Day 14- Joy’s Journey with Ketopia

Day 14- Joy’s Journey with Ketopia

This is easy… is it possible that today is already day 14 and 2 weeks into using Ketopia? It has easily become a way of life and has an incredible ease about it. Typically when I complete a 10 Day Cleanse or any program to jump start weight loss, my cravings are high and I can’t wait to begin eating things I missed- but not with Ketopia. This is now a new permanent way of eating for me! Although the average person appears to be dropping 1-1.5 lbs. a day, my average is closer to .5 lbs. per day.

Scales and towelMy most recent attempt at losing this FAT accumulation was on a popular cleanse…..from another MLM company that a friend is affiliated with, but ONLY because at that time FGXpress had not launched Ketopia! I literally had to plug my nose to drink the green drink, and on several occasions gagged over the large size Amino Acids. In comparison, with the KetonX drink in the morning, the Dough bite late morning and the FIXX shake mid afternoon….I have 100% satisfaction and everything tastes GREAT!

Today I was down almost 1.5 lbs. from yesterday. I weighed in the buff, not wanting even a towel to alter my weight by an ounce! So crazy how my head has got a bit trippy about the scale. Up til Ketopia I didn’t know my weight and we didn’t even have a reliable scale. (That can be good and bad!) Now I try to use it ONLY as a point of reference as there are many things shifting on my body besides the scale. Did I mention INCH LOSS??? around my Meno-Pot (belly) and in places where I have been efficiently storing fat since menopause! Yup- the belly- the boobs (at one time I would have welcomed that!) the back (never thought I’d have back fat!) and the triceps. WHAT???? Yup, 58 year old women do begin to have fat accumulations in strange places.

Scale and representation

Yesterday I began to think of Ketopia and how it is a solution for the average person to drop unwanted body fat, rev up their body so it is burning more efficiently and is not a gimmick or fad program. I know we live in a microwave society (we stand in front of the microwave and say HURRY UP to our popcorn) and we want instant gratification….but with Ketopia-it is a solution and not a COVER UP of a problem.

You’ve seen the SPANX in the stores and advertisements that they HOLD in your body fat and slim your body so you look smaller- but why not simply ADDRESS the Body FAT in the first place? Also those herbal wraps that are costly and temporary…people buy them monthly to help shrink their fat cells and smooth their cellulite. Once again, not addressing the issue of FAT…and the fat and inches always return!

Burn the Fat Burning your stored BODY FAT FOR FUEL is the LONG TERM SOLUTION!

Give your body the right raw materials and the body can product miracle upon miracle. Give it 10-Days. You will be pleasantly surprised. It is not a diet, rather a life-style. Join us our journey- Order yours today. Did we tell you that you can also earn lots of money helping your friends and family be healthier? not on a diet

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy & Dave


Dave’s Day 12 on Ketopia

Day 12 and another pound dropped? Nope.

What? What do you mean? EVERYBODY has weight loss EVERYDAY ON KETOPIA! Nope.

Yes, my body is a little smaller, my inches are down from yesterday, my clothes hang better and my weight showed up 1 lb this morning!

I’m already seeing and hearing people saying, What’s wrong? Why this or Why that?

What’s Happening?

Your body has it’s own pace. Some days very little changes! Some days there are HUGE changes! Almost posted my Day 12 side view …. it is already dramatically different than Day 10…. I’ll post on day 15.

Absolutely Nothing is Wrong!

You’re either looking at too short a time frame or you’re focusing on just one measure! Suspending judgement for 3-5 days will solve most of your concerns. And measure more than 1 thing. Most are measuring the number on the bathroom scale. That’s a myopic approach, focusing on just one arena rather than your whole body.

Here’s what you want to measure

1. How your clothes fit Day 1 vs Day 10

2. Difference in Body Fat % Day 1 vs Day 10

3. Inches lost Day 1 vs Day 10

4. BMI (Body Mass Index) changes Day 1 vs Day 10

Here’s the form we use to track progress in different areas Before/After Measurements


I know most people are only posting about their “weight Loss” but you have to look further.

