I recently read an article from an interview with Mark Yarnell, who is highly respected and “The King” in the network marketing industry. Mark spoke about your first year in network marketing and what it would take to earn $100,000 per MONTH! He started out by saying “If you are a Ferrari looking for a can of gas then Network Marketing is your Can of Gas!”
Extrapolated from the article:
Here are some important things you need to know & do to get $100,000 per month in your network marketing business…
The First is what is called the Core Value Match.

You have to look at your core values and if you are working with a company that doesn’t match up with your core values you will end up sabotaging yourself in that company. Ask yourself, is your company so credible and decent that you would recruit your mother into the company? If your core values don’t match the company you are working with then you will eventually sabotage yourself and the business.
Dave and I resigned from a company we had been with for over 10 years for this very reason: It was important for us to align, trust in the direction of the company and share core values with a company that we would work with and represent for many years to come!
Second would be the Market Sector. You must have a large enough market sector where a large percentage of the people use your product. You are going to have to look at how big the market sector is that you are working in and how big your competition is within that sector. Look for non-competitive, non-threatening industries to reach huge numbers of people.
With Tavala, over 50% of product sold is to customers. This is a good sign as it means people want and use our array of products regardless if they earn money or not. Simply put, they are affordable, they work and they are in HOT markets, like Weight Loss, Skin Care, Energy Drink, Pain Relief, Sleep and more….
Third. You must work 2 hours per day at “Professional Relationship Building”, and you must do this consistently for two hours per day, five days per week for twelve months. Realize that you are paid for two things in network marketing. You are paid to recruit and to sell products. Everything else will not pay you. Not watching television, not surfing the net for other deals, having a gripe session with you up line, etc. So, when you use the phone you need to be introducing your business and opportunity to people two hour per day and sending them to the information. (using a tool). The same goes for if you are doing meetings, (once again, two hours per day) or if you are handing out CD’s or samples…..
If you’re at doing either over the phone or online just be sure you are developing ‘warm market’ relationships.
You must be communicating with people two hours per day, period. You are not paid to listen to whining down line, you are not paid to talk to or listen to your up line or listen to audio books… you are only paid to prospect. Can you do 2 hours per day (uninterrupted) 5 days a week?
Fourth. What is your timeline? Decide that if you are going to make $100,000 PER MONTH within one years, two years or three years.
Now it may sound easy, but it is hard work and you must be consistent. If you are going to create $100,000 per month in twelve months you are going to have to talk to 30 people per day, five days per week. If you are going to do it in two years, you will have to talk to 20 people per day 5 days per week and it you are going to do it in 3 years then 10 people per day. After that the numbers don’t work due to diminishing returns. You can’t go 5 days per week and do it in 4 years and so on. I just won’t happen.
More advice from Mark… “Do everything in your power to do this! Expose and drive people to your information, which is their first step to exposure. If you look at the numbers that’s 600 people per month. Let’s just say that 95% do nothing, leaving you with 30 people per month who have either bought your product or signed up at a representative in your team. Imagine, after 12 months of consistency. That would have to potential of 360 who are either using your product or in your team. In addition, what if say 12 of those people turn out to be leaders? Let’s cut that in half. Mark said even with 6 leaders after the first year you are well into the money. Mark states that this will build you a $100,000 per month income.”
Fifth: Timing. “There is no better time to prospect than now”, with all the young talent out there, the “Generation Y’s ”
85 million of them not knowing what to do with their lives with a sluggish economy, out of college and out of work, not to mention with their high energy and their social media savvy- they can be great candidates for your business. Now there are also the 80 million baby boomers who are worried about retirement, their 401-K shot or not in existence, Social Security paying them an average of $600 per month. They are needing to do something to help themselves out. Both the baby boomers and the “Generation Y” people are ideal for your business.
So, talk to 30 people per day and drive them to your information. KEY: Spend 2 minutes on the phone with them -not 20 minutes per person. Send them to review more information in whatever system you are using and then follow up with them.
Now all that sounds like it is something easy to do but for most it’s not. To tell you the truth it may be the hardest thing you will ever do. It is not easy to get on the phone, or the internet or out in the community – to get out there and have the courage to introduce and expose your business. There are things to learn about how you do this, learning what the best approaches are, what to say and not to say, not to mention you will have to become very strong mentally and emotionally. There will be days that you will want to quit. Days where you feel beat up. Times that it seems like you are going nowhere. But it all depends on how much money you want to make and how hard you want to work for it. But as Mark Yarnell said in this interview, these are the numbers and if you get out there, in today’s marketplace where people are looking for answers — it will happen. These are the numbers that work!
So as Mark said, this can be done and has been done. There are plenty of people out there who are making $100,000 per month with no college education, with no rich parents, just people who had the sheer determination to create this type of prosperity in their lives. Many of us know people who have had this level of success in this industry. Sometimes we may think ‘they got lucky’, and true- some probably did, but the majority have earned their spot as a $100,000+ monthly earner based on their daily habits, each and every day.
So, is that you? Are you ready? Whether you choose to join our team with Tavala, we wish you the best in this great & rewarding industry.
We believe you are in the right place at the right time.
Eventually people will wake up and understand the lifestyle and freedom that network marketing can provide. We know if you work it the right way with the right company and team, you will enjoy a lifestyle by design. 
What kind of life would YOU live earning $100,000 per month income? Would your zip code/address change? Would you take more vacations? Set up new ways to contribute to your community or to causes dear to your heart?
We’re not going to stop until we get ‘there’ and when we do reach that income, we’ll continue to share the vision to make a generational impact. We’re looking for others with this kind of appetite for success in this industry….
if this interests you in any way, please reach out to us at info@DaveandJoy.com or call us at 802-846-7530.

Dave and Joy/Global Leaders & Trainers with Tavala