Struggling Financially? Joining Tavala Can Help!
Are you financially struggling and behind on bills, unable to pay for extra activities for your children, deep in debt with credit cards, student loans or simply UNABLE TO GET AHEAD AND LIVE THE LIFE YOU DREAM OF AND DESERVE?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, we have a solution and it’s called TAVALA.
What would you do with an additional $300-$500 a month income? How about $3000-$5000 a month? or even more?
For starters the benefits of having a home-based business are significant. Ask your tax accountant or you can read about the top 5 tax advantages by visiting
I actually got into network marketing back in the early 1990’s when I had my tax return completed and asked the guy how I could have more money in my return next year. His reply was “Make more money or Set up a home-based Business”.… which is what I did. My initial goal was to earn an additional $300 a month as I knew this would make a significant difference in my tight budget. I was newly divorced and extra expenses like school class photos, sports gear, Brownie/Girl Scout outfit and dues etc. make my life very stressful.
Network Marketing has changed a lot in the last couple of decades and a company called TAVALA is challenging the status quo and making some GREAT advances in the industry! Changes that make joining TAVALA a breath of fresh air and financial possibility for any and everyone!

Why Tavala?
If you have drive, are self – motivated, looking for a way to create additional income without getting a 2nd or 3rd ‘job’ outside the home, TAVALA may be the ideal fit and answer to your financial life…. and we are here to help!
TAVALA is unique in that anyone 18 years or older can join with ZERO joining fee. Do you know there are companies out there that actually charge $99, $49, $12 JUST TO JOIN, and that doesn’t even include product?
Do you know that most network marketing companies have a variety of prices for the same product? A customer will pay one price, a preferred customer on a guaranteed monthly auto ship will pay another price, a member who paid to joining, still another price and a member on a monthly auto ship even another price??? I don’t know about you but to me, that is confusing! TAVALA will not confuse you!
TAVALA charges the same price for a CUSTOMER as they do for a MEMBER!
To me, this is a huge advantage. I no longer have to convince people of the benfit of becoming a distributor to get the lowest price. THEY choose, with zero pressure. If at any time they wish to upgrade from a customer to a member so they can begin to earn income, the process is simple.
TAVALA also pays the member, an additional 10% on CUSTOMERS.
Why is this important? According to new compliance laws (check out the new VEMMA law) in the industry of network marketing, it is imperative to have customers buying the products, as well as members.
TAVALA also allows your Customer Volume to count towards your personal weekly & monthly qualifications. This means you can earn money even if you did not personally order product that month.
Why is this important? Well, for starters, if you are financially struggling and do not have additional financial resources to purchase your product when you begin, (or in a particular month) you can use your motivation and drive to get ahead quickly. By simply SHARING the product and opportunity you can qualify to earn income. TAVALA actually allows you to join for FREE, and use your customer volume for qualifications so if you are unable to purchase product to begin, you can still earn income and break loose from your financial hardships. Reality…. even though you may be ‘short of cash’ TODAY,
within the next 30 days you can be in a different financial situation….and with TAVALA you can do that!
We have been there…..we can help!
We are looking to help people get out of debt using TAVALA as the vehicle. We are looking for LEADERS with experience but even more so, people with initiative, drive, self-motivation and DESIRE to build towards their financial future.
We are leaders in the network marketing industry as well as leaders with TAVALA, so you will be mentored by not only experienced net workers, but by a couple who CARE! We’d love to chat with you and help you get started. Give us a call today at 802-846-7530 or visit to learn more about TAVALA, the company, the culture and the products.
You deserve to live the life of your dreams.
Dave and Joy