I recently read a fabulous book, “The Plant Paradox” by Steven Gundry. I also signed up for his newsletter and today received this “message” by e-mail. I thought it was worth sharing in a blog!
Along the way I’ll interject a couple of things and highlight them in purple, this way you know it is ME talking to YOU!
Is YOUR Doctor Over weight?
How about your Personal Trainer or Nutritionist?
There is something about taking advice from someone who ‘doesn’t look the part’ and is not congruent with their profession. That is what this is about…and what the famous doctor, who was 70 lbs. over-weight did to change this for his life- and is helping others do the same.
In ‘his own words’….
“Can you keep a secret?
There’s something important I want to share with you today.
And, other than my wife Penny… I’ve never really talked about it to anyone…
But there’s an important lesson in it — a lesson that changed my life completely.
And I think when I reveal that lesson to you…
It might change some things in your life for the better, too.
So, bear with me. This is going to require me to share some pretty embarrassing details about my life.
It all started about 15 years ago…
At the time, I felt like the biggest hypocrite in the world.
Sure, I was saving other people’s lives in the operating room, but my own life felt out of control.
As you may know… I was giving people health advice… while I myself was 70 pounds overweight.
Ironic, right? But that feeling of hypocrisy wasn’t even the worst part.
And believe it or not, neither was the fact that I was hypertensive, pre-diabetic, and felt sick all the time.
The worst part… was how it affected the everyday details of my life.
Let me give you three painful examples:
Example #1: My Secret Fat Suits
During my worst period, my weight would fluctuate wildly.
And because I didn’t want people at the office to notice my weight gain when my suit got tighter…
I kept three different sizes of the exact same suit in my closet.
It sounds ridiculous, but it’s true.
I’d have the size I’d wear when I was at a “medium” weight…
The size I’d wear when I lost 20 pounds on whatever diet I was trying…
And then the size I’d have to wear when I “fell off the wagon” and overate until I was even bigger than usual.
And the more time went on, the more I noticed that I was wearing the biggest suit.
It was demoralizing. I felt like I was being defined and controlled by my weight.
And I was tired of it.
Example #2: Shoe-Tying Challenges
At my biggest point, even my shoes were a painful reminder of my weight.
Whenever I bent over to tie them… I’d have to lean to the side to “go around” my gut.
As you might guess, I was far too embarrassed to do this in public…
Especially in front of healthier colleagues, or even worse… patients.
So, I’d double- or even triple-knot my shoes before leaving the house.
And if I had to take them off or re-tie them at work… I’d go to the bathroom to do it.
If you’ve never experienced this… it gets old really fast.
Example #3: Lying to Myself
Now, this one stings the most…
I don’t know about you, but trying on clothes at the department store was discouraging.
Whenever I’d find a pair of jeans I liked, I’d unconsciously grab the size I wished I could fit into…
And when I tried it on, I’d be reminded that it was too small for me.
Then I’d go up one, two, three sizes… and they still wouldn’t fit!
Humiliated, I’d have to hand back ALL the jeans I tried on to the dressing room attendant.
And by the way… these are just a few of the hurtful ways my weight was affecting my daily life.
There had to be 30 or 40 more things like this every day!
It made me feel ashamed — trapped in a body that didn’t fit.
Now, why am I telling you all this?
(and better yet, why am I, Joy, sharing this with you?)
Because I have a feeling maybe you can relate… even if your body issues have nothing to do with weight.
You see, when your body doesn’t feel like yours, for ANY reason… 
Whether it’s because you’re carrying extra weight, struggling with fatigue, or battling digestive problems…
The things that really get under your skin aren’t always the disasters.
I never got so big I broke a chair. I never had to buy two plane tickets to fly. I never had one of those “nightmare” problems you read about…
What I did have, though, were dozens of those tiny moments throughout the day that piled up, and reminded me over and over…
I wasn’t controlling my body. My body was controlling me.
So, if you’re struggling with a body that feels all wrong…
A body that’s creating those “tiny moments of misery” throughout your day…
I want you to know I understand.
