May 8th……Spring time in Vermont and a great time to release ALL things that no longer serve you.
New Beginnings– this could mean an opportunity or business. (Don’t overlook things that are presented to you or what comes your way- be open to new ideas and opportunities).
New Season– here in Vermont after a long and cold winter, people are outside, enjoying fresh air and sunshine….and health and fitness naturally becomes more of a priority for many, including myself.
Today is Day 6 of “paying attention to what I am consuming- meaning both FOOD and DRINK” and incorporating TAVALA products into my daily regime! Awareness is important! I had become sloppy about my eating habits….not eating often enough, making silly choices when I do eat and consuming alcohol every night! Now with my public commitment to “SELF”, I am loving using the TAVALA TRIM & CONTROL to address my weight loss- while also adding the other products of TAVALA : Alert, Snooze and Bru.
Things are beginning to change and shift and I attribute it to the TAVALA TRIM product (and other TAVALA products that support health, energy, blood sugar normalization and adequate sleep!).
By drinking just 1 TRIM drink each morning I no longer have the cravings, my appetite is suppressed BUT even thought I am not hungry, I still eat 3 very sensible small meals per day and 1-2 small snacks.
My water intake has quadrupled, which as most of us know, helps with weight loss, avoiding fatigue and every organ in our body works more effectively when your body is well hydrated and balanced. Drinking 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water (we use water from our Kangen machine) will help with overall health.
I must say that I can not discount the Quantum Relief Strips. I have been using them daily, changing the strips (and often the location) every 48 hours. The Quantum Relief Strips have added a new sense of balanced energy (chi) and have helped me avoid any muscular aches and pains that often accompany a new workout regime. Yes, we have added weight training, cardio and almost daily, rebounding for helping with the lymph system remove waste.
Did you know toxins are stored in FAT CELLS and when you release the toxins fat cells shrink- and the fat is no longer needed to ‘house’ the toxins ? If you don’t remove toxins quickly you can feel MORE tired, or even have lactic acid. You may have heard this from friends who go on a cleanse and end up feeling worse before they feel better.
The Quantum Relief Strips help release ‘negative energy’ from the body and bring in positive energy in its place. Don’t go a day without them!
Is your belly too fat?
If your belly is too FAT, thank the fat for doing its job!!! FAT holds toxins and helps protect the internal organs!
So today, say THANK YOU to your FAT BELLY but then tell it -it’s time to go as it is no longer needed!!!!
What a concept!?!
I am very excited to be feeling so much energized and balanced since starting my TAVALA 14-day blitz.
With more than 2/3 of Americans (USA only) being overweight, we sure do have a fabulous market for the TRIM and other products. We are looking for people who wish to earn an additional income (easy to do TAVALA part time and make money!) and also those, like Dave and I who are leaders and want to earn a 6 and 7-figure income annually.
If this is you, please reach out to us today! We are expanding into International markets and the timing is RIPE for fast growth. 802-846-7530 or email us at
Care to take a peek behind the scene? go to our YouTube Channel and watch our training videos and testimonials shared.
