So the time has come and you’re Excited & Committed to make some positive changes in your life. Congratulations, you have JOINED the New Wellness Revolution
with us & Tavala.
Here’s your “N.E.W.S.T.A.R.T.”
Would you agree that most of us CRAVE possessing an abundance of ENERGY and VITALITY to do things in life that we enjoy doing in life? I would answer YES!
Here are some simple ways you can add the Tavala products into your daily routine and begin to embrace optimal health, wellness and have abundant energy. In addition, you can reach your ideal and energetic body weight. I don’t know about you but when I am in my optimal state of health and at my ideal healthy weight, I am UNSTOPPABLE.
So, let’s become unstoppable together!
N = NUTRITION – You may have heard “You are what you eat (and absorb)”. Ask yourself this question: “Am I DIGGING MY OWN GRAVE WITH MY TEETH”? You don’t need to become a monk – a raw foodist, or a gym rat to begin eating healthier, more nutritious foods. Do your best to eliminate poisonous “so called diet”, empty calorie foods such as sodas, chips, packaged foods, and ‘fast foods’…. all of those also have a LONG shelf-life which means you won’t! ‘FAKE man made foods’ as I often call them are NOT good for YOUR body! Eat as clean as you can and when there is an option, chose organic or buy local. On occasion, processed foods won’t harm you but over time, they will lead to dis-ease and a disconnect in the body. Yes, there is a cumulative effect. The results over time are poor energy, poor health, a high percentage of body FAT and most likely being over-weight. Strangely, most overweight people are under nourished. (SOLUTION: Tavala’s TRIM helps suppress the appetite and reduces over eating and cravings. Tavala’s CONTROL helps normalize blood sugar, aid in weight management and avoid weight loss plateaus.)
Check out the Tavala Products, to date.

Exercise is an essential part of overall health. It moves fluids through your system of blood vessels, arteries and lymph nodes. Simple exercise such as stretching and flexing your body, (yoga is a good option) and cardio-vascular exercise (biking, Zumba, hiking, rebounding on a trampoline, walking etc.) all help your body circulate the nutrients that feed your tissues & cells. Exercise helps move toxins out and as you rid the toxins you will experience more energy and also lose FAT weight, as fat stores your toxins to protect your body. (Solution: Use Tavala’s TRIM and ALERT micro-mister, you’ll have plenty of energy to add Exercise to your day…even a brisk walk or a vigorous cleaning of your house is good for the body! The TRIM will give you more energy as it is a bronchial dilator, bringing more oxygen into your lungs which helps with energy & being able to exercise longer and more vigorously.)
Our bodies are made up of approximately 70% water – the brain is about 90% fluid. Blood circulation depends on fluids and the condition of the blood cells helps determine how those nutrients are carried throughout your body. Keeping your body well hydrated with clean water will ensure your body can handle its necessary functions properly. Adding fresh lemon (or lime) to your water adds flavor and will help alkalize the body.

“yellow lemons splashing into clear water with white background, high shutterspeed 1/8000, f11”
(Many people who are enjoying the TRIM product find it encourages them to drink more water each day! Also, as you have more energy, you’ll be more active and your body will naturally crave more hydration. Whether you take the drink for of TRIM added to water, or capsule form, you need fresh water in the process.)
The sun gives us most our supply of vitamin D. Exercising and relaxing outdoors allows us to enjoy and absorb the “sunshine vitamin”. (Solution: From the feedback we receive daily, as well as our own experience both the TRIM & Quantum Relief Strips both appear to make people feel more ‘happy’.)
We all know people who have gone on a “cleanse” of some sort. Years ago I embraced the ‘Master Cleanse’ or ‘lemonade diet’. Generally speaking, cleansing your body of toxins (whether they come from food, water and/or the environment) will give you more energy and a clearer outlook (and feeling) for life. Just for fun, read the label on most toothpaste tubes…don’t swallow! Choose organic foods – yes there IS a difference. Keep your body clean and working as it was designed to. When you have toxins in your body, your body is in-balance which often leads to sickness or dis-ease. (Also speaking of “toxicity” avoid “toxic people” – they pollute your mind. Stress (a toxin) acidifies your system and wrecks digestion and absorption.)

(Solution: The Quantum Relief Strips help bring energy to parts of your body need it the most. When your body has additional blood flow with energy, your body will be able to eliminate toxins at a greater rate.)
This time of the year, spring time, is great for airing out the house after a long winter where windows may have been closed tightly, a wood stove burning for heat, or a collection of dust due to being inside for 4- 6 months or more. Breathing deeply helps process your foods and boosts your metabolism and energy. It brings oxygen into your body. Ever notice how enjoyable dining outside is compared to being in even the loveliest room indoors? (Solution: Do you know the Trim is a bronchial-dilator which allows more oxygen to reach your lungs? More breath, more air!!! And with TRIM more energy to go outside for that walk around the block)
One thing often neglected but crucial to our health is a good night sleep. When you relax/sleep well, your body repairs, renews and revitalizes itself. (Solution: If you have a tough time sleeping try the Tavala SNOOZE micro-mister. Melatonin delivered literally within seconds!!! Also, the Quantum Relief Strips bring energy to the body where it is needed most and many people experience deeper sleep when their body is balanced.)
Trust in the intelligence of your Body, Mind and Spirit. We are all made of energy and are connected. Even your attitudes, beliefs and self-talk affect your health. Listen to your body and offer self-love and self-care care at every opportunity you can. The body is what houses our SPIRIT or SOUL and it is the only one we have! The body truly IS our temple! (Solution: We are all made up of energy. The Quantum Relief Strips, worn daily, help bring positive energy to the body and eliminate negative energy.…. the energy ‘intuitively’ goes to places in the body that need it most.)
BECOME UNSTOPPABLE… and Begin your New Wellness Resolution and do it with Tavala product support. If you have not register for Tavala’s 12-week Challenge you can register here.
Winners of the 12-week Challenge will win a variety of prizes including the Grand Prize drawing of a Eastern Caribbean Cruise for 2 November 5-12th, 2017.
Dave and Joy