And not just on some medical, cellular, scientific level.
I understand the emotional pain. It’s just as heavy as the physical effects.
The emotional pain is what makes us want to change our situation.
So, you might be wondering: How did I make that change?
Well, the answer isn’t some “magic” solution… It’s motivation.
And do you know what I found are the two keys to motivation?
1) Your source of motivation has to be both specific and passionate.

You have to zero in on what you care about the most… what’s important enough to drive you to change.
And you have to write it down.
For me, it was a few things: my wife, my kids, my future grand kids (I now have a one-year-old grandson and a two-year-old granddaughter), and my profession of helping people. (Joy speaking here, for ME it is my husband, my kids, my 4 granddaughters and my profession of helping people through network marketing with opportunity to earn income…as well as with products that enhance and change lives!)
Not only did I want to be around for all these things… I wanted to be as healthy as possible for them. That’s what drove me.
However, being driven isn’t enough by itself…
2) To stay motivated, you have to be accountable.
The moment you take responsibility for your actions, the entire world opens up for you.
Excuses fall by the wayside. And the beautiful part is, it’s all up to you. Remember, you’re in control of your life.
And one of the easiest ways to be held accountable is to share your goals and motivations with someone else.
And that leads me to my question for you today:
What’s motivating you to make a healthy change in your life?
Now, the healthy change you’re going for may not be your weight…
Maybe it’s your energy, joints, digestion, heart health, or something else you’re trying to improve.
But whatever change it is you’re trying to make…
What’s motivating you to do it?
Share your motivation with me today!
I don’t want you to have to go through the same emotional turmoil I went through alone.
And I don’t want you to miss out on your favorite parts of life anymore. You deserve better!
What I do want is for you to wake up every day feeling confident, happy, and able to do the things you love most.
You’re here for a reason, Joy. We only get one shot at life.
And I want you to enjoy living every single day to the fullest.
And you don’t have to do it alone. Let’s do this together…
All you have to do is hit ‘Reply’ to this email (in THIS CASE BLOG) and tell me about what’s driving you to make your healthy change.
And remember… be as specific as possible.
Trust me… it wasn’t until I finally wrote down WHY I wanted to change my life — and shared it with someone — that I actually turned things around.
So write me back, right now, and put your motivation into words. It may be one of the most important decisions of your life!
Looking out for you,
Steven Gundry, MD
P.S. I’m so excited to walk down this path with you. What you’re about to do is the same thing I did… that changed my life.
The moment I wrote my motivation down, I gained a sense of clarity and purpose I’d never felt before.
So, do yourself this favor. Simply hit ‘Reply’ and let me know what’s driving you to live a healthier life.
I can’t wait to hear from you!” (Incidentally, the good ol doctor later shared he had literally thousands of people share THEIR reasons for wanting to make a difference in their health/vitality.)
Now here is where MY COMMENTS come in. I am not a physician – but I am a certified personal trainer (no longer training others, just myself!) and I am someone who knows that my goal, my passion and ambition in life is to share things with others to help make an impact in their lives….
primarily, with their health, their fitness and overall vibrancy of life.
Dr. Gundry’s book, “The Plant Paradox” is life changing and I highly recommend you read it and follow his suggestions. He offers the REASONS behind the changes, which will be very useful in a transformation. I also realize that doing this ON YOUR OWN can be difficult, and on top of that, dealing with cravings and appetite issues, which is why I am here and recommending the TRIM, by Tavala. It is a thermogenic product that comes in both drink and capsule form.
The TRIM, often referred to as TAVALA TRIM, boosts the metabolism, gives lasting energy (without the crash) and suppresses the appetite and cravings- which makes it much easier to make Dr. Gundry’s changes!!!!!
If you are interested you can visit www.DaveandJoy.com and place your order ($64.99 for a full 28-day supply) or you can buy a sample pack at www.TryOurSamples.com
Look & Feel great immediately! Get YOUR MOJO BACK!

Dave and Joy/Global Leaders at Tavala