Actually, look further beyond weight, further than inches, further than body fat, keep going way, way down till you reach BETTER HEALTH! That’s the goal, not the numbers. Enjoy the game of the numbers, but don’t miss the mark. It’s about your Health in 10 to 30 days!

Here’s what to do

1. Download the Measurement form

2. Take before and after Pics

3. Put on “Tester Clothes” (The ones you won’t throw away , but would never wear them in public) Take a before and after Pic of this.

4. Keep your eyes on your Paper! No Cheating!

Imagine how much weight and fat you could lose on this 10 Day Reset program. And you don’t have to stop there! I’ve decided to do 3 programs in a row…. 30 days to lose 25-30 lbs!

BTW, did I mention you can earn a ton of money helping friends and family look fabulous? Sign up for more details on Ketopia and follow our progress. Send an email to be part of this to

Join us on this journey!

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton

802-846-7530 h

Spanx- Body Wraps or KETOPIA?

Spanx- Body Wraps or KETOPIA?Ketopia visual now

Most women l know care about their appearance and have a strong desire to look good both IN and OUT of their clothes. Most are also willing to try just about anything to help them – especially if it helps their BODY IMAGE. MOST things available are a TEMPORARY Fix but have you heard of Ketopia?

Many women have succumbed to what are called SPANX….. in fact I recently had a friend tell me she relies on them to keep her fat ‘in’….. Since I didn’t know much about them I decided to do some research. This is what I found. Not only are they expensive, but they are a TEMPORARY! Spanks

What the heck ARE Spanx? Spanx are under garments worn over your under clothes to hold you in and make you look thinner or look like you have lost weight. They helps hide the bulges of fat that often make your clothes appear lumpy. Not only do they help you look like you’ve lost weight (up to ten pounds!), but they also can firm up your appearance and they streamline you. People wear Spanx with jeans, business attire, dresses, and even sweats when they want a fitter, thinner figure

Other women spend a fortune on another temporary fix called Body Wraps. Years ago I enjoyed a seaweed body wrap at a spa, but do you know there are women today who use them several times every month for a temporary inch loss? A friend used them to fit into her bridesmaid’s dress…but the following day when she gained her inches back, she couldn’t fit into the dress. Once again, a temporary and costly solution.body-wrap-image

And then there is KETOPIA. Finally something with substance and offers lasting results!

What is Ketopia?

Ketopia is a 10-Day Program that nutritionally puts your body into a healthy state of ketosis so you burn your own stored body fat for fuel. This is not temporary. It is lasting. Once you have reset your body, you will enjoy more energy and a more efficient fat body burning.

What are the benefits of Ketopia? They BEGIN when you begin the program….

1) Weight Loss 2) FAT LOSS 3) Less Cravings or elimination of cravings 4) More energy 5) Inch Loss and what I find fascinating, is Ketopia helps you RESET your body so it burns more efficiently and effectively even AFTER you have stopped!

Rather than spend money on a temporary fix, try Ketopia. You’ll save money while enjoying a morning KetonX drink, Dough bites and FIXX shake, all conveniently packaged in a 10-Day program. Don’t believe me? Take the Challenge. Order YOUR 10-Day Ketopia pack today.

fat burningBurning Fat for Fuel…now THAT sounds wonderful!!!!!

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Join us as we change the world with Ketopia.

Joy Edgerton

Dave DeBerardinis


Joy’s Journey- Day 13

Joy’s Journey- Day 13

What do YOU want to LOOK like?150 pounds

Daily more and more people are receiving their Ketopia 10-Day Reset packs and we are hearing and seeing amazing results with other people we love and care about. Here’s some advise – from someone (ME) BEGINNING on Day 13 with Ketopia. As you begin YOUR Ketopia journey make sure you do several things OTHER than weight yourself. The scales only give you a glimpse of what is changing in your body & in your head! (Weight loss can be a trippy thing for us women…..right-ladies?)

What do you want your body to LOOK and FEEL like? Personally I WANT to be LEAN, STRONG, SEXY and EXUDE HEALTH!!!!

scale visual Make sure you prepare for your Ketopia journey by doing the following…. and after you do, check them off your list!

