Day 3: JOY’s TAVALA 14-Day Blitz
Imagine eating healthy, exercising, nourishing your body with good food and supplementation and staying hydrated?
Obviously you’d feel better, right? Of course you would.
Well this is how I am feeling on Day 3 of my 14-Day commitment to using and enjoying all of TAVALA’s products daily.
It’s not like rock-science…..
I started out with a commitment to fit into my jeans.
I’ll be honest, this started out for vanity reasons, plus I just returned to Vermont after spending time in Florida with dozens of men and women who had recently dropped 10, 20, 30, 40 and even 50 lbs. in the past several months using TAVALA TRIM. THEY motivated and inspired me! (Motivation #1)
Sure, I wanted to have more sustained energy throughout the day and have enough energy to actually WANT to work out…. but the real reason I am doing this is I want to drop 15 pounds of fat…and be a better representation of what TAVALA’s products, especially the TRIM and CONTROL, can do for your health and weight management.
Here is what 10 lbs. of fat looks like…
now that is a big blob of FAT!!! I am committed to dropping 15….. yes, those stubborn 15 lbs. that crept up on me in the past 4-5 years- during “menopause” leaving me with a men-o-pot! That’s right, at least 10 of those pounds went right to my mid-section making me look either 5 months pregnant, or more pear shaped, like my mother. Yikes! (Motivation #2)
Here’s a cool thing “belly thing’ that I noticed today, on day 3, at the gym doing ‘crunchy frog’ abs exercises. I could already tell my belly was smaller as I ‘crunchy frogged’ the exercise like a jackknife…seriously! (Motivation #3)
As a personal trainer I used to tell people to stay off the scale and go by body composition and how your clothes fit…. but there is still something about those darn scales that catch many (especially women) off guard…..and have us committed to weighing a certain number on the scale….rather than by the way we look and how we feel.
Still, take a look at this visual and tell me what you think about what a 150 lb. woman looks like…..
Actually you can’t, because there are many versions of what 150 lbs. reflects.
I weighed myself day 1 and will not weight myself (I don’t think) until day 8 and then day 15. Due to being naturally muscular, I have always weighed around 10 lbs. more than people would guess so I have to remind myself that if I transform my body using TAVALA’s products, that whatever the number is in 14 days doesn’t really equate to success or failure. Dropping 10 lbs. of FAT and adding 2 lbs. of lean muscle is a pretty good goal as well.
What am I doing differently with TAVALA the products? How am I incorporating them in my daily regime?
Control before each of my main meals (3x day)
TRIM in the morning after breakfast (drink)
Consume a min. of 1/2 ounce per body weight of water daily
Exercise at 11 am, Cardio, Weight Training alternation
Alert “mist” in the afternoon for sustained energy
Healthy meals, min. of 3 small meals and 1 mid-day snack
Rebounding on a mini-trampoline for a min. of 10 minutes each day (helps with lymph!)
NEW Quantum Relief Strip replaced every other day
Bru for an evening snack/hot beverage
SNOOZE “mist” before bed.
Consider joining me in committing to treat OUR TEMPLE/BODY with the respect and love that we deserve.
TAVALA makes it easy having products that work and work quickly! TRIM makes it easy as it is a metabolism booster and suppresses the appetite and cravings so you don’t have to rely 100% on motivation and discipline like when you go on a ‘diet.’
I’d love to hear your story with your TAVALA results. I have begun saving testimonials and have collected well over 150 so far.
To order your TAVALA TRIM or other TAVALA products (consider the Experience Pack that offers 1 of everything and saves you $85 on individual purchases.) Place your order by simply going to
I’ll coach you for free. We’ll help each other with accountability… Have questions? call 802-846-7530 or email me at
Dave and Joy 