The RAW Truth and Nothing but the TRUTH…
This visual is a rather FUN reminder that this is the time of the year when people typically GAIN weight … but the fact is, you don’t HAVE to! Not if you have the right “TOOLS” and mind-set.
And this is what this BLOG is all about!
Yesterday I committed to myself and my health that I would drop unnecessary pounds of fat that have accumulated over the past 6 years. The crazy thing is I help people DAILY in my business and with Tavala Trim reach their weight loss goals. 
I was beginning to question MY personal discipline and then realized it wasn’t that at all. It was that I had given up taking the TRIM because when I did it made me feel ‘weird’ and nauseous.
Just making a couple of alterations is making the difference: 1) the timing I take the products and 2) I am now taking the Trim Capsules versus the drink. 1 Capsule = 1/2 Drink and that is about all my system can handle, at least for now.
I also decided that writing DOWN what I eat is important as when I am taking TRIM I often do not feel like eating so I skip meals or do not consume enough calories.
This HELPS me make sure I am don’t take the TRIM to boost my metabolism and then put my foot on the brake by SLOWING my metabolism down to insufficient calories. Make sense?
For me, Day 2 and I am staying with the 1 capsule of TRIM per day, taking it in the morning. I had so much energy and focus yesterday and through the night I couldn’t wait to jump out of bed and share my ‘many’ ideas with Dave.
Also, for me, the appetite suppressant is SO STRONG that last night I ate a fraction of what I normally do for dinner and was more than satisfied with one cocktail. (Yum, scotch and a splash of ginger beer) and when Dave brought popcorn while watching a movie, I didn’t have one kernel. NO APPETITE. The food journal is good for everyone (knowledge can be power) including someone like me who often will not consume enough food. You must eat to keep your metabolism going. It also made me consume the minimum water suggested for my weight.
If you like reading my journey in BLOG form, subscribe to our blogs at
For people who lack discipline with food (cravings and amounts) the Tavala TRIM is a great way to get your life and food under control. I know when I feel in control in any aspect of my life, I feel more balanced and everything seems possible.
Day 2 and I had enough energy in the morning to go to the gym. 3rd day is a row which is great as we had slacked since returning from our 7-day Caribbean cruise we took in November with other Tavala leaders. Oh and guess what? Due to the TRIM many people on the cruise who were taking the TRIM actually did not gain weight or LOST weight? Who the heck loses weight on a cruise? Very few I am sure.
Today’s workout was weights: back and bicep, 15 min. cardio and abs. Since I am taking the TRIM and the CONTROL in the morning right after coffee, I now have a difference kind of morning energy. Whatever the case, it is working.
Down 1.5 lbs. since yesterday which is promising as I have been stuck at a set point for some time.
Guess what? I am going to prove to myself that I can also lose weight during the holidays like all others taking TRIM. It sure would be fun to begin 2018 closer to my ideal weight.
And no, I’m not totally obsessed with the number on the scale, I simply want optimum health and I know added fat, especially around the belly, is not healthy.
Interested in trying the TRIM and CONTROL? Simply go to Customers and Members pay the same low price.
Sidebar: If you are interested in earning money, we NEED people like you to help spread the good news about these products that are helping so many people!
More later….. join me on Day 3 tomorrow.
Dave and Joy/Global Leaders with Tavala
“The Raw Truth and Nothing but the Truth!”