1) Take Measurements

2) Assess your Body Fat Composition %

3) Assess your BMI

4) Assess your HEALTH and LEVEL of ENERGY

5) Weigh Yourself

6) Take your blood pressure

7) Pick out something in your wardrobe that you like and would LOVE to fit into. Something snug, not 4 sizes too small. In 10 Days you will be able to fit into this dress/pair of jeans/article of clothing. cool_story_babe_sigg_water_bottle_06l

8) Drink a ton of water! Buy a nice water bottle or special glass that you enjoy drinking out of. It will make a difference in how you enjoy your #1 beverage on Ketopia.


Thoughts are things! What you can imagine you CAN have! BELIEVE!

Scale SEXY






Join us on our journey with Ketopia and FGXpress. What an amazing way to make a TON OF MONEY helping others be healthier and reach their goal weight! We are always looking to lock arms with positive people who want to make a difference in the world.

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy Edgerton

Dave DeBerardinis




Dave Day 11 on Ketopia – Someone Got Some Explaining to Do!

Ok, Someone has got some explaining to do!

I hesitate to say this, but here goes…

Yesterday was Day 11 on Ketopia for me. I had good results thru day 10 (Lost 11.5 lbs., 7.4 lbs of it was fat – See my Day 10 Blog here… ) to celebrate I stopped at Dunkin Donuts and had a small double shot cappuccino, cigar-scotchthen in the evening, I had a scotch (ok, I had a couple) with a cigar (La Gloria Cubana Series R, Maduro) just to say,

“Way to go Dave for sticking with the program for 10 days!” congratulations.2

This morning I woke 3 lbs lighter. (Down 14.5 lbs. now!)

Someone has got some explaining to do!

What’s happening?

The Ketopia 10 Day Reset is just that a RESET ! I know I heard this before, but now it’s starting to make sense. When your body is properly using ketones instead of sugar (like you get from carbs), it seems to have the ability to bounce back into balance.

No, I’m not recommending that you just start drinking scotch and smoking cigars and I was clean for 10 days and since I’m back on Reset pack #2, I am being compliant… no alcohol, no or almost no sugars, carbs only from vegetables, Plenty of water, light exercise, and high fat foods like avocados, olives, & almonds for snacks.

Experience Ketopia for yourself! You will know when your there!

Maybe I just hit upon a new weight loss program… Scotch and cigars? I’m thinking of calling it Scotopia!


You’ll Know When You’re There

Just may know know where you are!

It’s just a working idea, try not judge me!

Imagine how much weight and fat you could lose on this 10 Day Reset program. And you don’t have to stop there! I’ve decided to do 3 programs in a row…. 30 days to lose 25-30 lbs!

BTW, did I mention you can earn a ton of money helping friends and family look fabulous? Sign up for more details on Ketopia and follow our progress. Send an email to be part of this to

Join us on this journey!

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton

802-846-7530 h


My 10 day numbers on Ketopia (Weight and Inches)

totals 1 -1 10

Dave Ketopia Day 10

What an Amazing Journey with Ketopia

Like most of you, I’ve been on many weight loss programs and crazy diets, heck, I used to run weight loss programs at gyms and for the city employees…. I’ve never seen results like this in such a short period of time. All with no hunger, no feeling of deprivation and no cravings.


day 1-10blog













For those of you who track numbers (like me)…..

totals 1 -1 10



Simple, easy, no cravings, high energy, patented and it works!

I drink a delicious orange creamsicle drink, eat cookies and lose weight !


Interested in getting results too ? Check out the Overview here

Then get back to me or Joy, get any questions answered and get your Ketopia on order!

You Deserve It !

Imagine how much weight and fat you could lose on this 10 Day Reset program. And you don’t have to stop there! I’ve decided to do 3 programs in a row…. 30 days to lose 25-30 lbs!

BTW, did I mention you can earn a ton of money helping friends and family look fabulous? Sign up for more details on Ketopia and follow our progress. Send an email to be part of this to

Join us on this journey!

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton

802-846-7530 h

Joy’s Journey – Ketopia Day 12

Joy’s Journey – Ketopia Day 12

This IS a journey!!!! They say (not sure who THEY are) that it takes 21 Days to make or break a habit but honestly, with Ketopia, it has been easy transformation for me of how and what I eat…. and my choices I have made over the past 12 Days have been relatively easy! Honestly, I have had ZERO CRAVINGS or HUNGER!21 days This weekend has been a ‘test’, you could say, as I have been visiting my mother and away from my normal routine and home. Has it been difficult? Not at all.

