How to Introduce TAVALA to a Professional!
Professionals, whether they be a doctor, store owner, manager of a gym or massage therapist all have ‘professions’ or jobs- so keep that in mind when you are introducing “them” to our products or opportunity. They most likely are not LOOKING for another business opportunity, but with the right approach may have an interest in learning more!
Does it fit what they do for a living?
The most natural question I would ask myself before contacting a ‘professional’ is if the products, in this case, TAVALA products, fit into what they do in their profession. If they are a chiropractor,
I’d say that our line of products would absolutely be advantageous and would compliment their services they offer. Most health care professionals keep an eye out for products or services that can service or ‘serve’ their clients well-being….especially those in complimentary or alternative practices.
In the above scenerio, I’d simply ask them if they typically look for- or are open to new and innovative products to share with their clients in their practice? If they say NO, and tell you that they NEVER sell anything except their services, I may ask if they’d like to try a free sample for their own personal use, but if they are luke-warm on even that, I’d say “NEXT” quickly and thank them for their time.
Do your homework!
If you know personally know the “professional’ and notice that they already sell nutritional products, especially those from that come from a Network Marketing company (which means they are open) -then you have an advantage. In that case, I’d say something like, “I see you carry nutritional products from XYZ company and you keep your clients well-being in mind. Have you ever heard of TAVALA and their products that are new to the market and address weight loss, energy, sleep or ‘whatever’….you fill in the blank. If they deal with injuries perhaps you’d want to introduce them first to the Quantum Relief Strips, but if they are a chiropractor dealing mainly with athletes, then your approach may also include the TRIM or other products. Make sure there is a FIT, otherwise you are wasting your time and theirs. NEVER tell them that your products are superior to the company’s products that they represent! AND certainly never put down the Network Marketing company they are already affiliated with.
There is NO ONE WAY TO APPROACH a PROFESSIONAL, but whatever method you use, keep it brief, professional and have their benefit in mind. Even better, call ahead of time and ask for 5 minutes of their time- do NOT ‘ simply drop in’ to their busy office.
Do you KNOW the professional?
There was a time when I would look up chiropractors, massage therapists or personal trainers in the phone book and then call them to see if I could interest them in what I had to sell. I no longer use that approach. Network Marketing is best when it is ‘marketed’ to someone who already knows you, trusts you, and believes you have their interest at heart. Cold calls are just that, COLD CALLS. Don’t waste your time.
Unless I personally know the person, I would not come out and introduce them to the business opportunity. They MAY have an interest but let them decide and tell you. I have seen too many times when an over excited distributor begins telling the ‘professional’ that they can make a lot of money and become rich with our opportunity.

Dollar bills in glass jar on white background
This may be true (I know many professionals that have become very wealthy in Network Marketing and end up selling or leaving their profession to work it full time- but don’t count on it) but MY personal approach that has worked for me over the years is to introduce the product to them, once again, assuming the product could truly be a good fit and BENEFIT to their business. If not, leave them alone.
When I was a personal trainer as well as a gym manager I was bombarded with people ‘pitching’ me on their product or opportunity all the time. I could spot them a mile away as they nervously entered the gym. Many times the person pitching or selling had great intentions but they often never ASKED if I had any interest in information, samples or to hear their ‘speal’…they just started in!!!!
Others just started in…. never asking if I have a couple of minutes to speak with them. Still others they left me a stack of literature (costs them a pretty penny too!) and wanted me to review it and try their samples….even if I never said YES. Please don’t waste your money by leaving lots of info or samples if they are not interested. You are wasting your money and are far better off putting that in the hands of a friend who already knows and trusts you! Take if from me, I have left ‘professionals’ bottles of XYZ with businesses – products that retail for $100….never to hear from them again. It’s not their fault, I never asked them properly if they were interested in the full month sample. Live and Learn.
Have you ever been in a situation where someone knows nothing about you or what you do, but is convinced that their business opportunity is just the thing to make you rich?
Personally, I’d rather have 1 business builder who is going after the opportunity and wanting to create a 6-figure or better annual income,
than a dozen doctors, gym owners or personal trainers, who dabble with sales and never recruit anyone in the business who wants to be a ‘builder’. However, if you do find a professional who loves your product, believes in the Network Marketing model AND loves the industry of Network Marketing, then you have a special ‘someone’ that could be very positive for your organization.
Professionals add ‘credibility’ for sure, so having doctors, chiropractors, athletes, personal trainers etc. on your team absolutely can have its benefits, but you’ll never get to them if your approach is abrupt, unprofessional or if you don’t speak their ‘language’.
One approach that has worked for me, and I know because many ‘professionals’ end up joining our team, is to tell them you came across something exciting and immediately thought of them, and wondered if they would have any interest in hearing about it. SIMPLE and HONEST APPROACH!
When sharing information I hit the highlights and don’t over-sell or give too much info. Professionals in any line of work have their industry and business/job at the top of their list…. and have not allotted extra time for product or business op. pitches. Imagine how many people ‘pitch them’ often, both from a SALES job pitch, as well as those selling advertisements!!!! Having been in those positions, you learn very quickly to say NO so your time is not wasted.
I guess in summary if you are going to approach a professional I suggest you contact people that you already know. If you don’t personally know them perhaps you have a friend or one of their clients that knows them- which means there is a common ‘bridge’ to you. If you are brand new with your company, ask your upline or someone who has success to help you with the approach. Your job, in this case, would simply to see if the “professional” is interested and open to your information and if so, find a time they are available for a brief visit or brief phone call. Then enlist the help of your upline team.
If this has been valuable information I’d love to know. There are many ways to approach people- including professionals, with your products and opportunity….. and with TAVALA, truly more and more professionals ARE interested because there is no hype, no inflated prices for customers and because they are not required to PAY A FEE to join.
I wish you all the luck, and if you are reading this and looking to join TAVALA, we’d love to know. We’ll work with you and help you introduce our products and opportunity to your warm market and network.
TAVALA is growing daily. Join now to be a part of the wellness revolution with TAVALA.
Dave and Joy