Today I had a call from a very educated and well informed consumer. She was looking into the Tavala Trim product and had done her ‘homework’ and research via many venues. I love talking to people who have already educated themselves about the product they are inquiring about.
Her questions are valid so I thought I’d take a moment to relay them for others.
She did mention that what she had read on the internet and on Facebook and other social media venues appeared that the TRIM IS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!
I agree that what you read and see in pictures makes it seem like a magic potion product that produces miracles….and it does, for many people.
Many of our customers share that one of the best things the Trim has done for them is to make them more decisive eaters rather than compulsive eaters. Dieting is difficult for most people and honestly, if it worked, everyone would be at their ideal weight, but that is not the case. Just look around!
When you ‘diet’ it usually means restricting your caloric intake, often too low, so in the long run, you actually decrease -rather than increase your metabolic rate.
Also when you ‘diet’ or restrict calories, you are often tired (not enough fuel) and you begin having cravings that are often uncontrollable. It is difficult to have discipline when you have true hunger and cravings.
Face it, we live in a society where we are bombarded with sweets, sugary foods that are hard to resist and an over abundance of food, period. This time of the year, for many, it is difficult to control those cravings and they simply give up – throw their hands in the air and say they will DIET in the new year.
So….here are some questions she asked me with my honest response.
Is the Trim a safe product for everyone? I’d be a fool to say YES, as some people truly do have health issues where they should consult with their doctor before undertaking any new nutritional program or supplement. Generally speaking, yes, the TRIM is a safe product, however if you have that question, make sure you speak to someone who is educated on your health. Women who are pregnant should not take the TRIM.
Does the TRIM taste good? Everyone’s taste buds are different but speaking general here, yes, the Trim tastes good and many people say it tastes like berry flavored Kool-Aid. If you don’t like that flavor we suggest ordering the capsules.
Will I get the same benefits from the capsules as with the drink? I am not sure how to handle this question and I tell people honestly, I don’t know. However, I have seen and experienced results with both. The majority of our customers buy the drink but we have many people who purchase the capsules. My brother and sister in law, for example, reached their weight loss goal and preferred the capsules. It was just easier for them with their ‘on the go’ lifestyle. I’d suggest trying both and deciding which you prefer.
What if I don’t like the sweetener used in the TRIM? We suggest taking the capsules. 
Does the TRIM work for everyone? No, I don’t believe there is one product on the market for weight loss that works for everybody. However I have seen the best results with weight loss, control over eating, by people who take TRIM on a daily basis. The Trim works better than any other product I have known about in my 30+ years as a ‘health educator’ and personal trainer.
On occasion we hear that it didn’t work for a persons expectations, but we don’t know all the factors for this. Did they still over eat? Do they have a health situation that makes it more difficult? Did they not eat enough? My prediction, and mine only, is the Trim works for the majority of people who use it, perhaps 85%-90% or greater.
Will I still lose weight if I don’t exercise or ‘diet’? TRIM is not a diet, it is a supplement that boosts your metabolism so you burn more calories (thermogenic) and also suppresses the appetite and cravings so you will want to eat less. You won’t have to have will power as the Trim will give you that through your reduced cravings and appetite. Beware, you’ll still want to eat small portions… even if you don’t want to eat because you don’t feel hungry- please, to keep your metabolism boosted by not skipping meals.
Choose wisely but don’t get caught up on calorie counting or ‘dieting’. We have hundreds of customer say they lost weight doing NOTHING different other than take the Trim each and every day. Many people also say that with an increase in energy, they do begin to exercise- but it is not crucial in order to lose weight. STILL, we suggest staying active and exercising as it’s a sensible thing to do for overall health.
If I decide to buy the Trim capsules, I see it says 2 per day. Why take 2? Each capsule is equivalent to 1/2 Trim drink. Because some people are more sensitive to Trim, especially in the beginning, Tavala wanted the option of taking 1/2 dose, like you can when you mix 1/2 drink.
Will the TRIM keep me up at night? We know people who take the Trim in the afternoon who have no problem sleeping at night. Generally speaking, we suggest taking the Trim in the morning so that this will not be an issue. (Side bar here: many of our friends and customers who work shift work LOVE the Trim for how it keeps them energized and alert.)
What if I lose weight and then stop losing weight? Has my body adjusted to the Trim and is not working? We suggest if this happens to increase your water consumption, make sure you are eating enough food and not skipping meals, begin an exercise program OR add Tavala CONTROL. Control normalizes blood sugar levels and addresses weight loss in other ways that Trim does not. It is a dynamic duo using both products and has been known to help you avoid plateaus.
How much does TRIM cost? I’m proud to say that the Trim cost the same for customers and members. Tavala does not have multiple prices which shows that they don’t inflate prices to pay commissions to members. In the USA the price is $64.99. It is a 28-day supply.
How can I order Trim? Simply to go and place your order. We’ll help support your progress and answer any questions you have.
Dave and Joy/Global Leaders with Tavala