Probably the most difficult thing I have encountered is on Friday having my granddaughters here and taking them out to get a creemee ice cream cone. It is a summer ritual and fun to guess what flavor each of us with choose. Kamaria, 7, can handle her cone just perfect. She knows how to keep the ice cream from dripping and manages just fine. I never need to lick her cone to keep it centered or manageable. Skyla on the other hand, 3, understandingly has a more difficult time. Typically “Mema” is there to help (bonus for me!) and in the long run, I end up eating half the ice cream cone. Did I succumb this time and help her?

How to Really Lose Weight

Not this time.…..I had Kamaria help her once and then when the dripping became too much to handle I got a cup and spoon and plopped the cone in the middle. Lots of fun for a 3 year old. This time she only ate half of the cone and then we threw it away. That NEVER would have happened before. I am sure most moms- if not grandmothers- like me, have the same experience. We tend to eat the left overs of our grand-kids, especially yummy, slightly melting ice cream on a hot summer day. But here is the thing- I had NO DESIRE for ice cream. Really!!!!

My only vices this weekend that I have not had during my 10 Day Reset was on both Friday night and Saturday night I enjoyed a cocktail. A vodka gimlet on Friday and a Vodka Tonic (zero sugar, carbs or calories in the tonic!) I know alcohol is NOT recommended on the Ketopia program, but I figured it wouldn’t alter my results too dramatically and I chose wisely, alcohol with the least carbs and sugars. Besides, tomorrow I am back in my home environment, with Dave, who is also doing the Ketopia! (By the way, today he will post his 10 Day results so stay posted to our blog here ( In 10 Days Dave dropped 11.5 pounds!!!!! WOW! His clothes are hanging on him!


I am enjoying the KETOPIA so much and love the ease of only having to decide what to eat for dinner as every morning I begin with my KetonX drink (the one that tastes like a creamsickle and puts my body into ketosis within hours!) The other products, the Dough bites and FIXX shake supply me with needed nutrients in perfect proportion….and the hardest decision I have to make is 1) Do I want to eat my Dough bite raw out of the package or cook/bake it so it tastes more like a chocolate chip cookie? 2) Do I want my FIXX shake mixed with just water or do I wish to add almond milk, or other items that are OK, like nut butter, avocado, heavy cream????

As for our dinner meal, clearly our portions have gotten smaller, we are eating the ratio of fats, protein and carbs recommended and we eat earlier than we used to! Many time prior to Ketopia we would have a couple of cocktails or glasses of wine and not eat dinner until 8 pm or later!

oh….and did I say we are saving money with Ketopia in many ways, including the obvious….not eating out or imbibing in expensive wine or scotch????

Ketopia is SO AFFORDABLE! You have to eat anyway- so why not simply exchange what you were buying for breakfast, lunch and snacks with Ketopia? If you buy retail the 10-Day Reset is ONLY $149. But you don’t have to buy retail, there is an option that is PERFECT for people who know they want to lose 10 pounds or more and will be purchasing more product in the future. You can become a MEMBER of FGXpress, like I am, for a one time membership fee of $12. Then when you buy the Ketopia it is only $129 for the 10-Day Reset. After your initial order as a member the cost is ONLY $119 and if you go on a month auto ship like we do, it drops the cost to only $109 for the 10-Day Ketopia Reset! Am I kidding? no way- and did I mention that Ketopia works! Did I mention as a member if you recommend it to others who also purchase product, that you can earn a lot of money helping your friends become healthier and slimmer?

I dropped 5 lbs. in my first 10 Days and lost many inches. The inch loss I am MOST PROUD of was around my belly….. what I call my MENO-POT…the pooch that I acquired during menopause! I lost 3 3/4″ around my belly in 10 Days!!!!!

