too.

Cody wanted to become what is called RAINMAKER. In order to reach that rank he needed “4 Full-Time” personally enrolled reps (or members) When I first joined the company he was a budding leader but within 2-3 years he was a top producer.

Lucky for me, I was one of his chosen ‘leaders’ or “Generals” as I often have heard the term. At that time in my career making an additional $5,000 a month income seemed golden! I had never earned that much in a month in my life. Cody on the other hand wanted to earn $50,000+ a month income. By being a great leader and making sure that I- and a minimum of three others reach and maintain a minimum of FULL TIME STATUS, he would reach Rainmaker!

He became the second person in the company to reach this highest rank and only person to maintain it many times over the course of the year…and the only reason that his income decreased and that he left for another opportunity was the company took on a whole new direction ….throwing most of the leaders under ‘the bus’. (Actually picture a speed boat taking a quick curve out of nowhere and people flying off the side of the boat and ending up in the ocean…without a life boat. Yup, that was what happened.)

Now, fast forward many years later my financial goals are more in alignment with what Cody’s were … so we, like other successful leaders, have identified our personally enrolled “Generals” and are working with them closely to make sure they reach the goals they desire, as fast as possible… as well as continue to grow their teams and their personally enrolled leaders. And it goes on an on with great momentum. (Key, never stop enrolling or developing leaders!)

Clearly, Together Everyone Achieves More when you work as a TEAM!

I know the above seems extremely obvious, but we have worked with other up-line sponsors who clearly do not understand it and do not take care of their leaders…. and you guessed it, success rarely happens long term for those leaders.

If you have dreams, goals and aspirations within your company and mlm business make sure you share them with your up-line sponsor and if they don’t ‘get it’ then share with others above them or with the corporate staff. This is a business of duplication and working together. TEAM! It cannot be accomplished alone.

Do you want to be honored, supported and recognized? It starts with each one of us.

Honor, support and recognize those you enroll onto your team is crucial. And if for some reason you cannot support them, then tell your sponsor so that they will not be lost in a crowd of reps. Encourage people on your team to reach UP and OUT and together we can all achieve amazing things within this industry.

Dave and Joy/ Global Leaders with Tavala




Suffering from Chronic Discomfort? Quantum Relief Strips can help!

Are you suffering from chronic discomfort?
Introducing Tavala Quantum Energy Strips, the key to assisting your body in natural relief.

Feel the Power of Quantum Power!

Are you suffering from chronic discomfort?

The body needs energy to heal.

That’s why in our Quantum Relief Strips we use a mineral called tourmaline, one of the most energy-conductive crystals on earth.

We charge these crystals with Quantum Energy. They release that energy into your body when the strip is applied, which provides relief to areas of discomfort.

Quantum Relief Strips are the premier Quantum Energy product on the market today….available only through TAVALA. They are Dr. Min Soo Kim’s latest generation of strip. 5x more powerful than his first version and they adhere 100% better!

Everyone can benefit from using Quantum Relief Strips. Simply use and enjoy the benefits.

If you or anyone you know experiences discomfort, or wants to bring energy to the body to balance the Chi, the Chakras, the energy, share this link with them. www.DaveandJoy.com and click on Quantum Relief Strips.

You can also give us a call at 802-846-7530 or email info@DaveandJoy.com

We suggest experiencing the QRS for at least 28-days. It will only cost $64.99 whether you are a customer or a member. That is less than an HOUR massage!!!!!

Want to try a sample first? simply go to www.TryourSamples.com We donate 5% of all customer orders or sample orders to WEA, Women’s Earth Alliance. http://womensearthalliance.org/

Dave and Joy/ Global Leaders with TAVALA




Are you a leader? Looking for a new MLM home? We are looking for top leadership to take TAVALA around the world.

Why we Donate a Portion of our Customer Tavala sales to WEA?

Early August of this year I was telling my daughter- in- law, Brie, that we wanted to create a foundation or better yet, work with an organization that was already doing great things in the world, in particular for women and families, and their communities.

She told me of an organization called WEA and immediately after speaking with one of the co-founders, we made the decision to support this organization – Women’s Earth Alliance.

In their own words….

“When women thrive, communities and the Earth thrive. This is one of our core beliefs here at WEA because we’ve seen it to be true. Want to know more? Take a look at this short video sharing more about our origin story and vision for the future!” Check out this brief video. If you are moved, you too can make a donation, either a one time donation OR simply purchase any of our TAVALA products as a customer and we’ll make a 5% donation. (www.DaveandJoy.com)


We are thrilled to have decided mid-August to donate 5% of all our TAVALA customer sales (including sample sales) to WEA (Women’s Earth Alliance) and later this week we’ll tally up all our customer sales from mid-August and make our first of many on–going monthly donations.

So if you are considering purchasing any of TAVALA PRODUCTS (Trim, Control, Bru, Quantum Relief Strips, Alert and Snooze) know that when you order through our website (www.DaveandJoy.com) that a portion of your sales will help this organization and women and communities in need. We AND WEA appreciate your support.







Doing great things, one person at a time…because we can. Tavala has made if possible to contribute in ways that touch our hearts and this is just the beginning.

We are all connected and in this together! If you’d like to contribute to WEA in any way we’ll help you make the connections to make that happen. If you’d like to donate your TAVALA customer sales to WEA or another organization that touches your heart, let’s talk. 802-846-7530

Once again, your customer purchases through our Tavala website will help Women’s Earth Alliance. www.DaveandJoy.com

Dave and Joy/Global Leaders at Tavala


