Meet Julie Brown as she shares her Weight Loss Struggle, Journey & Success….Yes, Julie has found a solution that is working and wants to share it with you’all.
Down 38 lbs. in just 5 weeks and it was easy!
In Julie’s own words:
“I have been struggling to lose weight for a very long time. I gained weight with depression, I gained weight because I lost the love for myself, who I was, the things I enjoyed and life as I was wanting for myself.
In school I was ridiculed and made fun of…by high school I was called thunder thighs even by my own siblings I shared the house with…I didn’t have a large self esteem…I had my first child at 19. Next one just before I turned 21. This was my own downfall, I hadn’t lost back to my pre-baby weight and said it would never happen…By 22 I was in a failed marriage.
I didn’t have a plan anymore, my scholarship was gone, I was alone with 2 children, over the years I worked menial jobs just to get by; I was in and out of relationships most of my life. Later I had 2 more children and through those depressed years I began to just eat anything to make myself fat. I was nearly 400 lbs in 2010.
I’m not sure what really put a spark in me, another failed marriage, being on my own again or what exactly, but I finally began to care about myself. I was alone but discovering who I was as a person again. I didn’t like myself… I made me be me… I began to eat healthier, exercise, working a better job…I wanted to be better. I eventually lost 200 lbs…no magic only diet and exercise…but my body became so sick as I was losing weight by only consuming 600 calories a day which is not healthy, especially long term.
I began to eat and work mid-nights…I gained back nearly 100 lbs. and thought this is how I’d be forever. I’ve tried any and all weight loss programs and products and would just gain back the weight.
I knew I deserved better for myself and my children too. I’m grateful for my friend Heather (I really can’t remember how we met, some weight loss thing…I know that) Heather showed me something new called Tavala TRIM. At first I thought she was crazy- “No I’m not trying another thing…I’m just accepting myself and loving me for who I was that day” but then I heard her speak of the great things that TAVALA TRIM does!
Who doesn’t want more lasting energy? Your metabolism boosted or your appetite suppressed?
One thing for sure, I knew I was tired of the rat race for employment of working 2 jobs, sometimes 3 and side jobs on too of that…going to college finally to know I’m someone and have a career…
I want to have my own income and spend time with my family not always having to work so hard, just to live in poverty…never gaining…I knew I had to do something…so I signed up to be a member of Tavala.
My New Journey with TAVALA:
I asked Heather for samples so I’d know what the TRIM tasted like and honestly it sat on my shelf for a week or so…then I tried it! I had seen her results…now mind you, she’s skinny and I’m not, and I saw with my own eyes how in a month it helped her remove those stubborn places she had wanted to rid fat.
This is what happened to me:
I began to drink my sample of TAVALA TRIM- that ‘purple drink’. (They say PURPLE is the new PINK since TRIM has come along!) It tasted good and made me feel good too so I took a leap of faith (some may say I took a gamble) and bought a “Builder Box” which is a business pack that offers samples to give out to my friends. I actually got the Builder Box pack that included the Quantum Relief Strips to try BOTH the TRIM and QUANTUM RELIEF STRIPS, as I have pain and know many other people do as well who are looking for an all-natural solution.
My first experience trying the QRStrip (Quantum Relief Strip) I was skeptical, but within 20 mi
nutes of using the strip on my foot it didn’t hurt and I walked normal -not hunched over. (For more details see more at the bottom of this Blog)
I began drinking my TRIM “solution” in 24 ounces of water each and every day and in 2 weeks I lost 22lbs. (WOW!)
At first I thought it was it a fluke but by week 3 I wasn’t craving my daily soda consumption of 3 12ounce sodas!
By week 4 I wasn’t craving sweets or my daily chips…I even took a group of challenged adults to Baskin Robins for ice cream and only ate 4 or 5 small bites and I was done! No one could believe I didn’t want it and neither did I!
By the end of week 5, I weighed in and saw I had lost 38 lbs! WOW!
I hate my picture to be taken but I took one and compared to another body shot I had…OMG I could see a huge difference – not only in my waist, but my arms, and I see some in the hips!
People are noticing the change too. I am just feeling better over all.
I have found the solution of a real product and can eat a normal 1200-1800 calorie diet…I don’t count calories anymore, I just eat less because I feel full.
It truly is phenomenal with this energy and happiness in my heart again!
I’ll see you at the top and my targeted weight and other dreams achieved with this company called Tavala and Thank you Heather Rongey Holley for caring so much about me and sharing! ❤️ I’m just happy to take the steps I need too…I’m loving myself and with out trust in God and his love for me…I wouldn’t be here today…a strong and loving person!
If my story has inspired you to try TAVALA TRIM or the Quantum Relief Strips give me a call at 256-919-8415 or email me at You don’t want to wait- you KNOW you are ready to begin, you can order here: (customers and members pay the same low price but members can earn money $ and it doesn’t cost anything to join.)
More on my experience Day 1 with the QRStrips:
“When I first tried the strips, I thought it was crazy but 20 minutes after placing a half of a strip on my right heel where I have plantar problems I could walk straight and pain went from 15 to 2! It was wonderful!
I then drive to moms work to show her! I was doing a happy dance and she was like what are you doing! I exclaimed I’m not hunched over, walking out of balance and hardly no pain! Been using them ever since and can even go a few days with out before replacing with another one!”
Joy here…. in summary, once again, if Julie’s story has inspired you to try TAVALA TRIM or the Quantum Relief Strips give her a call at 256-919-8415 or email her at
You also don’t have to wait, you can simply order here:
“Both Dave and I are very inspired by Julie’s story and her success she has already experienced in just 5 weeks. We both believe 100% that Julie will be one of the leaders on our team and someone who goes out and inspires hundreds if not thousands of people.”
Dave and Joy/Global Leaders with TAVALA.