1 JOY 1-10 days

Our Guidelines for purchasing Ketopia. Goal? 5-12 lbs. 1 Ketopia 10-Day Reset 10-20 lbs. 2 Ketopia 10-Day Reset and 20 lbs. or more 3 or more 10-Day Ketopia Reset packs. Beginning in Sept. you’ll be able to purchase month supplies of just the KetonX and the Dough bites! Right now you can buy the FIXX shake in boxes of 14 at

To purchase your Ketopia go to

When you do begin the Ketopia program make sure you contact us so we can provide you with helpful guidelines to ensure your success as well as a document where you can easily keep track of your many successes….including weight loss, inch loss, BMI and Body Composition changes, etc. One thing I did not do (however it should be easy to find an up close picture of my face) is to take a picture of my face on Day 1 and Day 10. I remember seeing both Jorge’s and Ron’s shapes of their face slim considerably in just 10-15 days on Ketopia. Below is a visual of a woman before and after losing just 8 lbs. Can you notice the shape of her face beginning to slim? So remember to reach out, get the documents emailed to you so YOU can document all the amazing changes that will happen organically as you begin burning YOUR STORED BODY FAT!






We look forward to hearing YOUR journey with Ketopia. Join us….Share with others and let’s help people put an end to dieting once and for all and RESET their bodies instead.


5I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy Edgerton

Dave DeBerardinis


Dave Ketopia Day 9

Fat Keeps Melting Off

End of Day 9 Down just over 11 lbs! and over 7 lbs. of FAT ! Clothes hanging differently, I have high energy and feel AWESOME !

Everyone has a different body. Here what I experienced and found that worked for me!

Did you see Joy’s Pictures?

From the end of her 1st 10 day Reset

Check it out… over 3.75 inches lost around her belly! WOW !

Joy Day 1-10


Imagine how much weight and fat you could lose on this 10 Day Reset program. And you don’t have to stop there! I’ve decided to do 3 programs in a row…. 30 days to lose 25-30 lbs!

BTW, did I mention you can earn a ton of money helping friends and family look fabulous? Sign up for more details on Ketopia and follow our progress. Send an email to be part of this to

Join us on this journey!

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton

802-846-7530 h




Joy’s Journey- Ketopia Day 11

Joy’s Journey- Ketopia Day 11

1 JOY 1-10 days3.75 inches lost around the waist in only 10 Days!

I am SO GLAD that we purchased enough Ketopia so that after Day 10 we didn’t run out!!! I am loving this 10-Day Reset! If you are currently using Ketopia…place your next order so you can continue beyond Day 10.

There are SO MANY things I love about the results I received from only 10 Days using the Ketopia. I love that it is termed “A 10-Day Reset” as that is exactly what it is!!! Among my benefits….an INCREASE in ENERGY, more MENTAL CLARITY, INCH LOSS, WEIGHT LOSS, ZERO HUNGER or CRAVINGS! I also finally feel like I am BACK IN CONTROL of my life and my health! congratulations.2

I am visiting my mother this weekend and find it to be so easy to stay on the Ketopia with zero effort. Last night I decided to enjoy a cocktail with mom and actually looked for the BEST option available with the least carbs and sugar and ended up enjoying a Vodka Gimlet on the rocks! Delicious and delivered a POW! Wow, did I ever feel the buzz!!!! As a snack before bed I also enjoyed a handful of chocolate covered almonds too! Off the program BUT back on track today. Hey- you have to live- right?

I have had conversations with many people about my results at 10-Days…. and many people on Facebook are also comparing their weight loss results. It is exciting- however I want to stress that the scale is only one of several ways of assessing your progress! I dropped 5 pounds in 10 Days, my husband Dave (Now on Day 9) will probably drop 12 or more pounds in 10 Days! We are all different and will have a variety of ways of achieving success with Ketopia. Chart your successes and share with others….including Pictures….as FACTS TELL, but STORIES and PICTURES SELL!


Here is what I lost….Oh My, look at this visual and see what 5 pounds of FAT actually looks like! Top shelf!!! OH my…… and the majority of where I dropped my FAT was from the lower belly to the chest. Perfect!

My next goal is 10 pounds of FAT loss and my final goal is 20!!!!! My initial goal was to drop 20 pounds of FAT in 30 Days but because the Ketopia is becoming a way of life, if it takes me 45-60 Days I’ll still be thrilled. Let’s be realistic, I gained those 20 pounds year the past 4 years!!! Also it is not so much the POUNDS that I want to shift, but changing my body composition so I FEEL BETTER, LOOK BETTER and have better energy and health!

Let me put on my Personal Training Hat for a moment!!!!

The number on the scale has little relevance to your overall state of health or body composition.

I have seen people weigh of normal “scale weight” be over-fat and have a body composition of 35% or more. When I got into body building years ago I actually GAINED weight, but it was muscle weight and thanks to a couple decades of weight training, up til recently, my body composition was very healthy. Why? Because I had more muscle on my body which helped burn more calories.

As you can see from the pictures below we all come in different sizes and shapes! Where do you want to end up? What are your goals? Create a vision board or have pictures in strategic places to remind you of why you are doing Ketopia. Do you realize YOUR results will inspire others and perhaps even make you very wealthy?????

Join us on our Journey….. To place your order for Ketopia visit

Oh, and did we tell you that you can make a lot of MONEY helping others?

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy Edgerton

Dave DeBerardinis


Low level of female body fat in women and comparrisons

Low level of female body fat in women and comparrisons

Range of female body fat percentages from 20% to 30%

Range of female body fat percentages from 20% to 30%

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 10

Joy’s Journey with Ketopia- Day 10

Drum Roll…. Today is Day 10 and here are my results!

Ketopia….ONLY Ketopia. No other changes!!!!!!!!!

1 JOY 1-10 days


My Before Picture on Day 1. I cried. My belly protruded and I looked pregnant. I couldn’t believe it as only 4 years ago I had a lean waist line. Obviously I needed intervention and Ketopia came at the perfect time! Also the foreign “back fat” blew my mind! Yuck! I wish I had put on dark sunglasses and a straw hat to hide that this is me!!! RESULTS: I LOST 3.75″ AROUND MY WAIST and 1.5″ in my chest (less significant but good results in other areas too) only 10 Days! Day 10 I am not at my goal by any means but happy my waist is shrinking!!!! 🙂

Day 3.…. Wow, things were beginning to shift in only a couple of days. I felt great- had NO detox symptoms, no cravings and was never hungry. As you can see, the place (belly) where I was predominately storing body fat is where my body began drawing from the reserves. I lost 1.75″ around my waist by day ONE!!!!! Things were looking promising. So glad Dave and I committed to doing 30 days! I am going to reach my goal ONCE AND FOR ALL and with all the amazing supportive products from FGXpress, I’ll be able to with ease. Doing the RESET is the important thing. Like rebooting your computer, I know now my body is already burning more efficiently!!!!

Day 10…. Today is Day 10. As you can see, I am concentrating my before and after pics on the BELLY as that is my area of the most stored fat…..but- the good news is little by little it is melting! Clothes are feeling better- loose in comparison- I have such hope for the next 10 and 20 days. THIS IS EASY!!!!!

Why didn’t we hear about Ketopia long ago? Simple- it wasn’t available….but now there is a solution to an over weight (over FAT) epidemic that is happening around us AND it is available. KETOPIA is NEWI am thrilled to have completed my 10-Day Reset and to have these results to share. Many of you will have similar results and many will far exceed my results. We are on our own Ketopia journey! Given my age, post menopause and not being able to BUDGE the scale in the past 4 years, I am happy to say the scale and my body fat has gone down! If I can do it, YOU can rock it as well!!!!!!

MY ENERGY & MENTAL CLARITY went from 4 to 8 (out of 10) THIS is important as this is about HEALTH and not just weight or fat loss! My FAT dropped 5 lbs. Good inch loss and feeling wonderful!

Stay tuned…… share your results and if you have not yet tried Ketopia, OH MY- do it now. Ketopia is in demand- be patient and believe me, it is worth the wait!

5I3I6962_pp20x20 Joy Edgerton

Dave DeBerardinis



OH -did we tell you that you can make a LOT of $$$$ sharing KETOPIA with your family and friends?
FAT So I dropped 5 lbs. of FAT (nothing to poo-poo as it IS significant….my goal is to drop 20. see the visuals and state your goals. you deserve and can reach your health and weight loss with Ketopia.




Day 1 Day 10 2